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ICMag Donor
Freddie does this on my chest almost every morning. He has gone from an abused then abandoned, fearful, defensive senior citizen kitty kat to being my sidekick, going wherever I go ( a cat's motto: "I go where I want! " to literally following me into the bathroom and sitting in the corner cleaning himself while dad is on the throne trying to concentrate.........it's a wonderful thing to be part of this metamorphosis. If you have any friends living alone, or family members living alone, please consider going to your local shelter and finding the intestinal fortitude to walk inside and sit with the cats awhile. Let them know that there are still people who care. Everybody likes visitors, when we're in the hospital or jail, a visit from the outside is always welcome. Cats like visits too and the who knows maybe an empty part of a friends or family members life can now be filled with some little cats needs and you can absolutely count on that little cat providing that loved one, friend, neighbor, etc many many smiles, giggles, laughter, lovings and more which also then lowers the blood pressure which then betters your life. Like dominoes yours, a friends, neighbors, family members lives and the little cats lives are healthier, happier and longer. Spread the joy and happiness around!


Well-known member
Freddie does this on my chest almost every morning. He has gone from an abused then abandoned, fearful, defensive senior citizen kitty kat to being my sidekick, going wherever I go ( a cat's motto: "I go where I want! " to literally following me into the bathroom and sitting in the corner cleaning himself while dad is on the throne trying to concentrate.........it's a wonderful thing to be part of this metamorphosis. If you have any friends living alone, or family members living alone, please consider going to your local shelter and finding the intestinal fortitude to walk inside and sit with the cats awhile. Let them know that there are still people who care. Everybody likes visitors, when we're in the hospital or jail, a visit from the outside is always welcome. Cats like visits too and the who knows maybe an empty part of a friends or family members life can now be filled with some little cats needs and you can absolutely count on that little cat providing that loved one, friend, neighbor, etc many many smiles, giggles, laughter, lovings and more which also then lowers the blood pressure which then betters your life. Like dominoes yours, a friends, neighbors, family members lives and the little cats lives are healthier, happier and longer. Spread the joy and happiness around!

Salute !


Stray Cat


Well-known member
my adopted idiot male (Big Boy) wanted out tonight....bad! he cried and carried on for ten damn minutes by the kitchen door, so i finally let him out. mind you, it's about 17 F at the time, and about 6 in. of snow on the ground. i thought "that ignorant fool will freeze to death". ten minutes later, i stepped out to toss bird seed for their breakfast in the morning, and he nearly ran over me! maybe he aint as stupid as i thought...we'll see in the morning. supposed to be down to around zero and wind chill about -15 or so. lovely!🥶

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