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SoCal Hippy

Active member


As I said before, though no chapter of the Lotus Sutra is negligible,among the entire twenty-eight chapters, the "Expedient Means" chapter
and the "Life Span" chapter are particularly outstanding. The remaining
chapters are all in a sense the braches and leaves of these two
chapters. Therefore, for your regular recitation, I recommend that you
practice reading the prose sections of the "Expedient Means" and "Life
Span" chapters.

(WND, 71)
The Recitation of the "Expedient Means" and "Life Span" Chapters
Written to Hiki Daigaku Saburo Yoshimoto's wife on April 17, 1264

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Words of Wisdom by Daisaku Ikeda

The Buddha's objective is to enable every individual to manifest his
or her true identity. In other words, Buddhism lies in respecting
yourself to the utmost, revering others to the fullest and making it
possible for both you and others to blossom equally as individuals.

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"The Buddhist understanding is that good and evil are innate,
inseparable aspects of life. This view makes it impossible to label a
particular individual or group as "good" or "evil." Every single
human being is capable of acts of the most noble good, or the basest

Daisaku Ikeda
Source: SGI Quarterly, October 2002

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Be resolved to summon forth the great power of faith, and chant Nam-
myoho-renge-kyo with the prayer that your faith will be steadfast and
correct at the moment of death. Never seek any other way to inherit the
ultimate Law of life and death, and manifest it in your life.

(WND, 218)
The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life
Written to Sairen-bo Nichijo on February 11, 1272

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"Attaining enlightenment is not about embarking on some inconceivably
long journey to become a resplendent godlike Buddha; it is about
accomplishing a transformation in the depths of one's being.
In other words, it is not a matter of practicing in order to scale
the highest summit of enlightenment at some point in the distant
future. Rather, it is a constant, moment-to-moment, inner struggle
between the opposing courses of revealing our innate Buddha nature or
allowing ourselves to be ruled by our fundamental negativity and
delusion. This unceasing effort to polish our lives is the heart and
essence of Buddhist practice."

Daisaku Ikeda


Mugi Washin! (Doubt Free Faith!)

Mugi Washin! (Doubt Free Faith!)

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!!! Just keep chanting it, me and my brother Socal are gonna do this for the rest of this life respectively.

With a great teacher and The Most Amazing Law to follow, we will always win!
(You can take a statement like that to the bank, CHA CHING!)


Active member
only you and SoCal easy???? well thats encouraging bro. Sometimes Easy your like a ping pong ball , back and forth, you are NO BETTER than anyone on this thread, we all are in and on our own path so step off the pedestal and bow down in obiesance my friend.

peace and love


Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


From one badass (one of the baddest mofos) to another Badass practitioner!

From one badass (one of the baddest mofos) to another Badass practitioner!

Bonzo said:
only you and SoCal easy???? well thats encouraging bro. Sometimes Easy your like a ping pong ball , back and forth, you are NO BETTER than anyone on this thread, we all are in and on our own path so step off the pedestal and bow down in obiesance my friend.

peace and love


Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

:muahaha: Yessir! I sure am one crazy ball bearing in the pinball table, but if you can't step up and lead and tell it how it is then doubt shall continue to reign! Going forward this thread (for me) is about Mugi Washin baby, we're gonna do this doubt free faith til the end. Socal represented first and I'm stepping up to the challenge! It is very hard for me to follow commands so please respect the fact I learn better by listening than reading so trust me when I tell you "this is where it's at!", the more causes I make to keep this faith solid for life the more it will benefit you and everyone else. I was just bugging out before again and then poof my girl is telling me she is here to bring me closer to Gohonzon and she is working for Gohonzon, sounded like Tom talking and it was her and I saw Nichiren in her man, those are the causes I wanna keep making to just lock in the faith and chant more than ever before. Plus when it comes to begrudging my life I do that shit unconsciously so it is gonna be pretty hard to enjoy myself, but watch me while I try my brotha!

Get hip to Mugi Washin and realize it is all about "Doubt Free Faith", I'm doing The Gosho study at my crib in two weeks just to show how Babba and me got the ball rolling with kosen-rufu and directly connecting with youth thanks to moments (not continually sustained) of faith. Now the next level is clearly taking the Faith to a Doubt Free Level, defeating self doubt and doing the most daimoku ever! When my life condition is this high, I'm CRUISING BUD!

