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Calif. pot dispensaries told by feds to shut down



I believe politics is a gateway path to the elected becoming self absorbed greedy assholes whom need a good ass whipping behind the barn...


Well now the growers will be the ones making more money if majority of dispensaries are shut down. You have to find good brokers though.. might not be as easy/convenient as selling to dispensaries anymore. More people will go to jail and it won't be as safe as far as getting shot or robbed goes. Selling 1/8's, or anything out of the house isn't good either. Gotta find the hustlers who buy QP's+ at a time and do drop off's..


The Feds are doing what they have always done best...eliminating the competition for their Good Ole' Boy friends and contributors...


Hahah it's just Obama trying to help out the small grower by redistributing the wealth from the evil warehouse growers who are lazy and make tons of money doing nothing. ;)

Disclaimer: Just jokes people, I couldn't care less about politricks.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
it will never happen. seems like there weeding out the crappy ones and shutin them down.come on really nobody can even touch san fran or oakland ever.scare tatics at best.:tiphat:

Uhhh the Oakland City Council got spanked pretty badly by the Us Attorney General last year (or earlier this year), when they tried to allow large scale commercial growing within the city limits. The Obama administration told them in no uncertain terms they would loose ALL kinds of federal funding of they went ahead with that AND they would individually face federal criminal prosecution....you NEVER saw people back down so fast and tuck their tails between their legs.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Im getting off ICMag now, cant take all this "prop 19 this" "prop 19 that" stfu if you guys have such a problem with whats going on talk about something useful not bickering like fucking 8th grade girls about who was right. When you guys are ready to have a convo about wtf we are gonna do(and if we do nothing your all posers) then ill be back. But im not gonna sit back here and watch keyboard warriors fight over something thats happened already, ima go do something useful maybe think of how i can contribute to fighting for my rights.

Son of Yummybud! :tiphat:


what the fuck is going on? ..... the attorney general, FBI, DEA and the IRS have all gone off the deep end again ...... we are going broke and they would still rather fight the same old fight than admit they are still losing a game that was never winnable. how much money and time can the government waste before someone (in power) breaks out the calculator and actually looks at the math?

there is no way anyone in washington is smart enough to wipe their own ass ...... no wonder the lobby clowns are able to pull off the shit they do. ass lickers and idiots have formed a symbiotic relationship ........... and we payed for it all.


Uhhh the Oakland City Council got spanked pretty badly by the Us Attorney General last year (or earlier this year), when they tried to allow large scale commercial growing within the city limits. The Obama administration told them in no uncertain terms they would loose ALL kinds of federal funding of they went ahead with that AND they would individually face federal criminal prosecution....you NEVER saw people back down so fast and tuck their tails between their legs.

every single state will back down when the feds threaten to hit them in the wallet. every state in the union has been on federal welfare for a long time and they have been eating steak and shrimp with the food stamps instead of trying to buy there own mac and cheese ........oooops.
Fitting for these times.

Brothers here I stand
Spread my wings and take command
The sky he justly planned
The boy become a man

After all this time
I tell myself that I'm
Not just wasting time
Oh you know I'm not that way inclined

Brothers if you hear
Raise your flags and make it clear
There is more to fear
If we wait for another year

After all this time
I tell-a [repeat] myself that I'm
Just passing through time

After all this time
I tell myself that I'm
Not just wasting time
Oh you know I'm not that way inclined

Brothers fight or fall
It's man for man and one for all
No more can we crawl
Brothers, brothers hear the call

After all this time
I tell myself that I'm
Not just wasting time
Oh you know I'm not that way inclined

Brother brother
Brother brother

Brother fight or fall
It's man for man and one for all

Brother brother
Brother brother

What you want?
We gotta fight for one another!

Barn Owl

Active member
i dont think anyone is apologizing, everyone can agree if his administration indeed did have a full hand in this its really screwed up.

i for one am sorry to say this knowing all the people going to talk shit to me for this but i highly doubt Obama and his administration have any control over the federal government.
to me this is more of a scheme or another propaganda tactic to once again throw everything on the presidents shoulders who literally have barely shit to do with anything, people are brainwashed to think otherwise.

maybe if this 1958..

the first thing i noticed reading this junk was it first states "FEDS SHUTTING DOWN MARIJUANA OUTLETS" then you have the title directly below it blaming it all on the Obama administration? im sorry but i know the federal government is the problem, some of you fools can waste your energy on these rinky dink presidents they use as shields to focus all their enemies attacks on..

life is like a chess game, or at least government is. there is always a higher more important rule that always needs protection, that is their way of protecting themselves. presidents recently have been nothing more than pawns in the entire scheme of how corrupt our government has been allowed to become because of stupid shit like this making everyone believe a group of small people and this one man are ruining the entire country!! lets blame him for everything.. give me a break.

