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Cheeseberry Haze Grow

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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
thanks all...

Sorry the thread has been a bit quiet this week, I wanted to get everything "in order" before posting the results and am now happy to report that besides my personal, the rest is long gone :D

ok firstly here's some numbers...but more importantly, I learned a LOT and you can't put a number on that :D

PP Coco NO Scrog - 85g
PP x 3 coco Scrog - 250g
PP soil Scrog - 44g
K2 x 2 soil Scrog - 48g
K2 soil NO Scrog - 44g
Cheeseberry Haze soil NO Scrog - 39g
mixed load of buds - 36g

total = 546g (/850watts = 0.64 g/p/w)

Overall I am VERY pleased with the final results, both in terms of quantity AND quality. However, the numbers above leads us to draw some rather startling conclusions about my first grow.


Coco vs Soil.
Well, the numbers above are quite clear in that my PP in Coco plants outperformed everything else significantly. In the case of soil PP vs Coco PP we see that soil gave around 40 and coco around 80. Indeed, if we compare my "best" performing plant to my worst we see that 2 soil fed K2s produced only around 24 grams per plant whilst the PP in coco managed 80+. Now you must also bare in mind that my soil plants were never fed other than what came in the soil (fair hot manure fed soil from local super market = 1 euro per 20 liters - a good feed program might have realised an extra 50% on those :wink:) Conclusion - if I had run 9 PP in coco I wouldve pulled a potentially whopping 750g!

Scrog vs "eu naturel"
Well, unless vertical grow space is an issue, don't bother! When vertical space IS an issue, Scrog is VERY effective at offering a nice even canopy which can be kept artificailly shortened and in this sense it DOES work. However, my own experiance was that my "freee standing" PP in coco performed equally as well as the 3 in the screen. The 3 scrogged PP gave 250 per the 3 (avg 83) whilst the no Scrogged plant managed 85g. I would also say that for the treatment and maintainace of the plants, the screen is difficult to work with as the plants must remain in situ throughout.

Smoke Report:

Power Plant.
Once again I'm singing the praises of coco here. The coco plants look fantastic, really perfectly developed and firm. Not only is appearance superior to the soil plants, but the taste is as good if not better. The true advantage of coco is that you can rinse the living daylights out of it. On the last day of the flush, I ran about 20 liters of water through each pot until the run off EC was as little as the water going in... if thats not a PERFECT flush, then I don't understand the concept...(yes I did flush for fully 10 days, that was just the last watering.. I also left the pots to go dry for 7 days after that to ensure the plants had fully used any trace ferts/nutes/elements)

And so the smoking... Everyone I give this one to loves it, including coffeeshop owners and seasoned tokers. The smell from the bag is lemon/pine with a hint of oranges. Sweet, yet chewy and a nice "full" taste", not at all "soft" as described by seed banks - which I'm happy about as I also felt that was a way of saying "doesnt taste of much". The smoke in a joint or bowl is smooth with a mild expansive effect in the lungs. The hit is a nice sativa up high. very chatty, positive notes, nice for social situations producing lots of smiles, chatter and banter ... whilst the initial "rush" isn't too heavy, you do find that you can smoke yourself into a bit of a stupour.. if you try :smile:

I only got to grow this one in soil, but what I will tell you is that she does NOT like to be scrogged. In the numbers above you'll see that the 2 K2s that were under the screen only managed around 50 grams between them, whilst a free standing K2 in the same soil and environment managed 44g... note to self... not all plants enjoy bondage :wink: Whilst growing, this was a nice healthy plant. very robust and resistant to mold and mites, always looking the "dankest" green plants in the tent. Also, during flowering, I noticed a lot more crystal procution from these as compared with the PP (and that's saying something) and I eventually came to find that this was where the bubblegum smell was coming from in the tent.

Well, after just a week in glass, I can tell you that this one might not be as much of a yielder as the PP it IS is a lovely smoke. It doesnt carry the bag appeal of the coco grown PP either (nothing does, that shit looks hot), but it still looks decent and has turned mostly orange after drying. The hit when smoking this one is much heavier than that of the PP and one I personally perfer. The missus doesnt like smoking this one so much as she says she finds it difficult to get much done afterwards (the reason I keep it for evenings and bedtime) I let this one go a fair bit longer than I'd originally planned, but on reflection am glad that I did as I am rewarded with a nice heavy stoned hit. The flavour on this one is really nice too, a mixture of earthy and liquorice (more like the smoking papers than the actual sweets), again a nice full, chewy flavour! EDIT - a good medicinal strain, with an 8 week finish, very easy to grow!

