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Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

thanks to all for the kind welcome . . . special thanks to Dutchgrown for showing us the way here . . . what a wonderful "place" of fellowship and spirituality and good will . . .

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!


"Keep your head up"

"Stay Positive"

"Do things you enjoy, everyday if you can"

"Encourage others to be happy"

"Chant and introduce others to Gohonzon"

"Begin Dynamic Dailouge with new people everyday and develope great friendships and reinforce exsisting ones"

"Toke, Eat, Drink, Have great sex, and do things you really enjoy"

"Its your life, you dictate the outcome!"

Just a few thoughts on this tuesday, I send my warmest regards to all, and welcome 3LB on your introduction to this thread, we attend local chanting Meetings with Soka Gakkai International members, SGI is an internation Buddhist Lay Organization which is modern and all inclusive, everyone is welcome! We chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for our happiness and the happiness of others. Nichiren Daishonin a 13th Century Buddhist Monk inscribed a scroll called the Gohonzon which is the focal point of the practice since we believe that the Gohonzon is a mirror of our own lives, as we chant to the Gohonzon we are "shining the mirror" and observing our mind, this chanting or prayer is the basis of our Buddhist practice and when we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! we are in our state of Buddhahood by taking the action to invoke our inheirant Buddhahood. Everyone including animate and inanimate objects have a Buddhanature and Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! is the way there. You can read more at www.sgi.org or www.sgi-usa.org

I wish you the very best.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Though the teaching that I am now propagating seems limited, it is extremely profound. That is because it goes deeper that the teaching expounded by T'ien-t'ai, Dengyo, and others. It is the three important matters in the "Life Span" chapter of the essential teaching. Practicing only the seven characters of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo seems limited, but since they are the master of all the Buddhas of the three existences, the teacher of all the bodhisattvas in the ten directions, and the guide that enables all living beings to attain the Buddha way, it is profound.

[Earthly Desires Are Enlightenment, WND Page 317 ]

SoCal Hippy

Active member
You are indeed an unusual woman since you asked me to explain the
effects of various degrees of slander. You are every bit as
praiseworthy as the dragon king's daughter when she said, "I unfold
the doctrines of the great vehicle to rescue living beings from
suffering." The Lotus Sutra reads, "If one can ask about its meaning,
that will be difficult indeed!" there are very few people who inquire
about the meaning of the Lotus Sutra.

(WND, 626)
The Embankment of Faith
Written to the ay nun Sennichi on September 3, 1275


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Life is the most precious of all treasures. Even one extra day of life is worth more than ten million ryo of gold. The Lotus Sutra surpasses all the other sacred teachings of the Buddha's lifetime because of the "Life Span" chapter. The greatest prince in the land of Jambudvipa would be of less consequence than a blade of grass if he died in childhood. If he died young, even a person whose wisdom shone as brilliantly as the sun would be less than a living dog. So you must hasten to accumulate the treasure of faith and quickly conquer your illness.

[On Prolonging One's Life Span, WND Page 955 ]


I went to my monthly planning meeting and was feeling a little down after spending the day at the oncology/hematologist with my mother getting the results of her bone marrow test which shows she has stage 2 multiple myeloma and will have to take some very expensive and strong medicine as a frontline salvo against the cancer. I have faith my daimoku and that of my SGI family will penetrate her very life and wipe away her tears and fears.

After the meeting I was going to home visit that member I have been supporting for about 8 months because I needed a little extra boost but, instead I was home visited by my respective division's Area Leader! I just finished a joint and was only wearing my pants and was really depressed and he came a long distance by taking the train and then walking about a mile from the train to my home just to encourage me and show me he has been mentoring me to be a Leader for Kosen-rufu consistently during the good times and during the tougher times like now (this is what I got from his emphatic dailouge and encouragement to take part in more activities and training for future). He shared his struggles and victories with me, and I remember this quote I post here recently regarding the 3 obstacles and 4 devils, since my practice has been progressing nicely, I had to reach another plateau and now I have to reach in deep and yank the fucking bad karma out by the roots! This practice forces you to do human revolution, this is something I am experiencing not something I was told (although I have heard it). This practice forces you get out of your personal delusions and find happiness. Boy did I ever feel happy last night, I thought of Bonzo, Socal and Babba and wished they would have been there with Tom leading us in gongyo and Leo and Always sitting on either side of me and hitman and moms right in front GordyP and SOuthernGirl sharing a Gongyo book and Mrs.Babba and Ms.MyohoDisco sharing another gongyo book and StoneGirl and her band of mini-Buddhas gratefully chanting along too and you too VegasBuddha, "if we weren't Bodhisattvas of the Earth how could we chant the Daimoku of The Lotus Sutra". We all have a Buddhanature, just look at what Mr.Wags and Baccus185 have done for the community, ohh and lets not forget HILLBILLIEONPCP and 3LB! I have this physical group of folks in my immediate area that I chant and practice with, but this is where I let it all hang out with my brothers and sisters, lets keep jamming everyday!!

