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SoCal Hippy

Active member
The master of the house in private treated us with compassion. Though
outwardly he appeared to be fearful of the authorities, at heart he
had great pity for us, something that I will never forget in any
future lifetime. At that time, he meant more to me than the very
parents who gave me birth. However great the obligations I incurred to
him, I must endeavor to repay them. Even more, I must not fail to do
what I had promised him.

(WND, 529)
Letter to the Lay Priest Ichinosawa
Written to the wife of the lay priest Ichinosawa on May 8, 1275

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Even the darkness becomes bright when a lantern is lit, and even muddy
water becomes clear when the moon shines on it.

(WND, 186)
Easy Delivery of a Fortune Child
Written to Nichigen-nyo on May 7, 1271


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Babba bows in obeisance to SoCal :) how are you my friend??!!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Selection Source: These excerpts are from "For Today and Tomorrow," a
book of daily inspirationals by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda

Buddhism is concerned with the essential nature of humanity. Buddhism is not found somewhere else separate from such beautiful expressions of humanity as appreciation toward one's mother and courtesy to others. As Nichiren Daishonin teaches in the Gosho, "behavior as a human being" that perfectly accord with reason is what constitutes the heart of Buddhism. Therefore, our world of faith must be a gathering that is full of affection and heartfelt consideration.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

SoCal Hippy

Active member
I bow right back to you Babba. Other than tweaking my back out monday, I am doing great. My days off this week are today/Friday so I will just be doing some relaxing and alot of laying on the floor.

Life as a bodhisatva is one of great joy but comes with a great amount of overcoming difficulties. I really believe that to continue this path you must always stay connected; that is, to the Gohonzon thru chanting and Nichiren thru the Gosho. This way you maintain a life force able to effect your environment in the most positive way and encourage others. Pray with appreciation and determination and apologize for past slanders of your life. I am chanting for all of us here to overcome our own physical challenges and those of our loved ones. Keep chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

SoCal Hippy

Active member
As you crave food when hungry, seek water when thirsty, long to see a
lover, beg for medicine when ill, or as a beautiful woman desires
powder and rouge, so should you put your faith in the Lotus Sutra. If
you don not, you will regret it later.

(WND, 965)
Persecution by Sword and Staff
Written to Nanjo Tokimitsu on April 20, 1279

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Buddhism is concerned with the essential nature of humanity. Buddhism
is not found somewhere else separate from such beautiful expressions
of humanity as appreciation toward one' s mother and courtesy to
others. As Nichiren Daishonin teaches in the Gosho, "behavior as a
human being" that perfectly accords with reason is what constitutes
the heart of Buddhism. Therefore, our world of faith must be a
gathering that is full of affection and heartfelt consideration.

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"No one is more wonderful than a mother. And there is nothing more
noble than a mother's heart. I hope you will all treasure your
mothers. Truly praiseworthy are those who have a sense of gratitude
and appreciation toward their parents. The Buddhist sutras teach that
the practice of Buddhism is the ultimate expression of devotion to
one's parents, and the Buddha excels in such dedication and concern."

Daisaku Ikeda


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
A woman who takes this efficacious medicine will be surrounded and protected by these four great bodhisattvas at all times. When she rises to her feet, so too will the bodhisattvas, and when she walks along the road, they will also do the same. She and they will be as inseparable as a body and its shadow, as fish and water, as a voice and its echo, or as the moon and its light.

[On Offering Prayers to the Mandala of the Mystic Law, WND Page 415 ]

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"The state of mind with which we meet our death will greatly influence
the course of our lives over eternity. Granted, if one is unconcerned
by how one dies, or if one dismisses any connection between this
existence and the next, then there probably isn't any need to practice
the Daishonin's Buddhism. But the truth is that life is eternal, that
our existence continues even after we die. Moreover, during the latent
stage of death before rebirth, we cannot change the essence of our
lives, we cannot carry out Buddhist practice. Only while we are alive
as human beings can we practice Buddhism."

Daisaku Ikeda


Active member
hey friends . hows everyone doing ? spring in the air near you ? i have just been working on myself ,, inside mostley , well i just wanted to say hi , and nam myoho renge kyo ..


Do not ever doubt your Buddhist Practice and Self Reliant Faith!

