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Click here for Afropip Durban Poison, and GN Thai Stick or don't. I dont care.

Dave Coulier

Active member
Interesting follow up to TS-G. I was checking her fertility levels tonight only to find its climbed to over 1500ppm, yet I haven't fertilized enough to reach that level yet. Odd. What could have caused that..Then I noticed the plant was further moved outside the lights footprint. I had done some rearranging a couple nights ago, and ended up forgetting to move the TS-G back closer. As a result she was not getting a lot of light, so transpiration rates were lower, which lead to less nutrients being sucked up.

Eureka moment here. I could potentially not even need to do any hand-feeding if I either move the plant out of the lights footprint for a day or two, or raise the light higher. I can't do option two since the light is at the ceiling, but option 1 is definitely doable. Im going to do some more looking into this to see just how feasible it is. Expect a follow up on this at some point.

Even after using CRF all this time, Im still surprised to be learning new tricks with them.

Dave Coulier

Active member
GN Thai Stick A Day 156 11/13

GN Thai Stick A Day 156 11/13

I promised some more Thai Stick, so we will start things off with some TSA. She's been flowering the longest, and I still dont know when she will be ready. Lots of white pistils and new calyxes constantly growing and stacking, with no end in sight. She's not been fed in 50 days, yet still throwing out new growth as she cannibalizes N from old growth.

Next time around, Ill keep her well fed until Day 150 and go from there. I feel like I can coax more out of her with a longer feeding period next time. We will know in about 5 months what I can do with the Clone of her.

Pics everyone. Then sleep for me. I also got more good pics of TSG. Ill try to get those up tomorrow night.





P.S. The trick to being patient with these long flowering sativas, is to grow out something much faster along side it. I can get two harvest of Shit and probably DP in by the time the Thai is even remotely close to ready...



Active member
156 days?!? You my friend, are a beast. There's a select handful of growers on this site that I envy for there ability to do these extremely long sativas, it's so awesome man. Much respect

Dave Coulier

Active member
156 days?!? You my friend, are a beast. There's a select handful of growers on this site that I envy for there ability to do these extremely long sativas, it's so awesome man. Much respect

156 baby! Im gonna take her to 210 days on the advice of Thai Bliss. Then evaluate at that point. Im hoping then there wont be any new fresh growth and no white pistils. Even if there are, I could easily harvest half the plant and allow the rest to continue for longer. She does have a crap ton of tops, so a second harvest may just be what the Dr. ordered.

Maybe I can set a record for longest recorded flowering plant on this site..I wonder what the longest someone has taken a Sativa in a grow journal here?


Active member
Maybe I can set a record for longest recorded flowering plant on this site..I wonder what the longest someone has taken a Sativa in a grow journal here?
randycalifornia ran loader's bangadesh for 20 weeks ( 140 days) and they weren't even close to harvest. :)

But earlier in this thread, those in the know were saying she went 24 weeks. If you took them down at 16, that's cutting them short by an entire 2 months.

210 days is 28 weeks so you might get the title. :)

Dave Coulier

Active member
GN Thai Stick G Day 90 Flowering Update

GN Thai Stick G Day 90 Flowering Update

I promised some more thai, so Im here to deliver. TS-G has got something to show off to the world. She's a quick developer when it comes to these Thai. So much like our dearly departed TSB, but I hope without the nanners. 90 Days in and no signs of intersex genes is giving me hope, but Ive got a long way to go. She's two months behind TSA, but I can already tell she wont have the same type of bud structure. This plant is likely to have spear shaped buds that are much more compact with less foxtails.

That pleases me. Foxtails galore is pretty, but I also want something with a little more bag appeal too. Yes, Im that shallow heh.

This plant is still too close to the lights(probably should have topped lower) which has caused a bit of yellowing in the canopy. Sooner than I want as the buds are just now entering into the peak flowering phase. I need to try my best to keep her happy and healthy for at least the next two months before I consider reducing feed levels. Wish me luck everyone.

Now for some pics of this fine lady.

Our first pic has a long ass cola of TSA sneaking into the photo giving a nice contrast to the shorter spear shaped buds forming on TSG. In the background is DP-D trying to edge herself into the picture as well. Just like women to fight for the attention of the camera...hehe


These other ladies will have to take a back seat for awhile. its Thai Stick G's turn to show off the goods.





Dave Coulier

Active member
randycalifornia ran loader's bangadesh for 20 weeks ( 140 days) and they weren't even close to harvest. :)


210 days is 28 weeks so you might get the title. :)

Thanks for the links. After looking at those pics of his lady, she had at least two more months to go. Wouldn't be surprised if she went longer. I hate seeing someone harvest a plant that early. Especially long-flowering sativas. Sad. Sad.

210 days would put it close to a late november harvest, with enough time for a month of slow drying and paper bag drying before I treat myself on X-Mas. That could be good. :biggrin:

Dave Coulier

Active member
Update on DP-J(Male). DP-J was my fastest flowering male in my group, but unfortunately when I went to inspect them, I noticed female pistils amongst the ball sacks. Sad day. I went ahead and culled the male, but I do have two cuttings Im attempting to root. I suppose I could keep the cuttings around in case the other males go hermie too. Wouldn't do me any good to eliminate all of them if they are intersex. Down to two Durban Males though. Ill have to keep a close eye on them.

