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Cali club make'n me SICK.

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ICMag Donor
Who do you think your fooling.

19 failed because of the millions of people that are making money under the table and don't want to give that up and the millions with certs that let them grow and smoke without fear of arrest.....

But you spin it how you want it.....

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
19 failed because it didn't get enough votes to pass.

Various reasons were at play for those votes.

Don't try to pin the greed label on every no voter.

I won't stand for it.


Bent Member
On my weekly rounds, I have been making it my mission to fuck with the clubs. Usually got to wait but lately i come in with all my warez. And i bring 3/4 pound of the absolute dankes I can get my hand on, just but it in a simple glad zipper bag.
When I wlak in the club EVERYONE is commenting cause I reak like skunk /dank/whatever and the questions start flying what you got , you droping it here. I my reply is alway no these guys dont buys the A+ they buy mids and sell it to you as top shelf (What the fuck is that? no dopeman i ever delt with had a shelf?)
Then when I get back room lets just say for those in the Know Rick (asshole) or Racheal (Non smoking thief of a bitch). And I alway bring oz bags of the A+ Im smoking and show them "what do you think of this" and both those bitches drool. I answer anit for sale to you < You wont pay the Price. When I leave everyone is pissed!

Including ME 30 day consigment on vended gear FUCK ME! these clubs think there the credit card companies with out any Real Power.


ICMag Donor
19 failed because it didn't get enough votes to pass.

Various reasons were at play for those votes.

Don't try to pin the greed label on every no voter.

I won't stand for it.

I guess the truth sucks. But seeings you won't stand for it, answer this question.

If 19 would have been presented in Florida or Texas, how many smokers do you think would have been running around asking people to vote no? You probably have fingers enough to count them. Do you think they'd have been saying "I don't like how it reads"? Hell, Cali was offered more than what they've had in Amsterdam for decades.

So if you don't like my opinion that greed played a large roll in 19 failing, that's to bad......

And regarding my earlier generalization that all clubs are greedy and money hungry, I apologize. There are a few that actully have programs for the very ill and needy. But from my understanding they're in the large minority....

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It's not the truth.

If they don't like how it reads and they vote no, then viva democracy!

I for one think that any handing of tax revenue to those freaks who have kept us down had better be in exchange for a real opportunity.

Legalizing warehouse weed isn't the "dream" for many voters.


umm i always read before i sign anything. I suggest you please read the ENTIRE txt of prop 19 as well as the propsed bylaws associated with its passage had that been the case.

MEAN MR MUSTARD i dint call every one voting no a greedy person. Most that voted no were of the usual voting block i.e. senior citizens (why do you think they hold votes during the middle of the day, so all the workers have a hard time getting to vote), so read my post before you comment.

JJSCORPIO if you think we are out here in lala land without fear of arrest you must be in the same place b/c i know many proper growers medical and legit gone to FED for a while, and others who got it worse so please hold the comments till you have experience in the field.

please read prop 19 and then tell me if you think it sounded good. Sure all those sheep that line up at horroside and other clubs (heck ive been there before too) wont mind if hey as long as i can come here and buy this weed then its all good. But if you look at it from a distance you realize that the rich dudes that wrote the law were really making it easir for themselves to keep their job and not let many other people into that feild through various hoops and hurdles created through legislation. ok so im sorry to get off topic but this does relate to the thread.

im with ya headbadf1


Active member
If you can't grow enough weed in a 5x5 space to supply your own smoking needs and then some, you're not much of a grower.

Half of the state population disapproves of marijuana altogether. If it was up to them then it would NEVER be legalized. That's a shitload of people who feel this way. Do you seriously think legalization is going to ever happen without some sort of compromise? Well maybe if you wait 20 more years for all the old folks to die off. Meanwhile, people are getting arrested and imprisoned for a plant. And do you REALLY think it will EVER be legalized without Uncle Sam getting his cut? Grow a fucking brain.