Do not ever doubt your Buddhist Practice and Self Reliant Faith!

"The Wise will rejoice while the foolish will retreat [in the face of obstacles]"

(Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Volume 1, P.637)

Hello again!

I have really been put the meat grinder lately and have not had enough money to pay my bills and had to send in partial payments, and I was avoiding my usual weekend SGI activities in the city (I always participate in the District) because of finances and also because I was retreating into the empty darkness of my "Turtle Shell", you know that place where you go to hide from others when shit hits the fan... If you don't your a Lion and I salute you! For me, it was a nasty reminder of what life was over a year ago before I started chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! and received Gohonzon. What led me to into this fearful posture? What brought upon such desperate emptiness? ONLY by being completely honest can I begin to explain the causes that led to this and the subsequent resurfacing of my karmic tendencies which clearly seem childish and indicate a place in this life where I may have emotionally stunted my growth and development or even worse slandered the correct teaching (which has been the case this time around).

*By Slander I mean, through my recently arrogant actions and selfishness I created more trouble than benefit, as I chanted for answers and results it became clear that I was disrespectful to myself and to other people and through that lack of respect I was limiting the power of Gohonzon in my life and putting down the truth or slandering the correct teaching of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Everyone potentially has a Buddhanature within them, and if I look down upon or treat someone in an undesirable fashion I should only expect the karma that comes with such stupid or slanderous acts.*

I lost my job which I worked very hard to get and maintain despite many difficult obstacles, my mother gets cancer and our relationship improves for about 1 week then gets worse than before, I stopped talking to friends in general shutting out the world, started sleeping in the afternoon and wasting time during the day and night (although I went to college and signed up to continue my studies which I abandoned many years ago), then I began to acknowledge "faults" in others and constantly dwell on them, then I began to blame others for my misfortune which all led to a severe depression coupled with all the other shit that comes with it. Three weeks went by without earning a dollar, and I was becoming more and more depressed but I still had faith and was chanting and even still I had doubts, that’s when I started to feel hopeless again. That hopelessness is something I have lived with most of my life, its my greatest fear.

Chanting was getting difficult to sustain since I was closing out the world and the only chanting I was really doing was at my bi-weekly district meetings because and home there seemed to be no motivation, everything in my life seemed wrong, seemed off but this time around I knew I was once again falling into my deluded tendencies. The definition of the word DELUSION from the Merriam Webster's dictionary is,

1 : the act of deluding : the state of being deluded
2 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated b : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also : the abnormal state marked by such beliefs

I whom have experienced within the boundaries of my heart and also in the physical sense the comfort and ongoing benefit of living in reality and facing my obstacles with an intrepid spirit in the recent past by encouraging others, doing some home visitations to friends whom need my support, spreading the boundless joy of teaching another the wonderous Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!, rebuilding and reinforcing bonds of friendship comraderie and family, helping others start and maintain their Buddhist practice and most importantly growing in wisdom and faith with The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin written for a lay believer such as myself in 21st century America. HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SOO SILLY TO EVEN FOR A MOMENT SLACKEN MY FAITH WHEN EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING INSTINCTUALLY GUIDES OTHERS TO ALWAYS STRENGTHEN THEIR FAITH AND BUILD A STRONGER FOUNDATION TO WEATHER THE NEXT STORM! This is humanity, we experience a range of emotions, events and outcomes. We can choose to live in the moment or live in the past or dwell on the future. We can choose to be happy or continue to suffer. I have made the conscience effort until recent events to always to choose to be happy and live in the moment, so why did this happen to me, why did I let these things aggravate me in such a way?

I WAS NOT COURAGEOUS! I WAS AVOIDING THE CORRECT TEACHING, I WANTED SO BADLY TO WRAP MYSELF in "MY BLANKIE OF DELUSION" and pretend that I genuinely have an "I don't give a flying fuck attitude" as a weak defense mechanism to justify the resurgence of my bad karma! I had to learn for myself that and by myself, not through everyone's experiences and words but standing by my own two feet and rubbing my beads together as I chant with earnest faith and tears running down my cheeks. Yes, when I went back to Gohonzon and "looked at myself in the mirror" I saw what I needed to see, I AM NOT A LOOSER, I AM NOT GOING TO GIVE UP! I AM GOING TO WIN AND I AM GOING TO TEACH ANOTHER THROUGH MY LIFE HOW TO BECOME BRAVE AND CONTINUE TO PRACTICE THE ULTIMATE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT AND ALWAYS EMBRACE NAM-MYOHO-RENGE-KYO!

