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Canna Coco - 250w HPS & 252w LED 2x4 tent


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mojo420 - Thanks for stopping in :) Your babies look very healthy. I don't think the LED is holding back the growth - I think it was my lack of watering. Once I picked up the watering schedule they really started growing like crazy, most of the growth in the above pictures is from the last 2 days. I love LED in veg - the nodes are super tight and just continue to stack on each other.

Thanks for the compliments on the setup - I need to setup some tables for a drip system soon, I like watering but don't have much time these days and am about to have less time to spend with them. Also need to get a carbon scrubber ordered for my 4in or 6in S&P - I've got to pull the babies out for a few hours one day and do a test run with the HPS on to see which one will cool it best now that we have the portable AC in the room. Right now the tent is usually within 5-10 degree's of ambient which we keep around 74. This is with no exhaust right now - so I want to kick on the HPS and see what happens. If I can get away with running the 4in thats what I'd prefer....


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So, tonight I transplanted the girls into their final homes - they'll veg for up to 2-3 more weeks - would like to do some LST before putting them into flower.

Pots: 6.5L / 1.9gal square Rose pots
Medium: 70% Coco with 30% Chunky perlite.

Each pot has about 1-2in of Chunky Perlite at the bottom covered by the coco/perlite mix. I prepped the coco with half strength nuts prior to transplanting then each girl got 1.5cups of water.

No runoff on this first water - what do you guys recommend for the first few days after transplanting???







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Darth Fader - thanks buddy. The HPS is possibly going to be used to augment the LED's. I've done a full run under each and this is my 3rd grow, new medium and new grow style too.... First SCROG under the HPS, then just regular tree's under the LED's and I think I'm going to go with LST or SCROG on this run - gonna see if I can come up with small scrog screens on the cheap...

I'm on the Rez/H3ad 6/9 with some calmag added as I am using RODI water...

Darth Fader

I'm on the Rez/H3ad 6/9 with some calmag added as I am using RODI water...

I followed that on my first run & had some issues. Figured it was my crappy H20 and lack of flushing.

I'm now growing out some OG moms & figured the issues would go away now that I've fixed my H20, but instead was getting even worse deficiencies - leaves were awful in several different ways. One of the issues I was sure was an N deficiency, so I reversed the 6/9 to 9/6 for one feeding and then went 2:1 (18/9) on the following feeding. Plants look waaay better in a matter of a few days. I'll have to head over to H3AD's coco thread to ask why they think plants have the same nute requirements in both veg and flower. G/L


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Darth Fader - yeah, I haven't had much of a problem with deficiencies other than not feeding them soon enough. I'm using cal/mag which has some extra N in it so that may be part of it. I'm glad your boost in Micro helped with your girls, I'll be sure and remember that if I notice anything out of whack.


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Drip system

Drip system

okay, I come from the soil school of watering which was okay but I really don't want to have to mix nutes on a daily basis or feed daily so I'm looking into a drip to waste system

8 sites (only 7 would be used on this run and may be cut back after I pull males).
5-10gal res ( do I need a waste bucket as well or can I go with minimal runoff?)
Timer - I've been trying to find a timer that would allow me to run my fan for 15min every 30min-1hr but don't want to spend the $$$ on a CAP/Sentinal - is there anything out there for timers like this?


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Down to 6 plants - found a male!!!

Down to 6 plants - found a male!!!

Well, its official - We've got balls on Bagseed #II. He got pulled today.

Other than that, still looking into a drip setup. Need to take a trip to Home Depot and see what I can come up with. Also getting ready to LST, I think they are ready.

Also seem to be having some sort of nutrient lockout or some other problem - leaf shots show the discoloration I'm seeing on the lower set of fan leaves. Any identification help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm on 6ml Micro / 9ml Bloom / 2ml Cal/Mag phi's to 5.5-5.6 The nut mix gets an airstone for 30min + before checking ph then I let it sit for another 30min then recheck









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So the girls got LST'd yesterday and 3 of the 6 were topped this morning (my first time topping - hope they don't go through too much shock). I'll post up some pics tomorrow or the next day. Also cut back the nutes a bit after reading some posts by Mandala Seeds on ICMAG. Also letting the PH swing up to 5.8-6.0 for a few waterings to make sure all nutrients are getting absorbed.


