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Cali club make'n me SICK.

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too many idiots today growing crappy herb and willing to sell it for what ever. If growers refused to accept low ball offers as a whole they'd have to eventually pay more but nobody is going to sit on a crop because they have bills to pay and the disp knows it.

Everybody and the mother turned to growing weed in the last few years even if they didnt smoke it themselves just to make money. blame these asshats, hopefully the low pay out will send those in it for profits away for good then after a few years of lower supply the price per P will go up again. Seriously the weed world is getting trampled on by people who have no knowledge and no love for the plant. Sadly the bad economy just brings more jackasses in to the game.


High Grade Specialist
Nothing worse than people bitching about clubs, you should count yourself so lucky! The rest of us don't have that luxury who have to either buy our medicine illegally or grow it with the risk of being sent to prison

true that!
im on a forced break till march and would love to be able to walk into a store and buy some high quality gear there.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Nothing worse than people bitching about clubs, you should count yourself so lucky! The rest of us don't have that luxury who have to either buy our medicine illegally or grow it with the risk of being sent to prison

There is one of these threads about every two or three weeks at minimum.

They live in a different world. It is nice to see somebody that lives in mine :)


Active member
Dont go to the clubs then. Get your 100 dollar ounces from the street if the bud and price is so much better like you claim. Problem solved!


Active member
I have heard some folks are unloading decent outdoor to the clubs for $600/lb. People are sitting on thousands of pounds of good out. Everyone went ape shit this year and with the good weather and zero pressure from leo.....holy shit is all I can say.
What do you guys think about all the people growing that don't smoke? I don't know why, but it kind of rubs me the wrong way.

tell those folks to stop being fucking idiots....they are getting lowballed to shit and their fuckery is causing others to get lowballed. nothing is 600 a lb unless its super premature crap weed with seeds in it..... i highly doubt anything under 1k a lb is worth smoking on. when you say "decent" i bet its not even that. if you are seriously that desperate to move some 1k lbs hit me up lol.

even though i do walk into harborside and they have 6 real nice strains they probably paid 3 a lb for....i see a bunch of weed that wouldnt be more than 1500lb on the market selling for 45 an 8th. at least half their strains are subpar 1500 a lb shit....

there was a club in san francisco selling quarters of outdoor sour D for 50....thats a fair price...other clubs would charge 50 an 8th for it...thats capitolism...some will charge alot and others will undercut them. suppliers will always be squeezed because the middlemans wants the price lower and lower because the customers wants it that way too....suppliers need to grow a fucking backbone and not get lowballed....if the clubs arent paying what you want FIND SOMEONE WHO WILL....put that shit in a flat rate box..


Kiss My Ring
only been in one dispensary, didn't buy anything...wasn't impressed.
recently in another thread I disclosed the amount I use in a three month period, or one grow cycle, as 330+ grams.
At dispensary prices, even lowball price of $10./g, I would be paying out more than a $K a month on medication (mmj).
No dispensary in my future...but for yous who cannot grow your own, this is an acceptable interim step. Meaning you can learn to grow or find someone who will (caregiver), so that your life savings should not be depleted.
There is hope that someday cannabis will be legal for all applications, medical or otherwise.
I cannot fault dispensaries for being in business, just that they should not be able to take advantage of the infirm...like hmo's/Pharma.


shut the fuck up Donny
I'm with you on the boycott. My favorite bit is where they charge tax when they are supposed to be nonprofit.

People need to get their facts right before they jump on the "fuck clinic's" bandwagon. Because you guys just look like idiots otherwise.

Clinics charge tax because they have to pay tax. Nonprofit is a legal term that refers to the way in which they get paid, and what they do with any real earnings. It does not change the fact that as a Clinic in the state of California, they must pay tax to the State for every transaction they process.

not sure why you are complaining....high prices in the clubs means that one can engage in price wars...if the clubs were selling buds for 100 an oz regular momnpop growers would be getting even more lowballed than they are right now in cali..

Yup. Also, OP is bitching and moaning about 60 an 1/8. Bro, not everyone can afford top shelf. If you don't like it, buy something cheaper there. Welcome to America. You need money to afford the best.

i dont know bout other cities but most clubs(MOST NOT ALL) wontpay over 2500 for the best shit out there. a lot of them wont pay for the best shit period cuz they wont go over 2000 at all, and still sellin fo top dollar. there are some cool spots but few and far between.

That's only up north. Prices are much different in SoCal.

Nothing worse than people bitching about clubs, you should count yourself so lucky! The rest of us don't have that luxury who have to either buy our medicine illegally or grow it with the risk of being sent to prison


One of the only states in America where people can legit feel safe going to a clinic and people are bitching about how the best bud costs a lot of money.

Something tells me if the OP was the one running the clinic, and his entire income depended on how that business did, he'd be charging the same.