"Nichiren Daishonin was also exiled twice and endured unbelievably difficult persecution and hardship and was able to prove to all of that an ordinary person can attain Buddhahood through dedicated practice and propagation."

(Living Buddhism may-june p.55)


"So Long as a person does not try to depart from the sufferings of birth and death and aspire to the Buddha vehicle, the devil will watch over him like a parent" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Volume 1- p.770)

Nichiren Daishonin clearly explains to us that as our practice progresses the Three Obstacles and Four Devils will assume varying forms to try and knock us back into the path of suffering, it becomes more insidious if you attain a self-reliant faith because then you will soon encounter these tremendous obstacles right where you least expect them, like your job your family, your hobby, your friends, your other attachments, et cetera. I have been bombarded in every direction and I am going to take this recent turn of events and convert my arrogance into confidence and not continue limited the power of Gohonzon with my limited and nearsighted thoughts and actions. On the contrary, I am going to expose them as I have been outlining them in detail and presenting them as hard evidence that the Three Obstacles and The Four Devils really exist and that furthermore, THE DEVIL KING OF THE SIXTH HEAVEN IS CERTAINLY PULLING ALL THE STRINGS IN THE WORLD OF RAPTURE BECAUSE WHEN THE GOING GETS ROUGH THAT DEVIL KING WANTS YOU TO GET SCARED AND FALL INTO THE LOWER WORLDS AND NOT GET PAST HIM!

TODAY I AM VICTORIOUS BECAUSE I AM RISING ABOVE THE ILLUSIONS in the world of rapture and learning more how to be a more effective Bodhisattva which entails helping to lead others work towards achieving Buddhahood thus changing my negative/destructive karma by converting those tendencies to run and hide into an experience that I can share with others who may be experiencing similar things so that others can also realize the Benefit this practice brings to your life and how you can fashion your own life preserver with your faith in the middle of the vast ocean of life. Your faith is key, so trust in Gohonzon that your daily struggle against evil and devilish function will lead to a victory for Kosen-rufu and always remember the key to victory lies within your life and not outside Gohonzon!

"Whatever trouble occurs, regard it as no more than a dream and think only of the Lotus Sutra," (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Volume 1-p.502)

Nichiren never wanted us to create more problems for ourselves through our minor hardships because by letting the little things blow up into bigger more dramatic things to deal with you run the risk of slackening or abandoning your faith. If you are anything like me, and you reach that point, I hope you fight to look past the minor hardships and the little things pestering you and see that beyond those predicaments lie greater plateaus chock-fulla joy and happiness RIPE FOR THE PICKING!

I am hoping these words help another develop wisdom to see through their negative functions, we are all different and have different missions and yet we are still human and belong to the human race. Let's be there for each other by standing up for ourselves in our personal lives so that we can grow stronger and help others stand up for themselves too.

Its an honor to be among you and know you all.

With love and respect,
Last edited:

SoCal Hippy

Active member
EasyMyohoDisco said:

I am hoping these words help another develop wisdom to see through their negative functions, we are all different and have different missions and yet we are still human and belong to the human race. Let's be there for each other by standing up for ourselves in our personal lives so that we can grow stronger and help others stand up for themselves too.

Its an honor to be among you and know you all.

With love and respect,

Those words helped me MyohoD. The honor is mine and other Bodhisatvas here. Thanks for sharing your struggles and enlightening actions. Very encouraging!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Therefore, we know that the prayers offered by a practitioner of the
Lotus Sutra will be answered just as an echo answers a sound, as a
shadow follows a form, as the reflection of the moon appears in clear
water, as a mirror collects dewdrops, as a magnet attracts iron, as
amber attracts particles of dust, or as a clear mirror reflects the
color of an object.

