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Cloning in plain water under fluoros

water cloning is the only way i have ever cloned..but if you wanna increase the speed,make a small rubbermaid with a top bubble cloner..holes in the top..little air wand in the bottom,even if you only turn the bubbles on for a few hours a day..while you sleep mabye? you will have roots a few days faster,i use the smallest wand and pump i could find at petsmart, i cut holes in the lid and just put the cuttings in..right into the water,no sponge or anything else


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
I think it's been a couple years since I returned to this thread..originally started by Caprisioso (might of spelled that wrong)
Anyway the info is still good..no wonder the thread is still going..I've done clones this way and that way..got one going with just an 1/8"(4mm) of stem..
hormone..no hormone..
To tell you the truth I've had great success with each method..water clones are very easy..just need to be patient..
now here comes the key to success with all clone methods..

Use Weak Light!

This is the single most important thing to clone success..I think Cap spoke of this at the beginning of this thread..
Too much light and the clone will attempt to grow..well you cut her nutrient pipeline off..where is the food gonna come from?..
She'll eat herself in an attempt to produce new growth..she'll be too far gone before roots get there to save the day..
I made that mistake and my 1st attempt brought failure..

Then I did it the right way..used a coffee cup to keep the roots dark..and a bubbler just cause I had a air available..yogurt lid with alum tape..
Here's some pics of that clone..notice how I didn't cut the leaves and they stayed lush..:nanana:

Same clone..ready to chop..GDS BubbleDust


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Hey Governor, great tips!

Yes, the very low light level made all the difference. The leaves stay green the whole time. I need to incorporate the bubbler and 'no light' to the roots too. Thanks for chiming in....damn good photos!

Your brother in Arms!........desi!


I didn't read many replies in this thread but here's an idea to speed root development. Use a rooting hormone such as Vita Grow (best one imo) and mix a small amount in with the water. You'd have to experiment with different amounts to get it right but it might help speed up root development once you find the right amount to mix.


Active member
Even though this thread is 3 years old it still is quite useful. I'm on my 3rd day of taking cuttings and they are still turgid and going strong. Nice way to do it! Thanks Cap!!!


Active member
6 planted and thriving. A seedling heating mat really helped to bring them on. The fastest so far is 12 days to 1/2" roots at which point I transplant. I used distilled water. I am thrilled because this is a Strawberry Diesel X New York City Diesel mom that I cloned in flowering and rooted in a Dairy Queen Hot Fudge Sundae dome on my window sill in Feb. Great thread!


damn this is soo juicy im gonna stat cloning right away!

...ookay i mean right after this blunt :)

thanks for the heads up guys.



I'm getting some clones and need to know how much low light is enough.

Almost no light? Like candle light in a dark room?


New member
Just thought i would share what ive got going on in regards to water cloning. Ive been dooing it for quite a while now and while it can certainly be slower that gel and rapid rooters, it is BY FAR the most hassle free way to clone.

Ive found that as long as the plants stay in contact with the water and fine spray from the bursting bubbles in the water, eventually just about ALL of my cuttings will rooot.

I also have taken it a little further than just poking holes in the styro to poke the plants through.

I use about a 2" hole-saw that has a long drill bit running down the center of the wholesaw. I allow the long drill bit to go all the way through the stryofoam. BUT I only let the larger whole saw to go about halfway through the stryo... creating an easy to pop out neat little "plug" of sorts.

This way the plant has a nice snug hole to support it while it gets rooted, and this makes it ALOT easier for me to pop out my little home made stryo-plugs, creating a nice size whole to pull the roots through without damaging them, and then I just plant the rooted clone with the stryofoam plug i created still attached.

I found it saved me alot of time and hassle of breaking up the stryfoam and getting the rooted clones out withou damaging them.

Anyway, thats my 2cents... Hope it can be of use to someone...



Active member
I cut the tops of 15 unsexed seedlings. I made a styrofoam tray with 15 stem size holes and labeled them 1-15. The cut tops were placed in the holes and the styro was floated in a plastic container as described in this thread. I was using this method to sex the plants without rooting them first. It worked like a charm.

I put the cuts under 12/12 and after 6 days some of the cuts had small roots. After 14 days of 12/12 they all showed sex and half of them had roots. Some of the roots were quite long. The ones that didn't have roots were getting knobby on the ends and would soon be rooted. But I just wanted to sex them so they all get tossed. I hate revegging.

I can't believe I never discovered this before. What a great way for outdoor growers who use seeds. No more waiting and waiting for seedlings to show sex. No wasted time and resources up-potting males.

I had the cuts under a 400w hps sitting on the floor about 3 feet to 4 feet away from the light.

Try it and I think you will like it. Thanks for this thread original poster and thanks for the 12/12 tip dequillo.

Carl Carlson

So is there any difference using the bubble cloner I made?? I am using just plain water with airstones and have had great results!! no stress or yellowing ever really I've had it happen maybe once or twice since I've started using it but I love the quality of the clones it produces!!! So is there any reason you don't use a bubble cloner Cap??

The question, Thundurkel, should be why bother using a bubble cloner, when cuttings are growing roots in plain water in six or seven days, when incorporating the 12 hour photoperiod?

Walt Jabsco

thought i lost this thread forever, thankfully someone raised it from the dead. this is the way to go for people with patience and no money.
it just takes more time is all. i was stunned to realize ph means nothing to these cuttings. tap is just fine. thanks to the OP.

Carl Carlson

By the way, "cloning in plain water" is what people have done with their house plants forever and ever.

Snip it and pop it in a glass of water on the windowsill.
Stumbled across this thread & it inspired me to try something new & much more simple.

Tweekin the method slightly buy using an ultrasonic fogger to "mist" the rootzone in a small rubbermaid tub.

Also using melted snow water, testing 15 cuts of God Berry & Green Devil.

Wish us luck :)


By the way, "cloning in plain water" is what people have done with their house plants forever and ever.

Snip it and pop it in a glass of water on the windowsill.

Yeah Carl..i remember mine grandma was doing exactly same thing with her house plants..
I love simple and efficient stuff...
This thread should be sticky,indeed!


Im new to growing indoors. Been growing outdoors for 42 years. Retired needed a hobby. I was unsure if I wanted to come inside because it sounded expensive and a pain in the ars.
From threads like this I learn that it can be as simple as growing outdoors.
I like the idea that I can turn my lights off in the spring and keep my indoor breeds through the summer with just a couple of CFL lights. And sex a plant half way through veg without disturbing the veg cycle. Who says old farts cant learn new tricks.


Im new to growing indoors. Been growing outdoors for 42 years. Retired needed a hobby. I was unsure if I wanted to come inside because it sounded expensive and a pain in the ars.
From threads like this I learn that it can be as simple as growing outdoors.
I like the idea that I can turn my lights off in the spring and keep my indoor breeds through the summer with just a couple of CFL lights. And sex a plant half way through veg without disturbing the veg cycle. Who says old farts cant learn new tricks.