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Colombian Landrace Sativa 2012


charlie garcia

for being precise, PR male used for most came from Nachillo as a cut and Oaxacan cut as another gift as said. I just crossed 1+1 :peacock:

Am more curious due ignorance about colombians than expert cause as usual I thought best there were still so good and so spreaded it couldnt just basically ever dissapear sooo fast. And didnt ever smoked those imports many folks talk about from States. But I have fun learning something new about everyday and watching the pics and experiences from others too. Thx

Its nice to have some more options available in the market. I smoked the Zamal and the Malawi cuts used in several jobs and were really strong individuals. So glad initial Meao Thai male made his job as fair wildcard ;) Wish you enjoy them


Active member
CHarlie,great to see ya round!

BLG,here buddy...Lou grew.....what up my good man!
Love that pics an reminds me of my nice sativas......
Hey,if i wanted to get some Lumbo strains,what or where man?
RED can ya help?...cool thread brings back memories!


New member
I would be considered very young (although not colombian), and I am very interested in many landraces, so don't give up hope on the younger generation!

l2sm, thank you for posting those links, as I intended to buy Punto Rojo from Cannabiogen but I see that it's no longer available on their website, and still available on seed boutique.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
1st off, it's been a pleasure reading thru this thread and having you back in the fold here @ ICMag, RR!
I was surprised no shots of the Johnny Blaze!
Your documentation of them had me picking up a pk. and I hope to finally get those going in the near future.

PR male used for most came from Nachillo as a cut

Good to know, charlie. He was kind enough to share PR pollen with me, and I look forward to growing the crosses I made with them. :)

RR, be patient! It has to be the right place where all in your family can be happy for yrs. to come. Your wife being happy can only make your life better. I know of what I speak, comin' on 27 yrs.
She doesn't smoke and my growing makes her nervous, but we all make concessions for one another, ey compadre? :D

Keep on keepin' on. :tiphat:

charlie garcia

OLDproLg, thx sir, not often but always nice to chime in and have some nice chats :). Nice old col gardens. There is/was weed everywhere in Col :)

advancedbrain, I have release lately several lines like Jamaican, Colombians, Mexican Sinaloa, Ghana (will be back soon), am finishing some reproduction of an interesting Guatemalan line called Quetzalita too. Hope you like them. Basically only forum I participate is a young columbian one. Nice people over there.

Highlighter hope you are well amigo :tiphat: Nachillo told me and sent me some samples of few things ;) Lets see what you can find, such male had a delicate balance, maybe not too potent but made his job in the pr maze

best RR and all

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor


Well I finally obtained some truly top self Colombian Sativa. This is Corinto grown somewhere near Cali. It is not cripy and is not pressed almost seedless flowers of the highest domestic quality. Beautiful semi dense buds with purple calyxes and a strong aromatic aroma. The smell is super spicy, nothing sweet or flowery, no fruits or berries just rich earthy Colombian dankness. The taste is the same with an incense quality that lingers in the air. The effect is slow coming on but has no ceiling, the more smoke the higher you get. Warm waves of euphoria escalate though the first 20 or 30 minutes leveling out into trippy dreamy blissfulness after. It doesn’t have a clean exit, it’s sleepy in the end and it makes me lazy. This was a rare find and really made me happy knowing the really good Colombian is still here. And I got this from some young folks in the park, really cool people (not the same one’s I met earlier). Here’s some really poor photos till I can locate the other camera.



More to come

red rider
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red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yes those pictures were not worth posting, they don’t show the beauty of this premium Colombian. But I don’t care for the effect it has either, after a few days of testing I would not want any more of this sample. The effect is strong and at first it seems very good but after smoking it most of the day it really burns me out. It takes away any type of motivation (even for sex) and smoking more will just put me to sleep. The munchies are profound causing me to eat to the point of getting sick some times. It might just be me but I don’t care for this Corinto. The “bag appeal” smell and taste are really great and the first few times the effect is spectacular but for daily use the cripy beats it hands down. The good camera is packed up (as we will be moving this month) so I’ll save a nice bud of the Corinto for photos in the near future.
red rider


The Indica Crippy beats the Sativa Corinto because the Corinto leaves you tired with major munchies?
Goes against the common beleif of sativa's and indica's lol, but I know what you mean, some sativa's have a real harsh come down.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor


The Indica Crippy beats the Sativa Corinto because the Corinto leaves you tired with major munchies? Goes against the common beleif of sativa's and indica's lol, but I know what you mean, some sativa's have a real harsh come down.

