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promix question

Im using Promix BX for my grow.
its classified as soilless right?
so i need to keep ph like 5.8 i think right?



use plenty of lime?if growing organic.if using chemicals you might need to ph the water first .what i do is set my water set out 24hr and air the water with a fish pump and a air stone and my local water is just as good as bottel water.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
If using hydroponic nutrients then 5.6-6.3 if using organics 6.3-6.8 (really w/ organics its not a huge deal).


New member
So.... if i use 100% organics and PH my nute solution to 6.3-6.8 (depending on my ph runoff of medium - in this case pro mix bx)... I should be fine...

Or do I need to add some additional dolomite lime with pro mix BX? And what ph runoff am I to expect if I add this "specified amount" of dolomite lime?

EDIT: im confused, if I add lime do I not need to PH my nute solution... And if I ph my nute solution, do I need not to add the lime... Or do I do both...
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Active member
add 1TBS/gallon very fine screened dolomite lime to BX.

pH nutes before or not but before preferably. (Why? less plant (root) shock. always minimize shock whenever possible).

The less energy your plants have to dispel to overcome shock the more energy they have to grow.

Dolo will raise pH but the time it takes to do it will mean shock time for the roots.
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Get a ph pen. I have found as well as others that around 6.2 is about right with pro. 5.8 is the very low side for soilless That is water going into the plants, as well as water/nutes. If you add lime to the soil it's the same ph going in. Do not get all wonky and start reading run-off for about a month or you will be chasing your tail at times. Then you can check once and a while and adjust. BX is good stuff