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****Cab of Dreams ~ 110 plant SoG w/ HPS****


Thanks man, I appreciate it. I'm just taking a quick break right now, but I'm working on my ventilation finally. Besides my carbon filter, I'll have it all done tonight and probably put the top on too (depends on how early my girl calls me).

Thanks for all the rep guys its makin the pain go away ;)

Stay up and stay safe.



I received my seeds today. I now have more incentive to finish building the box. Are you still sticking to you Feb 1st start?


Yeah I'm still stickin with it. My cabs will be done (finished a lot last night) but I'm not sure about the seeds. I'm calling the guy today. Glad you got yours bro. Can't wait to see 'em grow.


just checking in with you ....where are you at on the build got to be close!!!
i cant wait ill be learning a lot from this grow im sure i plan on setting one of these up myself



Thanks 12and12, Atlantic Side & chitownsmoking, I appreciate the support, stop by anytime.

Things are looking great!

I just got home from my (hopefully) last shopping spree. I got everything I need to finish the cab and for my Organic soil and fertz. Here's the list (no pics still, damn police)

Soil (I'm making 13 gal total):
30 Lbs of Worm Castings.
8 gal of Perlite
Vermiculite (huge bag)
5kg Bail of Coco Coir

Fox Farm Bone Meal (3-15-0)
Mexican Bat Guano (10-2-1) (High Nitrogen, replaces Blood Meal)
Maxicrop (1-0-4) (Ascophyllum Nodosum Seaweed)
Sunleaves Soil Sweetener (Dolomite Lime)

The above are going to be mixed into my soil, the below are going to be used in an organic tea for regular fertilizing. (Credit due to Burn1 and his Organics For Beginners sticky for all this)

1 Cup Wormcastings
5 tbs. Molasses
10 Drops Superthrive

In 5 Gal of Water
(every 3rd watering)

1/3 cup Worm Castings
5 tbs. Molasses
20 Drops Superthrive
1/3 cup Alaska Fish Emulsion (5-1-1)
5 tsp. Maxicrop
1/3 cup Mexican Bat Guano (10-2-1)

In 5 Gal of Water
(every 3rd watering)

2/3 cup Worm Castings
5 tbs. Molasses
20 Drops Superthrive
Alaska Fish Emulsion (5-1-1)
5 tsp. Maxicrop
2/3 cup Bone Meal (3-15-0)

In 5 Gal of Water
(Every watering)

I might have overlooked something (besides Jersey Greensand, still can't find it) So anyone with more organic experience, let me know what's up. I look forward to be growing my girls in a 100% organic enviroment.

I had to pick all this up at the hydro shop and it was my first visit there since the beginning of my project. I've done all my shopping at the Depot up until now, so I was looking for cops staked out writing down license plates :) But all was well (except for the older police like guy who came in and immediately started talking about getting rich off growing, didn't talk to him at all), the staff was really helpful and let me know I was on the right track, especially choosing an organic grow.

Anyways, I hope you are all well out there. Once the seeds are in, the grow shall begin. I'm off to make some soil! Stay up and stay safe.


I mixed my soil a few hours back and I gotta say it looks beautiful. Coco coir is really amazing, it expands like no other and has great properties for oxygenation. It was so fun to mix in all my ingredients by hand, knowing that I was creating the sustainer of my future plants (not including the oxygen, air and light of course). Out of everything I've done so far, this has actually been the most exciting thing. If you haven't done it, you gotta try it to know the feeling. Anyways, not to bore anyone, just wanted to share a little of the magic that comes with organics, and the near fulfillment of a project- Well, I think I'll have to have the buds cured and smoking to really finish this :) Peace!
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Next Stop: Outer Space!
Don't use Super Thrive in flower unless you want to hermie your plants. Big no no. It's a good idea to plan, but feeding won't go the same way every time.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Nice thread White! Can't wait to see what you end up with. You're doing great, especially on the organics front.


Thanks K.J, I appreciate it. It's been fun planning the organics part of this. Like I said earlier, probably the best part. You're doing great too man, keep up the good work.

Thanks for the tip magiccannabus. What do you mean by

It's a good idea to plan, but feeding won't go the same way every time.

Are you refering to the Superthrive? Or organic fertz.? Sorry.

