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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam myoho renge kyo
Great news scegy:)

Could I get some chants for my best buddy Silas.
Nam myoho renge kyo


Active member
Hi everybody! I hope you all doing very well! It sounds like it.

Easy, and everyone.

Why is that when you have good intentions and love in your heart for each and every being that bad things and jealous people still come at you. Do one look week when they are good on the inside and out. I always wonder what I feel when I see a really good person. Do they annoy me or do I truly feel good for that person. Do I wish them more good. Or do I say "look at that big dummy". I'm trying to figure out why when I go through life with pure Boddhisatva thoughts that bad rolls my way. It is like we have vowed to battle the evil force by being chanters..We're on the front lines. I really am amazed at the magnetic attraction of both the good and the bad that we endure.


Active member
Your Words are solid gold, Easy, I swear they are!

Congrats, Scegy!

Roll it up sceg! That is all you have to do! Ya Man!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Put my old dog, Silas, down today. Took him out in the woods and buried him this evening. An act of compassion. But a hard day all around. Thanks for always being here friends.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Active member
hey everybody!

thank you all !

myoho i did threw the gohonzons since my mentor agreed to that, and the printed gohonzons can't even compare to the one i have now.--> they have always reminded me on that guy that is just like an mad scientist that spends his life explaining things and not enjoying them --> i don't want to throw my life away dealing with unimportant detailes that reveal themselves in time without us busting our brains out..patience is always good, i must let the truth reveal by itself to me, there is just no other way if you want to be objective on what you accept as "truth"

in my experience, the truth was/is/will be always relative, which is awsome as it gives us the power of choice and possibilities that fill our lives

i've read your story and ur doubts....man i'm full of them, but i try to cut the BS and just do what i feel that helps me. and that ofcourse is interacting with other members, and i love to meet the european leaders since they'r always full of compassion

it's all odd to me in a way, but i know that's because faith was always a stranger to me

i mean....just the last day while i was building my butsudan, i was thinking on how much money i've spent on it....and then i though well fuck it, i spend lots and lots of money on my weed machine and i don't even respect weed to the point i respect LIFE, so why not on something that is already even more valuable to me then weed?

i'm having rough days with my gf and i'm kind off unable to read and digest all your posts and i'm gonna re-read them when i get to a better state no worries!

i'll just keep moving on, science hasn't proved much to me in my life, i must at least for once try to make my own effort, and always try to remember how the scientists will give me eternal life and build me a condo on the moon...or maybe mars? oh i guess THEN i'll be happy!

bubba: we cannot stop loving the loved ones, it's a gift

love you people of the Universe!
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The wheel of karma has spun my way in a very big way. I've always tried to spread love and understanding where ever i go. Today i think some of this has come back my way.

Will i sit back and enjoy all this? well a little ;) but i shall magnify my mission 100 fold!

Nam myoho renge kyo!


Babbabud said:
Put my old dog, Silas, down today. Took him out in the woods and buried him this evening. An act of compassion. But a hard day all around. Thanks for always being here friends.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

That was Ms.Babba's baby and your son. I know he gained a lot from your practice and he is now totally with all of us all the time. This one is a big blow for us too and Little Miss MyohoDisco is very upset too about it. We love you all.



Babbabud said:
Put my old dog, Silas, down today. Took him out in the woods and buried him this evening. An act of compassion. But a hard day all around. Thanks for always being here friends.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

sorry for your loss


Hitman said:
Hi everybody! I hope you all doing very well! It sounds like it.

Easy, and everyone.

Why is that when you have good intentions and love in your heart for each and every being that bad things and jealous people still come at you. Do one look week when they are good on the inside and out. I always wonder what I feel when I see a really good person. Do they annoy me or do I truly feel good for that person. Do I wish them more good. Or do I say "look at that big dummy". I'm trying to figure out why when I go through life with pure Boddhisatva thoughts that bad rolls my way. It is like we have vowed to battle the evil force by being chanters..We're on the front lines. I really am amazed at the magnetic attraction of both the good and the bad that we endure.

