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Colorado MMJ License ?'s


let me show the skillz in the brain that never sleeps..>>>>
eather way im thinking the SALE or Buying or Taxing of Marijuana is ILLEGAL..and violates your rules as a caregiver.. and as far as the tax your paying in the dispensary they are not taxing it as marijuana they are taxing the sale as a sevice like a massage or such not as a medicine..to despense medicine of any kind you would need to be a pharmacist..and even a dr can not sell you meds eather. caregiver should care for a person as stated in the REG or supply grow for that person that is it.. he can not and shall not sell to anyone card holder or not!!
this keeps getting worse by the second....like i said glorified dealers ripping people off.>>

Dispensaries are NOT legal under Colorado law, nor Federal law.

Only individual caregivers registered by each certificated patient are authorized under Colorado law.

If a caregiver dispenses marijuana to someone who isn't their registered patient, they are violating the law.

If a caregiver possesses more than 2 ounces of marijuana for each patient they are personally registered to, then they are breaking the law.

the sale is indeed illegal


Well shit, I'm glad that I will not ever have to worry about opening a dispensary, unless we are talking about the "Front Door". :joint:

Man what I would do for a fatty of some high quality meds.
I am having a horrible night and would love to get knocked out.
Tomorrow can't come soon enough.


patient/caregiver can grow 6 plants..3 budding 3 vegging right?

if i grow 3 females that are budding under a 1000w hps and i get a huge harvest..being im only allowed to have 2 oz's what am i supossed to do with the rest? i guess ill give it away like i always do.. :rasta:


Well shit, I'm glad that I will not ever have to worry about opening a dispensary, unless we are talking about the "Front Door". :joint:

Man what I would do for a fatty of some high quality meds.
I am having a horrible night and would love to get knocked out.
Tomorrow can't come soon enough.
long as your doing it legal..be a caregiver and have people sign you as there caregiver and grow crops just to give out to your patients..no money should be being exchanged at any of these dispensaries from what im being told. i got a well schooled NY lawyer that now practices here in CO for many years and he seems to know his shit and the more i read threw the DOPH forms it all makes sense.


MTnkush you've got things all mixed up man

everytime some one walks into a dispensary you are required to sign an affidavit saying they are your caregiver for an alloted amount of time.

as far a selling and all that goes it is NOT ILLEGAL.

as other members have now stated as well as I it is grey area. transaction's are legal, medication is not free.


MTnkush you've got things all mixed up man

everytime some one walks into a dispensary you are required to sign an affidavit saying they are your caregiver for an alloted amount of time.

as far a selling and all that goes it is NOT ILLEGAL.

as other members have now stated as well as I it is grey area. transaction's are legal, medication is not free.
ok if you feel it makes you sleep better at night. grey area is created for a reason..with so many grey areas they can use those against you in so many ways. and you eather have a caregiver or you dont..you cant have one for 10 mins just to buy weed. my girl just asked her cop fitness trainer friend and he said the same thing. its does not say anywhere as a patient you are allowed to buy weed for cash $$$ or sell! there are no real grey areas as long as you can read.


speaking of signing 'for a specific amount of time'... this part made me laugh when I went into a dispensary and they told me to write down until what time they are my caregiver. know what's funny??? That section about time was ON THE BACK of their 'I'm your caregiver form'. So they just photocopy the front where you signed them on as your caregiver, file that in their records, then toss the originals. and just like that, another jedi mind trick to get you to sign them on without knowledge that they can now grow out 6 plants for ya. where do they learn these tricks? the lawyers teach them.

as for selling legally vs illegally... savvy dispensary owners are meeting with the drug task force and local law enforcment. I know of two such cases in Boulder county and in both, law enforcement treats these places as if everything is legal. In one case, the cops even asked a dispensary owner if he needed a police shadow for the ride home because of all the cash and meds the owner has to take back home after closing the store!! now that's nice.

shops are legally getting business licenses in their respective counties to sell medical weed. taxes are accumulating in the coffers of the respective cities; and the state wants to see how much revenue can be generated. no fricken way they are going to go after dispensaries again for a long long time after the health board just "shot down" the 5 patient limit (and realized their hands are tied cause no one can write into constitutional law without ammending the constitution itself by a vote). So they already tried to go the route of attempting to demonstrate that a dispensary in and of itself is illegal. They failed very loud and clear. There will soon be dozens of dispensaries in Boulder; dozens in Fort Collins, dozens in Denver, and everywhere else in the state.

so what is 'legal' really mean? it means can the DA go after someone and convince a jury of wrong-doing? Given all the grey area in the ammendment, there is little the DA can do to prove wrong doing if a patient is using the marijuana for ailments accepted within the ammendment. And Lauve had just over a few pounds on him (17 times the legal limit).


Well fellas...today is the day. :joint:
I had a horrible night and barely slept....I smoked out on schwag and got basically ZERO medication from it.
My appt. is in a few hours and I will report on GreenMtn from my perspective when I return later this afternoon.
I will also be checking out the edibles there as I read a good post here about them.


ok if you feel it makes you sleep better at night. grey area is created for a reason..with so many grey areas they can use those against you in so many ways. and you eather have a caregiver or you dont..you cant have one for 10 mins just to buy weed. my girl just asked her cop fitness trainer friend and he said the same thing. its does not say anywhere as a patient you are allowed to buy weed for cash $$$ or sell! there are no real grey areas as long as you can read.