Stop bitching and deal with it. Prices have gone way down as is.


ICMag Donor
It's to bad the "medical aspect" has become what it is. I think with the failing of 19 it's no secret any longer that medical is now 80 percent "legal dealing".

I can't sleep, I get a cert. I got a headache, I get a cert. The list goes on. And I've had dozens of people tell me that's what they told the doctor, even though there was nothing wrong with them.

What do you guys think the true numbers are of people that went to a doc with nothing wrong with them and lied. Sixty, seventy, eighty percent? And who's getting hurt? The sick person that can't work because of his illness. The guy with very little money who really needs Cannabis for his illness.

If I had my way we wouldn't even discuss "medical" on this site. Sick people can't afford to buy from a dispensory because people with jobs, with nothing wrong with them, purchase from them, thus driving up the cost......


Active member
^sorry totally disagree with you on that.....people who arent legit medical patients who buy from clubs does NOTHING to the price.....

if ONLY legit medical patients (20% of cardholders) were allowed to buy from clubs, there wouldnt be a MMJ industry. there would be like one or two shops and bet money they would still sell for same prices.

the influx of other customers allows the legit medical patient to get better competition from the clubs. YES THERE IS 60 AN 8th SHIT ON THE SHELF...BUT MOST CLUBS ALSO HAVE DISCOUNT SECTION!! you guys are acting like clubs are strongarming sick crippled people out of their money...thats bullshit. i have been in clubs and see sicker poor looking people buying the 30 an 8th shit allll the time. the clubs NEED TO HAVE EXPENSIVE SHIT BECAUSE THERE IS A MARKET FOR IT. just like expensive cars, handbags, etc...THEY ARE MERELY PROVIDING A SERVICE. god you guys sound like a bunch of commies...anti capitalism on some feel good everybody gets it for free mentality that doesnt work in real life...and hillarious how JJ, a moderator from a site that makes hundreds of thousands of dollars selling seeds...is complaining about high dispensary prices...


Sick people can't afford to buy from a dispensory because people with jobs, with nothing wrong with them, purchase from them, thus driving up the cost......

I agree wholeheartedly. My issue though is... if dispensaries are getting p's for such low prices... why are they not passing the savings onto the customers - the patients? While the economist's response would be "well, because everyone is still willing to pay X for an 8th...", but dispensaries should exist to benefit the people not to benefit profits...


Registered Med User
lots of good points here... to clarify its not the hi prices that bother me, its the fact they lowball the growers then STILL charge the same hi prices like they was when they was payin 3800 a lb.... I got my own tree anyway so it doesnt hurt me, but i see some lightweight bad bidness practices, like you might permanently loose some good customers if they learnt of your crazy markup when u get it so cheap.


clubs suck i feel bad for anyone who cant grow there own meds. my biggest problem is there clones are rarely the strain they say they are


shut the fuck up Donny
^sorry totally disagree with you on that.....people who arent legit medical patients who buy from clubs does NOTHING to the price.....

if ONLY legit medical patients (20% of cardholders) were allowed to buy from clubs, there wouldnt be a MMJ industry. there would be like one or two shops and bet money they would still sell for same prices.

the influx of other customers allows the legit medical patient to get better competition from the clubs. YES THERE IS 60 AN 8th SHIT ON THE SHELF...BUT MOST CLUBS ALSO HAVE DISCOUNT SECTION!! you guys are acting like clubs are strongarming sick crippled people out of their money...thats bullshit. i have been in clubs and see sicker poor looking people buying the 30 an 8th shit allll the time. the clubs NEED TO HAVE EXPENSIVE SHIT BECAUSE THERE IS A MARKET FOR IT. just like expensive cars, handbags, etc...THEY ARE MERELY PROVIDING A SERVICE. god you guys sound like a bunch of commies...anti capitalism on some feel good everybody gets it for free mentality that doesnt work in real life...and hillarious how JJ, a moderator from a site that makes hundreds of thousands of dollars selling seeds...is complaining about high dispensary prices...


Yes4Prop215 and I live in Cali and without speaking for him, I can say that I myself have been involved with, dealing with, creating, meeting, clinics, dispensaries, owners, growers, business people for YEARS, and I assume Yes has as well.

While I respect the opinion of people who live thousands of miles away, the mis information on this site is so frustrating sometimes.

The comment JJ made about how many people "actually" need the card who have it is an issue way bigger then us, and goes back to the legal aspect. Things that while shitty, will not change. That being said, does it affect the "real" sick person with the card? No. And to think that it does is just dumb.

As Yes said, if only people who needed the card had the card, there would be no MMJ community. Period. The more people have the card, the more clinics there are. The more clinics there are the more competition there is. Prices go down.

I remember years ago when a dispensary would charge like $600 for top shelf ounce. It has gone down big time since then.

