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Canna Boost V Molasses - side by side comparison.



the early sample smoke, I must say they all smelled good right through the last 4/5 days or so, I normally find an awful smell early on in the dry but not found it this time?

since i have been growing in coco (and using cannas nute line) i find my buds are awesome 5-7 days after being hung... thats about the time they start making their way out the door and my personal stash starts hitting the bong bowl, repeatedly.

curious to know which early samples have impressed thus far...

happy turkey day


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hiya HazyLady glad u r well! Very helpful bit'o'research!
For me the Molasses or other sugar/carb products(I stick with Vitrasol as a bottle lasts me a v.long time as its v.concentrated) are there for quality and taste more than yield but I do believe using them for last 3rd or so of Flowering(when reserves are low in the plant) gives plant the Carbs it needs to make the most of the Boost and other nutes....as I understand it If the plant has a lack of carbs it won't be in a position to fully utilise the boost anyhoo....plus it simply makes a sweeter taste(if u like that sort of thing..i do personally).
I do get better yield when using the boost but I only use half-strength as I believe thats enough for me...Have noticed much worst taste(even after a long flush) if Boost(or any product high in P) is over-done though! Unfortunately a taste I find a lot in Modern Commercial Sensi. Luck'n'Lumens JBo ;] P.s. hows the smoke test going....any thoughts on differences?


fruit dry enough yet?
please prolong any sampling until dry enough that stem snaps.
even if kind, skews effect & aftertaste if not truly edible...

hard to imagine substantial effect differences. but can imagine:) subtle aroma, taste, terrior differences.

sure all will be scrumptuous in fruit bowl....;)

a club is a thread dedicated to a subject-matter & sub topics...
no reason why cant start 'experimental/advanced techniques/tests' thread; maybe in growers forums:chin:
like this:
advanced techniques|experimental methods|tests|plant physiology+manipulation|environmental engineering

enjoy your garden!

Kanye WeED

Active member
wow, u guys and gals now ur shit just wanted to state the obvious, i need all the help i can get

i just rinsed my coco out after going out and buying a 25 dollar pot and boiling the water and dumping it in a few chunks of coco , WOW u get alot with just a little.

hope fully it is rinsed enough cause here goes nothing, lol

thanks for all the help on hazes yaw!!!

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
I am delighted to say I am on it guy's

I am delighted to say I am on it guy's

since i have been growing in coco (and using cannas nute line) i find my buds are awesome 5-7 days after being hung... thats about the time they start making their way out the door and my personal stash starts hitting the bong bowl, repeatedly.

curious to know which early samples have impressed thus far...

happy turkey day

Hi Grey, I am convinced Coco buds can be as tasty as any organic grown can, with the right diet/flush/dry and cure of course. Funny I say that as if organic is a guarantee of success!
Like you I am usually dipping into new buds almost as soon as they're dry enough 5/6 day's, I never get that awful 'cigar' thing from my bud, they get better after a good cure but they are fine as you say very early.

Hiya HazyLady glad u r well! Very helpful bit'o'research!
For me the Molasses or other sugar/carb products(I stick with Vitrasol as a bottle lasts me a v.long time as its v.concentrated) are there for quality and taste more than yield but I do believe using them for last 3rd or so of Flowering(when reserves are low in the plant) gives plant the Carbs it needs to make the most of the Boost and other nutes....as I understand it If the plant has a lack of carbs it won't be in a position to fully utilise the boost anyhoo....plus it simply makes a sweeter taste(if u like that sort of thing..i do personally).
I do get better yield when using the boost but I only use half-strength as I believe thats enough for me...Have noticed much worst taste(even after a long flush) if Boost(or any product high in P) is over-done though! Unfortunately a taste I find a lot in Modern Commercial Sensi. Luck'n'Lumens JBo ;] P.s. hows the smoke test going....any thoughts on differences?

