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Cannabis - Britains secret farms


ICMag Donor
When the police aren't using a helicopter with a heat signature device,, they surf google street-map looking for condensation on windows.. get outta town... lol

We want that dudes brief case seed stash.. hehe :canabis:


When the police aren't using a helicopter with a heat signature device,, they surf google street-map looking for condensation on windows.. get outta town... lol

We want that dudes brief case seed stash.. hehe :canabis:

That dude got off light with 350+ plants when the judge realised that they were set out for a breeding project..

I want first dibs on the skunks in his case..

Seriously 1 guy had his door took off when he was trying to get out the cellar he wasn't quick enough to open it. He had about 4 x 600w and all the added extras and had 6 plants not quite into flower and got a slap on the wrists... the jist from the special task force was that they could tell from the labels on his pots he was a connisour.

1 guy from the task force said that the 8 plants in 1 house could be worth 40.000 + any ideas about the strain????


ha ha just watched it this morning extreme fishing was much better the boys at the **unkworks cracked me yeh you can grow fat toms and peppers wicked jokers were the fuck do the old bill get there prices from any one would think they shop in the cafes in the dam. feel for the guy with the fatbody shop with them donkey dick plants ouch that was a sweet setup one down a million still on the go .


i sent that lady who owned the website a message,

hopefully she replys, ill have a laugh.

I thought about doing the same but she would probably reply sayin im angry because i got psychosis or some shit ..its contaminated cannabis thats causing mental illness not clean cannabis , her middle class propaganda is bullshit because they dont want to admit it may just be their son is like that anyway regardless why is it in this country that if someone is drunk and coked up and kills someone they say its cos he had a joint the week earlier, how would it look in court if they tried to say someone killed someone because they had a pint of beer 3 weeks earlier it would be laughed out of court and rightly so its all propaganda and bullshit, if i was told i only had so long to live id love to know the main people behind the production of soapbar hash and grit weed and torture the bastards alive make the fukers eat their shitty hash and smoke grit while starving to death the bastards ...ITS THESE FUCKERS THAT HAVE DESTROYED PEOPLES HEALTH HERE IN THE UK...why do u think dr.Nutt came bak sayin its not bad ? BECAUSE HE USED CLEAN CANNABIS the government just make it worse not getting it that some people grow their own because they have had their health destroyed because of contaminants...to all icmag smokers nxt time some pompous bastard tells you your gonna go mental from cannabis (probably while they have a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other) just say to them SHOW ME ALL THE MENTAL HOSPITALS IN HOLLAND THAT ARE FULL OF CANNABIS USERS?? They will not be able to answer you because its the contaminats in the UK nd the propaganda that s causing this shit!


it was mostly anti pot but some interesting parts as mentioned before the helicopter bit especially although wish my missus hadnt seen it shes now extremely para lol
can't help but think of what a waste of time it all is think how much it costs to keep that helicopter in the air searchin for grows meanwhile theres rapes and murders going on


Just watched this while havin a nice smoke of cheeese lol

Mostly bull***t, but the helicopter stuff was interesting, also

The warehouse grow at the end was funny, industrial grow with a money counter and loads of indoor sheds. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!! lol - and some decent size colas for commercial!!!!!!!!!

Think that woman and her stupid son at the end have a LOT more issues other than cannabis tho.......... What a MESSED UP family!!!!!!!! And they blame WEED hahahahahahahahahahahah

They need to look closer to home lol

Anyway, if your from UK, DEF worth a watch

I used to know her son he was at a-level college with some friends of mine and used to be rushing out on mdma in the middle of the day on a regular basis, his mum kicked him out and let him back home on condition he went on tv with her blaming cannabis for their problems,:huggg:happy families LMAO What a bitch


What got me was the fact that the old bill did not use there own helicopter but borrowed one from the Leccy board that they use for locating dodgy cables. Whats that about ? Police helicopters not equiped/not sensitive enough ?


it was mostly anti pot but some interesting parts as mentioned before the helicopter bit especially although wish my missus hadnt seen it shes now extremely para lol
can't help but think of what a waste of time it all is think how much it costs to keep that helicopter in the air searchin for grows meanwhile theres rapes and murders going on

Agree totally they should concentrate on real crime not cannabis, i agree that it can make people paranoid watching a program like that so ive made the decision from this point on that im going to double my growroom just because of that programs attempts scare growers IM NOT A DEALER AND DONT SELL IM A MEDICAL USER IN PAIN, why dont they spend their time finding the criminal gangs who enjoy making grit weed because they are the TRUE criminals not us, they should be locked away for life, or maybe they should spend some of their time finding rapists , and religious nutters who commit "honor killings" against their own daughters instead of weed growers but no...they are too politically correct to go after that type of thing cos thats their belief....well what about the fact that cannabis is something WE believe in ...and WE should be afforded respect for that, Ive decided that EVERYTIME a propaganda program like that comes on tv im gonna increase my plant numbers and/ or lights in response. DON'T LET THE GOVERNMENT DESTROY YOUR FREE WILL.

daddy fingaz

Active member
wasnt quite as bad as i was expecting

No mention of what is happening in the United States as far as the American Medical Association's 70 year reversal of their views and sponsoring research. No mention of the herbs benefits to some patients..

would have been nice to hear at least a mention of medical use, whats going on in the US etc, they were even at the 'Treating yourself' stand and had pinky ride right past at the expo!!

, they surf google street-map looking for condensation on windows.. get outta town... lol

lol that was hilarious...no mould on my windows!!

..Would have been nice if they had spoken more about the dutch 'coffeeshop' model as regulation was the key behind a lot of the concerns brought up such as kids smokin and contaminated herb.

