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CoCoSativas testing reefermans sativa crosses


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yo coco you can get the sts materials easy and cheap all over ebay usually and a few other spots. Can find the protocol for mixing and applying a few places here on the mag. Purp frostbyte has a good protocol im sure hed share with ya. Good luck on the phone, cant stand a thief....

Hey thanks man. Yeah if I catch them they aren't going to like it. Some of us come from the wrong side of the tracks and you never know who you are stealing from.

That's helpful about the sts. Thanks alot man.

I can't wait for Monday. Week 4 and I'm a out to try a new product I haven't used before. Cannas pk 13 14 hopefully I get a massive yield this time between the booster and the carb I'm hoping for a bigger yield. Already they are massive and packing on some serious size. I have no doubt as I've progressed through my hydroponic journey the addatives I've been using certainly make a difference.


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Wow man that one stinks like you wouldn't believe. I can smell it over the rest of them and when I take it out of the tent the tent smells totally different.

That said this xd smells like burned rubber, metal and plastic with a hint really heavy weedy smell. It's just some stinking ass stuff normally not my thing I like stealth weed but I'm impressed and I'm using a filter that at its minimum is suited for my size tent and I could attach a bigger fan I have in a box right now for a bigger space.

Anyway loud smell early on mad trichomes production. I love the plants overall structure and appearance and turns out she clones Luke you wouldn't believe


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The Reeferman strikes AGAIN!!!

Amazing stuff reeferman.....great skillz CoCo!

Respects dudes

Be great


Thanks man. I like to put on a show. I really work hard to produce the best I can for myself, my wife and anyone I might sell/share with.

Well its time for me to run all my lights and make some money off of it before the big companies come in with legalization and fucking steamroller all the little fishes like me. I may still have a are if they open coffee shops I can probably supply some of the really high grade connoisseur shit. I tend to grow hard to find and sometimes really challenging to grow strains that no one in my area will touch case and point sativas in general. There's a demand and I can fill that. I guess we will see what happens. Maybe they allow small home grow though rather than limit plant size they need to limit light wattage so say you can use 2400 watts (I'm going to hang four 600 watt hps to cover 4 square meters next grow) or 4000 watts whatever and let us pick what lighting and whatever. It makes more sense than plant limits I can put 5 plants under 5 1000 hps and smash the yield of 5 plants grown under one lamp. Regulating the plant is impossible I had a ssh that yielded close to a half pound once and it wouldn't be fair I grow 5 of those while buddy over here has 5 tiny autos or 5 Itty bitty little indicas.

I have some ideas what I'll do but I expected to enjoy illegal dope for a couple more years... Oh well maybe small time producers can get licenses too it should be private business I don't see why not I don't think it should be regulated like the licensed producer bullshit no one but the rich and devious got in on that fucking bullshit. I just full my l.p. package with my dope and stopped ordering. Suck it you fucking freaks I'm not paying 4-10 grams for flavorless shit.


Active member
yo coco you can get the sts materials easy and cheap all over ebay usually and a few other spots. Can find the protocol for mixing and applying a few places here on the mag. Purp frostbyte has a good protocol im sure hed share with ya. Good luck on the phone, cant stand a thief....

LoL I should see if reef will sell me some I'm past making solutions at this point I'm just to busy. I only need a little spray bottles worth I imagine i only want to reverse a few cuts...


Active member
Just started using pk 13 14 tonight will for the next week.

I see a interesting range of phenos in the hoa bac. One will be a beefy yielder the rest look pretty sativa dom. I'll be chopping everything at the same time regardless of if everything is 100% done so long as the majority is ready I don't care if one could use another week. The only exception is if the xds are done way before everything else (bonus)

The xd I'm keeping roots amazingly well. Can't wait to see how that one turns out. It's like the kali mist nice and easy to clone and clones fast too. I like the stiff ones that poke into the cubes better.

My next crop will burn all my lights so I'm looking to fill space there's a bunch of stuff I tossed down tonight some fem singles I had. Love the singles I'm such a cheapo I don't always want to buy a whole pack to try a variety and while it's not fair to judge a whole variety by one plants I find I get a good enough idea if I want more, though usually I have great luck with singles and find plants I like.
I'm looking forward to what I have coming those sour pinks sound amazing. I'll have to start those paki x accidental haze too I'm interested in testing those out I like this testing stuff it's really exciting I'm hooked on variety.

Night all I'm going to sleep


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My super lemon haze pic entries made the fucking mag guys! That's a big deal for me I'm a total show off and that makes my day. I can't wait until my wife wakes up so I can tell her about it.

HAHA more canadian pizza. I'm hooked lately it's totally not good for me but once a week is fine. This time it's home made rather than take out though last times take out was really good.

Anyway cheering from CoCoSativas this morning that's really nice to feel like others appreciate my work. Especially the fella who takes the mag entries, cause I bet he sees alot. Anyway cheers everyone happy morning for me. It's nice because lately I've felt pretty shitty!


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Well I think the pk 13 14 was a good idea. I'm pleased so far no tips burned from it which is dope. Hopefully that bumps up my yield I feel a bloom booster high in pk would be helpful at this point for me. We shall see how I yield in the emd

So it's day 28 in the tent start of week 5. So far everything is Covered in a copies amount of trichomes.