Hiya JB :), nice to see you again too!, I am finding almost identical results to what you found, I don't use Vitrasol but apart from that.....
I am finding the Boost is doing just that - boosting! and with the addition of extra carbs in the Molasses ( in the D's) they are doing even more, without a doubt the crystals are more widespread, the bud leaves themselves had far more frost than the other groups. The quality, and the depth of the scent from both Boost groups ( B's & D's) was obvious from quite early on, at various times during my smelling days it was a bit much, very stomachy! It sweetened up at the end with just a touch of fuel but was pretty rough at times.
I don't use Boost at Canna rates like you, I would say ½ on average, so I never experienced any bad taste from Boost over feeding, I am really glad you mentioned this now, I plan foliar feeding Boost, Molasses etc next test so I will have to be careful, thanks for that :)
I also don't use PK 13/14 as Canna suggest either, I use 5 ml per 10 lires right through except the weeks they say up to 15ml when I also d that, no bad taste or strange behaviour but I am begining to question if I do need it during every week of bloom, something else to add to a very long test list :D

fruit dry enough yet?
please prolong any sampling until dry enough that stem snaps.
even if kind, skews effect & aftertaste if not truly edible...

hard to imagine substantial effect differences. but can imagine:) subtle aroma, taste, terrior differences.

sure all will be scrumptuous in fruit bowl....;)

a club is a thread dedicated to a subject-matter & sub topics...
no reason why cant start 'experimental/advanced techniques/tests' thread; maybe in growers forums:chin:
like this:
advanced techniques|experimental methods|tests|plant physiology+manipulation|environmental engineering

enjoy your garden!

*m* you really are a treasure :) I love the 'hint', we'll carry on regardless sis:dueling:
Fruit is ideal right now!
I held off from last night because they were not quite there, now they are just snapping, but a snap! there still a string or two hangs on to keep them together - just, they dont crack with a shower of dust, imo perfect for the jar.
I am just finishing off my chores while I wait for everyone to finish eating here and I will finish up, I'm half way through everything and have sorted the samples, when they finish up I just want to grab a few quick pics and then the fun bit!
In all I did manage to slow the dry to just over 7 days, that bit of budrot I found scared me, I was going to really slow the dry down longer until I saw that!, I still kept the plants whole but spread them out on the line just to be safe, after 3 days I was sure I would see no more bud rot so I made a bouquet of them to slow them up and got another 4 day's, they are already more silver than green :), I will be back shortly with my report.
You won't see it but I will be smiling :) a lot :)

wow, u guys and gals now ur shit just wanted to state the obvious, i need all the help i can get

i just rinsed my coco out after going out and buying a 25 dollar pot and boiling the water and dumping it in a few chunks of coco , WOW u get alot with just a little.

hope fully it is rinsed enough cause here goes nothing, lol

thanks for all the help on hazes yaw!!!

Hey K, nice to see you here my friend, don't be so modest, you grow very nice plants for a fairly new grower. Most important thing is you want to improve, it's a good trait to have
Your Coco should be fine, are you going 100% coco?, I already know you're nuts :nanana:
You can just run straight cold tap water through if you don't want to boil loads, when you think/see the run off is pretty clean you can adjust the PH of the last lot of water to 5.8/6.0, just makes it perfect for your transplants to get going.
You know we are all here if you need help, you got my address :D.

Back soon, thank you all for keeping an interest, it means a lot to me :wave:

Belated but hope all our US cousins had a great Thanksgiving holiday

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
I respectfully disagree

I respectfully disagree

So the abridged version

The results between the control and two groups were fairly the same?
Hi overmind :wave:
FYI, there are 3 groups, Canna Boost, Molasses, Canna Boost & Molasses plus the Control = 4 groups in total. 2 plants per group = 8 plants in total
In answer to your question?. No! not the same at all, the Boost (B's) fed group and Boost and Molasses (D's) fed group, were/are bigger, more advanced, more trichomes, one group having grown trichs in abundance where the other groups had produced a very small amount or none at all. These same trichomes became visibly larger than the other groups. The Boost fed groups have far more scent and when trimmed it became apparent they were much stickier, one Boost group needed the scissors clearing twice as often as the A's & C's due to extra resin. The Molasses only group (C) while ending up the smallest in yield have things going for them but I am coming to that now with my early smoke report.
So the abridged version is that while Canna Boost costs a lot of money it can increase your yields, shorten harvests times and increase the scent and taste of your buds, pretty much as they claim,:wallbash: I have found as others, Londinium just above another, that a Boost* used with sugar/carb product can further increase these, times, weights and tastes tremendously.
Molasses while being a great in combination with Boost* as said has not proved as useful in a coco grow as it obviously is in organic/soil grows where efficient microbes and all those wonderful things benefit from the Molasses. Obviously this is one test and it will take a lot more before we will know the best use, by which time new mediums and nutes will be on the market sucking us in with the usual hype and we start all over again, smoke report on its way, just uploading the pics, there done and everything just got to trip round the world to post pics?
* or any other Boost/Booster.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Early smoke samples.

