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Cob's Cabin

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Didn't mean to top yo thread. Bad bitches on the previous page.

bonzo, T - thanks for swingin through!

Grit - Yeah man she's pretty topped out for sure, and lookin nasty! Weird about the mites, cause the russets are bein a pain in my ass, and they are lovin the white and wifi. Tried to keep at bay in the flower room w/ MW until week 4. Veg has been getting bombed w the hardcore shit, but the snowdog can't be phased. You likin the biobizz? Once I played around with the amounts I'm finally getting it dialed in, but I picked up some of the Roots NPK to use w/ the BB flower, and I'm pretty happy with the results, may ditch the BB flower altogether.

Anyways... here's the busted garden at 41 days.

Blue asian D... I'm loving this gal can't wait to smoke some and wig the fuck out

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Lav/App - I'm betting she's gonna have the best flavor outta the bunch if it turns out anything like it smells

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Lucinda - our go to daytime smoke these days

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lemons dancing?
checks last page....
types in url....

The Revolution

Active member
Looking killer Cob. That Panama/DC hybrid is looking intense. You will have to let me know how she smokes.
Looks like your kicking ass with that Biobizz. Can you give us any insight into your dosing and rate of application?


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
Muahahaha bobby, figured an internet savvy cat like you would be familiar :D

nameless sincere apologies haha

rev thanks man, yeah I'm liking the biobizz, self runs it with KILLER results. I feel like the bloom formula is a little weak for the price though. I'm using BB fish, veg, bloom, and algamic. Plus the roots NPK, molasses, calmag, humic, micro, and ej catalyst. Basically it breaks down like this:
Week 1-2 15ml veg, 15ml fish, 10 ml bloom, 4 ml algamic, molasses
Week 2-6 15ml veg, 15ml fish, 8 ml bloom, 4 ml algamic, 15 ml Roots NPK, molasses
Week 6-9 10 ml veg, 10 ml fish, 5 ml bloom, 15 ml NPK, molasses
flush... Every week or two I add the humic (until 5 weeks), calmag, micro and catalyst.

Ras thanks dude! Hows things goin in your garden? Haven't seen any updates?


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
yeah mang just pulled down a lav/app..i just call it L.A. round here..anywho...yeah she looses a tad during cure..and gain's a real light lavender/polyester type smell,and to be completly honest,L.A. has some of the strangest colored hairs...pinkyish.....strange....but i just love her head....just strong enough for me.....hope you got her backed up....cause i dont:(...lovely shot's homie....hope you boys like/enjoy them....it's kinda funny cause your running ecsd and mad people love that shit..straightup.....and for real you kinda just skim over her...jeje no disrespect ecsd...nice show cobber maby i get some dry nugg shot's on my thread of some of them.....btw your w91 smell's great in veg...much more funkier than mine....touche'.......


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
Hey hey $$! I hear ya dude, we got that LA Kush cut around so that would just get all confusing... I'm only rockin a 3x3 veg but every single one is backed up w/ the boys, in very good hands :D I'm stoked on all of these bro, especially the ecsd, but she's pretty beat up from the mightywash and def not dialed to her potential. The tk star is straight nasty man, props on that one or sure. Did you get the stamos/lucinda thing figured out? They'll be night and day in flower. I really like my w91, hope you do too ;) Top her to like 3-4 main colas, trim out the rest and hit her heavy w/ the nutes. She'll throw down. The boys are runnin her against their phenos, so time will tell. Soon as I get my bug situation handled after this flower run, I got you on those others.

Joe - thanks man, appreciate the kind words :)


The Mad Monk
Ras thanks dude! Hows things goin in your garden? Haven't seen any updates?

Going well in the garden, just haven't been taking many photos. It's the same ole, same ole you know? Nothing I haven't posted about already. Just running my Chem Sour keeper before the summer heat kicks in full tilt. Still debating whether to prep another run for the summer or just shut it down until late August and enjoy my summer without any plants counting on me to be home to water them. :)

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
your ecpc looks ill.
i get alot of lemon out of her.
she gets some nice purple b4 harvest too.
bitches loving u broskie :D

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"

I like full contact strippin'.

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