Hi Rinse, yes it is strange but the first part of the Corinto effect is very sativa like however the come down is as you say harsh. The taste is so good with the Corinto that it makes me burn way more than I need. I smoked some this morning first thing and the effect was almost spiritual and it left me feeling fresh but I know if I kept smoking all day I would be burnt out. I'm sure its just me because the folks I got it from said it was very clean. Further testing will be done.

red rider


Well-known member
Hi Red Rider,

I hope you are moving to a place that is reasonable to grow. On the other hand, it is probably a good idea to keep the wife happy.

Thanks for your posts on the Corinto. This only gives you credibility for the notion that you are giving us honest assessments about the strains that are still available in Colombia.

Thanks for letting us live vicariously in a great tropical growing area, Colombia.


red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yes there’s really a lot of garbage weed here that people smoke and I too get my hands on it. This Corinto however isn’t too bad, like I say in the morning it’s really nice and with just one session it’s clean. And this was given to me so I’m happy. I’ve also never seen Corinto look like this, all the Corinto in the past was pressed and seeded, brownish gold not deep purple sinsemilla. But the smell and taste is pure Colombian, no doubt. I don’t know, I hope to see them at the park again. I also have some very nice cripy that I’m really warming up to; it’s much stronger, although more of a stone then high. We decided to buy a house here (looked at many already) so I know I’ll have somewhere to grow soon. The wife changes her mind like a horse fly, one minute growing is bad then the next she wants to make sure we buy a house with a big garden (for my plants). I have six seedlings from the pressed Corinto growing under a skylight now ready for the sun. So I’m excited about getting set back up to grow, so sick of buying. Good things are coming.

red rider


Well endowed member
I hope you find a nice place for your family Red. I can't wait to see you growing in some nice tropical sunshine.
I grow a lot of palms from seed and some of the palms I grow are from high elevation Colombia. They love the fog and year round cool weather here in coastal Humboldt, Ceroxylon vogelianum is the genus and species. I wish the Colombian herb grew as well outside here. I'd plant my whole back yard with it.
Good luck in the search for the Right Place, I hope your wife and family are as happy as you when you find it.

charlie garcia

Wish you my best too, weed and familiy is not always easy :) Also I found lots of intersexuals, took me 3 years to be able to start to work with some plants from seeds and still trying to source more finest lines too and improve present job ;)

Most purples I know of used to be corintians but thats a vague concept for long as Corinto is well known also for their cripa (hybrid) fields. Still each farmer may be growing a different line than his neighbour.

First pic shows biggest cannabis areas today. In other pics some purples, greens and reds also from corintian source ancestors as owner of the land told us he had got his seeds originally from some cousins in Corinto.



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red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Great Information

Great Information

Wish you my best too, weed and familiy is not always easy :) Also I found lots of intersexuals, took me 3 years to be able to start to work with some plants from seeds and still trying to source more finest lines too and improve present job ;)

Most purples I know of used to be corintians but thats a vague concept for long as Corinto is well known also for their cripa (hybrid) fields. Still each farmer may be growing a different line than his neighbour.

First pic shows biggest cannabis areas today. In other pics some purples, greens and reds also from corintian source ancestors as owner of the land told us he had got his seeds originally from some cousins in Corinto.


Thanks kaiki, there's a lot I'm still learning about this country's cannabis. Your information is very interesting to me as I get confusing information from the people here. This particular Corinto that I have now was actually grown here in Bogota(on a rooftop) from Corinto seeds. It looks very much like your foto here.


I really like your map as well, these are regions I would like to visit someday.

red rider

charlie garcia

there is weed everywhere in fact :) Never got any from Llanos Orientales (east) Worked Mangobiches from South and Central. Punto Rojo released comes from North and from South. There is plenty of not too much potent and stony pot around the country too (regulares) and much variability in each area due lots of mountain and valleys.
Pic of Punto Rojo leafes


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