So if you asshats can't be bothered to get your shit together and legalize it, some other state is going to eventually do it. Some other state's marijuana smokers will swallow their pride, come up with a reasonable compromise legislation like Prop 19, vote it in, and steal all your glory. It's amazing how fast folks will forget about California when 7/11's in another state are carrying packs of joints under the counter. Humboldt who? Sorry, Colorado is now the marijuana capital of the world. They had the balls to legalize it first and made a name for themselves, while you were standing around with your dicks in your hands whining about evil corporations. Or Oregon, or Washington.

Understand that this isn't just about you. It's about everybody. Somebody has got to step up and lead the way, show that the world is not going to end if this passes, before everyone else jumps on the bandwagon too.

And don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. You really think it was the old folks who kept this from being voted in? You really think there weren't tens of thousands of growers at the polls tipping it towards NO? If every marijuana smoker in California voted YES, and encouraged their friends and family to vote yes, then it would be legal now.


If you can't grow enough weed in a 5x5 space to supply your own smoking needs and then some, you're not much of a grower.

Half of the state population disapproves of marijuana altogether. If it was up to them then it would NEVER be legalized. That's a shitload of people who feel this way. Do you seriously think legalization is going to ever happen without some sort of compromise? Well maybe if you wait 20 more years for all the old folks to die off. In the mean while people are getting arrested and imprisoned for a plant. So if you asshats won't legalize it, some other state is going to get smart, come up with a reasonable compromise legislation like Prop 19, and steal all your glory. So be it.

hahaha yeah well 5 x 5 isnt enough for me lol thats one small plant

and if or when i see a corporate weed law passed in another state ill laugh and keep praising Jah! :dance013:

edit- no one is gonna ever say Humboldt who? sorry but new laws cannot replace Gods way of weather climate land and air. You see this is why CA is the best place to grow, or one of them imo, b/c the weather and the soil and the poeple...yes we have all the right ingredients.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
everybody knows that weed is almost as cheap as cigarretes now.... clubs are paying about half what they used to pay..... so why the FUCK are these clubs still charging drout season prices to the patient? 60 an 8th??? i can get an OUNCE for 100 on the streets thats BETTER quality! the cold part is the ones they gettin over on is the really sick and elderly who dont have outside connections. FUCK ALL YOU SCANDELOUS ASS CLUBS AND YOUR DUMBASS WORKERS. im boycotting.
Yeah clubs here are exactly the same ALL SHIT BUD that is too expensive and when you say" hey this bud isn't as good as the other bud I get from the streets" their reactions are "hey others think it's good" LOL
This is why you must grow your own and screw listening to anyone . Unfortunately the amount of hype in this business is as deep as the the manure they use to gro it with.. lol peace out Headband707:comfort:


well ok in reality i see the cannabis market emerging ( nor anytime soon sadly) into something similiar to wine. Sure if soda can up top wants to buy his joints from a 7/11 thats cool, your gonna get 7/11 quality, but id rather go to the home grown boutiques and buy pounds of perfect cured organic cannabis, grown outdoors in full CA sun!!!

nothing sounds worse to me then wharehouse buds prerolled and bought at 7/11, kida reminds me of horrorside!

and you know like wine, each grower will have thier own variety and it will be a very niche market, so yeah just imo


Active member
edit- no one is gonna ever say Humboldt who? sorry but new laws cannot replace Gods way of weather climate land and air.

You think California is the only place in the US where cannabis grows well? Legalize it in Florida and see how long it takes for people to start harvesting outdoor bud in February. And considering how ridiculously expensive everything is in California, like power and water for instance, not to mention labor, it can be grown far cheaper in the South too. Humboldt is so well known not only because of good climate, but because California was the first to legalize MMJ, and they were the first to start doing this large scale. Don't kid yourself.


Active member
I guess the truth sucks. But seeings you won't stand for it, answer this question.