Early smoke samples.

Please excuse the delay, I have tried 3 times to post this and been taken away:abduct:, I managed to post the post before this and got called away for a 4th time but I think I will manage this time, again sorry for the delay.

Hi All, I I have now taken all the buds off the stems and begun the cure.
I chose 4 decent sized buds for the smoke test, I could not use the main stem buds as they were not dry enough at that point, I took from the first branches down the main stems. I took as near as possible in size, type, position on plant etc to keep things as even possible.

Below, sample buds :joint:

I made notes on each bud as I made the joints, starting with the control,
A control, I didn't detect a great deal of scent on the bud, only when I broke it open and starting stripping the stem did I get a smell of it in the air, the bud was not oily, or sticky, was medium hard and had a had a nice bounce to it, a nice semi-solid inner that didn't just flatten when gently squeezed.
When smoked the A has a mild taste and smooth smoke, it actually caught me off guard, by the 3rd toke I really went for it thinking it is pretty mild, it is, but it expanded so much I near coughed out a lung! The most dominant taste is the fuel/solvent/paint side but a mild version, nothing like to stomach emptying version the Boosts produced. All in all not an unpleasant smoke but nothing special, not as tasty as her mum was. (the seed mum had a different diet) and needs a cure to bring the best out of this version for sure.

B - Boost buds, this bud was a little looser than the control, surprised me a little! not a huge amount of difference but still there.
This bud you can smell just picking it up, has a real strong fuel in this one, on breaking open it was a delight, way more actual odour but much more distinct smells, the fruit smell is here, totally missing in the control, this has the sharpness it had when growing, its a real high pitched smell, almost as strong as ever!. quite sticky too, I had to run my fingers up and down my apron, yes! I wear an apron at home! :), I couldn't make the joint of B without rubbing clean.
The smoke was thick, seriously rich smoke with a great taste, you want another smoke instantly its just so nice and rounded, the range of smells from when it was growing are all here, all so similar, the fuel is there in full, you still get that fruit cocktail, still don't know what fruit but tropical for sure, and ripe!, this leaves a lovely taste on your palette.
After a cure this will be a superb smoke.

C - Molasses bud, now this was a nice surprise :yoinks: throughout the grow I was always disappointed with the C twins, always behind the rest, smaller all round, not as many crystals.
Well, they may be the smallest but these are little nuggets, compared to the other groups they are rocks! You have to remember these are 90% Sativa plants so rock and nugget are relative terms but if we played conkers with them the C's would beat the other groups.
Not a real strong scent from picking up but a touch stronger than the A's, on breaking open this bud had a different smell, a sweeter, not sickly but getting close, hardly any of the fuelly side at all, the smell of over ripe tropical fruit is very dominant indeed, not too sticky, I didn't need to clean my fingers as with the B's but the bud has a chewiness and holds its self together, I don't expect to see bud like this till after a good cure, when the trichs have crystallised together and solidified the bud, the C's are like this already, I am always interested to see how the cure goes on all buds but am especially keen to see how these turn out if they are this way now
The smoke is another kettle of fish too!, this is very fruity, a rich, sweet smoke, You taste sugar/sweetness before it registers as fruit. I can taste a little more of the fuel than I could smell but the fruit dominates, sweet & full bodied smoke, it is a really nice already.

D - Boost & Molasses bud.
I am not kidding, I almost don't need to pick this up to smell it, without a doubt this is the strongest smelling of the group's, very strong mix of the flavours.
Breaking this bud open the smell is marvellous, I can smell citrus that I haven't smelled ever from these?, bit grapefruity/lemony, citrus anyway, the fuel side is very strong, that would make you sick if you kept on smelling it, well I would be, it empties my stomach, its still very strong.
The fruit is very obvious in this bud, it has retained everything it had when growing, this was the stickiest of the groups, I had to use the blade of the scissors to clean the bud off my fingers, I could only roll thje joint by slightly wetting my fingers and quickly rolling it.
The smoke itself is by far the tastiest, the flavour is incredible, really is like the B's but covered in cream, it is really full flavoured but is so smooth on the throat, the sharp, high note I used to smell comes out in the smoke, it leaves a great taste in your mouth, this leaves a proper coating of oil, the only one!, again, this should be a real treat by xmas.



