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Coco specific nutes are just marketing hype


Now in technicolor
Every hydro store I've been to (admittedly not much) have said that they do not carry Coco specific nutes because they're nothing but marketing hype and are no different than regular nutes.

As a marketing guy, I think coco specific nutes are an excellent marketing ploy, just like selling 1L of pH adjusted water as "Rockwool conditioning solution" for $15.

I'm not saying you won't have results with them, but how different would your results be had you used a cheap formula like Maxibloom (alone) with Floralicious Plus?


Maxibloom is essentially the Lucas formula. It works very well for some depending on their water source (extra calcium and magnesium definitely help in coco). It is designed for recirculating and does not work as well for dtw as H3ad's formula...it will either be too hot at full strength or lack Ca/Mg at reduced concentrations.

The H3ad formula is coco specific but designed with regular old Flora series.

On the other hand some people swear by coco specific nutes...especially the Canna stuff.

Bottom line, there really is no one thing that everyone is going to agree on in this debate. You gotta buy your own ticket and take your own ride...the good news is this cat ain't all that hard to skin with a wide variety of techniques.


I have used maxi grow bloom with 2 gallon botanicare coco bricks and it does work.. I have vegged this way, but have never flowered.. I talked to the general hydro tech support person, and they said maxibloom and grow were good for coco, u just gotta feed full strength, then water with plain water twice... feed every other-other watering

Guest 18340

Maxibloom is essentially the Lucas formula. It works very well for some depending on their water source (extra calcium and magnesium definitely help in coco). It is designed for recirculating and does not work as well for dtw as H3ad's formula...it will either be too hot at full strength or lack Ca/Mg at reduced concentrations.

The H3ad formula is coco specific but designed with regular old Flora series.

On the other hand some people swear by coco specific nutes...especially the Canna stuff.

Bottom line, there really is no one thing that everyone is going to agree on in this debate. You gotta buy your own ticket and take your own ride...the good news is this cat ain't all that hard to skin with a wide variety of techniques.
Maxibloom works FLAWLESSLY in dtw. It is the only method of growing I use and the only nutrient I use.

I have used maxi grow bloom with 2 gallon botanicare coco bricks and it does work.. I have vegged this way, but have never flowered.. I talked to the general hydro tech support person, and they said maxibloom and grow were good for coco, u just gotta feed full strength, then water with plain water twice... feed every other-other watering
I'm telling you as a weed grower that Maxibloom works without issue when you water/feed everyday. It is the only way I've used it for almost a year now. No issues whatsoever.
To answer the op's question, I can't say whether coco specific nutrients work any better than those not labeled as coco specific, but I can tell you that Maxibloom all by itself, from veg thru flower, works extremely well. Check my gallery for all the proof you'll need...:tiphat:
BTW, Maxibloom @ 1 tsp/gal (7 grams) is what is considered the powdered version of the Lucas formula.
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Carl Carlson

Some coco fertilizers have enough Calcium in them that you shouldn't need to use a separate Calcium product. So not entirely marketing hype.


Well-known member
carl nailed it again. Coco is very calmg dependent. most coco ferts are just base ferts with added cal/mg. you may even say a coco fert is optimal for all hydro if you need a calmg supplement. However... most of these "Coco" bases aren't stabile enough to stay in suspension. monkey juice= crap, where canna coco and H&G cocos seem to be extremely stabile and work great stand alone.

the maxibloom/floralicious+ with Calmg would probably be ideal for coco.

Guest 18340

Excellent points made by Carl Carson and toohighmf about calcium! Something I forgot to mention is that in order to avoid any cal issues I use my 300ppm Florida tap water. It's so full of Calcium that you can actually smell it.
Cal/mag and RO would be "cleaner" (lord knows what else is in my tap) but I'm lazy.:)


Well-known member
thanks mon, If I had 300ppm tap I would be ecstatic. mine's over 700 and I use a ton of epsom salts and calmg+ w RO to bring it up to around 250ppm. then I add my base. it's basically conditioning the water, prior to adding micros.
You ever met a poor fertilizer tycoon? of course not, its all hype and mostly water, great business to be in if u have the capital to invest.


In every hydrostore i was they tell me all kind of funny things .... never trust them !

I use coco nutes and have no problems i dont need calmag or anyother special snake oil and it works all the time. I would never use a Hydro or Soil fert for coco why should I ? My Coco fert costs me 2,30Euro per Liter cheaper then all the other ferts.

Use Coco fert on coco, Hydro on hydro and soil on soil its the same price anyway.... so it doesnt matter if i would buy soiul ferts for coco...


For the record Elve I did mention the water/Ca issue. I was not knocking Maxibloom in any way, just trying to point out it might need a little help in the Ca/Mg area that your water obviously provides perfectly for you.

I would personally try Maxibloom before I tried a "coco specific" nute.

Sorry if I worded my response poorly.

Guest 18340

For the record Elve I did mention the water/Ca issue. I was not knocking Maxibloom in any way, just trying to point out it might need a little help in the Ca/Mg area that your water obviously provides perfectly for you.

I would personally try Maxibloom before I tried a "coco specific" nute.

Sorry if I worded my response poorly.
It's all good brother, no need to apologize AT ALL:ying::ying:


Well-known member
yeah I have to agree that I would choose maxibloom w calmg+ and some floralicious+.. Done. What were people fertilizing with before someone got cute and made a coco specific nutrient????

How's AN you ask? it's just as good as anything else out there. in some cases, extremely diluted for the money. definitely not as special as they claim to be. definitely works if you are experienced enough to use it. their coco nute Monkey Juice is some serious crap. it is by far the worst "coco" nute and costs the most. it falls out and precips faster than any other salt based hydro ferts.

Bud Bug

In every hydrostore i was they tell me all kind of funny things .... never trust them !
Your shopping at the wrong stores

I use coco nutes and have no problems i dont need calmag or anyother special snake oil and it works all the time.

Except those "coco" nutrients are regular nutrients with extra calcium in them. So they are more on the marketing side of things but at the end of the day there is a market for them.


Your shopping at the wrong stores

Except those "coco" nutrients are regular nutrients with extra calcium in them. So they are more on the marketing side of things but at the end of the day there is a market for them.

Yeah there are just all wrong here belive me.

Regular or Coco same price for me so i dont worry much.


Coco specific nutes have less K as coco releases it as it breaks down. Do most brands of coco nutes cost more than regular nutes because mine don't? I don't see where the hype is coming from...


Active member
If coco nute are this huge scam.

Then why of all companies...AN the marketing kings,
recommend you use the 3 part base nute or 2 part sensi nutes.
and NOT their more expensive connoisseur line?

You'd assume if it was exact same, they would want you to pay extra....no :dance013:


well from reading the bottle of canna coco a+b compared to cann hydro a+b i see they have different proportions of npk. the coco nute that's used during flowering has much more N then normal flowering nutes. not saying you can't use normal stuff, but you'd need to fine tune things. while with coco specific you just follow the directions and watch the plants prosper with no need for any further additives or messing about. there is a nice sticky in the coco section about using gh in coco though and it sure will do the job just as well if you do it right.