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Calif. pot dispensaries told by feds to shut down


Well-known member
Fitting for these times.

Brothers here I stand
Spread my wings and take command
The sky he justly planned
The boy become a man

After all this time
I tell myself that I'm
Not just wasting time
Oh you know I'm not that way inclined

Brothers if you hear
Raise your flags and make it clear
There is more to fear
If we wait for another year

After all this time
I tell-a [repeat] myself that I'm
Just passing through time

After all this time
I tell myself that I'm
Not just wasting time
Oh you know I'm not that way inclined

Brothers fight or fall
It's man for man and one for all
No more can we crawl
Brothers, brothers hear the call

After all this time
I tell myself that I'm
Not just wasting time
Oh you know I'm not that way inclined

Brother brother
Brother brother

Brother fight or fall
It's man for man and one for all

Brother brother
Brother brother

What you want?
We gotta fight for one another!
this i like a lot. its a really good one.

now on to what ie2ks kush said.

I TOO am at the point now where I have simply accepted that I am a criminal. even thou I only grow for me and the family.

I will do what I can as an individual which is all any of us can do at this point, and that is, GROW YOUR FUCKING ASS OFF! IF YOU FEEL THE LAW IS UNJUST, IT IS YOUR DUTY TO VIOLATE IT. At this point nothing short of an armed uprising will change the status quo history tells us this.
I have been thinking the same thing for the last 12 years.

The answer is not in "the government" nor is it a particular "person". As long as the majority of people in our community continue to believe that "someone" will come along and deliver them from this oppression, you will continue to be oppressed. Again, history tells us this is so. Time to wake up folks. Realize that no one you vote for will do anything to give you liberty or freedoms, the government only takes those. If you want those, you have to take it, usually through means of force.
well said ie2ks kush.

and do yall think ron paul would have really gotton MMJ legalized? sounds to me like more bullshit talk to get him more votes.

1CB :D


Active member
I know but the title of the thread is Feds target Calif dispensaries.

FEDS attacked the other states as they were starting up to slow down the growth. CA scared the hell out of them and they didn't want a repeat in Michigan with the dispensary scene.

Respect right back at ya! We are on the same side. :D Have a great weekend and stay safe!

I respect what your saying but I dont think that was the issue in Michigan. We didnt have that many dispensaries over here. The feds argued that they never agreed to stores where you could purchase marijuana.....you were just supposed to have it appear magically.


Kiss My Ring
Melinda Haag, the United States Attorney for the Northern District of California, said: "Marijuana stores operating in proximity to schools, parks, and other areas where children are present send the wrong message to those in our society who are the most impressionable. In addition, the huge profits generated by these stores, and the value of their inventory, present a danger that the stores will become a magnet for crime, which jeopardizes the safety of nearby children. Although our initial efforts in the Northern District focus on only certain marijuana stores, we will almost certainly be taking action against others. None are immune from action by the federal government."


just a reminder that they not only want to close pot shops, they want to deny our right to choose an appropriate medicine with minimal side effects...targeting each of us.

'I' am taking this personal from here on in.

not suggesting what you should do, just preaching to the choir atm, but for those who have not yet awakened to the realities of lifes pitfalls...please take some time to read the majority view here.

people are angry, frustrated, hurt, disgusted...ripe for a 'revolutionary' change, but have no inkling how to affect it.

ever wonder why the US currency was redesigned? 'cause of all that drug money being smuggled into the cartels coffers! many billions per year drifted south...mucho influence! it wouldn't suprise me to discover that the cartels run this gobment.

Boycott corporations, protest spending based on projections...among legal activities...use your imagination when underground...stay safe.

Disclaimer: these are opinions not necessarily in the realm of reality or reason.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Fuck Ron Paul...

If you want to end prohibition? Load your guns and head for California.

Prohibition is a bank roll for the government and will never end until the American people have had enough and "just say no"...

This episode should speak volumes, even to the deaf. The dispensaries are cutting into the cartel profits. Obama's administration is selling/trading guns and weapons to the cartels.

Now Obama's bullshit gets exposed and he hits California with accusations that dispensaries are involved with cartel traffic somehow.

We can melt our weapons down and turn em into plow shears later, but the opportunity to be passive is, well past...

This episode is a declaration of war on the homeland, from Obama and cohorts. Load up or shut up cause Obama is already loaded. And if you want to grow herb then you have to play by his rules, which means you grow it for yourself and you don't let it interfere with cartel profits.
Prices are definitely going up..... and that means more money, jacking, violence and all the other shit that comes with something so valuable being sold on the street. Sad day for the peaceful mmj movement. Last but not least, Fuck ALL dispensaries. You guys have ripped off patients and growers for long enough. Back to slangin asphalt fuckers! lol!

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I saw a video of some state or federal representative of north cal talking about the issue, she want on to discuss how cartels are growing weed in the national forests and spraying pesticides, cutting down trees, starting forest fires and leaving trash in the forests.

That has nothing to do with mmj dispensaries.

Then she goes on to talk about how there are dispensaries near kids parks and school stadiums. Ok, I'd bet there are gas stations advertising alcohol in the same areas, so f'ing what if there are dispensaries there.

I don't know who she was, but it seems just another drug warrior bozo politician with white hair.

rick shaw

I saw a video of some state or federal representative of north cal talking about the issue, she want on to discuss how cartels are growing weed in the national forests and spraying pesticides, cutting down trees, starting forest fires and leaving trash in the forests.