(WND, 340)
On Prayer
Written to Sairen-bo in 1272

SoCal Hippy

Active member
During our dialogue, his motto was Laboremus, Latin for "Let's get to
work!" Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism focuses on the present and
future; it is infused with the spirit, "Let's get started!" we
practice for the sake of the present and future. It is important not
to become trapped in the past; we have to put it behind us. The
Buddhism of true cause is always based on the present moment; it is
always "from this moment on."

Daisaku Ikeda


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Monday, May 14, 2007

Selection Source: SGI Newsletter No. 7202, 7205, The New Human Revolution—Vol. 19: Chap. 4, Treasure Tower 27, 30, translated May 10th, 2007

"Just as a spring breeze awakens tender new shoots of green, sincere encouragement can thaw a frozen heart and inspire another. Nothing has greater power to revitalise than encouragement. "

"The American author Pearl Buck (1892-1973) wrote: 'Resignation is something still and dead.' For this reason, a philosophy of hope is indispensable to our lives."

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

SoCal Hippy

Active member
The Lotus Sutra states, "[The doctrines that they preach...] will
never be contrary to the true reality." T'ien-t'ai commented on this,
saying that "no worldly affairs of life or work are ever contrary to
the true reality." A person of wisdom is not one who practices
Buddhism apart from worldly affairs but, rather, one who thoroughly
understands the principles by which the world is governed.

(WND, 1121)
The Kalpa of Decrease
Recipient and date unknown

SoCal Hippy

Active member



Guidance from Vice President Tsuji


For having the Gohonzon.

For being able to change my karma.

For being alive at this time.

For all the people around me.

For everything being a teacher to me.


Realize that for every EXTERNAL CAUSE (nyo ze en),

There is first an INTERNAL CAUSE (nyo ze in).

Every hurt, anger, frustration, or painful situation that occurs to me is MY RESPONSIBILITY.

My karma forced it to happen, or forced them to behave that way.

Hendoku Iyaku-I can turn poison into medicine and become aware of my own “Internal Hooks” that draw such experiences to me.

I ALONE am responsible for my life condition.


For current slander in thought, word, and action-let me not want to do it anymore.

Daimoku of altruism-chant for the health and well-being of the person(s) involved, and that they may deepen their faith. Ask the Gohonzon, “What can I do to rectify the situation?”


To work harder for kosen-rufu. (world peace)

To create value in the area of family relations, school, job, and activities.






Well folks the shit is still slamming into the fan! An old gym membership from my lady's past came back to bite us in the booty, we're really tight on cash flow since I was layed off and truth be told I have been worrying a little bit about money but I have faith we will be ok so its not as bad as I put it in words. But anyway I'll be specific, the money she owed was half of our bank account and the whole entire amount was restrained! She ran to the bank to sign forms to relinquish the money which was levied in our account so right now we are down to credit cards. I thought last week that I should take out money for next months rent and keep it cash which I never do, but felt I should do it so I did, and boy am I glad I did! So even if it takes a month to get our money back at least we got rent covered and some petty cash for gas!!!

So guess what I did right after this.... I came home and went on the sgi-usa.org site and made my first financial contribution with my credit card! Sounds totally craze but this was the perfect moment, I never contributed to anything in fact I have always felt like others owe me money not the other way around. I have volunteered alot of time to SGI activities and supporting members and the organization but honestly never gave one dollar besides going to the bookstore and buying things for myself and others including friends and shakubukus (people I introduced to the practice and helped receive Gohonzon) and never really felt connected to Sensei, just to Babba Bonzo Socal Leo Always Hitman and Thomas, and everyone here including brian leslie south fallen scegy tree dg and everyone else, and I would rather have donated to Icmag than to SGI but now its changed. I have had alot of support lately from SGI, its been great, I want this to continue for others and also want to give the buddha my proverbial mudpie and offer a good cause for kosen-rufu. This money will help others and support the organization, I know more about karma these days and the reason for my recent shitstorm is the fact that I have to change my karma and get rid of those terrible tendancies once and for all!

This Buddhism forces you to do Human Revolution, I truly feel that from the bottom of my heart its about god damn time I started "KEEPING IT REAL" by that I mean, The Time is Now to be honest and truthful and really do a great "house cleaning" and set up for a phase of life which will be led by faith and prayer. I'm going to be strong and shakubuku my mother eventually.

We will overcome all the obstacles in this endurance world and really polish our life conditions as long as we keep trying all the way!

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