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Can We Say Kush Treez



thanks guys they got some more water and nutes last night along with a nice fumigation i found some mites on one of the bubbas so i bombed the room.. lol by by mites.. hahahahha then i will bomb again next week to completly erradicate any insects. all in all i will doo lotts of triming this weekend and cloning and man i went in to the back part of the cab last night holy cow the purple kush is growing crazy and the untopped pure kush has some of the densest foliage ive seen its crazy thick had to remove some leave to let light to the lower tops.. should be a great yeild is i keep them under control.im going to take the 1000wt lamp out of the hood and hang the lamp vertical tonight so the lumens will increase a lot over the plants. so buds are going to be dense and coated.. lol thanks for the kind words and sorry for the rambling..


Active member
What did you use to bomb the room that's safe for the plants and your lungs?

Great looking grow man - I'm jealous!


pyrethian fogger. since there like oh 8 weeks from harvest all is okay to use now and upto about 2 weeks before harvest


so everything got a nice trim job under neath i to be honest i think i went a bit crazy but man the tops should have some big as buds cause there aint nowhere for the energy to go but up into the buds.. hahahaha so i took clones from all the trim spent oh total time 4-5 hours entire process. 1-2 to trim all the plants monsters i tell you they are and or were. and then it took almost 3 hours to cut trim,dip and put oh 150 or so clones into the rockwool man o man its a bitch to write on freakin wet plastic. dam sharpees. lol so i will ahve some pics 2moro most likely. they will get water again tonight just clean pure ph'd water . the purple kush started to stretch insanely so i kinda pulled her down and did and bit of training on her under the trelis and man i got about oh 5-8 extra budsite shooting out now so things could get interesting lets hope pics 2moro ciao


Active member
Looking top notch Swerve :yes: That purple K is really strecthing her legs aint she, looks like she'll be a monster of a girl (fat lass). Look forward to the updates :D

Hows it smelling in there, quite stinky I'm reckoning- I bet its one of those smells that you'd love to fill your house with but just cant :(
Also, do the run all the kush's on the same ppm levels, or have your dialed in each kush?

Anyways buddy, all the best and Ill keep an eye out for the updates.
Guv'nor :joint:


hey guv how you doing.. well the cab stinks once tou step inside but the carbon filters are working right now. but i know in 4 weeks when there are buds its going to stink.. hahahaha as for the ppm. i basically force or should i say acclimate all my plants to the same regiments.. but sometimes i will change things up for certain strains. but these kushes are all the same . right now about 1200 or so ppm. i think the next watering will be about 1300 but bloom ferts...


Hell ya bro I can not wait to see that Purple Kush Sprout Huge Purple Colas...She is going to yeild huge.... :woohoo:

5-8 more colas.... :woohoo:

Can not wait for tomorrows pics....Keep up the good work Maestro!


so here's some pics sorry not too many did really take a lot..so i trimmed and i trimmed and then i finished and was like shit i might ahve trimmed a bit too much but it's ok just mean bigger buds on top

purple kush

red mutant

pure kush 3

pre-98 bubba

overview so the 1000wt is not hanging in the cab no reflector man it got a lot brighter in there

pure kush 1 in the back

pkXsd killing it

pure kush 2 and purple kush in the backround



dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
damn, looks like ya went a bit crazy with the trimmin eh?. all for the best i suppose. good thing u fed them the pk looks like it could use a few nutrients. pump them girls strong and lets see them babys bud!


Everything looks unreal.......I love the undershots too.....Great pics man...I know it must be hard to get the shots you get...But you do get them...

Thanks again for sharing Homie! We all love the show! :lurk:

Now this might be blasphamy but doesn't that canopy look like the most comfy hammock there......especially in a couple of weeks.....Would be some sweet dreams....


yeah i flushed them really good to set the ph to nromal then i realized i fixed the ph and got a mag dif. so i am working on that now and all in all after next waering with good nutes things will be growing hard..man they grow soo fast i tell you..things are looking great as of last night looked in andthings are finnaly showing preflowers. shit i think the show is about to begin.. let hope


Active member
Looking awesome bro! I can't wait to see what kind of stickiness you're gonna end up getting out of those beauties. And what a variety. I bet most people around here wish they had even one of the strains you're working with. Pulling up a chair to this show for sure.

Dr. Katz


yeah me too. shouold be good. theya re digging the 1000wt out of the hood. things ahve exploded i even pinched a few tops and man got even more side branching things are growing great giving them water tom with a nice solid set of bloom ferts.. time to watch them bud ... man i cant wait for the first crowns of pistils to show


why dont u use reflective wall materiall? mylar, or even just white paint?

i bet those plants would get even happier like that :D

anyway still looking like lots of fun - have fun mate :D



cause i didnt get a chcne to put it in i know iwas going to but to amny things came up next grow though i will ahng black white poly


the black/white poly is excellent. just stapel it with a stapel-gun to the boards after next harvest - its done in 15 minutes max :D

hehe but there is allways too many things to do hehe - i know how it is :D

peace :D


WoW! You weren't kidding when you said you did some trimming lol. Things are looking sick Swerve keep up the good work!

One question for you though....Where's the OG at? lol


i know it wasnt ready for this go round . but dont count that there's some rooting.. so once theya re rooted and go under the 250 for a bit they will get cycled in...i will post more pics in about an hour or so just ahve to clean out the gallery 1pic at a time. man we need bulk picture deleting..


Swerve said:
i know it wasnt ready for this go round...

What do you mean not ready....your.....SUPER SWERVE!...With an S on yo Chess!

Well you seem like super swerve to us man with all the shit you handle!

With all the shit you got going on it is easy for us to understand what it must be like not to have every single thing ready!....Wish I could have had the time to come help you out myself....