So your in too Bonz, if you keep this up for life and never quit, that's the call! The question now is.... Will you answer that call? All it takes is.....

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Active member
i apologize i know your right and i have to get busy , please accept my outburst as a cry for help, i am in the fucking trenches, however its up to me to pull myself out and i apologize to everyone here for my gettin all crazy on easy, but what does it really come down to? i didnt hurt Easy? i just hurt myself.

candles are lit doors are swingin open



Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Active member
but at the same time i lit a fire and its gonna light the night sky

thank you all my brothas


Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Mugi Washin!

Mugi Washin!

Mugi Washin!

A - A - O!

Washoi - Washoi - Washoi! (for Hitman and nastalgia sake)

Nam myoho renge kyo

SoCal Hippy

Active member
EasyMyohoDisco When my life condition is this high said:
Easy, you are so on it! It's all about Life Condition. So easy but yet so hard as our mind will fuk with everything we need to do to become a Buddha.

When in doubt, CHANT. When you feel like shit, CHANT. It's the time that you don't feel like chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo when that's the time you just gotta do it. Just realize that the Devil of the Sixth is allways there trying to get one step ahead. The only way to crush the shit outta the Devil is chanting alot and maintaining a high life condition. No vacations or siestas when trying to become a Buddha.

T gave me a final warning in leaving that one thing for sure after making a strong determination and committment to change be prepared for some ass kicking shit to hit. Well, fuked up my back this AM, but hey. I am a fukin Buddha that willl not be fazed. More chanting, more Doubt Free Faith - Mugi Washin! Baby
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SoCal Hippy

Active member
The philosophy of value creation is thus a call to action--as we are,
where we are--in the cause of human happiness. It is from the effort
to orient our hearts toward a sublime objective that we gain the
wisdom and energy to shape reality, at each moment, in the most value-
creating ways. As SGI President Ikeda states: "The key to leading a
fulfilled life, free of regrets, is to dedicate ourselves to a cause,
a goal that is larger than us."

Source: SGI Quarterly, October 2006

SoCal Hippy

Active member
I am praying that, no matter how troubled the times may become, the
Lotus Sutra and the ten demon daughters will protect all of you,
praying as earnestly as though to produce fire from damp wood, or to
obtain water from parched ground.

(WND, 444)
On Rebuking Slander of the Law and Eradicating Sins
Written to Shijo Kingo in 1273

SoCal Hippy

Active member
The heart of the Buddha's lifetime of teachings is the Lotus Sutra, and
the heart of the practice of the Lotus Sutra is found in the "Never
Disparaging" chapter. What does bodhisattva Never Disparaging's
profound respect for people signify? The purpose of the appearance in
this world of Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, lies in his
behavior as a human being.

(WND, 851-52)
The Three Kinds of Treasures
Written to Shijo Kingo on September 11, 1277

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"Life is a struggle. It is a series of challenges and response. We alone and no one else determine whether we win or lose. Therefore, my friends, please be victorious. Please strive resolutely and triumph without fail. Your victory will ensure that truth and justice prevail... An infinitely limitless path unfolds before those who transform a harsh destiny into their personal mission and courageously rise to the challenge it presents."

“As the Daishonin writes, ‘Though evils may be numerous, they cannot prevail over a single great truth’”

Daisaku Ikeda
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SoCal Hippy

Active member
"All disciples and lay supporters of Nichiren should chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with the spirit of many in body but one in mind, transcending all differences among themselves to become as inseparable as fish and the water in which they swim. This spiritual bond is the basis for the universal transmission of the ultimate law of life and death. Herein lies the true goal of Nichiren's propagation. When you are so united, even the great desire for widespread propagation can be fulfilled."
{WND, 217- "The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life"}

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
In the words of Daisaku Ikeda, "Our Buddha nature is what fundamentally spurs us to realise happiness for ourselves and others. Not to believe in the Buddha nature is to deny the spirit of the Lotus Sutra, which teaches that all people have the potential for Buddhahood." and "Because our practice of faith is aimed at attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime, it is absolutely essential that we have a solidly focused mind or attitude when chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. It is like trying to shoot an arrow: Without a clear target, we will not draw the bow with any real energy or determination. In the same way, our prayers can only be realised when we replace vague yearnings with concrete determinations and confident daimoku to definitely accomplish what we hope to achieve."