That has nothing to do with mmj dispensaries.

Then she goes on to talk about how there are dispensaries near kids parks and school stadiums. Ok, I'd bet there are gas stations advertising alcohol in the same areas, so f'ing what if there are dispensaries there.

I don't know who she was, but it seems just another drug warrior bozo politician with white hair.

That's Melinda Haag US Attorney,N.California...yeah she's a penis shrinker :laughing:


Professor Organic Psychology
The democratic party has always been For a strong central government. One policy with lots of red tape for the whole country. It has been the independents and the republicans that have always recognized state's rights, smaller government, and less red tape. The democratic party wants hospitals and just about everything else to be enormous bureaucratic quagmires. So McCain may have not liked Marijuana, but he said so in the beginning. He didn't lie to get elected and then drop bombs on us afterward, and he would have respected states rights to govern. I cannot believe the fallacy that the democratic party has been playing on free thinkers and liberals since the beginning of time. George Bush could have done the same thing Obama is doing now if he didn't respect state's rights.

btw, I am not an American and do not vote in the USA. I am just someone that has studied politics in this country for at least 30 years.


Re: Feds target Calif. pot dispensaries

Re: Feds target Calif. pot dispensaries

Tim Conway show on KFI talking now about this...funny.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Mr Obama was having a severe dizzy spell. Secret Service summoned the White House Doctor. He was there in minutes, took Baracks temp, checked his eyes, looked him over from head to toe.

The Doc left for a minute and came back with a large glass of something like a thick chocolate milk. He said " Drink this down now Sir, Quickly!" Mr Obama chugs it down, choking it all the way, and says " That tastes like Bullshit!"
Doc says " Yes Mr President, You were a quart low".


gets some
All I gotta say is Ron Paul is your only hope from the Executive if anything resembling decriminalization is going to happen nationwide. He's the only candidate in either party advocating an end to the WoD.

I remember my posts in 2008 about how Obama was the same as Bush. Too many were drinking the Kool-aid and fell for his rhetoric.


Active member
Latest Entry in MMJ Saga

Latest Entry in MMJ Saga

The soap opera goes on:

Feds Announce Obama Flip-Flop
Posted by John Stossel | October 07, 2011

Yesterday, dozens of California medical marijuana dispensaries got letters like this one from Obama's Department of Justice that warned they must shut down "even if such activities are permitted under state law."

This afternoon, four DOJ attorneys held a press conference and said this:

"We are making these announcements together today so that the message is absolutely clear -- that commercial marijuana operations are illegal under federal law, and that we will enforce federal law."

That's a shame. I don't doubt that many customers of pot dispensaries have no medical need. But who cares? Our drug laws do more harm than good.

Don't campaign promises mean anything? On the campaign trail, President Obama promised: "I'm not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this [medical marijuana.]"

Then, once he was in office, a spokesman confirmed that: "The president believes that federal resources should not be used to circumvent state laws."

Never mind, I guess. It's one of a long list of Obama's broken promises.



Bent Member
haven't seen any post on it or even news articals BUT according to my cousin up in SAC there were about 300 patients protesting this action at the Federal courthouse on I street. Did anyone here pick up a sign or voice an opinion to an official. or everyone just spewing on the net?
on another note this was the second protest in SAC the OCCUPY people were there too, and the cop pig bastards were crying they don't have enough man power with the budget cuts to handle these situations. They could but don't want to, they're not going to do much until they get MORE MONEY, wow what extortion scumbags.

Most of the News is hyping that ALL the protesters ARE violent and pose substantial threat and possible violence to the general public - fuck I hate this country. Al the protester ARE the general public.


I didn't think it was possible, but this president is as bad as Bush! Just another big business pawn that hates Palestinians and any kind of personal freedom. It cracks me up how many idiots thought this guy was a Muslim. He is about as Muslim as a ham sandwitch. The only thing he worships is the dollar. Just like most politicians. I'll be voting for Ron Paul in 2012 and if he is not the GOP candidate, I'll do a write in vote for Nasser's ghost!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Melinda Haag, the United States Attorney for the Northern District of California, said: "Marijuana stores operating in proximity to schools, parks, and other areas where children are present send the wrong message to those in our society who are the most impressionable. In addition, the huge profits generated by these stores, and the value of their inventory, present a danger that the stores will become a magnet for crime, which jeopardizes the safety of nearby children. Although our initial efforts in the Northern District focus on only certain marijuana stores, we will almost certainly be taking action against others. None are immune from action by the federal government."


just a reminder that they not only want to close pot shops, they want to deny our right to choose an appropriate medicine with minimal side effects...targeting each of us.

'I' am taking this personal from here on in.

not suggesting what you should do, just preaching to the choir atm, but for those who have not yet awakened to the realities of lifes pitfalls...please take some time to read the majority view here.

people are angry, frustrated, hurt, disgusted...ripe for a 'revolutionary' change, but have no inkling how to affect it.

ever wonder why the US currency was redesigned? 'cause of all that drug money being smuggled into the cartels coffers! many billions per year drifted south...mucho influence! it wouldn't suprise me to discover that the cartels run this gobment.

Boycott corporations, protest spending based on projections...among legal activities...use your imagination when underground...stay safe.

Disclaimer: these are opinions not necessarily in the realm of reality or reason.

oh I take it personally. This is infringement on our unalienable human born rights.
