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Calif. pot dispensaries told by feds to shut down


Active member
Sorry it sounded like you said that medical issues are to be handled by the State not Federal Government. That would be an outright lie meant to make medical marijuana seem legal somehow. It is not. Marijuana is a Schedule 1 substance with no accepted medical value. This has been and is determined by the Federal Government.

First off. Many of these medical users do not have a location or are too sick to grow their own medicine. Many of them will be throwing up all day and be in major pain nights-on-end as a result of this. And you just give them a big "Fuck You, It's Not by problem or Obama's"? When Obama ran on the premise that he would not interfere with Medical marijuana, he has the central authority to veto - this is his ruling. You don't care if you have been lied to, but that makes sense, because you don't care when sick people are needlessly tortured and put through sleepless nights.

Would you say the same thing to someone going through a hospital and removing all the tubes into patients who needed bodily regulation or treatment for symptoms? You would be ok and defending the people who did that as well I assume? Kind of sickens me.. I guess this is the type of "Change" you had in mind, when voting for Obama. At least I can realize I was lied to when giving him my vote.

And to clarify, actually medical issues are "supposed to be handled by the state".

Yes anything that is classified as Schedule 1 - is claimed to have no medical benefits at all - which means it's a federal loophole to dealing with where medical authority lies. It is the federal Governments way to get around state authority by denying it's medical properties.

Although, it is public record the US government has done studies varying medical uses of cannabis and even provides 4 US citizens with cannabis for medical purposes. It is pure deception, just like everything I stated in the last post.

If state's are not supposed to support the local representation of the people, then why even split the US into states to begin with, why not one big federation????


Are you threatening me

LOL, IDK did it "threaten" you?
No I was being sincere, I feel sorry for you as I do for anyone that lacks the ability to form their own thoughts, it will hinder you in life and I was simply wishing you well despite your ignorance...cornholio.:comfort:
Well I remember in 1998 when the government gave weed to 8 citizens. Now they give it to 4. We're going backwards. You want it to be one way. But it the other way.


why do you think they are sending warnings instead of busting in right away and taking everything? Are they trying to play the nice guy so they don't look as bad to the general public?


Active member
That's funny yous guys blaming anti19 folks..especially considering predicted this WELL BEFORE 19 was voyed down on the ballot....hmmmm....wonder how I managed to make that lucky guess ? It has next to nothing to do with prop 19 but I see how many find it a convenient scapegoat rather than looking at the true motives and reasons behind it. I TOLD YOU SO NOW GO LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND THANK YOURSELF FOR VOTING FOR OBAMA. Or lemme guess this is all Bush's fault, or the other classic, but King Obama has only been in office for 6 months/year/2 years/3 years/oh wait he'll get to that during his 2nd term huh? Lol after he orders all dispenseries closed. I thought King O said he would not "waste resources on people following their state laws"...LMFAO keep living in denial folks looks like its working real well for ya. Hows that hope and change working out? This the kind of change you wanted? Instead of bashing people that wisely opposed crappy piss poor legislation why don't you take a look at all the fools that voted for the person that's actually behind this....Nah!

This is absolutely correct.


boo hoo

boo hoo

What the hell is the problem here? Dispensaries are in clear violation of the law. If the state will not defend the law there ,then I see it as the state to blame , not the feds. The revolt should be against the state that says we will take the taxes from you, but not protect you from being shut down. I say fuck em all, I will be in the same position I was in 10 years ago, today and next ten years. Good thing they don't know where my products are being vended to, and my shop is not on any record, sorry for all of you with a pipe dream of these weed shops being legitimate. If all you shop owners are true to the game, then fuck them , stay open and grow even more, and while your at it make sure to update all documents to make sure they know your growing more and where and for how much.


i dont think anyone is apologizing, everyone can agree if his administration indeed did have a full hand in this its really screwed up.

i for one am sorry to say this knowing all the people going to talk shit to me for this but i highly doubt Obama and his administration have any control over the federal government.
to me this is more of a scheme or another propaganda tactic to once again throw everything on the presidents shoulders who literally have barely shit to do with anything, people are brainwashed to think otherwise.

maybe if this 1958..