I will post some 'dry' bud porn below :D, thanks all.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Dryish bud pics, start of jar/cure

Dryish bud pics, start of jar/cure

Below, some A's :smokeit:



Below, some B's :smokeit:



Below, some C's :smokeit:



Below, some D's :smokeit:






good reports. boost seem to do as described.
substitutes for >pieces of gold would be nice.
triacontinol(alfalfa meal)?

Hazy Lady said:
You won't see it but I will be smiling:) a lot:)
can imagine...:tree::pie::smokeit::pie: :smokeit:

enjoy your garden!

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
A second opinion

A second opinion

wow that's some post lady.
You aint too hazy
excellent report and photos
you can smokem..........

Thank you so much. Just running a day behind the rest of the world it seems ogd, good to see you :)

Great job Hazy Lady

Hey Tex, thank-you good to see you back too :)

good reports. boost seem to do as described.
substitutes for >pieces of gold would be nice.
triacontinol(alfalfa meal)?

can imagine...:tree::pie::smokeit::pie: :smokeit:

enjoy your garden!

Thanks *m* haha, your little cartoon is spot on for my weekend, just need a gif for someone
burping - jars - :D

I wanted to take advantage of my brother being in the country and include him the other day but he was tired and been drinking with his cronies so I left him out.
Last night I had him judge 4 joints I marked 1 to 4 and 4 buds marked the same way, I didn't want to confuse myself so simply kept the usual order a,b,c and d, he was smoking a little of each and breaking/checking out each bud as he did so. He ended up putting the B's and D's as the best 2 and said they were too close to call till after a cure, fair point but he doesn't eat/like cream so wouldn't know creamy if I hit him in his face :D I believe the D to be a creamy version of B.
He liked the C a lot, liked the way the bud felt and thought the smoke was really fruity, he had it close behind the B's & D's but said it didn't quite have as much as those 2. I think this one confused him the most?, he knew from conversations over the last few weeks and me boring the household about this grow, that the Boost fed plants were that much more mature and mistakingly thought the C was a Boost bud as it seemed a little more advanced to him, I too thought so, strangely 'cured' feel after a weeks drying? nice smoke too!.
Later on last night he confided something that made me laugh, when he was first checking each bud he mentally put the 1(A) and 3 (C) to one side thinking to himself the firmness of these 2 must be down to the Boost.
I should briefly tell you, my brother is not a really a hippie or a true Luddite more of a cross between the two a 'lippy' :D
He is an old head and honestly only accepts lights for growing because we are "at war", he hates additives, what he actually hates is people who use huge amounts and don't flush but that is another story.
In his mind he had already worked out his speech, "the only reason these buds are harder, firmer is because of some kind of starch for plants! known in this case as Boost", how "a shirt that is laundered and starched is still the same shirt, just stiffer, not a better shirt!". After he had smoked them and decided the Boosts were best he didn't need to get on his soap box, he makes a good judge for all his lunacy, he wont be here much longer so wont see it finished/cured, he can't take any home where he is from, they make the US look like Holland where he lives, still they have plenty there, "Grown the way it should be, with nutrients washed down from the mountains all winter, revealed only when the river recedes in spring, just as the Sun warms up for the season" bless him! :)


addition of mh during entire season also increases (seemingly) density of tomatoes...

preliminary observations...
the triple-advantage of molasses (sugar (carbs); non-sugar organic matter (chelates); & mineral matter (k, fe, ca, mg, cu, zn, etc.)) seem to contribute to incresing fruit density, or fullness/solidness.

this has also been noted in imaginary garden/fruit. :chin:... since mh always present, cannot eliminate that as contributor as well...
a 'lippy'

so, the taste, aromas & textures were distinct in ea group, but the effects were universal?

or, are there differences in actual fullness after eating fruit?

does it settle well in the 'belly';)?

or do some samples leave slightly hungry again in less ticks of clock?

enjoy your garden!

