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Committing suicide...


There's a simple cure for anyone contemplating suicide.

Buy some toys and go to a children's hospital cancer ward and give some toys away and talk to some kids that would give anything to have another day added to a very short life.

I can't say it would work for everybody but it did for a buddy that was in a real bad way when I took him there.
He ended up volunteering at the hospital which led to a entry level job and now after schooling he has a well paying profession that is both meaningful and satisfying and focuses his mind outwards to help others which was where he needed to be.

You can really learn a lot from kids if you take the time to listen.

This is very true. It reminds me of how when I was younger I used to have to go to the Toronto 'Sick Kids' hospital for my back, a huge childrens hospital. I always used to feel sorry for myself until I saw the other kids who were going through chemo and worse.

Volunteering with kids / sick people is always a rewarding experience, I've been helping to organize Toronto's 'Help Portrait' events for a few years now. Basically we go to hospitals / shelters / community centers in rough areas and setup a photo studio to provide portraits and beautiful prints free of charge for those who would never ordinarily get to have the experience. It's not just in Toronto, so if you're interested in photography and helping people then google for the Help Portrait team in your area :]


There's a simple cure for anyone contemplating suicide.

Buy some toys and go to a children's hospital cancer ward and give some toys away and talk to some kids that would give anything to have another day added to a very short life.

I can't say it would work for everybody but it did for a buddy that was in a real bad way when I took him there.
He ended up volunteering at the hospital which led to a entry level job and now after schooling he has a well paying profession that is both meaningful and satisfying and focuses his mind outwards to help others which was where he needed to be.

You can really learn a lot from kids if you take the time to listen.

one of the best posts of the year!

been there, done that ......... and there is NOTHING that will get your mind around how good life is better than going to Children's Hospital every day for a couple months.

kids will keep marching even when the baddest mofo you ever met is down on his knees begging for a break



I love my life
jr seau dead . might be suicide

He tried just a few years ago. Drove is truck right off a cliff, landed in sand (go figure San Diego). I love that guy and will always wear my 55 jersey with pride.

Life ain't easy for anyone and many that go from the highest highs to obscurity think it is the lowest lows. I wish Jr. would have gone to the hospital with toys he was an awesome player very sad he chose to leave us.



There's a simple cure for anyone contemplating suicide.

Buy some toys and go to a children's hospital cancer ward and give some toys away and talk to some kids that would give anything to have another day added to a very short life.

This is completely applicable for emo attention whores....

but people with terminal cancer... well this isnt going to work...

Ive had stage 3 cancer, my scan looks like i was hit with a shotgun...

If it ever gets that bad again... well ive always been very independent, and ill be damned if i die in a hospice.

Im a control freak, the biggest indignity would be losing control...

Id rather go out on my feet than on my back...
This is completely applicable for emo attention whores....

but people with terminal cancer... well this isnt going to work...

Ive had stage 3 cancer, my scan looks like i was hit with a shotgun...
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If it ever gets that bad again... well ive always been very independent, and ill be damned if i die in a hospice.

Im a control freak, the biggest indignity would be losing control...

Id rather go out on my feet than on my back...

I have often thought bout this, not taking my own life but those that have and why, I have known many that have took their own life, none were attention whores nor cowards though its often said it's a cowards way out, sure I don't get those with money worries doing it but some have serious deep problems that just don't get help, others get struck by severe illness and just don't want no more.... anyway it's the ones left behind without closure etc I feel for, I will always remember my grandad just saying he wanted it ended... glad you have recovered Shroom, and I too would sooner go down fighting than laying down and waiting but I guess easy for me to say and the moment!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
If it ever gets that bad again... well ive always been very independent, and ill be damned if i die in a hospice.

Im a control freak, the biggest indignity would be losing control...

I always thought that the hospice program worked by bringing the care into your home when you're near death so the patient can have the dignity of dying some place where they feel most comfortable?


I always thought that the hospice program worked by bringing the care into your home when you're near death so the patient can have the dignity of dying some place where they feel most comfortable?
'A Hospice' is a place to die... kinda the root for the hospice program we have here in Michigan..pallative care is the PC term now....pallative...paladin...yeah ;( not an accident


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
'A Hospice' is a place to die... kinda the root for the hospice program we have here in Michigan..pallative care is the PC term now....pallative...paladin...yeah ;( not an accident

Well several family members on both mine and my wife's side of the families have had hospice care and in each and every case they came into the patient's home to care for them there so that they could die in thier own home


Well several family members on both mine and my wife's side of the families have had hospice care and in each and every case they came into the patient's home to care for them there so that they could die in thier own home

Hospice like you said above allows you to die in your home.


Active member
Suicide is for pussies. Sorry if it offends, nothing more selfish than putting others through an emotional roller coaster and taking the road less traveled.

I knew somebody that commited suicide & he has my full admiration & respect . He was suffering intense pain , loss of limbs & only a few months of hell on earth before he died . He sorted out all his financial affairs , left no debt & told those closest to him that he was going to take his own life as any help to do it would have meant prison for someone .
Went to sleep & never woke up . Pure grit & guts & definately no pussy .


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I knew somebody that commited suicide & he has my full admiration & respect . He was suffering intense pain , loss of limbs & only a few months of hell on earth before he died . He sorted out all his financial affairs , left no debt & told those closest to him that he was going to take his own life as any help to do it would have meant prison for someone .
Went to sleep & never woke up . Pure grit & guts & definately no pussy .

If you read more from the person that wrote that, then just the post you quoted, you'll see he makes a clear distinction between people choosing to not go thru unnecessary suffering with a terminal illness and people who kill themselves because they're emotionally unhappy. It's only the emotional ones (emo attention whores as he calls them) that he is calling pussies. People who end thier lives on thier terms due to a terminal illness he has complete respect for and he might even become one of them some day if his cancer comes back.


Active member
Thank you for reminding me , it brought back a whole lot of pain when i read this & i let my emotion rule my keyboard . It was really hard when seeing this fella & the pain he was suffering & raised a whole lot of questions in my own mind if i was ever suffering the same or similar to him .
The only consolation was the fact that he never felt any pain when he died . In his case i feel he took a brave but difficult course . It was the only suicide that i know of that i understood , I have known quite a few people in my lifetime that taken this way out but it is the only suicide i have understood , probably because he explained it to me in detail & like i said has my full respect .


last few posts have been not so black and white. if your legs are missing you will be going through emotianal expres same as any one going through stress.
Whare is the point for emotional destress come in or excepted to kill youurself?
never judge a man till you have walked a mile in there shoes.


Active member
It is not cowardly at all to make the choice.

Of course, if you did it, it would be. In your mind.

It is not cold outside. You are cold.
That person is not intimidating. You are intimidated.

So if you say someone is a coward when they commit suicide, you really mean what you would think of yourself.

You are at a level that doesn't warrant escape, or suicide, so to you, it really would seem cowardly.

To you, with your mind intact, it seems this was from your perspective.

To speculative, it to take perspective and see to it that when you look at it again, usually through another's eyes, that's called "respect."

So, you cannot call it anything, unless you respect the person who had done it.

Specter rarely spectacle themselves, they're special spectra, related to seeing, especially specific perspective - and that's called respect.