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Can there be to much air in res?


I know the standard is 1 watt of air power per gal on water. And You know how we like to overdo things. So how much air is to much? Can you have to much air? I am just wondering i went ot get a new air pump today and they didn't have the one I wanted. So I go the same model but bigger. It is 112w lol. My current res has 14 gal in it. Thats 8 watts per gal. It really gets the ole res bubbling.




Well my understanding is that as long as you aren't doing organic or using solutions with microorganisms then the more dissolved oxygen the better. However if you use beneficial bacteria or whatnot then the oxygen level will kill them so plan accordingly. Check out the "Krusty Bucket", "Freedom Bucket" or "Dirty Bucket" they utilize a ton of air so it shouldn't be an issue. Please post a picture of your ridiculous bubbles for me:yoinks:


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
i highly doubt it people use h2o2 for extra extra oxygen and its nothing but good things...


you cant overdo it. In fact you should have more airtime than watertime anyway, however using a high wattage airunit might change your setup tho, going from dwc to something yet undefined.

and lol freezerboy.


Active member
I know the standard is 1 watt of air power per gal on water. And You know how we like to overdo things. So how much air is to much? Can you have to much air? I am just wondering i went ot get a new air pump today and they didn't have the one I wanted. So I go the same model but bigger. It is 112w lol. My current res has 14 gal in it. Thats 8 watts per gal. It really gets the ole res bubbling.

thats a good question. I think there's no such thing as too much oxygen unless you are drying the roots out.

However, many do think there is a point of diminishing returns as far as oxygen saturation is concerned. They have determined this with dissolved oxygen testing kits, so that just means most likely it'll be a waste of air, and electricity once your past the point of diminishing returns.

But fuck it dood go big try it out you never know, science has been wrong before. just make sure you post some pictures of those bubbles and when those ladies are monsters! :D


Okay well I may hang on to the pump then. It really hums. I am in the process of changing to individual buckets and a res so when I change over I will take picture of the bubbles. But then I will have more water and my ratio of watts/water will be 4. One thing I noticed last night when I was adding nutes was there is like a current in my tub now some roots where just flowing along in the tub. This is the pump I got. http://www.maxgrower.com/active-aqua-commercial-air-pumps-pu1110.html
Well my understanding is that as long as you aren't doing organic or using solutions with microorganisms then the more dissolved oxygen the better. However if you use beneficial bacteria or whatnot then the oxygen level will kill them so plan accordingly.

There is no such thing as too much oxygen for aerobic (beneficial) bacteria. In fact, it's absolutely critical that there be a lot of O2 so that anerobic (poisonous/O2 hating) bacteria is killed off. Meanwhile, mycorrihizae fungus can live in open air on top of the soil. So, that is quite obviously not antagonized by too much bubbling, either.

As others mentioned, the only issue here is wasted electricity. That's easily lessened by putting your pump on a timer. It won't hurt to cycle it on/off every hour or whatever.


So more air is good? Just this second i have checked my pots and my roots don't look as white!? Only thing different is a another pump and Nitrozyme which was very dark in colour. Is it that?




I have had similar issues with GH Floralicious Plus and Liquid Karma turning roots colors. Just remember that as long as you keep your temps good and enough oxygen present your roots will be A O K!


Well yes that is my aim, i'm battling high res temps at the minute
but i'm looking at aquarium heaters on ebay that range from 16c-30 odd c
I'm thinking 200L size will do the job on a 100L res i hope so i need happy roots


Active member
Well yes that is my aim, i'm battling high res temps at the minute
but i'm looking at aquarium heaters on ebay that range from 16c-30 odd c
I'm thinking 200L size will do the job on a 100L res i hope so i need happy roots

Just buy a mini freezer, and suspend your air pump inside of it. This will take care of the noise, and pump cold air into your res thus lower your temps. You can get one for under 100 dollars easy, plus you can control how cold you want it. Win win situation!

I would do this but I have air condition and steady res temps at 68-70 degrees Farenheit.

I just bought the eco plus 3 commericial air pump and its so loud, but once you hookup the airlines and stones to it its virtually silent, just hums a bit, which is easily remedied by hanging with a rubber bungee cord.

Lets us know how it goes.


Well, the amount of oxygen you can dissolve in the water is mostly a function of temp. Don't matter how big the air pump is past a certain point. Even with a freakin' Mercury 250 outboard prop churning in there, you can only achieve a certain level of oxygenation...and fully O2 saturated water will not harm the plants. You want the DO as high as possible.

So short answer: No.


Just buy a mini freezer, and suspend your air pump inside of it. This will take care of the noise, and pump cold air into your res thus lower your temps.
I like that idea. I just happen to have a mini freezer 10 feet away. Only problem is momma has it plumb full lol. I was going to run a titanium coil in the bottom and recirculate my water thru that. Just place a board on top of the coil and pack the freezer full. Could run the lines out the back and no one would even know it is there. I wonder if there would be any damage to the pump running it below freezing temps.


Active member
I like that idea. I just happen to have a mini freezer 10 feet away. Only problem is momma has it plumb full lol. I was going to run a titanium coil in the bottom and recirculate my water thru that. Just place a board on top of the coil and pack the freezer full. Could run the lines out the back and no one would even know it is there. I wonder if there would be any damage to the pump running it below freezing temps.

yeah you could do that too, there's a good DIY thread about a homemade chiller somewhere on here. So its cool the water or cool the air going into the water. Or just keep your room temps in the low 70's high 60's with a/c and you wont have a problem. that's what I do :)


Hmm i like the thinking turbolaser! Because that will help me shut them air pumps up whilst cooling my water too!

How would i fix the bungee cord to the freezer though?

I may just get the aquarium heater(s) they are cheap at £20 so might try them first then if that fails it's the freezer i'm going for.



I may just get the aquarium heater(s) they are cheap at £20 so might try them first then if that fails it's the freezer i'm going for.
I think you mistaken the heaters will heat the water. You need to get a aquaruim chiller. https://www.dtpetsupplies.com/catalog/product_info.php?language=en&currency=USD&products_id=944
something like this or bigger. Make sure they are titanium so the nutes won't react with them metal.

As far as a/c I have the room next to it at 68 degrees. So the air coming in throught the intake has been the same. My room stays between 72-80 degrees. I am just thinking of summer when the outside temps reach 100. My res has been in the sixties up until this week now it is like 70-71. But a nice res drain and fill is coming will some cool water. I may be fine. Still doing the final tweaks on my room.