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Cali club make'n me SICK.

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Active member
Let me explain to you exactly what was told me by a club owner himself.

"People on SSI, Disability, Services, etc don't have enough income to buy from clubs. They can't afford these prices. Our main customers are people that work and carry a card."

So basically, sick people on fixed income do no business in this club. So if it weren't legal for the headach, insomnia and stubbed toed patients with a card and steady employment to buy there, they'd have to drop the prices so sick people could afford it, or they wouldn't sell anything..... So the people, who in spirit these laws were meant to help, are the only ones that can't afford to use them,,,,,

How many sick or disabled people on a fixed income do you know that buy from "compassion" clubs?

I dunno go check good karma they seem to be helping people out pretty well providing free meds to terminally ill patients. We all know there are BS clubs and there are clubs there to actually help people. Seems like a mirror of the real world, there are kind people and there are those who aren't so kind. There will always be good and bad and everything in between. Furthermore, the law was established to protect those patient's legal rights to access marijuana not to guarantee that they can afford it. For those who can't provide the meds for themselves and don't have someone who can grow for them they have to pay to have it produced or they depend on the charity of others. We can't forget that if you don't have the ability or money to get the things you want you get them out of charity, a reality too many forget in our worldwide welfare binge. Someone has to put the work in to grow, trim, cure, and get that weed to the patient. Do some do it for next to nothing? Sure but they do it out of charity.


cali clubs may make you sick but i think they are awesome. even though i rarely go to them, there is something exiting about buying pot over the counter and talking to total strangers(the club buyers) about buying your meds. i walk out of these places thinking to myself, Fuck Yeah This is America! This is freedom. God bless California!


If everyone that smokes and is able to grow would be more like me sick people that really need it would have it for much cheaper and the damn laws wouldn't be what they are. I just gave a half lb of killer outdoor to someone taking cancer treatments. Why? Cause it's the right thing to do! I live in a state where we don't have the option of "medical", it's a crime. I'm not hurting anyone by growing and smoking so screw the man(government)! If you wanna infringe upon me it's YOU that's gonna have problems. Come on people stand up for your rights and stop letting dick weeds in Washington tell you what to do. You MF's work for us! I send letters to congressmen and senators all the time and if everyone did the same MJ would be legal, not "medical fraud". People in America act like F'n sheep just doing whatever their master says and it's sickening. America needs to pull it's head out of it's fat ass. I hear people bitchin all the time about this and that but they rarely do anything about it!!! There I said it and I feel better now.


And for the really really sick and broke folks, i donate free ounces monthly to my local club for their compassion program. which provides low income patients w terminal illnesses free weed. why do these places make you sick again? cause they arent paying enough for lbs? maybe prop 215 shouldve had a minimum vendor-dispensary price written into it lol


ICMag Donor
Everybody and the mother turned to growing weed in the last few years even if they didnt smoke it themselves just to make money. blame these asshats.

Yep, more recently the scene has been taken over by little money hungry fassies (or commies as I call them). They are just in it for the money, not the love of the game. Their product is usually substandard,, even when if looks good.

All the best


tell those folks to stop being fucking idiots....they are getting lowballed to shit and their fuckery is causing others to get lowballed. nothing is 600 a lb unless its super premature crap weed with seeds in it..... i highly doubt anything under 1k a lb is worth smoking on. when you say "decent" i bet its not even that. if you are seriously that desperate to move some 1k lbs hit me up lol.

even though i do walk into harborside and they have 6 real nice strains they probably paid 3 a lb for....i see a bunch of weed that wouldnt be more than 1500lb on the market selling for 45 an 8th. at least half their strains are subpar 1500 a lb shit....

.if the clubs arent paying what you want FIND SOMEONE WHO WILL....put that shit in a flat rate box..

dude i think you would be surprised at the quality of the outdoor and how cheap really really good herb is right now still. Some fine organic trimmed perfect looks like indoor high grade all day going for 14 if you get 10 around these parts of norcal, not in the city, up in the hills and mountains.

and all of this affordable herb is 100 times better than anything ive ever seen at horrorside, that place is crap, all their buds are keifed

im smoking some incredible red dragon outdoor 9cut from fellow icmer) and this stuf is better than anything ive gotten at the clubs in terms of taste and high and price!


Active member
have you been there recently...some decent stuff check my gallery. none of the last 6 bags ive bought there has been kiefed. and i get stuff in that range all the time and some of it is decent but nothing i would call comparable to indoor high grade. but yeah things do get taxed when they come down to the cities...up north everyone and their mom has herb theres no customers but in the cities its a pretty big market...good outdoor that is comparable to indoors is still around the 2 range my ways..