My area leader cleaned out my bell because I had a couple buds in there as a offering! I kinda laughed but since he doesnt toke I left it at that and smiled. My regghees {REG GHEES, Regular Weed} (brick weed) was out on the table too and it seemed he didn't notice. I also chanted for more pot boy could I use a toke right about now! :joint:

I think I'll go do that. Peace to all.


:wave: Hello Fallen, Hello Treehuggers, Hello Scegy, Hello Southern, Hello Eagles, Hello Respect, Hello PersonalMeds, Hello Smiley, Hello Wamen, Hello Gypsy, Hello paq, Hello Capt., Hello TK, Hello to all!
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Selection Source: The Ultimate Teaching Affirmed by All Buddhas of Past, Present, and Future, Learning From the Gosho, P. 180

No view of the nature of existence can offer direct proof of what happens after death. It seems, therefore, that rather than trying to compare the relative merits of different views, it is far more fruitful to ask how a particular view influences people's lives in the present whether it makes them strong or weak, happy or miserable.

Buddhism teaches that life is eternal. It encourages us to use this existence to thoroughly polish the eternal entity of our lives. Eternal happiness, it explains, lies precisely in making such efforts.

With the view that life continues eternally over past, present and future, accomplishing human revolution becomes the ultimate purpose. When we polish and revolutionize our lives, then life is joyful and death is joyful, too. We will also experience happiness in our future lives. What else can we call eternal?

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Hi Eagles and Babbas and Company:

My mother's name is Rosey and I sincerely thank everyone for their daimoku, I have been chanting and crying and fighting with my daimoku to climb up out of this, money has been very tight since we live in an expensive place, but Gohonzon doesn't give me anything I can't handle and I'm getting through this and so is mother. I have been working on setting up my grow but have had alot of issues lately, like an ebay deal gone wrong and I almost lost 400 dollars I could not bare to lose and I lost plants to heat stress and still I'm hopeful for better days.

Thanks for the post Babba, I remember not too long ago chanting for Jolene's recovery and now we just for Jolene during the silent prayer for the deceased and she is in great company with my ancestors and Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson and Ted Osaki and Tony Matsuoka and your grandparents. I have heard our daimoku will send good fortune six generations into the past and six generations into the future whatever that means, I like the sound of it. Much love to Thomas, BonzoBud, and Brother Socal.

Peace to all,


Today is a great day to progress in your life, make the best of it with whatcha got!


I tried my best today to promote World Peace by discussing Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism and cooking a nice bar-b-q for my lady's family. Everyone ate well and now we're off to see mayweather knock out dela hoya in 6!

Wishing you all the very best, from the bottom of my heart, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Selection Source: Setting Out Anew on the Journey of Hope, Fukuoka, Japan, October 20, 1987, Buddhism in Action, Vol. VI, P. 225

Faith is the standard in all situations and at all times. Neither education, position, honor nor wealth is ultimately important. Herein lies the strict view of Buddhism that is totally different from the views that currently prevail in the secular world.

Even if one has nothing else if one follows through to the end with deep faith, one will most certainly attain the condition of eternal happiness. Even if one has all the gorgeous possessions in the world, without faith one will live in a state of darkness. I hope that you will keep this strict principle firmly in mind at all times.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Lets Chant for World Peace today and everyday!! Today is Kosen Rufu sunday. Lets put out some special chants for Rosey and the whole world today. So much love for you all !! Babba waves at all his friends :wave:
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo !! Like the Roar of The Lion



THANKS guys, this cancer has brought us closer together and the recent events in my life strengthen my faith in Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! I am doing my best everyday to discover and engage my life's mission. With an intrepid spirit, and faith, birds fly, people save lives, and I will have more victories for World Peace and for spreading the words Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

I did some shakubuku yesterday in the barbershop with an old friend, thanks to a Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! card. Shakubuku/ Sharing my devotion to The Mystic Law of Cause and Effect and giving others a peek into whats in store for them upon chanting with faith and teaming up with SGI family is really a great cause.

