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Cannabis Act


Active member
Wha? C'mon troutman, a 20 plant limit for commercial micro scale cultivators? :D

The 4 plant limit is for personal cultivation/consumption, non commercial, and is at the purview of provinces to allow or not,(like how Quebec is not allowing personal cultivation at all, 0 plants) though the feds do limit it to a stupid 4 plant max.

What is or should be the standard or line that divides a micro/craft cultivator vs a standard cultivator? Plants growing? Canopy size? Revenue?

The rules that differ according to the proposed regulations are some pretty basic site security requirements. As far as I can see adding a alarm system with visual monitoring and keeping records for a year is the separating security requirements.

What benefits does a micro scale producer have over a standard cultivator other than the slightly reduced security requirements??

*Also be sure to add to your input that people with cannabis related criminal charges should not be excluded from participating!


All I said was fill it out... no need to get butt hurt man

Who said I wasn't going to fill it out?

Why would I care if they're following this post?

I am interested to discuss what other growers think of the proposed Act. I feel like I am in the right venue for that.

I also feel you should think a bit more before opening your cock holster.

Have a nice day


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
I don't know how you came to that conclusion from reading your own comments here, but I imagine you keep your windows very clean one lick at a time.

Now back to the discussion.

They do make mention of allowing security clearance for past offences but it looks like possession alone.


I see about 2 less hoops to jump through then becoming a large scale producer. Will need a little less security and monitoring as well as a little less money to become s micro grower...


Well-known member
I still don't understand plant count limits, they really need to just go for square metres. personal say 4 square metres inside, 10 square metres outside. Small scale why not say max it out at 1000 square metres and have costs reflect that for licencing etc. A quarter acre of herbs will push out a lot of kilos, especially if you're hitting five harvests a year.

The security is quite ridiculous, I would hope they would change it for a food safety type system but for medical product to ensure the safety of consumers and what not, cfia would be easy to slip in and leave health Canada to do the top level stuff for studies on medical benefits, pesticide/fungicide testing and the lot.

I do believe the next 5 years will show a lot of changes and within 10 a lot more normalization, more traditional farms and breeding, seed/clone sales. I am not sure how long they are able to hold onto the monopoly and keep everyone out of it there will have to be some give at some point.


I don't know how you came to that conclusion from reading your own comments here, but I imagine you keep your windows very clean one lick at a time.

Now back to the discussion.

They do make mention of allowing security clearance for past offences but it looks like possession alone.

Non violent convictions is what I read. They want to keep the gangsters out.


Limeygreen, in the proposed regs they say there will be no plant counts for producers but instead the size will be determined by square footage or lights or revenue. It will be interesting to see what size show would be classified as micro.
My response to #2:

There should be no distinguishing threshold between any cultivator.
An inspector should make security recommendations after an inspection of the proposed site, and the potential production cited in the business plan, which should happen before an application is finalized.

However, there should be a minimum of all criteria for any cultivator.

25 plants
500 sq. ft./50 sq. m
10,000 grams/per year
$10,000 gross revenue

What do you think?


Seed Whore
I think a micro-cultivator should be like a home brewer.

i.e. Personal only, left alone and not subjected to stupid permits.

If you want to sell weed. Then get a regular cultivation grow going and be subjected
to inspections and health regulations like any other health and food industry.

Greed is what is going to screw it up for the little guy who wants to be left alone. :moon:
Micro should be anything between 3000 sqft to 40 000 sqft

What about the small farmer who just wants to harvest from a couple hundred row feet and sell at the farmer's market?

Having too large of a minimum grow area for licensed cultivators leaves a lot of people out.

If you could sustain your family with a 500 sq. ft. facility, why would you do any more?

Like troutman said:
Greed is what is going to screw it up for the little guy who wants to be left alone. :moon:


Well-known member
Troutman that is good as well, let the police investigate people who are thinking to traffic without doing their health and safety or testing. The problem I see is people taking advantage, but I also think no matter what there will be a small group of people trying to take advantage of things. In all reality personal like tobacco is a good example, 15 kg per adult in the household, that would be enough to satisfy most personal growers, even if you did sam's dry sift method and ended up with 1 percent yield from the 15 kg, that's 150 grammes of top shelf hashish, 10 percent of good full melt bubble or dry sift would still be 1.5 kg of hashish which with all honesty should be enough for a single person to be happy. Square metres is just easier to enforce but either one I would be happy with.


Well-known member
House passes marijuana legislation, bill moves to Senate


The Canadian Press
Published Monday, November 27, 2017 5:22PM EST
Last Updated Monday, November 27, 2017 7:44PM EST
OTTAWA -- The federal government's plan to legalize marijuana by next summer is a step closer.
Bill C-45 received final approval Monday in the House of Commons, passing by a vote of 200-82.
It now moves to the Senate, where Conservative senators are threatening to hold up passage of the bill.

Only a little over 7 months until legal cannabis. Unless the minority Conservative Senators can stop it passing, but will billions already invested their chances are slim to fuck all.


Well-known member
I think a micro-cultivator should be like a home brewer.

i.e. Personal only, left alone and not subjected to stupid permits.

If you want to sell weed. Then get a regular cultivation grow going and be subjected
to inspections and health regulations like any other health and food industry.

Greed is what is going to screw it up for the little guy who wants to be left alone. :moon:

Its not greed that fucked cannabis users but dumb, righteous, fascist, religious, puritans that are not happy unless they make everyone else as miserable as they are. :moon:

You could grow all the cannabis you like just you can with brewing beer or wine if the prohibition of cannabis had never happened, or when prohibition ends in most western nations.:huggg:


Active member


From some CBC news story

A last-ditch Conservative effort to delay the bill — and send it to the Commons health committee for further study — failed by a vote of 83 to 199 with some Bloc Québecois MPs voting with Tory legislators. Conservative opposition will now fall to their national caucus colleagues in the Red Chamber, where some senators have already signalled they are prepared to give the bill a rough ride. Some Tories have said the government's timeline for legalization, July 1, 2018, is far too ambitious.
The Liberal government ultimately accepted three significant amendments to the bill made by the Commons committee tasked with studying the landmark legislation — the government has agreed to ditch its plan to cap marijuana plants maintained in a person's home to 100 centimetres tall. MPs felt such a requirement would be too difficult to enforce. The government also accepted an amendment that would demand regulations be enacted, one year from Bill C-45's passage, on edible cannabis products, something ignored by Liberal legislators in this bill.
The government also agreed to review the bill in three years.

The bill will have to secure the support of an increasingly independent Senate where a plurality of members now sit as members of the Independent Senators Group (ISG) and thus owe no loyalty to the government's agenda or their Liberal colleagues in the House. However, based on a CBC News analysis of voting patterns, many ISG senators have shown to be faithful backers of Liberal legislation.