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Cheap bubble bag recommendations


Active member
My bags came today!!! thankyou very much for the recommendation AmishFarmer they look great and with the way I keep my tings I think they will last me a life time :) The Mesh looks proper too especially the 20 I can barely see through the fucker! Top marks for putting this un removable grin on my face! Oh and thanks mum for ordering them for my birthday! :)


Active member
So here's how those canadian ebay bags work. Note I scraped the 75u before I took a pic of the screen! *stoned* This is my first go too :)

If you want comments check my album :)

wow nice run, dreadvik! Hey are the canada ebay bags a heavier canvas type material with a coated inside or a softer nylon like a parachute, out of curiosity? what did they cost, delivered?


Active member
wow nice run, dreadvik! Hey are the canada ebay bags a heavier canvas type material with a coated inside or a softer nylon like a parachute, out of curiosity? what did they cost, delivered?

They remind me more or some kinda kite material they are thicker feeling that a parachute with square weave fabric and lined with a white waterproof plastic coat or a few I hope :) Nothing got stuck in the seams and it was a big ish run :) The seams seem pretty well stitched to me too

$70 + Shipping to Europe is $12.99.

They came standard mail no problems no extra charges and no peeking :)


Active member
it's about 14.6 in little sealy bags so i dunno maybe take off .5 x 4 for the sealy bags makes 12.6 and I just took a J out of it so that's conservative I think :)

Not bad for the crap quality trim :) It's on second run but thanks to our friends enforcing the laws of the road it dont smell great lol ;)

It's so easy man :)


Active member
2nd run wasnt too bad considering 1/3rd of the ice before and I treated the trim badly! Will post the pics and dry yield tommorow


get the original ones bubble bags i got em after trying to save some $$ on some payload that didn't make it very long lol they are shitty quality get the original thick also 73 is the best for me


try to chop it almost into dust when you dry it... it dries even and i usually wait about 40 hrs and is dry perfect with the softer bubble bags(material) you need to be careful they reap easily i think... enjoy your hash!! :D


Active member
All bags, no matter the brand will have reduced life if:

1) Stems are put in them, and 2) if they are stored wet. Sorry to hear some have had bad luck with Payload, mine are holding up just fine after many "mix in bag" runs w/ drill/wooden spoon and near 2 years. I have no complaints...

Be sure to pick out those stems (I know it's a pain), and dry em out well before storage. Also try not to get the bag caught in the mixer, that is very bad for any bag's health. Also try not to let the mixer hit the screens - (I mix in the top 2/3 of the bag)

Then your (place brand here) bags should last a long time, as you enjoy many nice chunks of hash... :rasta:


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Lovely Pic Moe Buds!

I have been drying roughly two days n crumbling so we look good to go :) The smoke from the top grade is like pollen to me, the high is very comforting even if I feel a bit tweak before i smoke it settles that :) it's a lovely pollen taste too. I havent tried much more than one of these in a day so don't know how it builds :) The lowest grade is much more weed tasting a bit like fresh dry sift and is more subtle in high unless you pack it hard hehe but similar effects :)

I will post some more pics soon. The first run would not really press when I tried by hand jsut kept crumbling but the 2nd run oddly wants to! At least the 2nd grade will :)


Active member
I think it is all a matter of care too :) twigs are screen killers! I use a nice soft plastic spoon too which wont do any damage when mixing as its designed not to nick the bucket u spin in cos its for beer really :)


Yeah, but the guy with the 65 dollar set says he's been using his for 5 years as well...so why spend twice as much?

Alls we need is a little verification..........
I'm looking at that site can't see them, can someone send me a link?


dreadvik i trys again how much trim did you use? I got about 6 grams from 500 grams of trim from my first try. Same bags as you got.

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