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Canna Coco - 250w HPS & 252w LED 2x4 tent


Active member
love your setup, good job on listening to your plants. Too many people try cookie cutter grows and things don't turn out right, your dialing it in. keep up the good work


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Day 4 of 12/12

Day 4 of 12/12

Moppel - Thanks buddy, appreciate it!
superbolan - I'm still learning but I'm trying. Girls are doing better than any of my other grows so I'm super happy.

......And the stretch begins. Boy the 2 bagseed are sooo compact - tried to LST them late in veg and broke a few branches so they are just compact little bushes in the center of the tent under the MH.

All 4 Lemon Kush are doing very well and doing some crazy stretching. Since switching over to 12/12 I've raised the lights 4in. The girls are drinking a lot - about 4cups a day. I'm only feeding once a day. Getting to the point where I'd like to get a drip setup going - nothing major... If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears...

Anyhow onto the photos which is why everyone is here :smoweed:







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Day 7 12/12

Day 7 12/12

Been a crazy weekend but had a chance to snap off some shots this morning. The girls are doing fantastic - I think one of the bagseed might be another male - gonna give it another day or so to see what develops.

The Lemon Kush has been getting fed 32oz of 6/9 with 2mg cal/mag and the bagseed is only getting 16oz - they are much smaller and don't drink as much.

Can't wait to see some flowers on these babies. Oh, I didn't have the good camera available today so the images might be a bit blurry - sorry about that.





Active member
Was doing a bit of trimming today and Bagseed 1 is a male so he has been pulled from the tent. Down to 5 females it looks like so tomorrow I think I'll rearrange the tent again.

LED on each side with the MH hanging vertically in the back of the tent - all plants will get rotated daily around the MH as to get good light penetration all around. Hopefully this will fill in some of the light on the bottom of the plants.


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12/12 Day 9

12/12 Day 9

So today, I prepped 10gal of nutrients so I don't have to keep making them daily. Also, now that we are down to 5 plants I changed the cooltube to hang vertically instead of horizontally. Trimmed a bit more tonight - things are looking good, I can't wait for the buds to start developing....

As you can see, I removed the reflector from the cooltube and added a fan to the bottom to help keep the glass cool.

Anyhow, onto the pics:









lookin' pretty rad in there so far. I dig your setup a lot...real clean!
gonna be interesting to see how the flowers set with those LEDs.


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Day 23 12/12

Day 23 12/12

Sorry for the delay on updates - I had to take an emergency trip back up to the rainy pacific northwest for a funeral. My buddy took care of feeding while I was gone and I came back to buds!!!

Things are going quite well - a few plants are showing hermie traits - I plucked off quite a few balls today - looks like a few of them popped already - hope it doesn't affect yield too much!












New member
Hey lovin your setup! I was wondering how the noise level was on your 6" s&p on max? Whats the difference in noise when its on low setting? Im trying to decide whether to get a 6" vortex, but I think im leaning more towards the 6" s&p.

Darth Fader

looking great Synax. You should checkout the defoliation thread, mebbe test out the method on one of your ladies.

Question - why did you switch ducting? Is there a performance improvement?


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ChimeriCal - Thanks for joining in buddy - the 6in S&P was pretty loud in the tent - much louder than the 12 fans on top of my LED panels - I didn't compare the low/high setting for noise - I just set it on low as the 6in was way overkill for my tent... I think if you were to encase it in a box with insulation around it - it would almost be stealth - of course you'd need a duct muffler for the airflow. If I was to compare to our bathroom fan - its definitely quieter.... I haven't heard the vortex so I can't tell you if its louder or not. Why not get both and return the one that doesn't work for you :)

dmoose - Thanks buddy - thanks for dropping by - I'll post up more pics this week.

Darth Fader - I'll do a search and see what I come up with - I'm wishing I would have just cleared off the bottom foot of growth - the tent is definitely packed for sure....


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So I read up a bit on defoliation - sounds like something that should have been started in veg. I'll keep reading though... I'm just hoping to pull enough from this round to get us through to the next - I'm just sick of having to buy meds.


New member
Hey thanks for the feedback synax! I will probably end up getting the 4" and the 6" s&p and comparing those two instead of going with the vortex. I just hear the vortex's are kind of loud thats why. Thanks again and good luck with everything!


Active member
Hey thanks for the feedback synax! I will probably end up getting the 4" and the 6" s&p and comparing those two instead of going with the vortex. I just hear the vortex's are kind of loud thats why. Thanks again and good luck with everything!

Ebay and HVACQuick are both good places to find the S&P's - I got both of mine through HVACQuick


nice update seems that combo of light is working well. maybe reduce the feeding level a tinny bit as they seem to look very dark green. but i guess i could be the lighting.



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Long Overdue update

Long Overdue update

Things have been super crazy as summer ramps up. traveling a lot and not getting much time to post on the boards due to work loads and all....

Anyhow, Monday night I snapped off some pics at Day 36 12/12.

These girls are showing massive amounts of trichomes - I am very happy with that production for sure - just hoping they fatten up more. This week they got bumped down to just 9ml/gal Bloom GenHydro. Monday they got a 1TSP boost of Kool Bloom Powder - they seem to just love that stuff. I've also been adding in 1TSP molasses from time to time - when I add it to the res it gets all gunky within a few days so I just mix it up separate from time to time. All the girls are still getting about 6cups of mix a day at 5.6-5.8pH.

I'm still noticing a few ball sacs here and there so they get plucked when found - I hope the hermi traits don't screw up my yield too much.

I did do a little fan leaf removal to open up the plants a bit - I vegged them to long so I am trying to open them up for a bit more light due to the overcrowded tent... I think on the next grows I'm going to move back to scrog but this time it will be modular and I'm going to look into the blumat drippers :)











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Day 43 of 12/12 Lighting

Day 43 of 12/12 Lighting

Things are going quite well - the girls were getting pretty crowded in the tent so I pruned them way back to allow for more light to penetrate. It seems to be doing the job quite well. I'm at day 43 on the 12/12 lighting and the girls are starting to show some purpling in the buds. I was told this is a 55 day lemon kush strain.

I was doing some research on Lemon Kush strains and by comparing buds to photos of a few strains it looks like the strain I may have is Lemon Larry which is an OG Kush. If this is indeed Lemon Larry its most likely a Elite Genetics seed as they were feminized. But who knows....

What do you think? another 2 wks before I start a 10-14day flush?

Anyhow, the girls are getting 9ml GenHydro FloraBloom per gallon and twice a week I am giving them 15-45ml/3tbls molasses per gallon.

Well onto the pics:











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Found my handy dandy RadioShack Magnifying glass today!!! Checked the trichomes on 2 plants - we're at about 40% Cloudy / 60% clear and a few amber here and there. I think I'm going to finish out this week with nutes then begin them on h2o + molasses for a week and then to straight water till harvest.