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CLP's Grow Of Greatness - 1000W DR 150 Tent Mandala #1


Hey Everyone :tiphat:
I started a grow diary/thread a while back and showed you all of my research, setup, etc. Well I did amazing amounts of research on many stages of growth but the most important thing I overlooked: Germination.. :cry:

I was also having many ventilation and heat issues due to the heat given off by my big 1000W MH. This has all been fixed (so far) and my setup is running quite smoothly without the plants in it right now.

Sit back, grab a snack, and lets get this grow show on the road

~Supplies I'm using to keep this running smoothly ~


~Will Edit in Pics of Setup Later~

Mandala #1
~Click Pic for Details~

Sam The Skunk Man
~Original Haze X Skunk #1~

Grow Setup
gOur setup is in a bedroom around 12 X 12 with a large closet. We are growing in a DR 150 Secret Jardin tent which gives us around a 4.5 X 4.5 floor plan. This tent is 7 feet tall and perfectly sealed.
We are using a Super sun 2 air cooled reflector. It is cooled using a 750 CFM Valueline fan with 6" ducting.
The tent is cooled/vented using a can fan/can filter combo.
These two 6" ducts connect at a Y and then duct into the attic.
The entire house is cooled using a large A/C so this is our primary cooling although temps do reach mid 80's every once in a while because the thermostat is outside of the room.
Pics below :tiphat:

I'll be using the standard Fox Farm line. Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, and Grow big. I am just planning on following the directions and doing around 1/4 solution in the beginning and seeing how the plants react. This and my potting soil are my only nutes for the time. I am thinking about getting an EC meter but am not sure if I want to shell out the $130 for the one that I want.

Lamp Choice
Agrosun Gold 1000W MH Universal
~ Click the link ~

I chose this because it's a big enough wattage for my 5 X 5 tent. It's also a great value bulb competing with the Hortilux Blue which is MUCH more expensive.

Expenses + Income?

I'm going top of the line because I know I can get the best value out of the best equipment. I feel that this is a good motto for growing marijuana.

Awesome Book Recomendation!

Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible (Paperback)
~ Click the link ~

On Amazon (cheapest and most reliable place for me) I picked it up and have learned a great deal in only a couple days. Although ICmag and other sites will provide you with all the needed necesities and knowledge having a simple, one piece, book is a great way to start. Its good for quick reference or learning the basics. Better than any online post in my opinion.

Useful Links I have Used

I may have more questions and will either edit them in or create separate replies. I am very free to helping others with a setup like this once I get it working and operational. This is actually my first grow, but I am trying to go about it in a top of the line, professional, business manner. I hope it can be of some help to people and newbies in similar situations to me. All of these supplies could be applicable to most closet grows also! Any size for 2X3 to 4X4 I think should be good. Just need to have the right tent lights and vents. I hope that my upcoming grow journal and more specific measurements etc can be of great help to any other upcoming connoisseurs.

Please throw me ANY and ALL critiques as they are very helpful to me.



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Update #1

We have potted and germinated the seeds as "Mandala's Method" calls for directly into soil. So far we have had 6 nice plants sprout, 3 no-shows, and 1 wierd ass sprout/root thingy. I have included pictures. To me it seems like a taproot growing the wrong way. What should I do about it? I don't want to touch it without knowing what it is/what it will do if touched.

Pics are below :)


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Looking good bro! :good: Sorry about the no-shows...I think they were dudes anyways ;)

So is everything dialed in? I remeber you talking about riggin up the A/C in you last thread...

I'm gonna pull up my chair now :plant grow:


Yea.. Little bit of a bummer.. At least I have 20 or so other freebie seeds. They just take a LONG ass time to grow. Should be some amazing weed though :D

@ A/C - We removed the a/c and returned it when we installed our other fan. We now have two fans venting both the hood and the grow space. There is a main A/C on in the house that is supposed to keep the house at around 73. It blows cold air into our room BUT I'm not sure if it'll be able to handle the heat on a 90+ degree week.. Its been mid 80's all week and its been pretty good temps but I'm not sure if we'll need another window a/c or not.. For now I think we're going to wait and see somewhat. We can always buy an A/C. The old one was faulty anyways..


We now have all seeds planted and 6 thriving Mandala #1 seedlings. These will be vegged under the Fluorescents for a couple more days then put under the big 1000W MH machine :D

We wanted to test different germination methods so with 12 of the OHSK #1 seeds we put them in paper towel and germinated that way (my partners preferred method).
With the other 13 we put them directly into soil (mandala's method) and watered them.

These OHSK1 seeds are taking FOREVER to germinate though. Its been almost 5 days and we have 1 sprout barely coming up from the soil germination, and a couple tap roots from the paper towel that we transplanted into soil.

Sorry for the lack of pictures.. I for some reason can't find my camera charger but once I do or buy a new one there will be plenty of new pics!

I'll also be out for the next week or so and will post an update as soon as I'm back :D


Alright guys..
After MUCH MUCH delay I am finally back with an update! A BIG update I think :D
I have not had my camera so I couldn't take pictures. W/O pictures I feel updates are almost pointless for a grow journal.

I managed to dig up an old Digi Camera up for some updated pictures.
My partner and I have went through more issues in this grow then I feel anyone else has ever gone through (complete exaggeration but at times it really does feel this way!).
Over the past week we have had lots of problems with yellowing/drooping of our seedlings. At first we thought it may have been poor nutrition but we soon learned that the most likely cause was due to the transfer from Fluoro's to HID's.

Solution: Transfered the Mandala #1's back under the Fluoro's to heal/green them back up.

Future Solution: Either start the seeds under the 1000W to avoid getting light moving shock or provide shade/protection from the light for the young seedlings.

Our Mandala #1's are looking much greener and have more leaves etc. We transplanted them into a 1/2 gal grow bag with a 50/25/25 mix of FFOF/Perlite/FFLW. This will provide nutrition for the rest of veg.

Our OHSK #1's were put under the 1000W a couple days ago. They are starting to get semi-similar symptoms to the #1's but we put them in some shade and hopefully they will green up - If not they will be put under the fluoros again but we want to get them used to this big light ASAP. They will be transplated in 5 or so days when I get back from a trip :ying:

If anyone could help diagnose the two wierd looking skunk plants it would be great. One has the strangest looking leaves, they don't even look like MJ leaves. The other has these wierd tip things on its leaves.. Check the pics :D

If you guys remember from my other posts my buddy had a couple random dank seeds given to him from a grower buddy. Without knowing better my partner initially planted them in Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil for the first two months or so of life.. Although I've heard this is very bad it didn't seem to have a terrible effect although growth may have been inhibited some. Well he had 5 or so of these but after we initially burned the FUCK outta them with the 1000W HID as a little test we thought we were going to trash them. I have included pics of them a bit after the burn

The little one in the middle is the bigger bushy plant now.

As we set up the light/tent we put these guys outside of any light and they basically sat there for two weaks. All but two survived and as a little test we threw them under the 1000W MH again :D They started thriving and gaining back some foliage. As another test we put them into flowering with a 12/12 cycle. They got tall/bushy FAST with this. We now have the other plants in the tent under a 24/7 cycle though so this posed a problem. As a replacement to trashing the plants and because we wanted a little extra bud to smoke early we have been just taking them outside of the tent and putting them into the dark room when the night cycle is supposed to come on. This room has quite a few light leaks but what can you do.. Hopefully they don't herm on me. Both have been confirmed females at which I was VERY surprised due to the fact that they have gone through so much stress. They are now budding nicely and the cola's are looking tasty already :D

After much debate on what to call these plants as we do not know the original genetics we have decided to call them the
Michigan ThunderFucks
in reference to Alaskan Thunderfuck - One of the supposed best strains of all time and in my opinion the best named strain :laughing:

I've included some pics of both of these. The one on the right (not as bushy) has some drooping of the leaves. Any diagnosis for this? Maybe over fertilization although I doubt it..

EDIT: I for some reason can't find the pics for this.. Not sure how they didn't upload correctly but they were deleted from the Cam. Will get pics ASAP

Was super tall and lanky but is bushing out more.

Had some CRAZY stretch. Used to be a little bush and is now the same height as the other. A couple of real nice lookin flowers too :D
Will get macros as soon as the better camera is available!

Hope you guys enjoy the update!
Until next time


No love on this thread ic? :(

Still would love a diagnosis on those two wierd OHSK #1's :D

Will update today or tomorrow with some new pics with my GOOD camera!
WOOO the charger finally came =D


Active member
With time love will come, im sure about that (-;

but lookin splendid so far, looking forward to see how things will turn out for you ..
pulling up a seat here..



With time love will come, im sure about that (-;

but lookin splendid so far, looking forward to see how things will turn out for you ..
pulling up a seat here..