Cheeseberry Haze.
This was an interesting plant to watch growing, she had a completely different structure to both the PP and the K2. This was more SSH influence in it's appearence growing 3 massive long stacked colas, which at times had me concerned about mold etc. Anyway, given that this plant was flipped 4 weeks from germination, I think the yield is pretty impressive at 39g. Bare in mind that K2 clones given a 4 week veg only managed 24 each in the same soil and light conditions and it's fair to say that this one "could well be" a top performer. This one went an extra week (9 1/2 weeks) but for the result is well worth the extra time

Even as soon as it was dry, you could tell it had the "magic". all throughtout growing the smells have been wild and complex, at times being comparable to baby sick and at others like sparkling lemon candy. I showed this one to some coffeeshop owners before it was even dried, explaining that this is what I had coming up next and all of them without exception saw this one as "something special". After a full dry out and only a week in the jar, and the smells are changing again... what was spakling lemon candy has now mellowed slightly into a more "blueberry cheese" flavour, you know that cheese but with berry thing, well this one is very much like that, but replace blueberries with a sharp lemon tang which is softened by the cheese flavour...and then add a slightly sour petrol smell and taste.. well, you get the idea that the flavour is complex if nothing else :D The hit is an excellent speedy, energetic but clear up high. All round a very nice creative buzz, great for when doing your thing (whatever that might be, for me its djing) and again, very nice in a social atmosphere as long as you don't over do it... it's quite easy to get past creative and into full mind bend when so desired :D

Ok, here's a pic... I need to get my decent cam working again before I can get any decent close up bud shots though ...

This week I also started a thread for my new NHS test grow linked below and I'll also start giving full updates on the rest of the cheeseberries and the amnesias (hypro cut) as well

happy growing all
j :smile:


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Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Great results all around it appears. Sorry to hear your soil grows weren't as successful, but it looks like you found the medium for you in coco. I loved your toke reports too, very thorough and descriptive.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
thanks for sticking it out, KJ :smile:

it's bitter sweet isn't it? glad its done.. but a little sad too :smile:


ICMag Donor
Hey Jaime...great grow. Thanks for the run down on weights and such a detailed description of your grow methods/results.

Got me interested in Coco even more now....I keep thinking I can run that instead of soil, but haven't branched that direction yet. How did you feed your coco plants?

Personally, I have thought if I do it, I would make organic teas using guano's and castings and the works....but what did you do?

Great info on the CBH....I'd like to see a more mixed pheno seeing how you say this one seems to have a heavy SSH lean to it...however, I agree that this should be some SPECIAL herb!!!


sorry to repeat myself. More evidence for me that I need the space of a tent, thank you for that as well. This is a fabulous grow diary, congratulations on that and getting through the trials to the successful end.


New member
I thought I should start a thread as I'm all too fond of posting on other peoples but don't have one myself... well here it is.. I'm a few days into this grow and here's my grow plan.. I AM a first time grower, so all feedback is welcome positive or otherwise - word to the trolls - "f*ck off, go find some other thread to argue on."

ok all pleasantries aside, here's where we're up to...

NB: all "week" values are forcasted and will be subject to acheived growth.

Environment: Veg - Veg Box 50x55x75cm . Flower - Tent/DR120 (120x.120x200cm)
Medium: Coco and soil but NOT MIXED - running side by side
Lighting: Veg - 155w BLUE CFL + 20w RED CFL. Flower 2 x 400w HPS (son-t)
Food Products: Soil is pre fertilised so none until showing signs of difficencies and then once weekly with Formulex (I got it free with the root riot kit) - Coco - Canna Coco A+B/Rhizotonic/Cannazym/Canna PK13/14 - following Canna Feeding Calculator (unless underfeeding)
Other: ScrOG (to be set at 9 inches above medium)


5 feb - Pre Soak
6 feb - germ on plate - notes: 8 of 9 sank within 24 hours
7 feb - all 8 "sinkers" have popped on the plate
8 feb - 6 seeds went to cubes and 2 straight to soil
9 feb - 2 above "ground". 1 other cube peaking and 1 soil cup peaking
10 feb - 6 of 8 now between 1 and 3cm - 2 still in propagator, showing signs of life
12 feb - all now planted to 0.6 ltr pots
14 feb - #3 watered with pH min adjusted water
16 feb - #3 didn't like pH min - H&G pH down purchased. All seedlings being fed week one dose of 2 ml rhizotonic only.
18 feb - #9 has arrived - found growing in pot with #7 - has 3 leaf mutation
19 feb - all coco seedlings start feeding on 2ml a+b, 2 ml rhizo
21 feb - all moved to veg under 400w HPS
25 feb - some topped, some fimmed, some left alone to grow
1 mar - all re potted to 2 liter pots - feed now includes Cannazym 1 x per week and Seaweed extract 1 x per week and Mag Sulphate 1 x per week. plants are flushed 1 x per week