No signs of nanners on the females yet, but I think Ill try to snap some pics of them tonight. Its been a week since the last update for the Durban Poison, and TSG.


Well-known member
Those TSg or whatever they are in the picture above look like they are going to be fat buds.
Nice start to flowering, nice plant, cant wait to see the finished buds.

Dave Coulier

Active member
Those TSg or whatever they are in the picture above look like they are going to be fat buds.
Nice start to flowering, nice plant, cant wait to see the finished buds.

Yes, that is Thai Stick G. Definitely one of the faster Thai in the garden. I wont be able to coax the best out of her this run, but thats what first runs are for. I know it'll take me awhile to get these Thai dialed in. She should still have some nice looking buds in 2-3 months though.

To hold you off, here is a picture of Thai Stick B, whom is no longer with us. This was at 119 Days flowering, without the long crazy foxtails that TSA shows off. I hope TSG will end up with buds looking like this. Classic spear shaped.


Were already at day 93 Flowering for TS-G. Maybe in 3 weeks she'll look that good. Fingers crossed!

Dave Coulier

Active member
Thai Stick A Update Day 161 Flowering

Thai Stick A Update Day 161 Flowering

Were pushing almost 5 1/2 months flowering for TSA. She's lost all her fan major fan leaves and many secondary ones along the way making her look like all bud. Slowly but surely the low N levels have begun to affect the older calyxes as they turn varying shades of yellow, brown and purple. Lets see how yellow she will turn over the next two months.

Now for some pics. Ill try to get through alot of updates today. For every update, I get to treat myself to a bowl. Let the updates begin! :smokeit:




Dave Coulier

Active member
GN Thai Stick G Flowering 95 Days Update

GN Thai Stick G Flowering 95 Days Update

TSG is 95 days into flowering. You'll see more yellowing since the last update of 5 days ago. PPM levels had gotten over 2k, and now down to 850. Ive moved her away from the light again to help alleviate the problem for now. Ill check fertility levels tomorrow to see where they stand. The clone is doing much much better, which will be show up tonight in a pic too.

I dont think this lady is of the 7 month variety like TSA may be. More likely 5 months. 6 months tops???? Guess we will find out in due time. Got to love those Fast flowering Thai. Only 5 or 6 months...lol

Sorry I can't seem to get many great pics of TSG. She's not nearly as photogenic as the other plants in the garden. And she surely aint got shit on the Durban Poisons coming up tonight too. I hope you guys and gals are ready to be blown away..




Dave Coulier

Active member
Thai Stick Clone Update

Thai Stick Clone Update

We've got some pics coming up of clones consisting of TSA, TSG, TSE, and TSF. Just a few pics. Not much to see with them right now as they've only been flowering for 2 maybe 3 weeks. Im not sure. Ill have to get back to you on that.

Ive got them much further away from the light source than seed plant TSG. This should help them do much better, with no yellowing of the upper canopy from being too close to the light. Ive always ran out of space as they grew vertically and had to chop lots and lots off. Ill continue topping these ones to keep them short and bushy so I dont need to resort to drastic measures later on.





Dave Coulier

Active member
Afropips Durban Poison D Day 73 Flowering

Afropips Durban Poison D Day 73 Flowering

Durban Poison D is just a little over 10 weeks now, and Im going to give her one more week and as usual re-evaluate. Very few white pistils left to be seen now. Im just waiting for the calyxes to swell some more before I harvest the top and any side nugs that are ready.

Those side nugs are looking nice and chunky weighing down the branches. I had to stake one up, and I probably should have done more. Ive got some netting to help support the future clones or revegged plants. The clone of this lady is slowly beginning to reveg. I didn't get any pics of it, but Ill snap some tomorrow night and throw them up.

Now for some pics of this pretty lady.




Check out that beautiful spear of a main cola.. Mmmm.



Dave Coulier

Active member
Durban Poison G Update Day 44 Flowering

Durban Poison G Update Day 44 Flowering

I promised some hot Durbans for your entertainment, so here they come. First up is Durban Poison G. One of our very purple ladies right out the gate. Still very healthy and green at this point. Im hoping she'll be ready in 1.5 months or less, but the purple ones are the slower ones at this point still. It'll be fun seeing how they develop over the next month or so. Expect more pics as they do.





Just curious, but do you all find the progression of the pics aesthetically pleasing? How it goes from far to close up? If I ever get a better camera with a macro lens, expect to go even closer in.

Dave Coulier

Active member
Day 44 Flowering Durban Poison M

Day 44 Flowering Durban Poison M

Next up is DP-M. She's clearly the winner of sexiest main cola in this garden. That thing is gonna blow up into a monster over the next month. Im impressed. Im hoping she will be ready by day 75, but Im capable of waiting if need me..pff.

I can't wait to reveg this lady and train her into a more even canopy. Id love a sea of main colas like hers.