MTNKUSH- DUDE the law was written by lawyers who are on our side. so far there hasn't been a single case against a dispensary or individual in which the the "grey area" was used against them.

You very clearly cannot grasp the idea that medicine is sold for money. just because the law doesn't say its legal of illegal doesn't automatically make it illegal.

I understand what blackthumb was saying yesterday.
can we please end this conversation and stop exposing the law that was created so we could have such freedoms.

Well fellas...today is the day. :joint:
I had a horrible night and barely slept....I smoked out on schwag and got basically ZERO medication from it.
My appt. is in a few hours and I will report on GreenMtn from my perspective when I return later this afternoon.
I will also be checking out the edibles there as I read a good post here about them.

best of luck. def give your input seeing as I wish I had gone there. On my way to some dispensaries today


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
MTNKUSH- DUDE the law was written by lawyers who are on our side. so far there hasn't been a single case against a dispensary or individual in which the the "grey area" was used against them.

You very clearly cannot grasp the idea that medicine is sold for money. just because the law doesn't say its legal of illegal doesn't automatically make it illegal.

Amen to that. If the law doesn't specifically prohibit something, then it, by default, allows it (though in a grey area type of way which means ultimately the issue will be fought out in the courts). Ultimately, the grey areas work far more in our favor then against, which I think was part of the intent of those who put Amendment 20 in front of the people. They knew the people would agree with them, and they also knew that the court cases later on over the grey areas would come out largely in our favor. They were essentially picking their battle ground...the courts.


Natalie J. Puffington
primary vs. secondary caregiver designations-

primary vs. secondary caregiver designations-

I just got my Dr's rec. I have a question about assigning caregivers; I was hoping someone might be able to answer for me...

The dispensary asked me to put them down as my primary caregiver...
but before I do, I want to make sure my other caregiver is not put at a disadvantage. Are there any advantages or disadvantages to being designated as the primary vs. secondary caregiver? The clinic said there weren't any; but if that was the case, why did they want to be put down as the primary cg rather than the secondary? Thanks in advance, to anyone who might know!

Hope this finds you all well. :kos:


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I just got my Dr's rec. I have a question about assigning caregivers; I was hoping someone might be able to answer for me...

The dispensary asked me to put them down as my primary caregiver...
but before I do, I want to make sure my other caregiver is not put at a disadvantage. Are there any advantages or disadvantages to being designated as the primary vs. secondary caregiver? The clinic said there weren't any; but if that was the case, why did they want to be put down as the primary cg rather than the secondary? Thanks in advance, to anyone who might know!

Hope this finds you all well. :kos:

Secondary CG? Never heard of such a thing. For the license purposes, you can designate only one.


Secondary CG? Never heard of such a thing. For the license purposes, you can designate only one.

secondary caregiver is someone can also grow for you. it's like the backup (if crop fails, someone gets popped etc...)

when going to dispensaries one should always be sure and read through. many times there will be a space for a date and time, at which your contract with them being your caregiver would end. some places will tell you to leave it blank others don't say anything.

I always make sure and put in that day's date and a time about an hour after I leave.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
secondary caregiver is someone can also grow for you. it's like the backup (if crop fails, someone gets popped etc...)

I understand the concept, but as far as I know there is no language in Amendment 20 concerning a "secondary caregiver". There is only your primary caregiver as far as the law is concerned. I'd love to see where in the law it talks about a secondary, if anyone can show me?


Amen to that. If the law doesn't specifically prohibit something, then it, by default, allows it (though in a grey area type of way which means ultimately the issue will be fought out in the courts). Ultimately, the grey areas work far more in our favor then against, which I think was part of the intent of those who put Amendment 20 in front of the people. They knew the people would agree with them, and they also knew that the court cases later on over the grey areas would come out largely in our favor. They were essentially picking their battle ground...the courts.

yep. i totally agree with everything you said here.


I just got my Dr's rec. I have a question about assigning caregivers; I was hoping someone might be able to answer for me...

The dispensary asked me to put them down as my primary caregiver...
but before I do, I want to make sure my other caregiver is not put at a disadvantage. Are there any advantages or disadvantages to being designated as the primary vs. secondary caregiver? The clinic said there weren't any; but if that was the case, why did they want to be put down as the primary cg rather than the secondary? Thanks in advance, to anyone who might know!

Hope this finds you all well. :kos:

Hi Natty. Congrats on your Dr. rec. The way the system was designed to work is that before the 30th of this month, if you change your primary caregiver, he or she will get a letter from the state stating that they no longer have you as a patient. That means they can no longer grow out 6 plants and store 2 ounces on your behalf. That would hurt their business since having supply always available is everything, and now they are down 6 plants. In reality, however, these notices are taking months (if ever) to get sent out by the state and after the 30th, they will NO LONGER be sent out and at that point, the state will lose track of who realy is everyone's CURRENT caregiver. So in reality, I don't believe you will hurt your current caregiver if you are no longer their patient.


KJ-the man you need to talk to is pikespeak69 or something like that ill try'n get him in here.

SweetBOG-nice explanation. we are most def going to see some crazy times in Colorado MMJ


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
KJ-the man you need to talk to is pikespeak69 or something like that ill try'n get him in here.

I guess my point is, sure it's a grey area, but the registry will not accept a designated secondary CG, only a primary CG. There's no place on the license for one, and I assure you the registry doesn't accept the concept as valid. So while I'm sure there are people doing it, that battle will be fought in court eventually.