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Cheeseberry Haze Grow

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Active member
Good idea on the fluros. Heat can really be a big problem in summer. Keep em close and you'll do fine mate :cool:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Thanks Hazy.. the more the merrier right mate? :smile:

Cheers Neon G. I figured it was worth a shot :smile:

Well thats them put to bed. They only got 8 hours awake time today. They'll be wondering wtf is going on cuz they've never seen a 12 hour night either :wink:
Hey Jamie
:dance: the CFL's have arrived already!! that's quick delivery for ya :D
wanted to rep ya fer this comment---->

the apple pheno sounds wonderful mate...

on the subject of disirable oudours... I have this cheeseberry haze in flower right now (blue cheese/SSH*G13) and it has one of the "funniest" smells I've ever encountered from a bud. My best description of it would be... Lemon, Gasoline and Vomit!

It smells really disgusting like some bad air freshener product from the 70's.. I Can't WAIT to try it

p.s smoking gold.. there is no other!

But it wouldn't let me so here: :respect: and LOL at the description of the smell, can't wait for a smoke/taste report then :D
and I agree with everyone else here..killer 1st time grow man :yes:

BBL, Low


wow the pp is looking spectacular! you're gonna be smoking it before ya know it. i'm waiting for my invitation to come in the mail any day now. :yoinks:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
hehee it's an open invitation mate...anytime you're round this way :smile:

thanks for the kind words all. your comments inspire me to keep doing everything I can to keep this grow on track. That said.. the flush starts tomorrow :smile:

here's some pics from today. I did the old "here's my lighter so you can see how big my colas are" trick... classy huh? :wink:

here's the PP...


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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
here's the Cheeseberry and the K2

everything is at 41 days flower today :smile:


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Ya gonna pull a nice harvest from those PP's I reckon..:respect:

And if those Cheeseberries really should taste as bad as that description ya gave me then..I wouldn't mind ya sending me some :laughing::muahaha: and if i'd find them to be too yucky to smoke (which i doubt :wink:) then i'd use them as a bug repellent!! :muahaha::sasmokin: thnx fer the laughs
Keep on doin' the thingz ya do and you'll be enjoying a nice PP harvest in no time!! :yes:

:wave: Low


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
hmm mate, I think the smell is too sickly to act as a repellent, I got mites after all.. more likely that the horrid stink attracts the little f*ckers

lmao :smile:
Mebbe if ya burn it the bugs will be going
LOL that'd be something though..repelling bugs simply by smoking some good ganja in ya growroom...:laughing:

BBL, Low


WL Harvested!
Wow looking amazing JS! Looks like you are gonna get a good yield from those.

What's the smell like on those? Distinctive? Extremely pungent im guessing lol


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Mate they smell very bubblegum to me, I hope that translates into the finished buds :smile:

(the cheeseberry we're talking about above smells like petrol lemons and puke :wink:)

excuse me a sec :rant: fuck shit arse crap balls wank fuck crap and arse!!!@!@##..

Damn cheap timers...

one of the timers crapped out and has messed things up... the lights are due to come on at 7pm (in 4 hours time), but I just noticed one lamp has been burning for nearly 20 hours. I could switch it off now and wait 12 hours before switching them back on but I'm going to take a gamble as I can't afford to run my lamps during the day time (heat issues and expensive electricity) damn I hope this pays off.

I read that plants produce the hormone required for flowering after 10 hours of darkness and this is why its considered that plants only "count" dark hours. In some threads people are talking about growers who run their lights 24/12... As the lights are nearly due to come back on, I've decided to just leave it. it means the one lamp will have been burning for 36 hours before it goes off for 12... I just PRAY this doesnt screw everything up..

(I've just set a reminder to check the lamps on and off every day for the next 2 weeks... this is the beginning of week 7 of flowering)
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