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Missing post, *mistress* post and missing people

Missing post, *mistress* post and missing people

So the abridged version is that while Canna Boost costs a lot of money it can increase your yields, shorten harvests times and increase the scent and taste of your buds, pretty much as they claim,:wallbash: I have found as others, Londinium just above another, that a Boost* used with sugar/carb product can further increase these, times, weights and tastes tremendously.OIC!
How on earth i missed this post is beyond me?
Funny?, I don't recall any huge red letters when I said/wrote it?.
As it made me smile I will actually post it this time :D, I am happy you can C my dear.

addition of mh during entire season also increases (seemingly) density of tomatoes...

preliminary observations...
the triple-advantage of molasses (sugar (carbs); non-sugar organic matter (chelates); & mineral matter (k, fe, ca, mg, cu, zn, etc.)) seem to contribute to increasing fruit density, or fullness/solidness.

this has also been noted in imaginary garden/fruit. :chin:... since mh always present, cannot eliminate that as contributor as well...

so, the taste, aromas & textures were distinct in ea group, but the effects were universal?

or, are there differences in actual fullness after eating fruit?

does it settle well in the 'belly';)?

or do some samples leave slightly hungry again in less ticks of clock?

enjoy your garden!

Hey *m*, very interesting, as always I might add!. I would have to agree the Molasses seems to have added body, density, to the fruit, no doubt they are the firmer of the 4 groups here.
I never used MH but am increasingly drawn to installing a 400w next to my 600w HPS, since I only really grow Sativas and mostly Sativa hybrids I need the lights farther away than most Skunk/indica type plants I used to grow needed, this is fine but means the outer plants really are quite far from the HPS. The addition of the MH would sort that and if not produce harder fruit it would ensure any outside plant reaches its full potential.
I couldn't really go any higher than a 400watt MH without changing my ventilation system and I only just sorted that, I am using the assumption (could be way off?) that a 400watt MH would give off around the same heat as 3 x 125watt envirolites/CFL's. I had three in with my 600 w HPS a while ago and was just on 78/80 F that way. My grow is a hole in the ground and was pretty awkward to balance the air ins and outs of and would not want to have enlarge everything, I know we tell the boys it doesn't! but in this instance size really does matter :)

Smoke samples, enough rambling!, I will do a proper test at the weekend, look at the various, if any?, potencies etc, I wanted to give them some cure time before I judged potency, I am sure you have seen similar results yourself!, lots of my buds increase quite dramatically with a proper cure, potency and flavour wise, to be honest *m*, the first few days of any new smoke make me sleep like a baby, and using very little, I am not a great judge until I am past this so I have been smoking a joint or two a day, not going crazy but getting better acquainted if you will :)
While I have been burping the jars the smells are changing nicely, the control has a bit better scent now, still the weakest, perhaps mildest is a better word, it still needs to be very close to smell it but it is a little stronger than it was, if I had to say what exactly has changed I would say the fuel side is a little more prominent still?, I don't get any of the fruit side, it wasn't fruity when I sampled it but still a nice smoke.
The B's & D's are too much to open and stick your nose in, you need to give it a second or it is too fuelly/very very ripe fruit, its not a pleasant smell but it is only until it mixes with the air, then you can't keep your nose out, they are both pretty similar, then finally the C's, these are the opposite of the control, they do have a stronger scent every day, and all fruit!, hardly any fuel smell now, very nice indeed, I am not too concerned they are smallest overall but it would be good to get these dialed in with the right amount to increase yield too, if that is possible?, that apart I have to say I am quite impressed with the Molasses buds.

On a quite separate note, there is a regular visitor to this thread suspiciously absent?
I miss seeing him here and value all his input, he obviously has his reasons for not visiting now and I will respect them. I do NOT want to play 'guess who she's on about?'.
I just hope he is OK at any rate and wish him well :frown:
Edit, the frown is me, not a begrudged wishing him well!


Bone - 14g is 14gs though.

you know that saying one mans trash is another mans treasure? lol

seriously when everything else is dialed... adding boost for a 14g bump in is really just squeezing every drop of blood possible. OVERKILL, for sure.

IMO its something you can argue successfully FOR and AGAINST

no arguement needed GS! tell you what, if you make it up here i'll give you a bottle of the boost for an oz of that dubble! lol.

seriously, i fuck with a recipie and i know what i like. i understand both Grey and bone on the matter but tend to lean to a inclusive thought sharing the two thoughts with my own..... my meds, for my use, and if i see improvement, done. maybe repeated or sought to improve upon. if not......well need i say more. i use things in a grow to get results not because some company tells me to. i ask growers who grow what i grow. i have many a grow store owner as my friend and i get feedback, which i in turn mix with what i know. that being said i still do things like add vitamins/aminos sugars pytonutrients, juice, beer...etc. i don't get these things from the grow store btw and i get great results "when" i do them in addition to the stuff the grow store sells me....