Those guys with the headshop either dont grow or were very good blaggers sayin things like 'homegrown isnt bad but the dutch weed is a whole other level' sat there with his G13 haze from Barneys!!...come on lads u got a head and growshop you should be growing your own pukka g13 haze!!!

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Very clever properganda bullshit....There havin a laugh. Government has lost as far as I'm concerned,media being used as a tool to hide behind the truth....cannabis is relatively safe and it's wise to grow your own. We must keep going,and if you have kids tell them the truth.


Wow I havent watched the whole thing, but was brought to my attention that the 'head shop' featured in it is very close to me.

I know one of the fellas who works in there, although sensibly he wasnt featured!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i dont know what some of you guys were expecting lol but i thought it was at least attempting to show both sides - much more balanced than most of the sh1te that gets printed in the tabloids. they're always going to have a few handwringing mothers. i wouldnt want my own kids to smoke weed before they were grown up - that is when there is a danger to your mental health from taking drugs - when you are a kid. like it or not weed is a drug that some people abuse just like all other drugs.

anyway i havent got time for this, im off to b&Q to buy insulation and window cleaner ;)



Well-known member
I used to know her son he was at a-level college with some friends of mine and used to be rushing out on mdma in the middle of the day on a regular basis, his mum kicked him out and let him back home on condition he went on tv with her blaming cannabis for their problems,:huggg:happy families LMAO What a bitch

LOL...I thought he'd been tootin meth the state he was described as. Walkin round stinkin of piss....fool. Middle class bullshit, fuck the lot of em.

Gonna wrap up a spliff of super potent skunk cannabis.


Turn your TVs off people... it's like creating a slue for sewage straight into your living room. I can come round and do a poop in your living room everyday for half the license fee if you like, save a bit of £$. I decided to throw mine out a while back.

The only reasonable 'drug' related BBC broadcast I saw recently was the thing with George Lamb about legal highs. He's quite impartial about the whole affair, and being a bit of a 'dabler' in his youth, he decides to embark on an experience of himself and chooses salvia. Highly amusing when it takes effect.


i dont know what some of you guys were expecting lol but i thought it was at least attempting to show both sides - much more balanced than most of the sh1te that gets printed in the tabloids. they're always going to have a few handwringing mothers. i wouldnt want my own kids to smoke weed before they were grown up - that is when there is a danger to your mental health from taking drugs - when you are a kid. like it or not weed is a drug that some people abuse just like all other drugs.

anyway i havent got time for this, im off to b&Q to buy insulation and window cleaner ;)


Yeah i think it was a pretty good program that showed both sides, the presenter didnt fall into the trap of making a program for the BBC so then having to be biased & conservative, he stayed in the middle & i loved how he reiterated the point that most growers grow as a hobby for personal use, and that its a bit silly that once you put a legal seed into a legal soil pot, it suddenly becomes illegal.

I think the program generally showed that the only way forward is legalisation & regulation/taxing, otherwise criminals are always gonna have the upper hand. Of course theres stories about people losing their mind, its inevitable & parltly true aswell, but it did say that scientists have said its less harmful than alcohol.

I was a bit disheartened when i saw that guy towards the end get his door kicked on, for a really small hobby setup, the helicopter thing worried me aswell cause you could see those HID's glowing very very brightly, theres nothing else they couldve been but grow lights, plus on average they bust 8 grows a day!

When i saw that poor old man who obviously loved his hobby of horticulture when he was looking at his seeds, saying ' i can't grow them anymore' i was welling up...

I think it was a good program & maybe even a step forward in some ways... if anything they exposed the idiocy of the government cause towards the end they said at least 2 times that the government rejected scientific proof that cannbis isn't harmful, i got the feeling you guys who are complaining about it didnt watch the whole thing & just got your knickers in a twist over the 1st ten minutes...

Open Eyes

I did watch the whole thing and my impression was that was put out to scare people.

I got the impression that the guy who got kicked out of his house was coached to say Skunk instead of what he really wanted to say which was weed or dope.

This whole program was mostly anti-pot propaganda with hardly any REAL evidence of what this herb is all about. That it can be used medicinally and safely, that it can be grown at home with little expense, that it can replace a myriad of toxic, dangerous and harmful, pharmaceuticals just for starters. There was no mention of any US movements but then again with the title being Britain's cannabis farms that is to be expected.

If you timed all the negative air-time that was given to cannabis and add up what was said positively about cannabis you cant help but think that this program was biased.




Hi folks, Sounds interesting this...

Cannabis: Britain's Secret Farms

airing on BBC 3 - (tomorrow) Thursday 21st Jan at 9pm

In 2002, Britain produced 15 per cent of its own cannabis. In 2010 that figure is 90 per cent, and police around the country raid at least three factories every day. Organised gangs are cashing in on widespread demand for cannabis among Britain's youth by setting up sophisticated factories in suburban homes and disused warehouses. Research shows a third of the UK's 15-year-olds have tried cannabis and a quarter of young people aged 16-24 smoke it regularly.
Presenter Rickie Haywood-Williams journeys beyond the scaremongering headlines to find out the true impact of the UK's skunk-smoking habit. Rickie accompanies Avon and Somerset police on raids, and rides in a heat-seeking helicopter as it uncovers cannabis farms with hi-tech thermal imaging equipment. He also meets a landlord who was horrified to find his tenant was in fact part of an organised gang who were farming cannabis in every bedroom of his house.
Rickie's journey also includes a trip to Amsterdam and meetings with some of the UK's three million smokers, from those who fiercely defend their habit to others who regret the effect it has had on their lives.

Hopefully not more of this 'killer skunk' b.s




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