Active member
at least you have 'legal' clubs you can go to and buy from and you know what you're getting. back east where i live there is no place for sick people to go. if they can get it they buy it off the street, which at times is questionable quality for the same prices you pay in cali for even shittier bud. they don't get to inspect it beforehand, etc. you just call your dealer up and meet, and whatever they have is what you get. and if you do grow, and get caught, don't matter if its 1 plant for medical reasons your probably going to jail, and if you grow commercially, and get caught your fucked in the ass good. there is no such thing as caregivers, and 99 plants, clubs, etc. what we do out here is where the real war on cannabis happens. i just find it hard to have sympathy for a bunch of people that are bitching about med club prices. i would love to be able to walk into a club and pay that. you guys sound a bit spoiled. can't afford your meds in cali???? hahahahaha try affording your cannabis meds out here. good-f'n-luck. i hope you make a lot of money and don't always count on quality EVER
and even if you rely on free gifts from clubs out in cali, you still have it better than sick people here.


Freedom Fighter
Let me explain to you exactly what was told me by a club owner himself.

"People on SSI, Disability, Services, etc don't have enough income to buy from clubs. They can't afford these prices. Our main customers are people that work and carry a card."

So basically, sick people on fixed income do no business in this club. So if it weren't legal for the headach, insomnia and stubbed toed patients with a card and steady employment to buy there, they'd have to drop the prices so sick people could afford it, or they wouldn't sell anything..... So the people, who in spirit these laws were meant to help, are the only ones that can't afford to use them,,,,,

How many sick or disabled people on a fixed income do you know that buy from "compassion" clubs?

I am employed by one, and very good friends with another...and know of a couple more--
Each one gives massive discounts/free weed...to Terminal Patients, and also those on SSI--
They charge most, maybe too much...but to those in true need...they get hooked up--
Sorry JJ...I am here in the middle of it, and I see something much different than what you are saying--:tiphat:


Active member
It is only going to get better for the patients, not the growers. It is so easy to grow outdoors that it should be $600 a pound, hopefully less in time.

It is medical marijuana, isn't it? People need to learn to work or lose out. It will always be a good supplementary income. If you work at it 40+ hours a week, you should be able to make more $$ than any other type of farmer, per square foot.

Greedy lazy kids nowadays.


Freedom Fighter
It is only going to get better for the patients, not the growers. It is so easy to grow outdoors that it should be $600 a pound, hopefully less in time.

It is medical marijuana, isn't it? People need to learn to work or lose out. It will always be a good supplementary income. If you work at it 40+ hours a week, you should be able to make more $$ than any other type of farmer, per square foot.

Greedy lazy kids nowadays.

I sit out there with the plants...we pulled 100 lbs last crop-- Every night I wonder, if the door gets kicked in...will it be Cops or Robbers!!
Until it is legal...and my fucking life is not on the line...I feel I EARN my $$...600/lb will not do that--:tiphat:


Active member
Until it is legal...and my fucking life is not on the line...I feel I EARN my $$...600/lb will not do that--:tiphat:


What the fuck do yall expect from a quasi-legal market?

Let's examine the factors at play here:

Dispensaries are the ones who have access to the patients. There's a relatively small number of them in operation, with high overhead. They are taking the highest risk of anyone, because they are right there in the public eye, and every day they risk DEA involvement/harassment from authorities.

Growers--everybody and their mom grows now. They take risk too, but not as much, and the market is flooded with pot of all levels of quality.

The result? Dispensaries buy bud for dirt cheap, since the market is flooded, and mark it up 500% to compensate themselves for their risk and overhead. Growers get fucked. If pot were legal, not near as many people would be complaining about outdoor going for $600/lb. Nobody likes it now because of the risk involved.

The solution? LEGALIZE IT. DUH. And you had your fucking chance to do this, but blew it because half you fucking idiots couldn't get your act together, naively and stupidly thought you were better off with it being illegal, and shot yourselves right in the foot.

Congratulations, hope you enjoy the grave you dug for yourselves. Next time try to get your god damn heads on straight, and educate those who don't. If there IS a next time..it will take plenty of work to build up that kind of momentum again, and next time the stars may not be perfectly aligned in your favor like they were last time around. The economy is improving now! Jobs are on the rise! Nobody is going to be near as concerned about the potential tax income from this. Good job fucking it up for everyone, you selfish, brain dead assholes. :tiphat:


Registered Med User
I sit out there with the plants...we pulled 100 lbs last crop-- Every night I wonder, if the door gets kicked in...will it be Cops or Robbers!!
Until it is legal...and my fucking life is not on the line...I feel I EARN my $$...600/lb will not do that--:tiphat:

must spread rep before givin it to kmk420 again.
Man for good quality weed it takes a lot of work time and effort. we dont grow in the native soil, we add soil and amend that shit. If we dont watch our crops we get jacked. people get killed out here over this shit. 600 a lb is a fuckin joke.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites

What the fuck do yall expect from a quasi-legal market?

Let's examine the factors at play here:

Dispensaries are the ones who have access to the patients. There's a relatively small number of them in operation, with high overhead. They are taking the highest risk of anyone, because they are right there in the public eye, and every day they risk DEA involvement/harassment from authorities.

Growers--everybody and their mom grows now. They take risk too, but not as much, and the market is flooded with pot of all levels of quality.

The result? Dispensaries buy bud for dirt cheap, since the market is flooded, and mark it up 500% to compensate themselves for their risk and overhead. Growers get fucked. If pot were legal, not near as many people would be complaining about outdoor going for $600/lb. Nobody likes it now because of the risk involved.