I'm thinking I'd like to get the pure hoa bac and big sur and cross those two. I've also considered what that sour pink would be like crossed to either big sir or hoa bac. Not stable but interesting g for sure.

I'm really keen to finish these plants so I can see which I like the best. Structure wise the bigger big sur looks more promising than the hoa bac or other sir I have in veg right now. I like the branch one it looks more like a classic sativa, I guess I'll probably run both again before choosing. I mean neither grow tight so I'll take whichever has a bigger yield in this case. Normally yield isn't my priority but I've realized I have to start caring about it.

Hehehe CoCo is going to fill a 2.5 gal hempie he made about a year ago but never used. I have some gh flora ready to use there though I might be a wacko and mix in like 25% coco and use coco food it's hard to say. I could just use the perlite hempie and feed it canna coco and see what happens though since I have gh on hand and a wack of mixing bottles I'll probably do it properly and use the gh flora.


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Here's this week's pics. I'm waiting a couple weeks before I pull them all out again and may just do full tent shots until I'm done and show the final product. They are all wound in together I really packed it this time more than I've ever packed a space usually I have tons of free space and that's why my yields suck. I'm sure everyone is more interested in the finished products and plants as they are being cut down.

Maybe I'll harvest these with a machete I always joke about it but never hack em down like that. I think it would be highly amusing and fast. Dry trim instead of wet? Main stack ha! Just chop em and hang the whole thing? Naw that's not my style I clean em right up the day I harvest I find wet trim faster, and much easier
Yo I picked up some of that h202 compatible enzym today, what were the parameters you wanted me to test?

%h202 solution?
Ml of h202?
Ml of enzym?
Period of time until "fail" verdict?


Active member
Yo I picked up some of that h202 compatible enzym today, what were the parameters you wanted me to test?

%h202 solution?
Ml of h202?
Ml of enzym?
Period of time until "fail" verdict?

Interesting. Well what I did was 15 ml of sensizym and out in idk a cap or two worth into the enzyme. Normally it would eat the paper in 24 hours or less. I left it for over 48 and nada.

I can't remember what peroxide it was it was a normal weak one you get at costco


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My tent stinks like ak 47. Except the smell rolling out of it is way more in your face than my last ak run. I do enjoy serious seeds kali mist and ak alot and am keeping a really nice 70 day Kali mist that clones like a dream and actually yields well. Its a real winner but the xd roots as well or better so that's nice to find another really easy to clone variety. The stems are nice and stiff and poke into Rockwool or rapid rooters better.

I urge anyone using Rockwool to drop that shit immidiatly. The rapid rooters cots a little more but they save alot of time being ready out of the pack and you choose if you use hormone or not I did and we'll the xds seem to appreciate it.

Again o haven't flowered the one I've kept clones of. I'm counting on the fact reef finds them uniform mostly so I took the one with stand out stucture. My next run will have an entire square meter dedicated to xd 11. I was going to run all 4 but I think I'm safer to run less. We will see I might get ballsy and say fuck it I'm running all my lights
Let's get some close ups under white light of thos ak47's. I'm running my dispo clone again and I'd like to compare. You got some serious seeds, right?

Also: I would suggest ditching the rapid rooters and the rockwool, and just go aero. I recently tried coco, and I rotted three of five, now I got roots 2/2 in aero, with another 6 pending reveg. :p my two cents.
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Let's get some close ups under white light of thos ak47's. I'm running my dispo clone again and I'd like to compare. You got some serious seeds, right?

Also: I would suggest ditching the rapid rooters and the rockwool, and just go aero. I recently tried coco, and I rotted three of five, now I got roots 2/2 in aero, with another 6 pending reveg. :p my two cents.

Oh I'm sorry I don't have any pics from that run it was in 2012 and I don't have that phone anymore I lost years of pics. Next time I run some I'll let you know I don't have any ak seeds stocked at the moment but I will sometime withing the next 12 months. All I can say is buy a pack nothing compares to the original ak. My tent just reeks like ak but there's no ak. During this phase my tent cumulatively smells like ak. However they all snell different.

One hoa bac has a sour lemon really in your face
Another smells like a basket of fruit, actually reminds me of mandalas satori (the only weed that I've grown that smelled like it)
One smells like watermelon

One big sur smells like sage. Maybe there's some truth to sage having big sur genetics!
The other doesn't smell much yet

The xd11 reek. Man like reek.

Well my new strawberry is interesting it's looking like it's going to finish at the 8 week mark and if that's the case see ya. I don't have spots for shorter than 10 weeks right now or plants that are too short


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nice one on tha mag dude

Thanks man. I've done alot of stuff I'm proud of but my pics making the mag is really up there. Lots might not think it's a big deal but making a publication is dope. I love growing and am super passionate about my growing.

Thanks for sticking around u enjoy the chats


Active member
Lol meant I enjoy the chats. Anyway thanks Tony for kicking here and I'll keep the pics posting for everyone thanks everyone for keeping this such a enjoyable test.

Smoking some commercial kush tonight. It's decent lots bitch about that commercial beaster types but it's killing the pain.

Man I can't wait for my crop to finish. Ah man halfway through its tough waiting. I'm guessing halfway though but we will see.

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