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Calif. pot dispensaries told by feds to shut down


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
I'm sure that this has been thought out by those with the bucks, but there seems to be a conflict with the "taking" of a license that had a value due to muncipality sanctioning. Basically, I am asking if it seems reasonable that in the counties that charged "licensing fees" or even issued a limited quanity of licenses (not open to all comers, thereby creating value for the license itself) could have liability? They recieved cash for a license that was illegal for them to sell you...


As long as the dispensaries blatantly continue to show profits with something that is against federal law they will be targets. And what probably troubles them more than than showing the profits are all the money that is not shown. To the feds a dispensary is just drug dealing in the open.

exactly, they are targeting the non-profit model, because everyone hides their profits.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
At $80 an 1/8 it would appear that somebody made some profit.
But if a dispensary has to pay accountants, bookkeepers, secretaries, attorneys, and security guards on top of paying the rent, power bill, phone bill, and courier after they pay the grower a fair price, and still pay state AND Federal taxes; I'm having a tough time determining who it could have been.

Sounds like the government is the only business making money in that deal.


Well-known member
Obama orders ALL CA Dispensaries To Shut Down In 45 days

Obama orders ALL CA Dispensaries To Shut Down In 45 days


"The Obama administration has ordered all medical-marijuana dispensaries in California to shut down within 45 days or they will be prosecuted and have their property confiscated for violating federal drugs laws, the Associated Press reports.

Even licensed outlets operating under the 1996 voter-approved medical-marijuana law are subject to the federal crackdown. California's four U.S. attorneys plan an announcement Friday.

AP says the federal prosecutors have notified at least 16 pot shops or their landlords."


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
maybe this is a warning to california that they need to re-group, re-structure, and re-organize their game plan?

NO OFFENSE, but as an outsider looking in, california became too cocky... i think this is obama and his cohorts' way of CHECKING you guys and letting you know who's boss..... i think this situation can be compared to a prison system.... when the CO's feel as if the prisoners think they have control, the CO's come through and rip the prisoner's belongings up, throw their shit all over the place, and make them clean it up..........they'll also arrest a few violators of their rules along the way in order to make examples out of them...............the prisoner's will NEVER really have "control" after they "clean up," but they can damn well re-group, re-structure, and re-organize their game plan in order to operate in such a way that they can play as they wish.....dont forget to pay off your CO, cuz if you don't do it, you will quickly be reminded of WHO'S BOSS ! edit: and if the prisoners are extra studious and educated, maybe their next go-round they can petition the prison head to allow them more privileges....

so much can be learned from prisons i tell ya!
Last edited:


i don't think the government/pharma wants us calling it medical marijuana or stores selling it....since its a schedule 1 it causes a lot of conflict. So they need to get it off schedule 1 first off... but will that ever happen.. I think they like using the schedule 1 and the whole 'federal' law mess as an excuse...


Active member
Just speculation here, but I bet a FDA approved canna drug is ready for prime time. They just want to clear the competition.

I know that I will most likely get repped down for this, but this is why passing prop 19 was so important to me. Yes, the Feds probably would of done this anyway, but it would be a mmj + states rights battle. A much stronger stance.

Let's see what they say today. If things go bad, as it seems they will, it's now going to be more important than ever to get behind initiatives like "regulate marijuana like wine".

They are fearing us into a corner. We need to stand united, divided we fall.


Active member
Anyone watch the Prohibition series on PBS? Back then, like now, the Feds didn't have the resources to target, let alone shut all of the speakeasys down. They will try to strong arm a few dispensaries and hope they can bluff the rest into shutting down voluntarily.

I also agree that way too many dispensaries were greedy and made a killing selling 80 1/8ths over the years. OK, maybe not the last 2 years, but 2006 and 2007 most places had "top shelf" for 80 and 1/8th. Anyone selling an 1/8ths for more than $60, ever, doesn't get much sympathy from me, unless those 1/8ths came with a blowjob.

60 and 1/8th?!?! anyone selling eighths for more than 40 is a fucking scumbag, and even at 40..

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
i don't think the government/pharma wants us calling it medical marijuana or stores selling it....since its a schedule 1 it causes a lot of conflict. So they need to get it off schedule 1 first off... but will that ever happen.. I think they like using the schedule 1 and the whole 'federal' law mess as an excuse...

the scheduling of drugs is such a crock of shit anyways, the people who decide aren't even doctors. How can someone who is not a doctor decide if something has medical benefits?

Madrus Rose

post 69
The DOJ is expected to make a statement (bless their pointed little heads) later today
for the closing of all Pot dispensaries....it is serious they're targeting the landlords too.


Active member
Ah yes, that warm fuzzy Commerce Clause that supposedly allows the Fed to decree any position they take is 'legal' and within their jurisdiction to regulate.
It may be a domestic grown product sold only in California, but it 'could' be sold in Utah, ergo it falls within the purview of the Federal Govt.

