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Canna Coco - 250w HPS & 252w LED 2x4 tent


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A buddy of mine sent over some seeds. 6 Feminized Lemon Kush and 4 bagseeds. I started them out in the paper towel method about 54hrs ago. 6 of the 10 have popped and have been moved to Rapid Rooters under a 13w warm CFL. I've set them to a 18/6 light schedule.

Couple of questions - does the canna coco need to be rinsed?

I was planning on doing a coco/hempy setup with the bottom 2in of the bucket filled with perlite below the drainage hole. Would you coco growers recommend a different setup?

I'll be using Rez's formula (need to go get the right nute line - I got the Flora Nova which sounds to be bad with coco)....


I've used Canna coco for years and never rinsed it befor hand.
Instead of Perlite I fill the bottom 2-3 inches with Clay pebbles but perlite would work..

I would use Coco specific nutrients as Coco likes to hog Magnesium and the Coco specific nutrients make up for this. Some disagree but thats my opinion!

You cant get much better than Hesi coco nutrients for Coco :)


I just started my first coco run with Canna Coco, and straight from the bag, watered with the 6ml micro / 9 ml bloom nutrients cut in half and my seedlings have never looked better.

Not one has stunted from this besides the 2 that couldn't shake there seeds off.

Just make sure not to over water at first. I've only watered mine that are in keg cups like 3 times in the first 1.5 weeks, and when I did, it didn't require very much water at all!



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Images taken on 4/4/2010





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Photos from 4/5/2010 - the one with 2 shoots came from a single seed that looked like 2 formed together - should be interesting...









hi ive never rinsed canna coco i just use it straight from the bag with no problems,some of the cheaper coco has to be rinsed though ?.stay lucky


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I'll be posting pics of the tent tomorrow after I transplant into 16oz plastic cups. Still trying to decide if I want to go hempy style or normal....


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Alrighty, here are some pics of my setup. I still need to figure out the ventilation but its good to have the tent out of the box and setup with all the lights. Today's pretty warm down here in the desert, its finally warming up. So if it comes down to it we will get a portable AC if the house AC doesn't cool the room.

Tent Setup:
2 x 126w Hydro Grow LED's
1 x Lumatek Digital 250 mh/hps
1 x 6in S&P inline fan (might swap out with my 4in S&P if I don't need all the power).

Cabinet Setup:
2 x 13w 6500k CFL's
Heat mat
humidity dome and seedlings - soon to be my cloning box.

Since I will be using my LED's during flower - what is recommended for veg/moms???

I will be hand watering coco hemp's - the last photo is the 5gal bucket filling up with RODI water. I just got my replacement probe so I've got to swap that out and get it calibrated. Also on the agenda for today is transplanting the girls into solo cups - more on that later.








From what i read most modern coco companies pre-rinse their stuff because they didn't couple years ago. Some even have it written on the bag. (i use cocogro). If you like to be extra cautious, growers recommend flushing 2-3 times the amount of the container. I never rinse, i only use salt leaching solution (clearex) every 3 weeks.


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nice set up! those leds are so futuristic and cool looking. hahah

And really diggin the close macro shots of the seeds sprouting!

Any chance you have a pic of those 2 seeds in one?


Glad to see you up and goin again Syn...

Good to hear you made the move safely, kinda sad not gonna see another WW run.


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Okay, all the seedlings were transplanted into 16oz plastic cups yesterday and they got their first feeding

1.5ml Micro
2.3ml Bloom
Ph'd to 5.7

I watered each plant with 150ml feed and had about 450ml total runoff.

Temperature in our room was pretty high yesterday so the girls were at about 85-90 degree's with 58-70% humidity.

Today the done is sitting at about 84 degree's and 60-70% humidity.

Anyhow onto the pics:









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gaiusmarius - wasn't too concerned with the husks - just let them fall off naturally.