the first thing i noticed reading this junk was it first states "FEDS SHUTTING DOWN MARIJUANA OUTLETS" then you have the title directly below it blaming it all on the Obama administration? im sorry but i know the federal government is the problem, some of you fools can waste your energy on these rinky dink presidents they use as shields to focus all their enemies attacks on..

life is like a chess game, or at least government is. there is always a higher more important rule that always needs protection, that is their way of protecting themselves. presidents recently have been nothing more than pawns in the entire scheme of how corrupt our government has been allowed to become because of stupid shit like this making everyone believe a group of small people and this one man are ruining the entire country!! lets blame him for everything.. give me a break.

there is no news article on this planet that will make me believe otherwise, some of you twats act like pot is the most important topic in US history... sorry to burst your bubble but it isnt, the corrupt and abusive nature raping this country everyday is a small piece of what is playing a part in all our lives sadly.. that is what needs to be addressed.

when you have a government so corrupt they throw billions of its tax payers money in black budget projects we or literally any normal citizen will ever hear or know about is sadastic, dig deeper. there are things that could change the world for the better, on a mass scale literally forever and its all being hidden away waiting to save the governments rule when imposing forces try to stop it. shit like that makes me hate even being human

half of you guys make me really depressed because how easily you are all mislead to believe all this so easily. once again the federal government walks away clean while everyone thinks one man could honestly control the federal government, thats what doesnt make sense about the story first off if its happening or not.. Obama doesnt control the federal government. no president ever has, that is the problem.

when you have tons of high ranking military officials telling you the black budget projects are the main problem with this country period, im going to listen these people. they have worked with this goverment for most their lives first hand, for them to risk everything they have and literally almost break down in tears because of how fucked up and how many hidden things are being held from us for that we literally invest billions of our tax money in every year that just gets marked off to be used for anything, that scares me.

you can live in this fantasy world of 'Oh Obama, Bush and every other president are ruining this country" but in all reality thats just insane to even think that period. i can almost promise you anyone who has been in deep within the military knows who really runs the show, the federal government.

when you have people losing jobs, not paying their bills, losing everything they have you can stupidly act like this all happened within a 2 year time frame all you want but thats not the case, ive lived this corruption forever and seen many suffer from it. everyone complaining about Obama or any recent president these days just makes me laugh.

blame Obama when the federal government controls something as simple as paper that can be produced on a mass scale, something that shouldnt even hold a limit over a humans actual life, something that could stimulate the economy if given away not in months but in a day, blame someone who will never have control over the federal government or any control to make any real change within the country.

the term the poor get poorer and the rich get richer, isnt a joke. of course it doesnt apply to every persons life but thats how the economy is set, what has never made sense is we complain about being so broke when money is imaginary to begin with, secondly it can be made endlessly, its only our greedy intent and corrupt intentions that have held us up caught up in ignorantly pointless laws letting individuals die on the streets and end up homeless.

its as simple as you give people more money, they will spend more money. once again it all falls upon the federal end of this country, but continually people point the finger at all these tiny individuals who the country should know by now will never have that type of power or control to do anything..

you think these presidents stupid or not dont want to get on the podium and just completely speak their minds? you saw what happened when people wanted slavery abolished, they got assassinated for even trying.. id love to see a president speak his mind completely and see how long he is alive.

sad people dont look deeper is all, its been pretty obvious and everyone always brings it up but would rather focus their attention on less important issues Obama being one of them.

its not like we would ever know because i cant afford a time machine, but if i could i can almost promise no matter who was voted in regardless if it was Obama or not, this would be happening.

when i see people addressing this issue more directly, then you will see our world change, until then we will keep living the same because everyone keeps falling for the same tricks.


like i said look deeper, there is a huge issue with major cartels and the federal government right now, to me its ironic that the cartels have been literally raping and owning mexico right now and i know they arent happy or want anything to be legalized.. its even more ironic even with all the countless information proving cannabis is indeed one of the most harmless drugs on the planet the federal governments agenda has always been the same as any drug cartel. is it really Obama? or just our corrupt ass federal government dealing with the wrong people, to me its much more likely our government is heavily tied with illegal smuggling within the US.. and of course where are the two hot spots for that smuggling Cali and Texas.