In this case they don't need to invoke the Com Clause as the IRS gets to write it's own rules on what is a deductible expense. I cannot deduct maintenance and depreciation on my airplane that smuggles yayo from Columbia.
It just happens to work out very nicely that they can apply this same restriction to Federal taxes on State sanctioned dispensaries.

And you screw with the IRS at your own peril. They will confiscate your assets and property and it may take years to resolve it in court. Under Fed law dispensaries are a criminal enterprise subject to the RICO Act.
This IRS rule is just a kinder, gentler backdoor into the program that doesn't insult the States Attorney General and trample on their jurisdiction.

With more States choosing to go with MMJ laws it's time to start filing lawsuits at the Feds and IRS's claims to jurisdictional precedent over State law.
Until there is a SCOTUS ruling limiting FEDs jurisdiction on MMJ or until a legalization bill is passed through Congress and signed by the Prez, this crap will be a constant feature of the Feds usurping States and the peoples rights to live under rules of their own choice.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
They weren't empty threats when they raided Montana, Washington, Michigan, Colorado, Oregon, or West Hollywood, CA. after sending similar letters.

I'm pretty sure we can expect raids in California in the near future.

I am no advocate for violence, but damn! But what is left when our own Government sends armed forces to squelch and countermand the vote of the people?

The way I see it is start moving westward, but leave yer weed at home cause California is the place we oughta be, and there is plenty of weed there for me.
Over half of the citizens approve of medical mj, fill the streets and cities with people and tents.

At some point we will have to stand and call their bluff, if over 10million citizens confront the DEA they will be forced to reevaluate marijuana prohibition.

But I'm guessing the State vending machines will still be available in California?

No Government will walk away from Free money. They have gotten a taste of being drug dealers and their network has been setup. Now it's time for the Government to setup Weed Marts across the US so they can sell the Cartels drugs they traded for weapons. Just wonder how they are going to get it here?

Oh yeah that's right we opened our borders to Mexican Semi Trucks I damn near forgot so thats why they did it huh never would have guessed.

How many of us old timers who have spent many a day running wild on the streets have seen this very damn same thing happen when one club takes over from another?

Good Ole Obama, now that man got some street in him is all I gotta say.

You'll See


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Plummet?? Not a chance!! If this actually starts happening, prices will skyrocket!!
All you street dealers...grab your shoes, dust them off...it might be time to get back to work!!
This sucks...they CAN realistically do this, even if it gets overturned later...most will have lost too much $$ to be able to reopen--
Sad fucking day, if this happens--

this is basically what happened in michigan... dont you guys belong to the union UFCW?

what are they saying about that???


Feds shutting down Medical Marijuana dispensaries in California

Feds shutting down Medical Marijuana dispensaries in California

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4480672...ut-down?gt1=43001' rel='nofollow#.To8PKLJy8xQ

In an escalation of the ongoing conflict between the U.S. government and the nation's burgeoning medical marijuana industry, at least 16 pot shops or their landlords received letters this week stating they are violating federal drug laws, even though medical marijuana is legal in California. The state's four U.S. attorneys were scheduled Friday to announce a broader coordinated crackdown.

"The real power is with the federal government," he said. "They have the asset forfeiture, and that means either the federal government will own a lot of property or these landlords will evict a lot of dispensaries."

Fuck The Pheds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You wired me awake,
And hit me with a hand of broken nails.
You tied my lead and pulled my chain,
To watch my blood begin to boil.

But I'm gonna break,
I'm gonna break my,
Gonna break my rusty cage and run.
I'm gonna break,
I'm gonna break my,
Gonna break my rusty cage and run.

Too cold to start a fire,
I'm burning diesel, burning dinosaur bones.
I'll take the river down to still water,
And ride a pack of dogs.

I'm gonna break,
I'm gonna break my,
Gonna break my rusty cage and run.
I'm gonna break,
I'm gonna break my,
Gonna break my rusty cage and run.

When the forest burns along the road,
Like God's eyes in my headlights.
When the dogs are lookin' for their bones,
And it's rainin' icepicks on your steel shore,

I'm gonna break,
I'm gonna break my,
I'm gonna break my rusty cage and run.
I'm gonna break,
I'm gonna break my,
Gonna break my rusty cage and run.

I'm gonna break,
I'm gonna break my,
Gonna break my rusty cage and run.
I'm gonna break,
I'm gonna break my,
Gonna break my rusty cage and run.


There should be no political parties...just right and wrong...smart and dumb ect..

I mostly lean liberal but both sides are retarded alot of times...

Ron Paul is definately getting my vote...

His whole get out of the way and let the people take care of themselves attitude is what I love most....

However....there do need to be alot of gov't programs for those in need...but jesus christ man enough is enough with all the money being spent on defense (cut that shit in half man...) and none being spent on infastructure...

All the fucking money goes to gov't payroll now....

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