ThaMagnificent - thanks, I posted pics of my setup the other day - its still a work in progress. I moved from a high humidity area (pacific northwest) to the desert. So I'm still trying to get a feel for how the lack of humidity is going to affect me indoors. I really don't want to run a humidifier if I don't have to.

ninesix - Thanks for info on the coco - I decided not to rinse this time around - I went ahead and rinsed the jumbo perlite I have though.

benzo - yeah, the LED's are very cool looking - I really like that they don't flood my bedroom with noticeable light leaks. Even with the HPS going in the tent things aren't so obvious… Thanks for the props on the macro shots - I'm really enjoying having a good camera again. Sorry I didn't take pics of the seeds by themselves :(

WizeWizo - yeah, I'm gonna miss the White Widow for sure - this last batch I did is a bit on the harsh side though as I wasn't able to complete the grow or flush for very long. I can't wait to allow a grow go all the way. Maybe I'll order up some more white widow when I get things rolling. I really need to find a good strain for my ADHD and then one for hyper focusing while I do design work. I really want to do a blueberry strain for my fiance's stomach issues. Plus it was one of the first strains I remember smoking as a kid.


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So, I seem to have 2 possible problems or maybe they are one in the same.

My plants are on the lighter green side and are starting to show yellow spots on the leaves. Also on some of the plants I've got the edges curling upwards.

Should I start adding cal/mag to my feeding regime or is this another issue presenting itself?

1. Are you growing from seed or clones? Seeds
2. How old are your plants? I put the seeds in paper towels 16 days ago
3. How tall are your plants? 3-4in
4. What size containers are they planted in? 16oz plastic solo cups
5. What is your soil mix? 5 parts canna coco and 2 parts jumbo perlite with about 1.5in jumbo perlite at the bottom
6. How often do you water and what type of water do you use? Daily hand feeding - 30-40ml. Reverse Osmosis water using the Rez Formula
7. What is the pH of your water? 5.5-5.8
8. What kind of fertilizer do you use and what is its NPK ratio? Gen Hydro Flora Series Micro/Bloom
9. Do you foliar feed or spray your plants with anything? No
10. What kind of lights do you use and how many watts combined? Started under 2 13w 6500k CFL's - moved to 126w LED
11. How close are your lights to the plants? 4-6in
12. What size is your grow space in square feet? 2x4 hydrohut tent
13. What is the temperature and humidity in your grow space? 80-85degrees 19% Humidity after the dome was removed last night - with the dome I was 60-70% humidity.
14. What is the pH of the soil? unknown
15. Have you noticed any insect activity in your grow space? no
16. How much experience do you have growing? 2 micro grows






Pictures 1 and 2 look underfed to me but 3 doesn't, so if they're eating at the same levels, I'd say 1 and 2 are showing early signs of a lockout... I'd check my pH and make sure that's ok, first thing. If that's within range, 5.9-6.0, cool - either way, with RO water, you're going to need to use Cal-Mag - I use straight RO water every grow and add 2mL/gallon Cal-Mag+ to ADULT plants... those are 2 weeks old now so I'd go ahead and add 1mL/gal to your water and see how they take to it. Cal-Mag+ has a lot of nitrogen in it so you may need to cut back a little bit on whatever other source of nitrogen you're giving them and then ease that back up after a couple of days so the extra N doesn't hit them too hard. About week 4, I'd start adding the 2mL of cal-mag per gallon of RO. At week 4 you shouldn't need to cut back on any other source of N you're giving - just start adding the extra milliliter of cal-mag on top of your regular ferts - the plants should be able to tolerate the increase at that age.

Here are some I've got going right now - first 2 pics are a [chemD x bubba kush] X serious white russian cross a buddy of mine made that are at day 24 since they broke the surface. The little seedlings in the other pictures came up 3 days ago...






these are all in 4" pots under an 8 strip t5 fixture that's up too high right now due to the height of a mom I'm about to run but it'll give you an idea of the growth rate. With all due respect, cause your setup's very well thought out and you're doin shit right, but you may not be getting the growth out of those LED's that you could be. I think even a 250w cfl would even give you better growth - I used to use one. Anyhoo, it's just a suggestion -

Hope you don't mind me taking up so much room in your thread - :D - kick ass grow, man!!!


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Quick update, things are going well now that I'm watering twice a day per H3ad's recommendations in his thread... Once I started doing this I got some explosive growth. But now I'm onto my next roadblock - I have what appears to be green algae growing on the top of the coco and am not sure if its from watering so often and the coco staying fairly moist on top.




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