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Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Looking mighty fine at 4 1/2 weeks Benji! Fantastic resin coverage too.
I like the pics with the seeds swelling!:woohoo:
Keep it up buddy, i'm pulling up a seat in the back!


looking like some dank coming your way...nice.
great pics..
cant go wrong with the ss...had it back in the day...excellent smoke.:joint:


ICMag Donor
lol....what can I say that hasn't been said already!

Your ChemStar was a unique blend of parents...that is for sure. (even got the nod of approval from Rez)

Had you been intending to take the DC and outcross them the entire time, or is it more the result of opportunity and availability? We all see there is plenty of frost building already; I'd imagine DC will do nothing but add more. I have to say it is a good call using the male DC on the Chemstar....rather than say a female DC to a male Chemstar...as I am sure I don't need to tell you...those female DC plants are MAJOR dominant in crosses, but the males don't always seem to overpower, but add the structure/resin of the DC still... I can say I am curious to see how that will affect the flowering time in the progeny...

How much more work (F2-3- Ix's) are you planning to do with your Chemstar? I'd imagine, the F2 generation would really throw some crazy plants out...maybe find a bit more sourish/lime-ish type of phenos somewhere in the mix.

Seeing these pictures though makes me feel like I overlooked something within the 420/SF auctions.....hate when that happens!!!

At any rate, bro....great work you have going here! Let me go get my stamp of approval....hahaha!



Look Nice Bro,good vibes from my friend of the other part of Ocean :smile::smile:

Big Beans

Beans Means Highns
ICMag Donor
All i can say is LEMONS...The smell these girls are giving off is fresh lemons, metalic and a fuel type smell not diesel but more like pure alcohol i cant quite describe it but its DANK..!! Hafto get my bro round to smell them im not that good at describing smells,,, all 4 girls are banged up with my DC BigBoy pollen and buds are swelling every day its day 31 of flower and ive just notived the smel in the last couple of days also the resin is starting to pour on check em out...

Also Crazy X seeds Lemon stinky is half Sensi Star, It seems like SStar passes on the lemon to quite a few hybrids. Good to know, as I plan on some breeding projects soon - Gotta move house first.

The plants look heavenly - so crystally :joint:

Whos inspecting you? Did everything go ok?


Looks super! I love the sound of the lemon smell, that is one strain taste I want. Good job!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
these are lookin dank so far. cant wait to hear the smoke report on these. there is no way you can go wrong with a cross like this.


looking superb BENJI,very frosty!!overjoyed about snagging these.popped 7 beans on monday,all popped and so far 6 have shown their heads


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Thanks for stopping by and the good vibes people just a few more snap shots...





