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Cali connection... avoid!


Active member
i have to say the 818 in the pics looks awesome...how bad were they nannered?..dj
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I found loads of pollen sacks early on in flower, but I haven't spotted any nanners except one I picked off in week 5.

I chop down next week so will see how many seeds I find


U may be right about the reputation he has earned,, but I do think it's growers error, if they let they're rooms get seeded..not the breeders..


Active member
you know i ran his GSC S1 and no nanners til this 4th run and i had timer problems and electrical outages and this thing was full blown...full blown hermi...every set of pistils had a set of balls too...but i have another one in there now in the 4th week with no balls at all...so the timer and elec issues are bad bad...dj


Well-known member


Active member
U may be right about the reputation he has earned,, but I do think it's growers error, if they let they're rooms get seeded..not the breeders..
When growers that have been working for over a decade have problems and only have problems with 1 line then it's not the growers. Granted the majority of issues in any situation are due to grower error but when consistent patterns emerge and are documented then there is likely something else in play. When the original lines don't express their issues to the degree the seedlines do then IMHO it's time to revisit the drawing board.

It is widely documented that Swerve's original male selection was poor and a source of both herming and auto-flowering. He has even admitted to such. CC has since gone with different males but they still came from the genetic pool and while those traits may now be recessive they're still present.

Automatically blaming the grower is horrible customer service and what originally soured me on their genetics. Fire is not hard to find these days so why line the pockets of someone that has no respect for you?
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i hear u,, n i know dude has lots of issues with his co. and such,, i just try to be like switzerland when it comes to all the shit in the game these days.. i just know myself and friends have popped over 25 different companies seeds, and only a few really stand out.. and as crazy as it may sound to some,,we've had some major contenders come out of his gear…n i only say that it is growers error for seeded runs, cuz a grower thats ontop of they're game, would have trashed that shit before it got to that point,, thats all i meant by that… all in all,, i agree, theres other companies that will bring more consistent genetics,, but,, sometimes its worth it, to gamble…lol with all that said,,I've noticed the best money spent, is with reserva or rascal.. peaceoutchall


i hear u,, n i know dude has lots of issues with his co. and such,, i just try to be like switzerland when it comes to all the shit in the game these days.. i just know myself and friends have popped over 25 different companies seeds, and only a few really stand out.. and as crazy as it may sound to some,,we've had some major contenders come out of his gear…n i only say that it is growers error for seeded runs, cuz a grower thats ontop of they're game, would have trashed that shit before it got to that point,, thats all i meant by that… all in all,, i agree, theres other companies that will bring more consistent genetics,, but,, sometimes its worth it, to gamble…lol with all that said,,I've noticed the best money spent, is with reserva or rascal.. peaceoutchall

of course it's a growers error if they let their garden get seeded, but mine was a scrog vegged for 8 weeks in a hydro system so plant removal wasn't an option as the roots end up all tangled together, along with a huge hole in the canopy lol


Light leaks dont cause hermies, if that was the case every plant we grow would hermie because in nature, nighttime is not always pitch black dark. There are stars and the moon that give off light. If a plant throws male flowers because of a little light leak, its garbage, weak and should be culled. I used to go thru my room with lights off with a flashlight all the time. The dark cycle was during the day, when I was up and doing shit. I have never once had my plants throw a nanner; and I ran a lot of the elites that Swerve made his seeds from, excuse me, supposedly made his seeds from.

Like I said, people have pulled great stuff outta their stock, but they are few and far between. I think I read 1 post in this thread where the person didn't have any problems with his CC gear. 1 post outta 5 pages of posts...not a very good ratio.

I have said it a lot and I am going to say it again, go to seedbay, look in the server fund and find something unique there. No reason to pay 60 plus bucks for 10 seeds just because they say "blowjob" og kush s1/bx3.5 on the package...anyone can print a package. :joint:


^^^ would have to disagree and agree at the same time..I don't know the science behind it,, but I do know that a strain that hermies easily, indoors, will not outdoors.. I've seen it first hand..light leaks do cause hermies indoors on unstable genetics,, but like u said, outdoors it is not pitch black, but for some reason, even the unstable genetics are just fine....


ICMag Donor
its hermi genetics.. thats all.. allot of the shit breeders are using genetic wise came from bagseed.. mainly accidental hermis .. the entire chem line.. is derived from a bagseed.

i will say.. i had an unusual amount of hermis from cali connections gear.. but i also found a few keepers too.. after swerve started running his mouth an putting peoples real names on the net or telling people there identity.. THATS WHEN IT WAS A BOYCOTT FOR ME.. i do not wanpt to see a snitch make a dime off me.

^^^who, in their right mind, would support somebody that may compromise your security?^^^

A snitch is typically also a liar and a thief...

That's enough for me to avoid giving this dude any money...


ICMag Donor
Also... As far as hermies, in general, are concerned... It is my understanding that w

Also... As far as hermies, in general, are concerned... It is my understanding that w

Doh!!! Double post...


ICMag Donor
As far as hermies, in general, are concerned...
It is my understanding that when a plant throws nanners, it is indicative toward stress.
I female that drops balls is pure genetics.

That being said,
If you have one female in a line that drops balls, you can be sure that the herm trait is breed into the line (into all of the seeds of that line). Due diligence selection is critical with these types of seed lines in order to avoid hermies.

Late flower nanners are indicative of the trait as well because senecensce is stressful.

I've seen one plant in my growing career that would not throw nanners under any conditions what so ever. I watched this cut for over 5 years in various mediums & environments and this cut was genetically solid. The grower that held this cut ran it on aero tables & in a green house & passed it to several growers all using different styles...
The cut may still be around the West Slope in CO as I passed it to a few dispensaries from Grand Junction to Durango about 4-5 years ago.I am unsure about the availability of this cut called Grapefruit Haze, however, made by RockyMtnBuds.


Not all bag seed is because of a hermie...sometimes large scale ops miss a male or two and you get a bag full of seeds

But I would agree that over the past 10 years the feminized seed buisness has really taken off due to a bunch of lazy stoners that dont wanna work for their product, find the keepers and go from there..they jst want to be handed a bunch of female seeds.....well....here you go guys this is what you asked for

Drop the fem projecects and go old school..buy regular seeds from a breeder who does regular seeds and fuck off with auto and fem


Active member
There is a huge difference between fem seeds and what monsanto does. monsanto gene splices with dna from species of bacteria and animals, fem seeds can be made naturally by the plant in nature, human intervention is not always necessary as self pollination is a survival instinct.

Fem seeds are not such a bad thing, they have their time and place.

So many people talk bad about them and I bet many have never even grown them. I have grown quite a bit of fems, a friend of mine only grows cheap fems and never has hermies. I've actually had more herm issues with regular seeds then I have with fems.


I was just using monsanto as a point lol....I know its not even the same as well as the fact that it happens in the wild but it is getting to a point to where Im afraid to order anything because everywhere I look people got problems with hermies I thought breeding programs were supposed to stop things like this from happening and only making strains stronger and better and healthier with the hermie trait bred out but it only seems to be getting worse

lost in a sea

who said anyone was actually breeding anything anyway?

the crosses out there are nearly all just poly hybrids made of hype lines that supply the demand for them in seed form.

only the high and taste really matter that much anymore thesedays so i wouldn't hold my breath for someone to breed hermie traits out of anything any time soon if i were you..

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