Hitman, me2 brother, I was coasting at my job for the past seven months and this silly kid came to me and said I was talking smack about the Owner of our company in the gym locker room and someone told his sister and I could be fired for it. I told him I didn't say anything and felt uncomfortable when it happened on tuesday and wednesday and as I thought about what happened I began to realize that I'm much happier and get along with everyone at my job and the Buddhism makes this dude start envying my high lifecondition and others with a weaker sense of self than me get intimidated and even though I'm on an island of a department that has nothing to do with anyone else, I can see through my daimoku that I have to just keep keeping on. We endure a helluva alot in this life, you said it Hitman.

Trust in Gohonzon is what I'm trying my best to do when the going gets rough, it is hard since I'm still new at this to really put the practice on a pedestal during the toughest moments but the key is to just keep at it. We are so grateful of this thread, our teachers here and I never hope to go against my better judgment and follow some other person or whatever when I got this perfect Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

We got The Perfect Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! and that's our ticket across the sea of suffering!

We can't be foolish and waste time, let's get to it!

SoCal Hippy

Active member
PassTheDoobie says:

God I love you guys! I can't wait to get home to really have access to the computer to respond to everyone! Chant for Desi!!! Saturday is supposed to be his day! You know the shit is hitting the fan at the crucial moment.

It's the way it is. It is how we demonstrate the power of faith! It is how we develop our lives! WE VOLUNTEERED TO ENTER THE SEA OF SUFFERING! We are Buddhas--every single one of us. Hit, no figure in the history of the endeavor to seek enlightenment in a single lifetime has ever avoided these trials.

Their appearance is to guarantee our success, that our prayer for enlightenment in our present form can be accomplished. Without these challenges, we would fail to make the causes to achieve this precious goal. We could not accomplish our mission to lead others from the Sea of Suffering of the Saha World through the example of our lives.

Because you are challenged by shit, you can reveal your Buddha Nature. In the absence of the shit, it would all be theoretical. What makes the Power of the Law so incredible? It is the power to turn poison into medicine. How can we demonstrate the medicine without the poison? THE POISON IS OUR "GOOD FRIEND"!

Never regret its presence. Without it, there is no attainment of enlightenment in our present form. "Thank you shit! Without you I could not rid myself of the poison in my life!"

Frankly, shit is my friend. It is my very good friend. Without the hardhips that he overcame, the Daishonin could never have revealed himself to be Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law. It's the same with us.

All of our lives are an extension of His. We are ALL Thus Come Ones of Original Enlightenment, eternally endowed with the Three Bodies. ALL OF US! Were this not true, we could not chant the Daimoku. Period.

Congratulations to all of you dealing with shit! Way to go Scegy! You 'da Man MyohoDisco! My prayers are with you Bud! Keep growing Hitman! Congratulation Dr. K. Keep the doors open Bonz! (Can I hear a great big "POP" please Homey?)

Let's keep remembering....

Don't be afraid!
Don't be defeated!
Victory of GOLD!

I bow in humble obeisance,



I gotta take the bull by the horns and lead us to Victory! Count on me for it!

I gotta take the bull by the horns and lead us to Victory! Count on me for it!

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Guess who is gonna be the new Soka Spirit Area Leader, OHH YEAH THAT'S ME!!! OOHH YEAH! I had a great great meeting tonight and in attendance were members that have been practicing for over 40 years! WOoooHOOOoo! They were supporting me and revolving the meeting around us (youth)! I felt the compassion of the Daishonin in all of them, it was like a Sun arose in my life!

Remember a couple months ago I circulated an email about my issues with Soka Spirit. A member who is a chapter leader completely agreed with me and didn't get a chance to tell me until tonight after a couple beers! YES! Big big things just beyond the horizon! He even told me that he agrees so much we me that it is Mystic and also he was impressed with what I shared with the guys and gals at the bar after the meeting regarding how to practice correctly! Someone's gotta tell them how it is and remind them to take the best from others even if it seems like your trying to squeeze juice outta shit!

Then a dude that has his Gohonzon in his closet (seriously, he doesn't even chant and said some slanderous things in the meeting) because his parents are conservative Jews and think it is evil that he has chanted and influence him, and he was doubting things in the meeting like I have and I could see myself in him and he felt great to be encouraged by me. The dude thought I was about 6 years younger than him and I'm a year older than him and it blew him away how "happy and wide eyed with optimism" he said I look! I was just crying earlier today at around 5pm dealing "with the shit!" hahahaha!

Yes YES YES! Victory is ours!

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Mrs. Ikeda has been practicing Buddhism in this life longer than President Ikeda!