If 19 would have been presented in Florida or Texas, how many smokers do you think would have been running around asking people to vote no? You probably have fingers enough to count them. Do you think they'd have been saying "I don't like how it reads"? Hell, Cali was offered more than what they've had in Amsterdam for decades.

So if you don't like my opinion that greed played a large roll in 19 failing, that's to bad......

And regarding my earlier generalization that all clubs are greedy and money hungry, I apologize. There are a few that actully have programs for the very ill and needy. But from my understanding they're in the large minority....

This isn't about voters in Florida or Texas. California voters vote for THEIR laws. 19 failed because the youth failed to show up like they have failed to show up in almost all elections other than the 08 elections. Conservative voters voted and they voted against 19. You are free to have whatever opinion you want, however, that doesn't mean that your opinion reflects the truth.


maybe soda can should not keep editing his post before mine to llok right but should just throw up a new post instead


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Who do you think your fooling.

19 failed because of the millions of people that are making money under the table and don't want to give that up and the millions with certs that let them grow and smoke without fear of arrest.....

But you spin it how you want it.....

I guess the truth sucks. But seeings you won't stand for it, answer this question.

If 19 would have been presented in Florida or Texas, how many smokers do you think would have been running around asking people to vote no? You probably have fingers enough to count them. Do you think they'd have been saying "I don't like how it reads"? Hell, Cali was offered more than what they've had in Amsterdam for decades.

So if you don't like my opinion that greed played a large roll in 19 failing, that's to bad......

And regarding my earlier generalization that all clubs are greedy and money hungry, I apologize. There are a few that actully have programs for the very ill and needy. But from my understanding they're in the large minority....

This isn't about voters in Florida or Texas. California voters vote for THEIR laws. 19 failed because the youth failed to show up like they have failed to show up in almost all elections other than the 08 elections. Conservative voters voted and they voted against 19. You are free to have whatever opinion you want, however, that doesn't mean that your opinion reflects the truth.

K+ Zenoonez......

it was the 40+ crowd that voted NO, this is FACT.....

there were not enough younger voters to even make the slightest difference in the outcome......


What are clubs paying a pound in CALI guys? For INDOOR?

$2,200? 3,200, 3800???

Post what you sold and to whom and for how much!

You can help each other out some by creating some asymmetry between sellers.

i dont think any of us are being literal. This is a thread of what if's and made up stuff. ;)

plus reread your post. Thats a lot to ask someone here, plus prob a TOU violation

good innie, should be able to get 3 imo


basically while you guys are all arguing over +/- $1000 PER LB everyone else in the country and most of the world is trying not to get arrested everytime the go to get pot

kind of childish. same with my view on prop 19. someone has to guineapig it. laws can always be ammended. if you ask me i think california is doing more damage than good with their current MMJ policies.

like its been said already, anyone and their mother can get a card and go buy/grow their own. clubs are a ripoff and the people doing all the hard work are not being comp'd properly. everyones bitching and they still have it better than the rest of us. doesnt do a whole lot of good for the publics outlook on MMJ or legalized pot.

its a damn plant stop treating it like africa treats diamond mining and well all be able to get a more positive outward image and maybe make some REAL progress for everybody, not just a select few.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
clubs are a ripoff and the people doing all the hard work are not being comp'd properly. everyones bitching and they still have it better than the rest of us. doesnt do a whole lot of good for the publics outlook on MMJ or legalized pot.

I agree wholeheartedly here. But what about all that babble about how the clubs take the biggest risk?

Dispensaries are the ones who have access to the patients. There's a relatively small number of them in operation, with high overhead. They are taking the highest risk of anyone, because they are right there in the public eye, and every day they risk DEA involvement/harassment from authorities.

Growers--everybody and their mom grows now. They take risk too, but not as much, and the market is flooded with pot of all levels of quality.

It all really comes down to what you call risk and what you call work I suppose.
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