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Chemdawg 101


Active member
spanko got BANNED for TOU violations and outright lies and slander.
(He learned from high times,they're the best at this type of pseudo-journalism.

In Closing,
I,PERSONALLY,JUST got off the phone with Chemdog about 20 minutes ago.
Again,he has NO PROBLEM with my breeding Projects,and in fact,shortly Chem and Myself will be meeting up to discuss Joint Projects and some new ventures,Coming Soon!
One other thing to dispel a bunch of peeeps credibiltiy regarding their 'access' to Chemdog,the person:
Chem told me he hasn't spoken to ANY off you people in more than six months,including ogras,phil,jj-nyc,NONE OF YOU,not ONE.
So,all of you that've been hating on me (including,but not limited to,the above posters,)and talking out of your quasi-collective,self-created fantasies can (kindly) keep 'em to yourself.
It's a waste of people's time,and bandwidth,and irritating to all,to boot.

I hope that clears this up.


authentic Chemdog D:
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ograskal said:
Hmmmmm????..Is this post agains the Rules?????....In this post alone Rez calls Danny an assh*le, a pussy, and he disrespects him and Threatens him.....And now Danny is Bannned.....I didnt see Danny call REZ any names but yet he is banned WHile REz gets to keep on SPamming anytime he wants to ANd threatens and call people names at will....I also know for a fact that Chem isnt too happy with what REz is doing with the Dawgs....Will I also be banned for speaking the TRuth....????

Do the RULES apply to REZ too DG??????......
Yes, the rules apply to Rez...and Admin is addressing his posting demeanor with him. Rez just gets more than his share of trolls flaming him, others posting outrageous lies and after a while things online get the best of him and he goes a bit too far in his responses....could be more diplomatically stated points without name calling...but when folks are just out and out lying about things, and presenting these lies to the 'worldwide' audience of ICM, it gets to be an 'enough is enough!' type of attitude. Admin does not have the ability to make Rez or anyone else for that matter post in words everyone might feel better about, we edit posts when necessary, and Admin can if we feel it's warranted, speak to the member and let them know their name calling is unacceptable and needs to change...we have given many a member here chances prior to them being banned when we would have been correct to ban immediately.

Danny was given many chances...was warned via PM by Admin of his posting behavior in the past, as well as in Admin posts to him, yet he pushed his own final button here.

ograskal said:
I also know for a fact that Chem isnt too happy with what REz is doing with the Dawgs
I happen to know for a fact just the opposite.

ograskal said:
Will I also be banned for speaking the TRuth....????
No, not as long as it is the truth and not slanderous lies posted to defame another member and seen as flaming which is against the tou.

ograskal said:
REz gets to keep on SPamming anytime he wants
There's a difference between spamming and advertising done so by an advertiser. ICM offers banner ads and the opportunity for advertisers to contribute...so in Rez's case he isn't spamming, he pays to advertise on the site.

Admin feels some time off from posting will help put some things into perspective for Rez....have communicated with Rez just now and he understands and is agreeable to take 24 hours off and then come back posting in line with the TOU instead of letting others push his buttons for a negative reaction. So for the next 24 hours, Rez will be taking some Admin imposed time off.

See, it's not that folks can't defend themselves against a troll, it's how they go about it...the words used...a troll is a troll and they get banned...the one who is merely defending themselves, as long as it is done without stooping to the same level as the troll, can defend themselves or state their point without name calling....there's civil ways of addressing those who flame. Flamers will as always be banned. There's a difference between those who merely flame to flame, and those who get caught up in the 'anger of the moment' in defense of themselves. Is a judgement call Admin makes quite frequently, as other members here who have been previously counseled by admin can attest to.

This matter is closed, is not up for discussion, and if there's ONE more post made to further disrupt H&L's thread, it will be permanently locked.

Will re-open the thread in a bit, after it's been cleaned of all the trash and put back into order...this is so unfair to H&L's thread....so will split out all the BS and try and get it back on his topic.



Un - Retired,
Ok the thread is cleaned up once again and open for posts
both myself and DG will be watching it closely so keep it on track and behave



Un - Retired,
well that didn't take long
as it looks like theres going to be an ongoing shitfest here I'm closing this thread for now
sorry to H&L for closing a great thread but its causing the Admin a lot of grief to keep it opened and on track
it will remain as a sticky to though just for information



ICMag Donor
2 tsp Epsom Salts, ie Magnesium Sulfate, per gallon of water 3x during week 4 (or as needed during veg) will clear up that leaf variegation / trait.

Take the 2 tsp and dissolve in a cup of boiling water. Add that to a 1 gallon jug (or reservoir accordingly) and water.

That's how you "cure" "TMV" ... :joint:



Chemon 91
The bud was grown by two indirect friends of mine from Crested Butte CO. I bought 2 to 3 pounds of it in a month or two window and it was GONE. The two friends who grew it were construction worker/cowboy types. Never got a chance to speak with them about it and never will more then likely.

The NAMES came from the guy who sold it to me called it the dawg and I thought it tasted chemmy and named it chem.

That fuel diesal taste and smell to me at the time was like chem so the rest is history. The best part of the story is Chemdog and I were reunited in 06 after 16 or so years. I searched for him for over 3 years online and JJ from NYC reunited us after all that time. I explained my chem story on overgrow for mor then 3 yrs and in the beginning for like two plus everyone thought I was talking shit NO ONE believed me not even my wife and friends. CRAZY

AND... now Millions of dollars made off the plant that you had full control of... :comfort:... what justice?
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Active member
Wow $500 for an ounce in 1990? I won't pay any more than $250A in 2018 no matter how good it is. Why was it worth so much then?


Well-known member
Because times were different. It was super illegal. It was high end weed. People had money and pot like diesel, chem or lambsbreath cost that much. A pound could cost 7-8k. Slinging ounces for 600 on made you 2k profit and if they caught you you were going away for 10 years and maybe more depending on the state.
Back then slingin weed took big balls.


Active member
Because times were different. It was super illegal. It was high end weed. People had money and pot like diesel, chem or lambsbreath cost that much. A pound could cost 7-8k. Slinging ounces for 600 on made you 2k profit and if they caught you you were going away for 10 years and maybe more depending on the state.
Back then slingin weed took big balls.

Thanks for explaining. :)
Come to think of it I was actually paying more for weed in Australia around that time too. $300A an ounce was common. Weed is the only thing that hasn't changed much in price over the years here in Oz. If anything it's actually got cheaper especially if you factor in inflation.
I guess it's supply and demand as well. More around price goes down.
If only everything had followed the price of cannabis. In 1991 petrol (gas) cost 48c/l ($1.91A per gallon) now it's $1.50 litre or $5.68 per gallon.
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Well-known member
No problem. There was still 150 an ounce brick weed and 200 mid grades but the high test was 400 and the best of the best was 500 or higher.