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Ask Obama WHY he doesn't support legalization


Future Psychopharmacologist
this was posted on another site so I'm just spreading the word. every litttle bit helps. our question last time made number one. despite this the answer was a quick no with little effort put into it.

A new round of Obama's Open for Questions exercise has begun! Please help keep the matter of marijuana legalization in the minds of our elected officials. Though you may not find this issue to be of pressing need, open dialogue about smart and compassionate policies should have an effect on our entire conglomerate of misguided governmental policy. This would actually help to reduce spending, reduce non-violent prison populations (which are out of control), while increasing tax revenue and personal safety. All I'm asking you to do, and it should only take about one more minute:

  • Visit the change.gov Open for Questions page
  • Register or login on the site (instant - no email verification required)
  • Do a search for questions with "prohibitionist"
  • And then click the check mark to vote for the following question:
    "Why won't you support the federal legalization of marijuana, which would increase tax revenue, reduce social harm, and create new jobs by regulating an industry that already exists in the US, even amidst our current prohibitionist policy?"

Hopefully we can receive a more substantive response this time around. Please vote in favor of the similar questions as well (there are quite a few!). The more frequently we can place these questions in their Top 10, the more likely the administration is to offer a comprehensive response, as well as the more likely the general populous will be to honestly reconsider our failed drug policy.

Even though our previous question garnered the #1 spot in Obama's first "Open for Questions" exercise, his administration skirted the meat of it and simply stated that "President-elect Obama is not in favor of the legalization of marijuana." Let's try to find out a little more about WHY he does not favor this seemingly sensible path. Fortunately, the issue has been receiving some positive media attention:
"Apparently, the arrest of nearly 1,000,000 otherwise law abiding citizens each year for mere possession of cannabis, the relentless persecution of the sick and dying, and the continued incarceration of 1 out of every 100 adults, (and the imprisonment, jailing, probation or parole of 1 out of every 31 adults) is finally getting on peoples nerves.

Yes, these questions will not go away. Lawmakers around the country will have to suck it up and realize that, as Barney Frank put it: this is an area where the public is way ahead of the politicians."

Thanks for taking just a minute to help evoke positive change!


Hey, I agree and think you should all vote for it (I am not a US citizen). The previous response was just a short and definite answer to a yes or no question, and has also stated in past interviews that he does not support legalization at this time, no particular reason was given though. I predict something along the lines of that he feels that the concequences of legalization must be studied more throughly.

Also, remember he is positive to decriminalizing, but has stated that he might not have time to look at it over the four year period, so it's not too high on his agenda (understandable with todays finance market and unemployment rates on the high rise). I suspect the next four years we'll not hear much about this issue, but maybe he will find a way so that young people with a future will not have their rest of their lives ruined if the cops find an eight of an ounce of herb in their possession. Crazy how the gov't will automatically reject study loans to youths guilty of minor possession in the past today. Things like that doesn't exactly contribute to higher levels of education and lower levels of unemployment or crime.


Well I used to have an account with them but no more? I even tried to create a new account but to no avail... This is bullshit!!! They said no member with my email.



Get two birds stoned at once
Keep voting were not even on the second page yet, and the first two questions are the same as last time. Theres one that mentions prohibition which I like the most.


Active member
Good luck, guys. But, you know as well as I do, that this will not get legs until we all march on Washington with a charismatic MLK type speaker to lead the way. Go ahead and vote, but more than likely you will be handed another politically-crafted answer.

~Abbie :joint:


Thats because that involves you actually having to get off your computer to make a change... not something id be proud of if I were you.

Shcrews said:
i voted...

and i didnt even vote for pres



Get two birds stoned at once
Honestly there is good reason not to vote in some states, like in MA we all knew obama would prevail so I chose to vote 3rd party just to support the idea.

Storm Crow

Active member
Maybe I'm doing something wrong....

Maybe I'm doing something wrong....

Clicked the link, ran the search- results-

We found 0 results for “prohibitionist” So I tried other terms.....
We found 0 results for “prohibition”
We found 0 results for “cannabis prohibition”
We found 0 results for “"medical marijuana"”

We found 1 results for “marijuana prohibition”-
Open for Questions: Response
We've launched several features recently that are opening up the two-way dialogue between the Transition team and the Change.gov community. The feedback has been encouraging and constructive. Each new feature gives us the chance to refine the ways we facilitate these discussions, and it allows readers to chime in on…

And clicking the link gives you....
Q: "Will you consider legalizing marijuana so that the government can regulate it, tax it, put age limits on it, and create millions of new jobs and create a billion dollar industry right here in the U.S.?" S. Man, Denton

A: President-elect Obama is not in favor of the legalization of marijuana.

No sign in, except if I want to get updates- which I seem to be getting in my email already. Maybe they don't like me? :violin: Or is it just cannabis?

So I went here - http://change.gov/page/s/ofthepeople

And griped about it!

Granny :joint:


Robobond - I went to the site and voted for some of the questions that I felt held merit. Thanks for the link.
Last edited:


Active member
OK, I finally registered with change.gov and voted for all the marijuana related questions on the first 3 pages.

~Abbie :joint:


Future Psychopharmacologist
It seems they are censoring our mj questions as the top mj question I found had 6600 votes yet wasn't in the top 10....


Active member
fucking bullshit, this shit makes me angry...they act like its bad for you, then you debunk that and they act like people don't really support it, then when that is shown to be horseshit they just censor it...


I dident vote. I should have. Obama is probably just more full of shit than mc cain, "ITS TIME FOR CHANGE"

Well you still havent really told us exaclty what your doing you deception artist.

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