Mrs. Ikeda has been practicing Buddhism in this life longer than President Ikeda!

From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Thus, as we have seen, even those who lack understanding, so long as they chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, can avoid the evil paths. This is like lotus flowers, which turn as the sun does, though the lotus has no mind to direct it, or like the plantain that grows with the rumbling of thunder, though this plant has no ears to hear it. Now we are like the lotus or the plantain, and the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra is like the sun or the thunder.

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 142
The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra
Recipient unknown; written on January 6, 1266

WOMEN and YOUNG WOMEN TOTALLY ROCK! :headbange :headbange :headbange :headbange We live in such a great world full of Buddhas! I sure love it so much, this time around! Keep on Keeping on! :headbange :headbange :headbange :headbange


Besides chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

This is my practice and I do what I want. Whatever I represent no matter what other people call it is how it applies to me and how I feel it is relevant to who I am! Let's live free and dedicate our lives to trying to push ourselves as far as possible!

SoCal Hippy

Active member
EasyMyohoDisco said:
Besides chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

This is my practice and I do what I want. Whatever I represent no matter what other people call it is how it applies to me and how I feel it is relevant to who I am! Let's live free and dedicate our lives to trying to push ourselves as far as possible!

PassTheDoobie says: "Right on Brother, right on! Well done young man!"

Much love and deep respect,

Thomas (Bonzo where is my POP?)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
I really relate to what Easy just posted, SoCal Quoted. I'm pushing myself as much as I can without completely falling out. My job is not an obstacle, it is my lively hood. I'm gaining lot's of ground lately work wise, especially working 10 hour days, 7 days a week. I've needed this, but right now it's in direct conflict with receiving my Gohonzon. Our house is not ready for the precious Gohonzon the way I would like it to be. We are making an effort to make this a reality. I won't put it in a closet...please

It's all good, it's just my Gohonzon is put off until this house is ready, and this job gets completed. Working in 90-100 degrees 10 hours a days is gruesome for me. I chant and read at every opportunity I have. Please don't be dissappointed in me, because I have a handle on it all, mainly because of you all....... for my foundation that has been laid here on our thread........the best that can be!

I've been on this journey since I was 18, now 57. So my energy level is not what it used to be. I'm the turtle in this race right now, that's all. It's not the end of the world, it's just another delay in my human revolution!

A question: What does, "Never seek this Gohonzon outside yourself", mean to each and everyone of you? I need more understanding on this message, because it was from Nichiren.

My compassion to all who visit this mystical thread.

Love, Desi

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Hi everyone!

Bud, Easy, Bonz, Hitman, Desi, Scegy, Dr. Kong, and anyone I missed. Some awesome posts and serious breakthru's and serious shit in some people's life happening. Thank you all for sharing and continuing your sincere and seeking spirit of the Daishonin's Buddhism. With Daimoku and faith in Gohonzon, we will all win without fail.

Just spent a few unbelievable days with PTD here and it was all about Gohonzon First! Gosho First! Faith First! Daimoku First! Daimoku..Daimoku.....Daimoku. Can't face any of our dark fundamental darknes....the Devil of the Sixth Heaven...without a high life condition. I just can't get by with 5mins here, and 10 mins there and missing a day or 2, and on and on. I am determined from this point on to do whatever it takes to maintain a Mugi Washin (DOUBT FREE) practice.

Haven't felt this way in many months and sending out deep appreciation to this thread and its total committment to encourage all who seek Nichiren's Buddhism. It is time to show some "shock n awe" in my life and I will continue to try my best to share anything to the best of my ability, to all people the power of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and the Gohonzon.

Desi, your question is a great one and unfortuneately I don't have time now to share but will try at a later time.

Everyone take care and keep chanting.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

SoCal Hippy

Active member
The gratification of desire is not happiness. If it were, as Socrates noted, a person who spends his life scratching an itch would have to be considered happy. Genuine happiness can only be achieved when we transform our way of life from the unthinking pursuit of pleasure to one committed to enriching our inner lives, when we focus on "being more" rather than simply having more.
taken from an essay by Daisaku Ikeda " A Human Revolution: Transforming Our Way of Living" April 12, 2007


Active member
Hi SoCal, Couldn't be more beautifully spoken. Hello Bonz!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! Something good headed our way. When in doubt press on!


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