to me it just sounds like the drug lords clearly control everything at the moment, for california to be completely shut down says that more than enough with the recent cartels rampages and the similar response from our federal government. its 100% obvious legalizing drugs actually reduces peoples interest in wanting to do drugs period, let alone would hurt the cartels so badly there would be no need to ever buy drugs illegally much anymore again. its nothing new the mafia or other criminally affiliated gangs have had their hands deep within the feds for quite some time, so it no surprise we are seeing it get worse, the more you allow something to go on the the bigger their cooperation with the feds will get or in other words has gotten. if our military alone is so corrupt its highest officials all were willing to testify against our government than do you really think thats so far fetched?

im going out on a whim but making the connection between the recent up roar with the cartels and the fed constantly busting balls on cannabis right now, id say the two are very much linked, probably have been for a very long time. they both have the same agenda and the feds know its harmless and they know the crime rate will drop significantly if some of these drugs were made legal.. but they constantly keep denying and the only excuse they have used since the dawn of time is the gateway theory which has no validity.

so lets see we have corrupt alcohol companies, corrupt tobacco companies, a supremely corrupt military.. oh and to top it all off with a lovely cherry we have our own federal government ruining things even further.. yea keep blaming Obama and the next president..


Who ever said, "...a watched pot never boils." is
ICMag Donor
Red EYED for PRES! Im running! The ballot should read red-eyed-n-ready to officially count!
What the hell is the problem here? Dispensaries are in clear violation of the law. If the state will not defend the law there ,then I see it as the state to blame , not the feds. The revolt should be against the state that says we will take the taxes from you, but not protect you from being shut down. I say fuck em all, I will be in the same position I was in 10 years ago, today and next ten years. Good thing they don't know where my products are being vended to, and my shop is not on any record, sorry for all of you with a pipe dream of these weed shops being legitimate. If all you shop owners are true to the game, then fuck them , stay open and grow even more, and while your at it make sure to update all documents to make sure they know your growing more and where and for how much.

This guy gets it, No Taxation Without Representation.


Active member
love how the history channel is airing a series on prohibition.....the parallels are almost identical. rouge teams of government agents playing cops and robbers with non violent people just trying to make a living....only back in the day the gangsters had balls and would swiss cheese the police with the tommy guns...

what the government is doing right now is also very similar to what Great Britain was doing to the colonies before the revolutionary war.....a far distant government where we have no representation, dictating the laws of our land regardless of what THE PEOPLE have voted for.....its not rocket science, its the basic principals of our founding fathers and the constitution. what they are doing to medical marijuana will soon be done to other classes of people, the one that will spark the next civil war would be when they make drastic moves to implement gun control....get your acres and ante up!!!

as far as 215 and medical MJ.....most dispensary owners are just businessmen, not marijuana revolutionaries.. they are gonna close up shop and find other ways to make money. a few people will protest, but no ones gonna have the balls to do anything major because the police state is just too strong...everybody will be back to the underground, prices might go up or they might go down...more people will go to jail thats for sure. the drug war, the biggest civil rights violation in this country in the last half century is well on its way and non violent marijuana growers and users are a target..

like others have said...adapt or die. or retire and find another way to make a living and simply enjoy MJ in recreation....when i first talked to a lawyer he told me something along the lines of...."is it really worth all the paranoia and possible jailtime? thats what you are getting paid for, everytime you worry about being raided you are on the clock."

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Ron Paul Calls for End to Drug War!

Ron Paul Calls for End to Drug War!

IF YOU WANT TO END PROHIBITION VOTE RON PAUL. He even calls out the racism in the drug war.


he flat out says "repeal the whole entire war on drugs."

Another thought about this situation and what could happen. This kind of letter really just provokes people like me. This might just result in another explosion in mmj shop openings, as a challenge to the government. That is what happened in L.A. Over grow all their bull shit. massive civil disobedience.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I am surprised it took this long. Massive profits by 'non profit' dispensaries, too much loot for uncle sugar to have go unchecked. Hospitals are another non profit-big profit outfit that are going to get reigned in by government. In the case of medical care, I agree with the government, as I cannot afford the fees these jokers want from me.

As for the dispensaries going on as they are, I am fine with that, as any other set up will be profit for the government or someone else. I have no illusions as to whether my health or their profit is of most importance to them. Same with hospitals, Doctors etc.