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COCO based hydro outdoor


all praises are due to the Most High
you always have so many crystals on the plants, very resinous. very good pics too. always clear in focus.
still haven't been to any of the hydroponic greenhouses around here, i have been very busy. but when i get to go i will try to take pics.


thanx PVR :D the trichomes are what we all want hehe :D

all the pics in the last post were taken by my co-op partner VEND :D i got a bunch more of his photos to post later when i get some more time :D



more pics from VEND

more pics from VEND






















alrigth - i can stop using the image hosting facility - a BIG THANK YOU to dutchgrown!

an observant internaut has pointed out to me its possible to see spidermites on some of the closeups on the previous page :( it seems way too late to do anything about it though :(

if anyone has any bullet proof method of getting rid of spidermites ORGANICALLY - u can give us some recipes :D

the invasion is small - its really only one plant thats got some of them on it :( but we prefeer not to have any bugs - if we can help it!


here the pics where they can be seen :(


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spider mites like it when it's dry....
my tip would be to put a plastic bag that is a little wet over the plant.
the humidity will kill them but if you don't do it right youz may get some mold.
but i would not worry that much that doesn#t look like a real invasion
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all praises are due to the Most High
hello bone, here's a recipe i copied from a thread here sometime back, but now i can't find the thread, so i'll paste it here:

""So far one formula has come out ahead and there are some instruction changes:

1/4 cup Baking Soda
1/2 cup Apple Cider vinegar
1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
2 drops dish detergent
1/4 Teaspoon Epsom Salts

Take a cup of very hot water and desolve the epsom salts,take rest of ingredients and place in a clean 2 liter bottle and let work out. Add epsom solution. Add water to fill to 48ozs(3/4 full).Shake well.

TO USE: Cover soil/medium with plastic,with lights off mist plant all over,especialy under leaves,
Wait 20 mins,then spritz off with clean fresh water shaking as much water off plant as you can.
The fresh water spritz rinse will remove the solution along with the desolved remains of the mites and their eggs.

Have fun with your new "Mite Eradicator"

Note by MrFixit: Water plants 1/2 hour before spraying. This will help keep your plants from absorbing the spray.

This solution has been tested and used as directed will not burn plants,the rinse is very important though as it removes the spent solution before it can concentrate and burn the plant. It also removes most of the dead mites and eggs so you don't end up smoking them.

The formula can be diluted further,to 1 liter and it will still kill the mites but isn't as effective at dissolving and removing the mite parts.
Since removing the mite debris is desirable,I recommend the stronger solution,just remember to rinse and shake.
This formula is alkaline(about 7.8-8) so please remember to rinse.

Mite irradication is absolutely assured and guaranteed if used as directed.
I've never seen ANYTHING work this well for mite irradication!!
I used to gas my booths for mites,it worked but they came back,I haven't seen a living mite in a long time now.They haven't come back,partly because of cooler weather,partly because I hosed the Roses that were infecting everything with the formula and wiped out all the mites during testing.
The only thing I wish I'd done different is,I wish I would have done sections of the Roses and preserved
some of the mites for later tests.I've had to go searching for victims to test it on and there just aren't any left!! I did find some victims for my final tests in the park where we have meetings,the plants by the river are pretty sickly and infested(were I should say,I walked around with ONE pint bottle and cleaned up most of the area.LOL)
If news of this formula were to become widespread,mites would become an endangered species!!!So GOOD HUNTING !

"PM'd BankRobber and he told me to post this:
I have been experimenting with similar formulas, so far 2 work.
Trial #1: 1/2 cup baking soda , 1 cup vinegar , 1/2 cup apple juice. Dilute to 2 liters.

Trial #2 1/2 cup baking soda , 1 cup vinegar , 3 tablespoons lemon juice , 2 drops dish soap .
Dilute to 40 fluid oz's.

I've tried this on: Wandering Jew,Spider Plant,Fushias,Gladiolis,Roses,Sweet Elysium,Clovers,Daisy,
Rhodadendron, Lawn(grass)
So far it works,both formulas. #2 works best outside and best overall
It has killed any small insects I've tried it on except FLEAS(Darn it!)
So far its killed mites,thrips(Adult),aphids,clover mites, whatever mite type insects that were all over the Gladiolis and it sickened and effected Grass Gnats and mosquitoes.(the mist knocked them down,couldn't find them in the grass to watch if they died but they were having difficulty flying)
I'm waiting for long term effects on the plants I've sprayed,before I'll try it on my plants.
Try mixing up some and try it outside on whatever you can find with an infestation.
The original recipe from a Landscape gardener was: 1/2 cup baking soda, 1 cup vinegar,2cups apple peels.
Blend/Puree , filter , dilute to 2 liters. I haven't tried this one yet (no apple peels).
The trick seems to be 1/2 cup Baking soda to 1 cup vinegar,diluted to approximately 2 liters.
The dishsoap helps wetting & the juices boost effect. #2 seems to help with molds/fungus also.It reduced blackspot on Roses,Gladiolis and Rhodi's and white mold on Roses.( The coast is a perfect proving ground for this stuff!!! We have ALL the bugs and molds !!! I don't have to go far to find infestations of all kinds.)

