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Mouldy Buds....Should I Smoke 'Em??


LOL. Shout out.

I have a lil mold affected bud ~6wks that I cut off of the plant, and seem to have stopped the mold ok...

But I still have 2-3g of slightly moldy pot (smells JUST like the swag I used to get..memory lane...). Can I dry and bubble bag it? It is not COVERING the bud, it changed color on an area ~ as big as a quarter, and can see a lil mold in tight to the stem. Stem was a lil weak, that's how I found it.

Can I bubble bag it, or cook with it (put the heat to it??), or do I offer it up as a sacrifice to the powers greater than myself???


Active member
bubble bags or BHO are the only 'safe' way to extract from moldy buds. smoking them can cause one of those nagging coughs that never goes away.


Active member
barletta said:
Thanks. I am ~6-7days cig free, I just kicked a nagging cough, had it for like 13 yrs...
7 years for me Brudda! I hope you make it. My coughf went away and as far as my respratory systems concerned, I feel GREAT!!

twisted treez

mold smells lie swag because swag is moldy and decomposing because there weed wasnt dried correctly
I bubble bagged a mouldy bud before, the stuff was kickass as it was primo bud, but it went mouldy within a week.
In honesty it was almost too strong to smoke.
Papulz said:
then you didnt dry it correctly.

So you don't reckon that the mould that was in the bud had anything to do with it?

The problem with drying it was that it was too sticky to do anything with, it was going to liquid and spreading puddle like when I put it anywhere near the radiator, and it was hard to use pressure on cos it was just so sticky, crazy stuff.


lover of all things hashlike
the mold did have something do with it. if spores are present in large numbers then you'll end up with moldy product faster, especially if its improperly processed. you shouldnt need a radiator to dry your product, im also guessing you pressed it before it was dry.

for water extracted hash to dry properly, it must be left in a granular form to dry.. and furthermore all you need is either some ghetto cardboard or a 25 micron screen to put your extract on and a breeze to stir the air.. you dont need a heat source to dry your hash.
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I bubbled it. I only have the 220 work bag and a 73 (black ice-o-lator i think). First run of hash that sucked. It was a let down, because the trim and buds from that run smelled DELICIOUS. I didn't die, but it was a lil harsh, and there was NO BUBBLE. I usually run the first run ~ 10 minutes with a drill on low, and the subsequent runs, I beat the hell outta the trim/bud for 30 min+. The first run usually bubbles nicely, and the 2nd run usually bubbles for the 1st hit or 2, but still tastes good and does the trick. This run ALL of the hash was no-bubble-whack-high.

I haven't found 97 or 99% iso, so if I get more mold, ima chuck it completely. I was really let down by the quality/potency. Bubble is the grower's treat.....


Yeah, that's why I put the '..ima chuck it..' in there. That means: To throw out. I will add it to the compost pile.

I don't know what you are getting at with "they you can have some illusion of grandeur..."

Delusions of grandeur would be if some one thought they were either good at something or highly regarded when they weren't. I don't see what that would have to do with bubbling/QWISOing some moldy buds.

Buds GROW after the plant GROWS. If they stay too wet while alive, they can get moldy. Check them often late in flower, as mold could ruin a plant. I guess if ya only had 1, mold would really piss a GROWER off. But then at least he/she has her 1.


Active member
Let's see some pics of nugs lookin' like a dead bird... :D

Nice thread title.

My personal opinion is "NO" regardless of how it's been processed.


Yeah, that is what I'm thinkin now. Someone said bubble it. DON'T. Unless you want shitty (didn't really taste 'moldy', just stepped on...) hash.

LOL what does that say about me?? I joined a year ago, and the 3 things that I remember are

...threads with pix lookin like a dead bird.... & whatchu talkinbout willis?
-VT-'s hotchick avatar
and Lougrew's megasog thumbnail pix (how's your lumens???)

If I can find 97/99 iso, I will try it in the name of science. The bubble had no bad effects. Um, nothing ~50 elbows of brickweed in 10 years didn't have for me. I used to hit the brick fukkin HARD in a lil plastic bong/big ugly philly. That and 2 packs of newpies a day, used to be some serious late-night lung butter sessions.... lil mold in the hash...pppfffftttt....



Active member
barletta said:
Delusions of grandeur would be if some one thought they were either good at something or highly regarded when they weren't. I don't see what that would have to do with bubbling/QWISOing some moldy buds.

infact this wasn't what i meant. I meant someone like you, that pretend to teach cannabis to others, and then smoke mouldy buds, someone that deceive himself to be a guru but then when it comes to fact....

Man, you have to have a lot of guts to smoke that bubble, knowing how bad they are for your lung and immune system.

I'm just sorry i can't give anymore neg kudos to you... i'm warried that someone else could copy your idea, maybe someone inexperienced who don't know who you are really...

Smoking mouldy hash is a real bad attitude dictated by the ignorance... You're exposing yourself and whoever is crazy enough to trust you to a SERIOUS health threat... You'll pay the consequences of this in a month or two... good luck and keep smoking the fine product of your work: the mold :muahaha:
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Did you even read the last part about all of the brickweed, etc...

NEVER said I was a guru. Grower, yes; guru, no.

Keep following me around, noplants. I am trying as hard as I can to give you positive rep. You can only give it so often. Prolly by tommorrow, you should have some positive rep. I know that's frustrating, when someone you dislike rep's you... And kids with no plants want to have rep sooo bad....

If you look up top, this thread was started in the GROWERS forums. For folks who GROW, not ones who talk...

Don't you have a broad group of people to offend? (somewhere else, hopefully..)

What happened, your silly theoretical poll didn't get any play after I stopped posting??

Here is a GURU tip.
....put the seed in the moist papertowel......

By the time you do that, I MAY be a guru (oh, how I hope.......) and have some more tips for ya.

Folks, try the moldy bubble if you like, nothing bad happened to me, but it was a waste of the good trim that was mixed in with the moldy bud.

Grams, trim is the leftover after you grow and chop down a plant. But I guess that you have READ that somewhere....

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