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Well the deficiencies showing in the leaves appear to be magnesium now that they have discolored a bit more so they got 1/2 teaspoon of epsom salt last night and will get the other half today. Also dropped the nutes down a bit, all have been topped and are currently LST'd - hopefully they recover soon - this is my first time topping and LST.



Darth Fader

synax, hope they're looking better. I think one of the keys to success in coco is a regular flush. Salts build up in the coco and so far, my girls are staying very healthy. Not sure where the sweet spot is, but I'm running straight ro @ 5.8 w/ florakleen every 4th watering. Also, they love the 9/6 mic/bloom @ph @5.8, then adding 7.5 ml CalMag + 6ml Hygrozyme, + 10ml Liquid Karma. Seems to be working great for veg.


7.5 ml seems like a hell of a lot. I use just 1/4 teaspoon and it does fine for me.

If I used that much calmag, my bottle would be gone in 2 weeks. Why use so much?

I have some Liquid Karma left from my organic garden but I've yet to use it in coco. I'll leave it be for now, I mean..don't fix what aint broke right?




Sup, things look good so far for you and me both!

Did you ever find out anything about the drip setup you might want to try? I too am sick of having to do everything manually, lol!

I too had that same blotching problem you had at early stage of growth. After adding just a 1/4 teaspoon of cal/mag per gallon of water I've yet to see it. I believe that is what fixed it, or just the full dosages of nutes, either way my gals look great!

My tap water PPMs is over 400! So I had to get the FLora Micro for hard water.

Good luck on the rest of the gals!


Let me know what you find at home depot, if things go right, I might have to borrow your idea! :)

Darth Fader

7.5 ml seems like a hell of a lot. I use just 1/4 teaspoon and it does fine for me.

If I used that much calmag, my bottle would be gone in 2 weeks. Why use so much?

I have some Liquid Karma left from my organic garden but I've yet to use it in coco. I'll leave it be for now, I mean..don't fix what aint broke right?


Strain dependent - 7.5 ml was recommended to me for OG's specifically (on ro water). I was told they were heavy feeders & loved Cal-Mag. I'm no guru, but they're flourishing.


Ok, I see what your saying, with R/0 water that makes sense since it has no calcium in it..etc.

I must have enough calcium in my water with the low dose of cal/mag to be more then enough.

Whatever works right!? :)



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Well, its been awhile since my last update - been a rough week - we had to put one of our cats down and work has just been super busy with a new site launch.

Anyhow onto the girls - they got a 1.5gal flush and have been put into 12/12. The tent also got retrofitted with ridged duct work and a new Phresh Carbon Filter.









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Darth Fader - yeah, my last 2 grows were soil with Fox Farms - I've never seen growth like I am with this setup - coco/ Rez/H3ad's 6/9 formula - I've adjusted when the plants look like they need something - I've also changed from using straight RODI water to using about 2 cups tap per gallon - gets me up to about 140ppm (city tap water sucks). I've also used some epsom salts and Cal/Mag at different times. I also try to fluctuate the pH a little bit between 5.6-5.9

OPT - Haven't had a chance to look into drip setups - I did glance at Home Depot and they have a kit that would work - just need a pump. So, I guess I'll do some more research on that later but looks like a setup could be had for under $75


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most interesting, keep up the good work, it's a fun show...

Thanks buddy, really appreciate it - running my journal is like my an anti-depressant. :) When I'm pissed with work or just having a crappy day I'll just go into the tent and pop off a few pics then come over to ICMAG or GardensCure and post away.... It's fun and I think the more small journals we have online will help more medical patients trying to grow their own. I'm still learning but love to help people along the way :D

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