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Court date april 7th, indiana. Possession of 8th. Assuming i get tested is it gonna happen on my court date, or a later time? Anywho i need to know when or if i can have a last dance w/ mary jane before i hafta fly str8. Ive smoked for a solid two years, stopping maybe 2 weeks max during the entire time period. Am i safe to toke a couple more times or should i focus on cleaning myself out?

5'11, 160lb. Cant say i have more than 10% bodyfat. I work out 5 days a week heavy lifting ball bustin workouts. I take NO Xplode Daily before i work out, as well as multivitamin enriched recovery shakes.

Thats GOTTA do somethin to speed up the process no? BUT, ive heard THC has a half-life in your system and there isnt anything you can do to speed it up either..


i`ll have to guess, but if you smoke 1-2 grams a day, it should take you 7-10 days to test clean.. THC stores in your fat. the fatter you are, the longer it will take to test clean. drink plenty of water to dilute the urine and take a B-complex multi-vitamin to make your urine look yellow and non-diluted. If the officer asks you why you urine is diluted and filled with vitamin B, tell them you are not breaking the law and you are trying to stay healthy in the gym.

i would suggest not to risk it and buy some instant THC test kits. They only cost about $1-$2 each.. hell of an investment if you need it.


cheers buddy :rasta:


Much appreciated. 7-10 days is a lot shorter than ive heard from most sources, especially for someone smoking a couple bowls a day. Any other opinions are appreciated as well!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
If your really concerned stop now and start detoxing your system. The higher metabalism the faster you can detox


ICMag Donor
Depending on your metabolism, it should take approximatey 28 days for the THC to clean out of your fat cells. You might get clean in 21 days if you have a very fast metabolism...


Work on getting clean and forget about MJ for a while. Why risk it? Our legal system is so shitty who knows what they are going to do. If you smoked every day for two years I don't see you passing without going 30 days. This comes from 5 years of experience and hundreds $ in home drug testing kits. Sweating helps, but it wont shave weeks off if you smoked for two years straight. If you HAVE to have one last smoke I would do it ASAP...but your not making any easier on yourself to get in the habit of not being high all the time which is hella more hard than trying to pass a test.


you are the poster boy for best case scenario. big muscles big metabolism the best thing you can do. I would quit asap as you would be classified as chronic, long term, habitual user...join the club... and it can reside for up to 90 days for extreme cases especially in obese inactive users which you definitely are not. do whatever you can to increase metabolism even more. add on 45 minutes of cardio after lifiting. Drink even more water, but dont overdue, as long as you keep it clear you are doing it right. you slam to much water you can die. sipping ice water is better as you will expend even more calories to warm it "down" caffeine will help with increase of metabolism as well. For weight loss and cleaning up my shit I always would do the cardio take a shower then drink a 6oz glass of espresso to keep the heart pumping. Some say cranberry juice can help flush out the system dunno about that one. Then when you think you are about to be tested, 3-5 days before, cease all physical activity and eat pizza burgers fries whatever high fat stuff so if anything is burnt it will be the fresh fat. dunno I could be wrong

quit now maintain what you are doing will probably be fine.

why do you think you are going to be tested for a possesion charge. they are just gonna tax you...they arent gonna piss test that ive ever heard of...but im in a really liberal area


Much appreciated. 7-10 days is a lot shorter than ive heard from most sources, especially for someone smoking a couple bowls a day. Any other opinions are appreciated as well!

Most people are much less than 28 days if they are thin. I have about 100 THC test strips and I test clean in 10 days but I smoke about 2 grams a day. I am 5'9" 180 lbs and less than 7% fat. I bench press 300lbs and I can run a mile in less than 7 minutes. I usually test clean in 7-10. :)


oops, edit... if you become alcoholic for a few days in waiting, you can increase your heart beat and knock out those calories MUCH FASTER!!!!!!!!!! I can eat 300 calories a day and lose maybe 5 lbs a week in muscle and fat. Drug tests cant hurt me, stay fit bro....... the more you goto the gym and convert fat into muscle, you can lose so much more than a 28 day period.