"Grown the way it should be, with nutrients washed down from the mountains all winter, revealed only when the river recedes in spring, just as the Sun warms up for the season"

I thought you said he WASN'T a hippy? ;)

Speaking of Envirolites, having settled on one of them for my micro-cab design I made a cardboard prototype to see how big it would be (look I have control issues ok!) and it's too big to get the green light for my circumstances. So I'm trying to find an online 'normal' shop (ie: not a hydro / grow store) that sells 20W-30W suitable cfls for both veg and flower. Any ideas? I know it's not really your bag as you use the proper full bore HPS badboys etc but thought I'd ask,not having much luck on the UK supplies thread. Thanks in advance! :)

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Hey fellas

Hey fellas

no arguement needed GS! tell you what, if you make it up here i'll give you a bottle of the boost for an oz of that dubble! lol.

seriously, i fuck with a recipie and i know what i like. i understand both Grey and bone on the matter but tend to lean to a inclusive thought sharing the two thoughts with my own..... my meds, for my use, and if i see improvement, done. maybe repeated or sought to improve upon. if not......well need i say more. i use things in a grow to get results not because some company tells me to. i ask growers who grow what i grow. i have many a grow store owner as my friend and i get feedback, which i in turn mix with what i know. that being said i still do things like add vitamins/aminos sugars pytonutrients, juice, beer...etc. i don't get these things from the grow store btw and i get great results "when" i do them in addition to the stuff the grow store sells me....

Hazy Lady Post #42 I think most gardeners, - forgetting weed a minute - try products for whatever reason, hype, friends recommendations whatever!, but stick or fold based on the results they see, no chromatograph or slide rule, just observations and then if it is a food item, taste and yield.
I guess that mean we agree then :)

=Strangely;2921376]I thought you said he WASN'T a hippy? ;)
Speaking of Envirolites, having settled on one of them for my micro-cab design I made a cardboard prototype to see how big it would be (look I have control issues ok!) and it's too big to get the green light for my circumstances. So I'm trying to find an online 'normal' shop (ie: not a hydro / grow store) that sells 20W-30W suitable cfls for both veg and flower. Any ideas? I know it's not really your bag as you use the proper full bore HPS badboys etc but thought I'd ask,not having much luck on the UK supplies thread. Thanks in advance! :)
Heehee, hiya S', there are plenty of ways he isn't a hippy :)

I found a place selling 70 watt MH's the other day I'll look for the link now in case you're about and edit it I know you don't want a 70 w I jst mean....., I use Wholesale Electrical supplies, that the sparks themselves use, I have one very close though?, maybe you don't, oh you can post it :), I'll look now.
You can get a mix of normal tubes, warm / cool that I have seen growers use from normal stores.
You know the orange enviro'? are the called Eco-light? they are a lot shrter, but a little fatter to make it the same 125w, is one of those too big?. some normal light stores sell now as energy savers with the Phillips 18w http://www.lyco.co.uk/Light-Bulbs/F...ubes/Plant-Grow-Lights/sc1332/p225.aspxatters.
Lyco has 36 watt tubes plant growth, t8 size for £7, they are slim as heck. Ill keep on.
Same Lyco site under CFL energy saving bulbs, all those the guys in mini cabs and towers use.
I think Lycos are about the best priced I found a very sawn-off version of an envirolite on Lycos but they cost man, 40 w and 60 w, maybe great for cabs and mini's, warm and cool bulbs... check them here S

I found a small 35watt CMH, I didn't know they did MH so small, but it is the new ceramics, have a look here


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Great reports HL. I love it when somebody elses patience and hard work helps me prove my suspicions right...lol.
The bud density is something I have noticed with molasses myself. May also be due to the lack of boost and therefore lack of P,as although P promotes budding...It can cause overstretching and looseness of flowers if P is too high in the ratio for too long.
With the balance just right of the sweets and the boost then you should get Large but Hard buds of sweet,creamy,tropical goodness....Marvellous! ;] Job done.........................

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