If there weren't so many patients, the whole "delivery" market wouldn't of come to be. We are talking about truly sick people right? Half of them prob can't drive a car, so they have it delivered. Wouldn't of existed if not for the mass amount of patients.

A bunch of the clinics I've been to also has some free bud for truly sick people who can't afford it, and almost all will give a discount to someone who comes in a fucking wheelchair with oxy tank on their back.

The Phoenix

Risen From The Ashes
Well if your disatisfied with the dispensaries, then form your own legal cannabis collective where everyone contributes and is guaranteed non profit.

Have any of the people complaining priced out the building, payroll, and overhead costs associated with dispensaries here in Cali. Not cheap! Lots of risk and effort to keep a dispensary open also. I doubt if most people are willing to fork out the cash and risk the raids to run a dispensary.


Active member
Cali Medical Marijuana is not, was not meant to be all about 'severally' sick people. 215 was VERY clear in that it allows use of cannabis for "any" medical reason to which cannabis can provide relief.

That's what I read on the ballot and that's what I voted for. I didn't vote on a 'cancer aids access' prop. but one that allowed it's use for ANY medical need.

Guess what....some headaches can be relieved by cannabis. Tennis elbow can be relieved by cannabis. The list goes on....and every single one of them has just as much right to this plant "medically" as a cancer patient. That is what the law said and that is what was voted in.

Back on topic. Business is business and as long as people are willing to pay $60 an 1/8, there will be people selling it for that.

As long as it's federally illegal...it's a huge risk to ones freedom...and should be compensated as such IMHO.


Freedom Fighter
Cali Medical Marijuana is not, was not meant to be all about 'severally' sick people. 215 was VERY clear in that it allows use of cannabis for "any" medical reason to which cannabis can provide relief.

That's what I read on the ballot and that's what I voted for. I didn't vote on a 'cancer aids access' prop. but one that allowed it's use for ANY medical need.

Guess what....some headaches can be relieved by cannabis. Tennis elbow can be relieved by cannabis. The list goes on....and every single one of them has just as much right to this plant "medically" as a cancer patient. That is what the law said and that is what was voted in.

Back on topic. Business is business and as long as people are willing to pay $60 an 1/8, there will be people selling it for that.

As long as it's federally illegal...it's a huge risk to ones freedom...and should be compensated as such IMHO.



ICMag Donor
Let me explain to you exactly what was told me by a club owner himself.

"People on SSI, Disability, Services, etc don't have enough income to buy from clubs. They can't afford these prices. Our main customers are people that work and carry a card."

So basically, sick people on fixed income do no business in this club. So if it weren't legal for the headach, insomnia and stubbed toed patients with a card and steady employment to buy there, they'd have to drop the prices so sick people could afford it, or they wouldn't sell anything..... So the people, who in spirit these laws were meant to help, are the only ones that can't afford to use them,,,,,

How many sick or disabled people on a fixed income do you know that buy from "compassion" clubs?

^sorry totally disagree with you on that.....people who arent legit medical patients who buy from clubs does NOTHING to the price.....

if ONLY legit medical patients (20% of cardholders) were allowed to buy from clubs, there wouldnt be a MMJ industry. there would be like one or two shops and bet money they would still sell for same prices.

the influx of other customers allows the legit medical patient to get better competition from the clubs. YES THERE IS 60 AN 8th SHIT ON THE SHELF...BUT MOST CLUBS ALSO HAVE DISCOUNT SECTION!! you guys are acting like clubs are strongarming sick crippled people out of their money...thats bullshit. i have been in clubs and see sicker poor looking people buying the 30 an 8th shit allll the time. the clubs NEED TO HAVE EXPENSIVE SHIT BECAUSE THERE IS A MARKET FOR IT. just like expensive cars, handbags, etc...THEY ARE MERELY PROVIDING A SERVICE. god you guys sound like a bunch of commies...anti capitalism on some feel good everybody gets it for free mentality that doesnt work in real life...and hillarious how JJ, a moderator from a site that makes hundreds of thousands of dollars selling seeds...is complaining about high dispensary prices...


Active member
Let me explain to you exactly what was told me by a club owner himself.

"People on SSI, Disability, Services, etc don't have enough income to buy from clubs. They can't afford these prices. Our main customers are people that work and carry a card."

So basically, sick people on fixed income do no business in this club. So if it weren't legal for the headach, insomnia and stubbed toed patients with a card and steady employment to buy there, they'd have to drop the prices so sick people could afford it, or they wouldn't sell anything..... So the people, who in spirit these laws were meant to help, are the only ones that can't afford to use them,,,,,

How many sick or disabled people on a fixed income do you know that buy from "compassion" clubs?

I do... my fiance is disabled and on SSI, but the club I go to provides a free 1/8th a week to her, which is plenty for her personally.
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