My buddy is a california Firefighter and he can smoke 1-2 grams a week and test clean in 3 days. he is very similar to me.


Unless you are already on probation or something they don't test you for a trial. Your trial is over posession of marijuana, not if you smoke weed or not. Obviously they know you already smoke weed if you were in posession of it.

If you get convicted and put on probation then you will start getting tested but probation officers always give you time to get it out of your system, they know it's in your system already.

Smoke like crazy until the trial. After the trial when/if you get convicted is when youll need to stop.

I've had a few run ins for marijuana related stuff and I've shown up to court high as fuck cause I know it's the last time ill be able to smoke for awhile LOL.

edit: Basically to sum it up, you dont get drug tested until AFTER you've been convicted of a crime and put on probation and when that happens probation officers give you a few weeks to get it out of your system.


After the trial when/if you get convicted is when youll need to stop.

correct! they cant bust you twice for a crime, its called double-jeopardy. so, its possible you can test dirty for 180 days until the THC is out of the body. They cannot prove you have further committed a crime.



stop now man. you want to blend in with the system. dont give them any reason to hassle you. I took drug test for PO and watched who the manufacture of company for test. I then looked up manufacture and found out they test to 50 nanagrams. that means that it can pick up low levels of thc. so if I have test within 30 days, no smoke for me. if I'm on mail-ins. I smoke for 6 weeks and clean for 6 weeks. the thing with probation is go unnoticed.that tactic will get you off sooner. good luck the system sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Taproot


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
most 1st piss test's for probation your expected to fail, if you fail you'll recieve a brisk warning lol. as long as your THC levels continue to drop each and every test afterwards you'll be peachy creamy.

WoW probation for a 1/8th eh sounds like my state, it used to be felony for any amount but when we went MMJ lmao all that changed.


Lets get scenical and talk about the fact in a broad perspective. A; crack head, a Meth addict, a cocaine head, a heroin addict, a LSD head, a PCP addict, an Oxycontin head, an alcoholic, all of them test clean faster than a person who smoked a single joint in their entire lives.

Who can fucking justify this shit?

in the world of, "legal people", you can smoke a pound of Methamphetamines and cocaine sprinkled on top and test clean in 3 days. If you smoke a joint, you goto jail.

Who can fucking justify this shit? WHO??? I want to talk to them.....


Unless you are already on probation or something they don't test you for a trial. Your trial is over posession of marijuana, not if you smoke weed or not. Obviously they know you already smoke weed if you were in posession of it.

If you get convicted and put on probation then you will start getting tested but probation officers always give you time to get it out of your system, they know it's in your system already.

Smoke like crazy until the trial. After the trial when/if you get convicted is when youll need to stop.

I've had a few run ins for marijuana related stuff and I've shown up to court high as fuck cause I know it's the last time ill be able to smoke for awhile LOL.

edit: Basically to sum it up, you dont get drug tested until AFTER you've been convicted of a crime and put on probation and when that happens probation officers give you a few weeks to get it out of your system.


Can anyone back this up? Do i not get tested until after the trial? How harsh will they be on me if i do not pass? If i can smoke up until my trial..... well fuckkkkkk.. :moon: :joint:


just follow the money trail...psi

and yeah you cant be charged TWICE for the same crime assuming your in the states, you were holding got busted. they dont breathalyze you when you show up for dui court appearance. crime has already been committed


So even though i know i have my court date for possession on the 7th of april.... i can still smoke without fear of being drug tested up until that date?


what i was saying is the only people who are currently justifying and making tons of cash are the drug test industry....THEY LOVE MJ and would be severely diminished without it. if pot tested at max for 2 hours it would be totally game over for those people.


So even though i know i have my court date for possession on the 7th of april.... i can still smoke without fear of being drug tested up until that date?

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