Cheeseberry #1 and #2 cube to soil at 1.5 inch
Cheeseberry #3 and #4 cube to coco at 1.5 inch
Cheeseberry #5 and #6 cube to coco at 1.5 inch
Cheeseberry #7 and #8 straight to soil


soil once per week half dose of starting at signs of hunger water once 2-3 days
coco light feed scheme for 2 weeks then normal


18/6 light for veg til screen 70% full (under 175w CFL)
12/12 8-10 weeks (4 weeks under 400w HPS and 4 weeks under 800w HPS)


#1 - #4 cubes to cups
#5 - #8 straight to cups
transfer all to 3.5 inch pot at 4-5 inches and start pinching or LST once settled in
transfer all to final pot (10.ltr) at 8 inches and under screen (12/12)


soil 10-14 days straight water
coco 5 days straight water

product info

Cheeseberry haze

Blueberry cheese / lady cane

Cross between a blueberry cheese and lady cane (Super Silver Haze G13)
Heavy sugary compact buds with a berry/haze aroma on a almost christmass-like bush.

Pure pleasure. Get ready for a new generation of HazeBerry sensation in 9 weeks flowering.
The Cheese skunk blueberry mother dominates in fast maturation, high yields and extreme vigour.
The lady cane male was the best out of 200 plants in selection and my most powerfull male ever found.
The balance between the potency and sweetness of this cross is one of the best experience u can find.
Very sativa looks, but with a moderate size , great plant body structure. easy to grow, colourful plant, 50% sativa, christmas tree type plant.
Blue, purple, pink colours is a normal tendence of this cross.
Very suitable for any method of cultivation.
Good for many medical applications

Type : Hybrid
Flowering time : 9-10 weeks
Harvest : up to 500 gram/m2(indoor)
Taste: blue and red berry haze
Effect : dreamy high
flowers : Dense and mostly colored buds
THC : Percentage up to 20%

catalogue photos
I have been using origanal blueberry strain for 10 years now and have never come accross that that cross strain b4.. Start to use bloombastic and 14 ltrs pots for flower and the resalts are amazing .
Good luck
"you must spread, blah blah..:wallbash: NOw that's the way to really finish up a thread! Briliiant Mucho :respect: jamie!
Gonna be checkin' y'r other grows/threads now
:wave: Low


very impressive my friend,,,good luck in your future endeavors,,,peace


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
thanks guys... after a few weeks in glass, its really starting smell and taste fantastic :D


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Great stuff Jamie, thanks for the excellent reports, looking forward to sampling your entry in 11 months time.... ;-)


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
hehehe... maybe even before that, should you be visiting this way over the summer months?

Ok time for an actual CBH update (Frank loves these) :wink:

I now have 4 females remaining. these had the most ridiculous veg time (for my set up) and ended up being vegged for something daft like 3 months (or 10 weeks, I forget which) before flipping. As a result, they are f*ckin' HUGE!

The photo sadly doesnt do the size of them justice but anyway, they are nearly as tall as me and in a 2meter (6' 6") high tent (yoikes). Thankfully they've stopped stretching though as they now just finishing week 6 of flowering. I had actually planned to administer the PK13/14 last week but did my sums wrong and so will start that later today. I have a get out clause on that, I use H&G's PK boost which is only in use for 3 days, so I get 4 days back on being a week late.. phew :wink:. They really look like they need it too. All the budsites are fully developed and the colas are starting to fill in nicely. Again we're looking at nice long colas although they've a lot of fattening to do yet. Some interesting smells in there too. I've found my "puke pheno" again which I'm very happy about and also another "very berry" pheno which I'm looking foward too.

A quick word on health and feed. The 3 coco plants are looking very healthy indeed and are currently receiving 1.5ml A+B (canna) and 1ml Bud XL (H&G). I also have one in soil but this is looking poorly with a Nitrogen deficieny. This one is in soil that is prefed and then I feed with H&Gs 1 - component when plants look hungry. In the case of this one, I've never managed to get caught back up, but I assume this to be because of the extra time spent in veg which my other plants never get and so the soil is that much more depleted. I gave her a spray (leaves only) the other night with some foliar spray. Much as I don't want to give her a shot of N this late in flower, I might give her one last dose of Rhizo (6-2-6) to try n make sure she gets through the next few weeks.

Here's some pics. Apologies these are from my crappy fone cam, my "regular" cam is still out of action...

happy growing all
j :smile:


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