Lets continue to be sincere and be all we can be in everything we do!


SoCal Hippy

Active member
In SGI, May 3rd is Mentor & Disciple Day. Josei Toda Sensei was inaugurated second president of Soka Gakkai on May 3rd 1951, after the passing of his mentor and Soka Gakkai's first president, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi Sensei, while Ikeda Sensei was inaugurated as third president on May 3rd 1960.

Ikeda Sensei made a vow and plegded to his already passed on mentor, Toda Sensei, when he was inaugurated as the third president.

"Sensei, following in your footsteps, I now begin my great lifelong struggle for the Law. Transcending life and death, I will march forth boldly on a journey of world kosen-rufu in which I will spread Nichiren Buddhism to the farthest reaches of [the planet]. Please wait and see."

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Life is the most precious of all treasures. Even one extra day of life
is worth more than ten million ryo of gold. The Lotus Sutra surpasses
all the other sacred teachings of the Buddha's lifetime because of
the "Life Span" chapter. The greatest prince in the land of Jambudvipa
would be of less consequence than a blade of grass if he died in
childhood. If he died young, even a person whose wisdom shone as
brilliantly as the sun would be less than a living dog. So you must
hasten to accumulate the treasure of faith and quickly conquer your

(WND, 955)
On Prolonging One's Life Span
Written to the lay nun Myojo in 1279

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"There is no means other than faith by which to open our lives and our
inner state of Buddhahood. Faith is the most "open" state of mind of
all. Infinite clusters of good fortune spill forth from this unbarred
treasure house of life."

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"Nothing is wasted in faith. One never loses out. Please be confident
that all your efforts to help others and promote Buddhism are
accumulating immense treasures of good fortune in your life. This is
what is meant by inconspicuous benefit."

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"As long as our mind of faith is connected to the Gohonzon, our
benefits will never disappear. That's why it is vital for us to
persevere in our Buddhist practice throughout our lives, no matter
what, even if on some days our physical condition or other
circumstances prevent us from doing gongyo and chanting daimoku to our
full satisfaction. Those who continue to challenge themselves to the
end savor ultimate victory."

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Now, if you wish to attain Buddhahood, you have only to lower the banner of your arrogance, cast aside the staff of your anger, and devote yourself exclusively to the one vehicle of the Lotus Sutra. Worldly fame and profit are mere baubles of your present existence, and arrogance and prejudice are ties that will fetter you in the
next one. Ah, you should be ashamed of them! And you should fear them, too!

(WND, 58-59)
Questions and Answers about Embracing the Lotus Sutra
Recipient unknown; written in March 1263


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Friday, May 04, 2007

Selection Source: President Ikeda's Lecture on "The One Essential Phrase", Learning From the Gosho, p. 78

Our lives are the property of the Law — this means that our lives, our determination, which is an entity of the oneness of body and mind, becomes one with the Mystic Law. Our lives or determination become the wish for realizing kosen-rufu. We can then wholeheartedly devote ourselves to others' happiness.

When we chant daimoku with appreciation at having the rare opportunity to dedicate our lives to such a noble mission, immense vitality wells forth. From the depths of our lives, we tap the wisdom to encourage others and show actual proof. And our conduct, as the Buddha's property of action, translates into value-creating activities perfectly responding to the needs of our circumstances and of those around us. The basis for this is daimoku. Prayer — deep prayer from the very marrow of our lives. A person of deep prayer, a person who constantly chants the daimoku of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, is never deadlocked.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Selection Source: These excerpts are from "For Today and Tomorrow," a book of daily inspirationals by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda

No one is more wonderful than a mother. And there is nothing more noble than a mother's heart. I hope you will all treasure your mothers. Truly praiseworthy are those who have a sense of gratitude and appreciation toward their parents. The Buddhist sutras teach that the practice of Buddhism is the ultimate expression of devotion to one's parents, and the Buddha excels in such dedication and concern.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
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