[these two quotes are from page 46 of the book 'Lectures on "On Attaining Buddhahood in this Lifetime" - by Daisaku Ikeda.

and on page 51 of the same book:-
"When we change, the world changes. The key to all change is in our inner transformation - a change in our hearts and minds. This is human revolution. We all have the power to change. When we realise this truth, we can bring forth that power anywhere, anytime, and in any situation". ~ "Those whose hearts shine with a commitment to truth and justice never loose hope, even in the midst of the greatest hardship or difficulty. Rather, they serve as a bright beacon illuminating the darkness of people's suffering, imparting inspiration, assurance, and courage."


Doubt-free faith (mugi wasshin)

Doubt-free faith (mugi wasshin)

Doubt-free faith is not to be confused with blind faith, which does not exist in Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism. The Japanese term, mugi wasshin, can help us understand - ‘no doubt (mugi) means faith (wasshin)’. We are encouraged to always maintain a seeking spirit and continually challenge our doubts in order to deepen our faith and understanding. As the Daishonin says, ‘If you do not question and resolve your doubts, you cannot dispel the dark clouds of illusion, any more than you could travel a thousand miles without legs.’[1] On the basis of practice and study, we can use any doubts we might have actually to deepen our faith, if we choose to look at them from a positive angle. The same doubt can constitute an opportunity to reflect on ourselves, and to test the power of the Gohonzon and the truth of Buddhist teachings; or an insurmountable obstacle that leads to a decline in our faith. What is most important is that we always consider our lives and experiences from the standpoint of faith, and use our practice to the Gohonzon to all our problems. With this attitude, we will always be able to confront difficult circumstances in the best possible way.
Moreover, in Buddhism faith and reason support one another, as second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda noted: ‘Reason produces faith, and faith seeks reason. The reasons sought further deepen one’s faith.’[2] Together, reason and faith work to build unshakable belief.

[1] WND, p. 1031
[2] from a speech at the Soka Gakkai leaders meeting, February 1953


Those with "Faith without Knowledge" may lack knowledge but have faith and can...

Those with "Faith without Knowledge" may lack knowledge but have faith and can...


Bonzo said:
but at the same time i lit a fire and its gonna light the night sky

thank you all my brothas


Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We have to bring out the doubts to create the progress and refresh and rejuvenate our precious practice. You gotta suss out the demons and devils and then be fiercely determined to go above and beyond your goals and dreams. I friggin lack goals and dreams sometimes cus I'm too full of shit and caught up in the moment that I gotta vent, go nuts, let it out, then go forward and win!

The main theme of the thread is for us Bodhisattvas of the Earth to let it hang out there, uncensored and just work with our best friends, which are our obstacles and problems, and turn them into more fuel for our lives. The way to achieve this is as simple as chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! In the realm of faith there is nobody smarter or more clever than the next, the foundation of this practice is faith and faith alone. You can only shine the Gohonzon inside if you follow through fearlessly with faith and just roll with it. I got a friend that is just about to recieve his Gohonzon and the only thing stopping him is his karma because he has a few things to do before his house is ready to enshrine the Gohonzon but I had to remind him that we all have obstacles before we recieve Gohonzon because the Universe only wants to support our efforts with The Law and in the end it may turn out for me the fame and fortune I dream about from time to time are the obstacles I can use to soldify my faith every next time the going gets rough. Cus the Rough get GOING and I'm a kosen-rufu rough rider til the end.

I'm gonna make this study meeting at my home the launching point for my new mission to realize unlimited benefit in the Mentor Disciple realationship and Soka Spirit respectively. I'm gonna turn poisons into medicine and create itai doshin in my district and in my life, by golly WE ALL WILL, so long as we keep chanting and chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Itai Doshin means many in body and one in mind, that is the meaning of this thread.

Myoho-renge-kyo! all the way!!!!!!!
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