there is no news article on this planet that will make me believe otherwise, some of you twats act like pot is the most important topic in US history... sorry to burst your bubble but it isnt, the corrupt and abusive nature raping this country everyday is a small piece of what is playing a part in all our lives sadly.. that is what needs to be addressed.

when you have a government so corrupt they throw billions of its tax payers money in black budget projects we or literally any normal citizen will ever hear or know about is sadastic, dig deeper. there are things that could change the world for the better, on a mass scale literally forever and its all being hidden away waiting to save the governments rule when imposing forces try to stop it. shit like that makes me hate even being human

half of you guys make me really depressed because how easily you are all mislead to believe all this so easily. once again the federal government walks away clean while everyone thinks one man could honestly control the federal government, thats what doesnt make sense about the story first off if its happening or not.. Obama doesnt control the federal government. no president ever has, that is the problem.

when you have tons of high ranking military officials telling you the black budget projects are the main problem with this country period, im going to listen these people. they have worked with this goverment for most their lives first hand, for them to risk everything they have and literally almost break down in tears because of how fucked up and how many hidden things are being held from us for that we literally invest billions of our tax money in every year that just gets marked off to be used for anything, that scares me.

you can live in this fantasy world of 'Oh Obama, Bush and every other president are ruining this country" but in all reality thats just insane to even think that period. i can almost promise you anyone who has been in deep within the military knows who really runs the show, the federal government.

when you have people losing jobs, not paying their bills, losing everything they have you can stupidly act like this all happened within a 2 year time frame all you want but thats not the case, ive lived this corruption forever and seen many suffer from it. everyone complaining about Obama or any recent president these days just makes me laugh.

blame Obama when the federal government controls something as simple as paper that can be produced on a mass scale, something that shouldnt even hold a limit over a humans actual life, something that could stimulate the economy if given away not in months but in a day, blame someone who will never have control over the federal government or any control to make any real change within the country.

the term the poor get poorer and the rich get richer, isnt a joke. of course it doesnt apply to every persons life but thats how the economy is set, what has never made sense is we complain about being so broke when money is imaginary to begin with, secondly it can be made endlessly, its only our greedy intent and corrupt intentions that have held us up caught up in ignorantly pointless laws letting individuals die on the streets and end up homeless.

its as simple as you give people more money, they will spend more money. once again it all falls upon the federal end of this country, but continually people point the finger at all these tiny individuals who the country should know by now will never have that type of power or control to do anything..

you think these presidents stupid or not dont want to get on the podium and just completely speak their minds? you saw what happened when people wanted slavery abolished, they got assassinated for even trying.. id love to see a president speak his mind completely and see how long he is alive.

sad people dont look deeper is all, its been pretty obvious and everyone always brings it up but would rather focus their attention on less important issues Obama being one of them.

its not like we would ever know because i cant afford a time machine, but if i could i can almost promise no matter who was voted in regardless if it was Obama or not, this would be happening.

when i see people addressing this issue more directly, then you will see our world change, until then we will keep living the same because everyone keeps falling for the same tricks.

I don't really see any answers in this mesage other than, it's not the guy in charge whoever that would be, but it is the Feds and the system has been broken for ages long before there was even an Obama. Like every prez, Obama is the mouthpeice for the broken system. When people bitch about the guy, they a bitching about the image of the administration. You actually feel that we think the man himself comes up with all the ideas? Think again.

I think you are over anaylizing the whole thing.

The federal governnment is run by administrations who reward lobbiests. Try fixing that with an idealistic tune of letting the poor sick people use their medicine. It means nothing to them.

But it is the federal government which is now run by an administration fighting the congress. The administration is responsible for decisions. That is now known as the Obama Administration.

So what do we do? Go to Wall Street and protest? The feds won't even listen, you said it yourself.

How do we be so wise?


Active member
Let's face it guys: Democrats & Republicans both suck.
But the current standing President is a Democrat, and he has betrayed us.
He was a toker himself, and made many anti-prohibition statements in his earlier public life. You can go on Youtube and find them. But once these guys get the power they so desperately crave, there comes with it a sense of entitlement and they change to suit their benefactors, not the people who voted for them, but the people who payed up.
Obama disgusts me as he is a former user, and wouldn't be President if he was unlucky enough to have been caught.
That fact seems to escape him.
Yet he doesn't mind the fact that other's lives are ruined when they are caught for doing the same thing he did.
A permanent black mark on your record which hinders you your entire lifetime in getting into good schools, good jobs, good credit, etc. The punishment far outweighs the victimless "crime", yet that doesn't seem to bother him. He is supposed to stand for justice.
Where is the justice in any of this?


every single state will back down when the feds threaten to hit them in the wallet. every state in the union has been on federal welfare for a long time and they have been eating steak and shrimp with the food stamps instead of trying to buy there own mac and cheese ........oooops.
lol, as i sit here and eat box mac n cheese for dinner! just had me rolling when i read it. but it is tooo true.


been saying it for years. all the people talking shit on dispensaries are either growing shit that aint worthy of being sold at the shops or are mad because other people are doing so much work they cant compete.

