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1000w DWC Hydro SCROG, 1st Grow

Hi everyone, this is my first grow, i inherited a lot of the equipment im working with and this is the first time ive grown anything so im gonna need a lot of help. Hopefully the minds on the forums can keep me from screwing up too badly.

This is a picture of the mom, my "first lady," its an unknown strain that was gifted to me, appears to be sativa dom.

Here is a picture of my bubble cloner, i used clonex gel and tap water with an airstone and got 100% roots out of the 6 clones i dropped which was nice

If anyone is wondering why there arent 4 more holes in the cloner i cut the sh1t out of my finger with a utility knife on the last one so i just gave up on the last 4 haha, my blood is stained all over the top so its a good thing i taped it or that'd be embarassing :fsu:

Here is a pic of my whole veg setup

Now here are individual Pics of each plant, i dont really know anything about illnesses so im not sure if this is nute burn or what but ill let you guys decide.
The temps are pretty hot in the closet, about 85 degrees day and night, the lights are running at night but it doesnt seem to be helping.
Im running the GH 3 part series not in the lucas ratio but in the ratio that is on the bottle, i noticed the Lucas ratio doesnt use one of the 3 parts and people complain of calcium deficiency with the ratio, but when i read the bottle the formula excludes its the only one that has calcium in it, so im thinking of just sticking with a 3-part mix.

Box 1: pH: 6.33, Res Temp: 81.3, ppm: 1060
Front Plant

Back Plant

I'm worried this one has nute burn, same symptoms in both pots. Also the front plant on the top left leaf has white stuff growing on it, what is that?

Box 2: pH 6.00, Res Temp: 81.3, ppm: 1020
Front Plant

Back Plant

Box 3: pH 6.14, Res Temp 80.6, ppm 670
Front Plant

Back Plant

The front plant looks a little weird, but the back one is the healthiest plant, probably because it has a lower ppm. Anyways so thats about it in a nutshell, ill post a picture of my flowering room which is a 4x4x8 Hydrohut when i finish putting up the lights. Its a small setup but i just wanted to grow a little stash for myself without the hassle of the dispensaries. Let me know what you think and i appreciate any suggestions or help anyone has.
Oh also i know that the first thing most are going to reprimand me for are the res temps. I dont really know what to do about it, i was thinking of just dropping frozen water bottles in the res but im afraid of introducing new bacteria to the res everytime i do it. Currently im using Hydroguard every week in both the cloner and the DWC tubs which has so far saaaved my a$$ because there were no signs of root rot on any of the clones when i transplanted.
Well im using a proxy and it wouldnt allow me to post any pics in my gallery so the only other way i knew how to post pics was through imageshack, how do the other's post pics?


Phantom, your computer skills are suspect. That whole paragraph is one big link.

If you can't upload to your gallery on ICMag, go to the image you want to link and enlarge it in the window as big as it will go, then "copy image location" and insert into your post. It's important for the image to be as big as possible beforehand so we don't have to jump through hoops to see your plants in detail.

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Phantom - I'm far from the professional grower, but I have a few harvest under my belt and I'll try to help you out :rasta:

for your photos, either do as Even Steven suggested, or just use photobucket.

As for your plants, it appears to be two issues:
1) ppm 1050... that's way too high! Most veg around 500-700, then slowly progress upwards during flowering. ppms should never go above 1050, and 1050 is peak end of flowering IMO. For the GH series, try using the same ratios but cutting the actual amount in half.
2) heat stress. either get a water chiller, or do the frozen bottle trick, or get AC in that room. You want the res temps around 72F.

I recommend flushing the entire system ASAP, then re-do your water/nutes attempting to get up to 600 for all plants. Keep in mind, the nute burned portions of the plant will never get healthy again, BUT you still have a chance at saving the plants themselves and new growth will be healthy. And get the temps under control :)



Having dealt with root rot in DWC before, I would defiantly suggest getting those rez temps down to anywhere between 66-70 degrees. As far as the PPM...all strains are different and mine loved the high PPM's during veg and even more so in flower. I would agree that starting off lower is better than too high, but they all look pretty healthy. Good start...wishes for a spectacular finish!


Ah, after another look I do see what appears to be some nute burn and heat stress. the_shadow is dead on...get it under control now of suffer later.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Even_Steven said:
It's important for the image to be as big as possible beforehand so we don't have to jump through hoops to see your plants in detail.
Oh, the humanity. Dear god in heaven NOOOOOOOO!:rant:

Never EVER post large photos in a thread! It's inexcusably rude and wasteful of time and bandwidth. That's what the galleries are for. Threads are for thumbnails only! If someone wants to see something larger they can click on it. Don't force everyone to wait on hundreds of large photos on the off chance one person may want to see one image enlarged one time.

Here's the same shot reduced by more than 50% without any loss of information.

Whether ICs gallery or imageshack, keep your thumbnails small or the terrorists have won. :wave: :dueling:
Paulo, the mother is heavily nute burned? Can anyone explain what the signs are on my plants that its heat stress and nute burn? I just checked the plants and they are growing very quickly and the new growth doesnt show any signs of burning. I dont understand why the mother would be burned im feeding it two feedings of DI water then one feeding of 1/2 strength veg nutes.