For 2 days I have hosed my backyard with this stuff,so far it has reduced blackspot & powdery mildew(white mold),killed all the small insects(size seems to matter on kill,gnats or smaller).
The only plants adversely affected so far are FERNS (they don't like it much,wilted some).
The fleas seem unaffected as are the garden spiders,wood lice,beetles and other large hard insects.
I'm using it far more than necessary to see if it hurts the plants. Repeating doses even after the bugs are dead. The gladiolis were REALY bad with blackspot mold and some kind of black sucker insects about the size of a pinhead.The Glads are doing fine both mold and insects gone! The wandering jew and spider plants are actualy perking up from it.The clover mites? WIPED OUT! Rose mites? WIPED OUT! Grass gnats and mosquitoes? VASTLY REDUCED! Scale insects? DEAD! Aphids?DEAD![THE GARDEN??? (smells like a "Caeser Salad" ! ) ALIVE.]
Seasider "

"Hey Everyone,

I think Seasider is onto something and that's it so cool to see people taking action and experimenting with organic ingredients!
I'm certainly going to try his formula!
It cost me over $300 to manufacture what I came up with, and that dose not include all the labor and the over two weeks it take to complete each batch!
Seasider's stuff is a fraction of the cost, and I can't see any adverse reactions from the ingredients mentioned.
Except for invertebrates "the soap" would kill them, but then we don't need it in our fish tank now do we?

A key test will be to see if any eggs rehatch or if the plants are reinvested, however respraying with an inexpensive home made product may be worth it to so many!
I say GREAT job & keep up the good fight!

Please keep us informed of your test. and results!


There seems to be some mild burning where the solution was left on and collected/concentrated.
I would recommend using the 2 liter dilution and spritzing with fresh water afterward and shaking off as much as possible so the formula doesn't collect and concentrate itself to the point it burns tender leaves.
I didn't notice any damage except where it had concentrated and dried,so spritzing and shaking off should do the trick.As far as effectiveness goes,wow! The death and destruction it deals to mites is impressive !!
Popping browning eggs melting,imploding adults,body parts and debris slowly dissolving......EXTREMELY GRATIFYING !!!
The BORG rule ,of mite terror, is OVER !!!!

A member had severe burning that he attributes to residues drawn out of the container by the vinegar.
USE A CLEAN CONTAINER !! Do not use realy strong vinegar or any with SULFITES in it.




interesting stuff :D

putting plastic bags over flowering buds doesnt seem to be a good idea - even if it might work :D but it might be worht a try on veging plants some time :D

pvr - thats a really interesting recipe - i have heard and read about using peroxide in weak solutions.. gotto think about it - if it its worth to soak the buds in this :D



all praises are due to the Most High
i have used 3% h202 on my plants, up to half flowering though. but never for spider mites, but i have read that it works, it kills them on contact it seems.
if decide to use the peroxide, start safe with 40% h202 and 60% water and spray.
let us know how it went, try on a couple plants first to see how sensible are your plants to the peroxide.


edit, try to rinse with fresh water about 30min after you spray. once i sprayed a lot and left it on and it burnt the leaves slightly.
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ICMag Donor
The porch is looking great, bone. Nice shots. You may try some neem oil spray. The BT (bacillus thurengiensis) toxin is organically approved too, but you'd have bacterial spores all over your flowers. I wouldn't recommend that. Wish you luck gettin the mites out of there.
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Joint Date: Today.
what an awsome thread Bone.. keep the AMAZING pix coming... be good



hey wamen :D thanx for dropping in :D

pipeline - i normally use neem - but i have come to the conclusion the brands i buy are useless :D BT works great against worms as far as i have been told :)

PVR - i might try it this coming weekend :D



the PTK/SCBB x PTK is starting to get a good amount of orange trichs in the botom of the plant :D flush will start in a few days :D a good 2 week flush or so :D

cant wait to smoke it and try the outdoor version of it :D.. that one is most likelly not going to get much of a cure really hehehe a tiny bud to share for us waiting for the BIG girls to finish of :D

the order the plants should finish is -

SSH x PTK early
SSH x PTK late
blackdomina x lowryder

we are starting to get unsure about flowering the clones during the winter - it seems the light hours are shrinking quickly in the patio - they dont get more than 6 hours of direct light a day - lets see how much light they will get in december when we will be harvesting the astrofogs :D

peace! :D
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Damn guys its nice to see you still going strong here. Sorry I havent been in here for a while, I`ve been flat on my back chewing painkillers for the last week or so.
I have waited over a month for my coco, fu##ing hydrostore nevers seems to get their fingers out of their asses and send me my stuff.
The little girls are still in theire 0.5 liter containers and starting to look alitle sad, I wish my coco would arrive soon so I can save whats left of them.

See ya


Active member
hello holy :D im still without internett but i got the patio so i cant complain:D
bone is doing a wicked job here so :woohoo:

its still nice and hot here at day time today it was 36 degrees and the plants are getting about 7 hours of direct sunnligth each day.

keep it pimpin :pimp3:




finally i got time to start uploading the last bunch of pics :D

a defender of buds :D

the short and fat PTK/scbb x PTK - getting closer to the end of flowring :D a few weeks more :D

some close ups of it (more later :D)

a couple bushes of the SSH x PTK



a few more pics :D

SSH x PTK close ups

more bushes of SSH x PTK

the most velvety of the sshxptk - its an early pheno that was a runt to start with - but i didnt want to kill it :D hehe now its the msot resinous - but small harvest.. gonna start putting runts in soilmix pots instead - gets cheaper for low producers :D

groupics :D



secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Hey Bone,
How does compare the PTK hyb to the pure PTK? :wink:
Here´s one cutting of PTK,day 7 of 12/12:



well raco - gotto to be honest and take my hat off - the pure one is MORE potent :D :D

BUT the hybrid gets HUGE heheh and its still a nice smoke - but id rather plant some original ones soon for some change! :D thats why we arent keeping it for the future - just keeping the seeds :D


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
The hyb looks awesome!!
My PTK keeper can be worked in different ways...such is her plasticity (is that a word ?? jejejej!!)
These are 2nd gen. cutings,from the same original mom,taken the same day and put in floweing the same day:
