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CLP's Grow Of Greatness - 1000W DR 150 Tent Mandala #1


DIY drying box - Heres our DIY drying box we made.
We still need to lightproof it more to prevent Trichrome loss and installed either drying racks or a way to hang the buds. Still need help with this..

Thanks for stopping through guys!

lookin good clp my mandalas smell awsome very unique.i have 5 mandala1 left to pop it will be a great inside project thanks for the insperation


to your question if it´s over- or underwatering:

when did you make that photo?if it was while your lamp was off,then it´s quite normal that the leaves are hanging.
otherwhise it looks like too much water.how often are you watering your plants?dayly would be perfect and not too much.the top 3cm of your soil should be dry everytime you water your plants.
edit:watch out for the drain when you´re watering.maby all the water is flushing through cause your soil was too dry one time.after that you got to water patiently to make it sticky again.

there is another photo where 3 finger leaves are coming out of the top of your mainbud.i got the same problem, it´s a sign for getting back out of the flowering phase in to the vegetal phase. i had a problem with my timer and like 12h on, 3off, 3on, 3off. -> my plants were looking exactly like yours.

greetz from germany, aachen,


edit: sry for my bad english


Hey guys quick update..
Sorry it's been a while!

Unfortunatly a few of the Mandala #1's got seeded :(

We harvested one plant already (finished in 45-50 days! FAST) and will post final yield later.
Any help on the Yellowing on the OH X SK #1 would be great!
Heres some shots :)


Active member
Hey guys quick update..
Sorry it's been a while!

Unfortunatly a few of the Mandala #1's got seeded :(

We harvested one plant already (finished in 45-50 days! FAST) and will post final yield later.
Any help on the Yellowing on the OH X SK #1 would be great!
Heres some shots :)

Hey there... I'm running 2 OH x SK#1 females right now...

They're at about 15 weeks (yes, you read that right, cutting in another week).

Mine had yellowing throughout a lot of the cycle, regardless of what I did for it. Maybe its just prone to that, or something, I'm not sure. These get HUGE, mine stretched out would be over 8.5ft tall, in a 3 gal pot.


Wow. How long do they keep stretching for? Also how do the buds look and what are you looking at yield wise do you think? Extra time worth the extra yield?
I'm really excited to smoke this herb though..

All of our plants have CRAZY amounts of branches. We have LST'ed them into tight bushes. It's pretty damn hard to water though.. These plants are so spindly and long.

Got any pics :)


Thanks :)
It's nice to hear..
I've put alot of research and work into this.

I feel like I've had almost every possible problem :/
From hermies, to seeds, to heat, to humidity, to mold, alot of BS.. But that's what makes it so interested and fun to learn about :)

Well except mites and other crazy pests.. Knocks on wooooood!


Active member
Wow. How long do they keep stretching for? Also how do the buds look and what are you looking at yield wise do you think? Extra time worth the extra yield?
I'm really excited to smoke this herb though..

All of our plants have CRAZY amounts of branches. We have LST'ed them into tight bushes. It's pretty damn hard to water though.. These plants are so spindly and long.

Got any pics :)

They look awesome...but they are super spindly and airy.. (which is what happens with so much sativa). Definitely not a "cash cropper" by any means, and probably not what you want to be smoking on the regular. But it should be a fun experience :)

Mostly, I want to try smoking a 16 week plant. I'll post a couple pics, they're not very pretty (they were quick shots for someone else) and its a combination of the plant that is somewhat yellow + the HPS that makes them glare, but you'll see what they look like anyhow.

This was around 13 weeks? or so...

