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I'll never understand how much time and money that many Europeans invest in fishing for what most of us Americans consider a trash fish???? I'm not putting any type of fishing down but you would be more than welcome to come over here and take as many of those fat ugly and hard fighting fish home with you as customs would let you. Jon 54 :wave::wave:

I think that's the point, that carp are fighters.

And they are a "trash fish", but it's not like they're eating them.

....you guys aren't eating these things, right? I know british cuisine can be uhhhmm,, an acquired taste.

That pike vid is hilarious, what a dipshit. I can't count how many times I've reeled in 36'' plus pike with fresh wounds from other pike going at them while they're on the line. Mean toothy torpedoes. I've even had a one snag my lure out of the air 3 feet above the water right next to the boat just after I had pulled it out. Hooked him too.


New member
big fish, but errr, nobody eats a carp right? :)
Seen jillions of them around lake powell, huge... but I reckon they get so big becuase they don't get Et'


Active member
carp are tough fish. when i lived in pa on the river i caught em all the time. never new anyone that ate em . i have heard they are muddy tastin. i think they were smoking em with wood
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I ate one once, barbecued it. The flesh was quite mushy, but it didn't taste bad, it just didn't taste nice. I think asian cultures eat them all the time but they probably know how to prepare them, all the spices etc.

daddy fingaz

Active member
Carp's the traditional christmas dish in Germany and parts of eastern Europe!!!:crazy: ..think they keep them live in the bath for a few days before eating so they dont taste so silty!!


the main people who eat carp are the eastern europeans i know the people in prague have carp for there xmas dinner . when i was in prague a cpl of years ago the supermarket (tescos) had a big fish tank with carp in so you cud pick what fish you wanted .
the carp were farmed carp from fishfarms .
here in the uk we have carp fishfarms for re stocking lakes ect ect but they will not sell to eastern europeans as they are only going to eat the carp .

it might be best to get back on topic carp fishing not carp eating as i had my other thread binned as the eastern europeans ic members didnt like what i said ....

not long now till i can go fishing to the new lake i have joined roll on march 1st . i will also here back from the 2nd lake this weekend fingers crossed i get in ....


last week i got some DuoCarb™ for my delkim alarms i found i was getting beeps if it was windy hopefully these will stop that .

i will post up a photo in a bit ...

daddy fingaz

Active member
Sorry, dont wanna derail the thread or upset any of our European Brothers n sisters!

I was hoping it was going to stay mild but weather seems to have taken a bit of a turn and im admittedly more of a fair weather angler these days, but desperate to get back on the bank!

you got some rain covers for your delks aswell cheesey?:)


Sorry, dont wanna derail the thread or upset any of our European Brothers n sisters!

I was hoping it was going to stay mild but weather seems to have taken a bit of a turn and im admittedly more of a fair weather angler these days, but desperate to get back on the bank!

you got some rain covers for your delks aswell cheesey?:)

delkim dont make rain covers . you get covers with them tho for when u not useing them ... give me a sec i do some pics .

daddy fingaz

Active member
sorry buddy just teasing, they dont leak that bad :biggrin:, certainly not as bad as some of the more recent fox alarms range, had to bin some MX's i had, they were unusable in the rain and even normal use the battery wouldnt last 24hrs! shocking!!


sorry buddy just teasing, they dont leak that bad :biggrin:, certainly not as bad as some of the more recent fox alarms range, had to bin some MX's i had, they were unusable in the rain and even normal use the battery wouldnt last 24hrs! shocking!!

i found the only time delkins did play up because of water was were the battery goes . but i have the delkin snag bars . u remove the battery cover n reply with a better 1 . 110% water tight now . as for battery life delkim will last for years they only use power when the alarms are in use unlike fox alarms .

heres my delkims i also have a 4th for when i fish i single rod for when i go stalking .





ive got all my bait for the first 3 months or so now just need to cook some of it up .

ive got 25kg of pigeon conditioner
25kg of large hemp seeds
25kg mixed pellets
10kg tiger nuts
25kg T1 boillies ( baitcraft ) 1st time useing them


Active member
I've been reading this thread with a wry smile. Over here in Australia carp are an environmental disaster. Scientific estimates put the carp as representing over 90% of the biomass in the Murray River - our longest waterway. They muddy the waters through their feeding which results in vegetative losses, further compounding the river's problems. No carp is allowed to be released back into the water & heavy fines are given if you're caught transporting live carp. Hard to believe I'm reading about the same fish!!!


I've been reading this thread with a wry smile. Over here in Australia carp are an environmental disaster. Scientific estimates put the carp as representing over 90% of the biomass in the Murray River - our longest waterway. They muddy the waters through their feeding which results in vegetative losses, further compounding the river's problems. No carp is allowed to be released back into the water & heavy fines are given if you're caught transporting live carp. Hard to believe I'm reading about the same fish!!!

its a mad old world . ive watched a cpl of dvds of people fishing in Australia i would love to do it 1 day but wont because of the rules .
Germany is the same if you get seen putting the carp back its a fine you have to kill them .


Active member
All said and done I must admit I enjoy spending a lazy Sunday morning at the local carp pond drowning some worms & hooking into large carp. Catch 'em in winter & it's like pulling in an old boot. But, come summer, they put up a great fight on light line in the shallow water. The local Europeans eat them. I bury them under where I grow my mullies. Boy...when the roots reach where the carp was buried you have to stand backaway from the rapid growth spurt!!! They actually make a liquid fertilizer over here called "Charlie Carp".


Active member
wow fancy gear you got. rod alarms? i just look at rods tried thse bells once. those alarms would howver be great for catfishing here. i use baitrunner reels so i dont really need an alarm. how many rods do you fish with at once? here in cali we have to pay extra to use 2 rods an thats the limit. you have to buy a second rod stamp .and pay like 8$ each time you visit lake. fishing used to be affordable till i moved to cali


wow fancy gear you got. rod alarms? i just look at rods tried thse bells once. those alarms would howver be great for catfishing here. i use baitrunner reels so i dont really need an alarm. how many rods do you fish with at once? here in cali we have to pay extra to use 2 rods an thats the limit. you have to buy a second rod stamp

most of the time i only fish with 2 or 3 rods but some times i will put a 4th out if its a bad day .
same here to use 3 or 4 rods u have too buy 2 rod licences they are £27 for 2 rods ...


Carp are very plentiful around my city, and are considered nuisance or garbage fish. Some of the best fights I have ever had from any fish were carp, they are swimming tanks. I won't fish for them specifically, but it is nice to get one on the line on a slow day.


Active member
my local lake now allows bowfishing for carp. i am gonna be all over it. i need some fertilizer for my garden and roses


I'll never understand how much time and money that many Europeans invest in fishing for what most of us Americans consider a trash fish???? I'm not putting any type of fishing down but you would be more than welcome to come over here and take as many of those fat ugly and hard fighting fish home with you as customs would let you. Jon 54 :wave::wave::plant grow::plant grow::plant grow:

You consider it detrimental that they are cunning and hard fighting?