I talk shit on the dispensaries. My shit is sold as top shelf at several dispensaries. They don't pay what they should but I get a decent price. What other people are doing doesn't concern me.

I take issue with most dispensaries. I say most, because there are compassionate dispensaries out there. Doing it right and doing it well. Those dispensaries are the exception not the rule.

Heres my problem with these "compassionate" care givers. They open up these shops. The outside most of the time is a semi club atmosphere. Signs with bud leaves everywhere. Saying look at me. Look at me! Considering these dispensaries are the face of the MMJ movement. Not very helpful.

My next issue is the money. Now I said earlier that I get a decent price. The dispensaries have to pay an accountant, security, a lawyer, etc....

Grower has same expenses.

Dispensaries drove top shelf lb prices down 31% Yet they still charge $60 an 8th. I agree they have "more" overhead with retail space.But not that much. If you need evidence read the news files regarding how much cash is seized out of some of these dispensary owners homes. If your not for profit or non profit either one. Then why all the cash at your house? Forget to deposit that $300,000? More great press for the MMJ movement.

So yeah I talk shit on the dispensaries. It's my opinion it can't be wrong.


Active member
during alcohol prohibition doctors wrote 6,000,000 (6 million) prescriptions for alchohol. watch the recent PBS documentary about Alchohol.

I have a serious medical condition but think anyone should be allowed to use cannabis if it makes them feel better. I believe in the freedom and pursuit of happiness.

I think there were too many dispensaries who were not operating compassionately and got greedy. So you get what we have here. Which is the way he wants it. Well he gets it. I don't like it, any more than you men.

Obama sucks balls. He appointed a Monsanto man to the FDA to control your food. Now he is taking away your medicine so he can sell you FDA approved pharmaceuticals. Wake up.

Ron Paul 2012

I've said it before.....If folks didn't abuse the phrase "MEDICAL" which honestly is so loosely applied and utilized to characterize almost anything these days......you probably wouldn't be having these issues.

It took a lot of hard work to get "MEDICAL" marijuana on the books to start.....then everyone and their friggin uncle decided they've got a "condition" ranging from a bad hair day to a paper cut to justify the use.

I'm not saying there aren't folks out there that absolutely 100% benefit from the use of marijuana, and I'm all in for complete and total legalization/decriminalization.....but how long do you think a mockery could be made of the "medical" applications without there being some backlash?

Everyone saw green in them thar hills.....they started industrializing it and turning MMJ into a supermarket experience instead of a pharmacy with legitimate patients.

Unless you think the politicians are at least 4000% more stupid than we know they are, it wouldn't take much to cause this sort of negative impact on the movement.

Without a doubt, everything that's transpired has pushed MMJ back from legalization at least a decade or more.

It sucks that a few stoned and clueless apples could spoil the entire barrel.

Now I'm gonna go smoke a J in complete and total anonymity (without being on some list so the Nazi bastards that run our govt. can look at to identify the folks they wanna come after).


Well-known member
when the federals tried prosecutions of dispensary ops back in the Bush era, how many were there compared to today?
the numbers have exploded, all this sounds of capable of doing is a temporary pause in the dispensary gold rush
the game is whack a mole, and the moles have numbers on their side


Active member
during alcohol prohibition doctors wrote 6,000,000 (6 million) prescriptions for alchohol. watch the recent PBS documentary about Alchohol.

I have a serious medical condition but think anyone should be allowed to use cannabis if it makes them feel better. I believe in the freedom and pursuit of happiness.

I think there were too many dispensaries who were not operating compassionately and got greedy. So you get what we have here. Which is the way he wants it. Well he gets it. I don't like it, any more than you men.

Obama sucks balls. He appointed a Monsanto man to the FDA to control your food. Now he is taking away your medicine so he can sell you FDA approved pharmaceuticals. Wake up.

Ron Paul 2012

I respect what your saying but I dont think that was the issue in Michigan. We didnt have that many dispensaries over here. The feds argued that they never agreed to stores where you could purchase marijuana.....you were just supposed to have it appear magically.