The solution? LEGALIZE IT. DUH. And you had your fucking chance to do this, but blew it because half you fucking idiots couldn't get your act together, naively and stupidly thought you were better off with it being illegal, and shot yourselves right in the foot.

Congratulations, hope you enjoy the grave you dug for yourselves. Next time try to get your god damn heads on straight, and educate those who don't. If there IS a next time..it will take plenty of work to build up that kind of momentum again, and next time the stars may not be perfectly aligned in your favor like they were last time around. The economy is improving now! Jobs are on the rise! Nobody is going to be near as concerned about the potential tax income from this. Good job fucking it up for everyone, you selfish, brain dead assholes. :tiphat:




High Grade Specialist

What the fuck do yall expect from a quasi-legal market?

Let's examine the factors at play here:

Dispensaries are the ones who have access to the patients. There's a relatively small number of them in operation, with high overhead. They are taking the highest risk of anyone, because they are right there in the public eye, and every day they risk DEA involvement/harassment from authorities.

Growers--everybody and their mom grows now. They take risk too, but not as much, and the market is flooded with pot of all levels of quality.

The result? Dispensaries buy bud for dirt cheap, since the market is flooded, and mark it up 500% to compensate themselves for their risk and overhead. Growers get fucked. If pot were legal, not near as many people would be complaining about outdoor going for $600/lb. Nobody likes it now because of the risk involved.

The solution? LEGALIZE IT. DUH. And you had your fucking chance to do this, but blew it because half you fucking idiots couldn't get your act together, naively and stupidly thought you were better off with it being illegal, and shot yourselves right in the foot.

Congratulations, hope you enjoy the grave you dug for yourselves. Next time try to get your god damn heads on straight, and educate those who don't. If there IS a next time..it will take plenty of work to build up that kind of momentum again, and next time the stars may not be perfectly aligned in your favor like they were last time around. The economy is improving now! Jobs are on the rise! Nobody is going to be near as concerned about the potential tax income from this. Good job fucking it up for everyone, you selfish, brain dead assholes. :tiphat:

tough word but i agree 100%
california had a great chance to set an example for the whole world. this couldve started an avalanche for other countries to follow. but the majority only cared about the money they could make of their weed. and now complaining about high cost of dispensary weed is like a slap in the face of everyone in countries where you can get locked up for growing and have to rely on shifty, blackmarket ganja (in my country often laced with all kinds of crap and potentially dangerous for your health). i think y'all dont even realize how good you have it, california is one of if not THE most cannabis-friendly place in the world right now. cpl of years ago my sister got busted with a gram of hash and police came and raided our homes for that. y'all should be a more appreciative for living in a state where shit like this is not possible.


Active member
Cali Medical Marijuana is not, was not meant to be all about 'severally' sick people. 215 was VERY clear in that it allows use of cannabis for "any" medical reason to which cannabis can provide relief.

That's what I read on the ballot and that's what I voted for. I didn't vote on a 'cancer aids access' prop. but one that allowed it's use for ANY medical need.

Guess what....some headaches can be relieved by cannabis. Tennis elbow can be relieved by cannabis. The list goes on....and every single one of them has just as much right to this plant "medically" as a cancer patient. That is what the law said and that is what was voted in.

Back on topic. Business is business and as long as people are willing to pay $60 an 1/8, there will be people selling it for that.

As long as it's federally illegal...it's a huge risk to ones freedom...and should be compensated as such IMHO.

On point :laughing:


Active member
Sorry for my harsh language, it just pisses me off when I think about how stupid and selfish some people are, voting against their own interests and screwing everyone else too. And then some of them (not saying it's anyone in this thread) have the nerve to complain about the situation afterwards, like they were totally clueless about the consequences. WAKE UP!


Sorry for my harsh language, it just pisses me off when I think about how stupid and selfish some people are, voting against their own interests and screwing everyone else too. And then some of them (not saying it's anyone in this thread) have the nerve to complain about the situation afterwards, like they were totally clueless about the consequences. WAKE UP!

sorry to get off topic but i have to tell this can of soda that prop 19 was not legalization, it was nt even close, no where in the bill did the word legalize come into play. It was called "Tax and regulate Cannabis" and it was full of the most insane regs and stuff, leaving up most of the rules to boards of supes in diff counties and we all know how full of b.s some boards are. it was a way for the big guys to get bigger while squashing ALL competition through the system by levying taxes and fines and even making herblike alchahol. Oh yeah and you cant grow more than a 5 ft by 5 ft box and lots of counties/cities would have tried to eliminate outdoor gorwing all together.
yeah im so glad all you non cali folks think you know it all about this place, ive heard the rest of the states looks and Cali and thinks were all ab bunch of wierdos and yuppies...well guess what yuppie means young upward professional and your dam right we have that here so please go back to your home and talk about that and how to leglize herb in your place b/c you really dont know about CA or our way of life. Porp 19 was a corporate creation and Jah said NO, Thank you Jah! :thank you:

oh and ps id be down to see the doantion price go down even more to lets say 1-1200 for really good outdoor. If you have 50 packs it makes it not so bad, plus we all need to learn with less anyway lol
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