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Cheap bubble bag recommendations


Active member
So I finally decided afters years of finger hash I need something more... So I search for some bubble bags!

I plan to use a square uk food waste bin(25l) so I guess I need a 5 gallon kit? I don't mind how many different grades of hash I get but I'd like it to include the finest micron bag as I want all the hash! ;) So any recommendations?

Also does it matter if the plant matter I'm using is wet or dry or slightly crumbled. I'm guessing powdery bud and leaf won't work?

Also uk peeps can anyone recommend a good brand of butane to use for honey hash oil and a supplier? I have the extractor but haven't used it for ages as I could only find the gas in limited and expensive supply.


I got some off of ebay.$70 for a 5 bag 5 gallaon kit.They work great.Shipping to Europe is $12.99.

I think I used the exact same bags just tonight. It seemed like the last bag was the only good stuff. It was only my first try, so it could have been me.



Just go to ebay.com and then search bubblebags.I don't know how well they will work with a square container,they are made for a round one.


Active member
Nice one! It's worth a go if I fail with the square I will ask the local hippy lot if the have a builders tub to swap with me :)


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
I had a look at those bubble bags what would i be better of getting the 1 gallon or 5 gallon bags..?


Active member
1 gallon sucks bigtime. You can MAX 60 grams of trim through it without it being almost impossible to work with - a little more if you mix in a separate container.
I accidentally bought 1 gals instead of 5 gals and I can't stop regretting it.

Edit: I'll probably get the real bubblebags when I upgrade - they seem a lot more sturdy from the videos.


Active member
Just had AmishFarmer's recommendation bought for my birthday looking at my incoming mail! Can't wait for them to arrive :)

Benji: I'm going for bigger since I got a lot of leaf around here atm that I could do with processing then junking :) I figure that way i still got the option if i want/need to and will probably only ever process 28grams minimum. Seems pointless making all the mess etc if not :)


Has anyone else tried the bags from filterbags.com? That price is almost too good to be true compared to bubbleman's gear.


Judge your hash by how sticky it is. If you have to freeze it to be able to handle it and it bubbles when like crazy when heated S L O W L Y you did a good job. I like my bubble bags had since 2004 still work great although the work bag is showing a little wear. So I think to a large degree you get what you pay for. Think of it as a long term investment 5 years over 50 runs and still working great.


Yeah, but the guy with the 65 dollar set says he's been using his for 5 years as well...so why spend twice as much?

Alls we need is a little verification..........
While you can definitely find cheaper sets of bags on the market, IMHO you are better off to spend the extra money on a set of Bubblebags.
The initial cost is considerable, but as many people will testify, they produce a fantastic finished product. Ive had mine for over a decade now, and they are still like new. They have certainly paid for themselves several times already.
I know quite a few people who have tried buying cheaper sets, only to have them wear out or tear. One fellow I know went through 3 separate sets of bags in less time than Ive had mine, only to finally concede and buy a set of Bubblebags. Since then, nearly every time I see him he tells me that how he should have just bought the Bubblebags in the first place, and that the quality of his bubble hash is better now than its ever been.
Simply my opinion of course. It is your money to spend after all.
Good luck with whatever set you choose to buy, I hope they serve you well! :smoke:


Has anyone else tried the bags from filterbags.com? That price is almost too good to be true compared to bubbleman's gear.
Filterbags.com supplies different bags than filterbag.com but have use the filterbags.com stuff as filter socks for intake fans. Think I used the 68 micron??? They worked great cause all I did was cut off the plastic ring, 7" model, and taped to my ducting. You won't believe all the shit that's in the air until you use something like that.

Yes something like Bubblebags are probably the best for various reasons but it comes down to the screen used...which is VERY generic stuff. I've done work professionally on projects with filter separation equipment and stuff and screen is screen is screen.

The filterbag.com stuff is great becaue you get a HUGE amount of screen surface area and can do large scale production. I think the largest 'pull' I had from a bag was about 2 oz's. If you are doing small batches and want to squeeze every last little bit out the Bubblebags will do that cause the only issue with the fiterbag.com stuff is there is a seam where a small amount of hash may get caught but when you're doing garbage bags full of trim you don't care...lol.

If you want to get fancy and build your own sets for sale or just for projects go to some place like www.miami-aquaculture.com. The thing to watch is the % open area. The larger the % open area the better the flow but the less durable the material. You can go to someplace like Sefar for a better selection and better prices on large orders, most likely.


Active member
While you can definitely find cheaper sets of bags on the market, IMHO you are better off to spend the extra money on a set of Bubblebags.
The initial cost is considerable, but as many people will testify, they produce a fantastic finished product. Ive had mine for almost a decade now, and they are still like new. They have certainly paid for themselves several times over already.
I know quite a few people who have tried buying cheaper sets, only to have them wear out or tear. One fellow I know went through 3 separate sets of bags in less time than Ive had mine, only to finally concede and buy a set of Bubblebags. Since then, nearly every time I see him he tells me that how he should have just bought the Bubblebags in the first place, and that the quality of his bubble hash is better now than its ever been.
Simply my opinion of course. It is your money to spend after all.
Good luck with whatever set you choose to buy, I hope they serve you well! :smoke:

$280 is not justifiable even for 'lifetime' bags. They are nylon and thread. They're not made of hash themselves.

Now if only someone made a bag with the quality of the bubble bags but for a realistic price... even Payload bags are a ripoff (in terms of the literal materials / cost basis).


Active member
I can see why they are that expensive and no one else really makes one to compete :) It's probably due to the fact they are not sold in huge numbers so they probably dont get much of a discount on materials and with other running costs they need to add a bit on to make a reasonable profit :)

The bad quality ones are made cheaply too the machines that make decent ones cost a bit looking at sites, so the cheap ones are probably rushed on shoddy sewing machines.


Active member
I can see why they are that expensive and no one else really makes one to compete :) It's probably due to the fact they are not sold in huge numbers so they probably dont get much of a discount on materials and with other running costs they need to add a bit on to make a reasonable profit :)

The bad quality ones are made cheaply too the machines that make decent ones cost a bit looking at sites, so the cheap ones are probably rushed on shoddy sewing machines.

Payload makes one to compete (I mean.. if it works, it works, right? Aqualab carries both) and they're still priced silly. One guy on Ebay is averaging ~40 5 gallon sets per month.

They aren't sold in huge numbers... but you still have to balance price/volume with profit. While Bubbleman probably makes about $250 profit per set.. he may be limiting his overall profit by reducing volume. I'd bet $100 there is a better price/volume/profit balance to be found.. in the meantime he'll lose business to the generics and people will STILL be overpaying for crappy bags.

"Bubble Bag"(tm) quality needs to be had for an Ebay Generic price. :yeahthats