I'm sure more love will be coming too :D Especially because I intend to update this post often with many many pics and we all know ICmag loves pics :tiphat:

Pull that seat up, grab some pop corn, and lets get this grow show on the road! :jump:


Grow Equipment and pics updated in the main post! Check it out!

Grow update as of 5 days ago. Sorry about the delay guys :D

Group Shot

Michigan Thunderfuck - Left stouter plant is looking great with flower production! There are SO many white hairs and the bud sites are awesome! We are having some browning/rust coloring on the leaves though.. We think this is most likely due to over fertilization or nute lockout. We will be putting a post up in the infirmary. Any help is appreciated!

Mandala #1 - These guys are looking AMAZING! They have recovered to 100% and are on their 3rd or 4th nodes. They are very stout and bushy and have huge leaves!

Original Haze X Skunk #1
These guys got a bit burned by our big 1000W MH as they went into the tent and yellowed a bit. We are positive that with them under the shade of the big plants and as far from the light as possible they will recover just as the Mandala #1's did. Check out the second picture. What is up with this guy? His first set of leaves are really whack and HUGE. They are much longer than the other leaves. Any diagnosis? Hopefully she will pull through :D

That's all for now guys.


Update Number 2!
These pics were taken 2 days ago but I'd rather not get behind so heres the update :D

Michigan Thunderfuck - The browning has increased and has totally killed one large fan leaf. It has spread to a couple other leaves also. HELP NEEDED. Will post pics ASAP

Mandala #1 - These gals are looking BEAUTIFUL. They are around 7 inches tall and have 3-5 nodes each. We decided to low stress train (LST) half of them and leave the others to grow straight up. This little test will be very interesting. Which do you guys think will yield more and grow the best? :watchplant:

Original Haze X Skunk #1 - They are greening up nicely after we transplanted them into the 1/2 gal grow bags.

Update in a couple days again boys!


Update: Day 3 of flowering :D

We started flowering on the 22nd. There has been a moderate growth spurt in all of the plants.

Mandala #1 - These babies are looking AWESOME. They are very green, growing nicely (stretch is getting them) and the LST'd plants are flipped up perfectly.

Original haze X Skunk #1 - These girls are greening up nicely and I feel that the stretch will be real good for them. The resurrection skunk is starting to get bigger and growing a few more sets of leaves :dance013:

Michigan Thunderfuck - The indica dominate left plant is still showing signs of whatever problem she has.. We have stopped fertilizing and will check the runoff as soon as we water. Please help with this one IC!
I have started an infirmary thread HERE:
The right side taller (possibly more sativa leaning) plant is starting to fill out. She is way behind in flower production but her flowers are starting to change! It's very exciting as we have never seen this before. The hairs are starting to turn orange on two of the buds. These buds are low down on the plant and have adequate ventilation etc. I'm pretty sure it's a positive thing



Nice work clp it looks like you did your homework, soon you will be rewarded for all the hard work you have put in.


CLP, I noticed no mention of cal/mag or epson salts. It is possibly a magnesium def you are seeing, especially if you are using a R/O system. That's what the leaves look like to me. Also, what is your PPM and PH before and after watering? It is also possible you are over fertilizing.


Nice work clp it looks like you did your homework, soon you will be rewarded for all the hard work you have put in.

Thank you!
Quite a few hours have gone by researching this whole project..
DAMN ICmag for being so addictive!

CLP, I noticed no mention of cal/mag or epson salts. It is possibly a magnesium def you are seeing, especially if you are using a R/O system. That's what the leaves look like to me. Also, what is your PPM and PH before and after watering? It is also possible you are over fertilizing.

We are not using either at the moment. I was under the impression that the fertilizers + FFOF would supply the needed magnesium.
I looked up some pics though and they do look quite similar.
What would you suggest?
We are now going to be adding blackstrap molasses into the mix - Do you think this will help?

We have stopped on the fertilizer for now as we want to clear this up before damaging the plant more..

We will get PH of the soil and PH of the runoff ASAP. These plants take like 4 days between waterings so we have to wait a little while to get the runoff..
Unofortunatly we do not have a PPM/EC meter so we can't get the readings :/ I am looking into getting one but I'd want a nice one ($150) and can't justify/afford it right now when we can just use the directions.. It would make things easier though.
:jump:sweet set up and strain i am growin some outside and they are tall and lanky out of 4 there is 2 different phenos one green the other purple good luck cant wait to see your results!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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