And, I take your word on the Superthrive causing hermies and being a nono in flowering, but could you point me to an article or source, I'll check the search feature too :) Much appreciated.

If anyone else spots anything awry, give me a heads up. I'm open minded and always open to advice. I mean hell, I was planning on growing trees before I looked more into SoG ala Al.B.Fuct (RIU) and our very own DrBud. I was like (Al.B.Fuct) you're pullin an Lb every other week. That's for me. Anyways, just pointing out the evolution of my plans.

Glad it's brought me to this point. And I'm glad you're all around to share it. We're getting close. Stay up and stay safe.

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Quick update for everyone.

I was a bit unsure about my intakes, so I double checked with hoosierdaddy's thread on air intake (thanks for the great info bro) and I decided to do 6 3" holes in my flower cab (it's exhaust is a 250 cfm 6" inline) and I added 3 more
1 1/4 " holes for the mother/clone cab (for a total of 7 intakes).

I have one more piece to finish on the carpentry and would finish tonight, but I gotta let the paint dry on it. And I need to get high and drink some Stoli with my girl.

I'm seeing the pigs on Friday at the latest to get my stuff back. I'll have a completed cab for you all to see then.


p.s. If anyone hasn't read the cardboard box thread, stop by. A few of us are donating some things to I grow My Smoke (I'm sending him a bottle of fertz.) and it'd be cool if anyone else wants to help out. Just thought I'd mention it.

here's a link:



Next Stop: Outer Space!
I mean life throws a lot of curves at us. Different strains, different times of year, different lots of things can really change the approach that works. Ideally things are dialed in and you can use about the same approach each time, but thinking you can plan it down to exacts is really just wasting your time. Just keep backup plans if you must make plans, and maybe backups for those plans too.

As for superthrive..... plant supplements abound, and many claim a lot of things. Superthrive is decent stuff, but its creator's claims are insanely exaggerated. Molasses has the same B1 in it, and doesn't have all the gibberlins in it, which are where your main threat of causing males and hermies comes from. There's auxin supplements, cytokinin supplements, and all sorts of products messing with your plant's hormone balances. Use them carefully! It's like steroids with humans. There's some legitimate medical uses, but even a lot of the uses they are prescribed for are not really necessary. Even a little of the wrong hormones in a human could cause a guy with titties and a woman with giant biceps. There's plenty of people on here who never use things like Superthrive and have amazing results. Check the organics forum. Everything in Superthrive, and most other commercial supplements can be found in organic sources. Everything from worm compost to human urine can contain hormones of use to plants. Definitely worth really studying before you mess with it.

phineas fogg

New member
Hi good luck with getting you seeds ! I am doing something very similar to yourself witha 6 1/2 ft sq floor area 3ft high for flowering and 2 old tv cabinets for mums clones and pre flower. I am only planting at 9 per sq ft when at full speed. Gone the organic tea way with the worm castings and bat guano. I have just put my first batch of clones into flower. What i think you will have to be very carefull about is the hight of your plants. I went with cfl's cos of my limited headroom. I also discovered that if you flower them under blue light they don't stretch out as much as if you put them under hps to start with, I used purple cfls which are high in the red and blue spectrums. Also at 9 per sq ft I only need to water every other day sometimes 3 days depending on ambient temps. Just some info I learnt in the process. All thanks to the good Drbud and Al.B.Fuct.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Looks good man, I'll be watching. There's a suprise heading your way.

Cozy Amnesia

So, white, I don't know if you've noticed but today is Feb. 1st. Are you ready?:smoke:


Active member
Looking good bro!!! I havent grown in like 5 years and im starting to get that itch again. Anyways good luck ill be watching.
how much was that 6 inch fan u got? how loud is it? Have you tested it with a carbon scrubber attached yet?


Kaotic, you're the man. I can't wait to see what the suprise is gonna be. This is gonna be exciting man, the time has arrived (almost).

I'm ready Cozy (and everyone else) but I'm waiting... On seeds. I meant to post Friday, but time slipped away. Lets just say, Thursday night was an epic night. It was the night of my greatest accomplishment so far... I moved my cabs inside!

I made it special. I put on Also Sprach Zarathustra (theme from 2001)
listen here on youtube (play this as you read on)

So imagine, I put on the epic music full blast and I pick up my big ass flowering cab. I slowly walk it towards the door and pass through as the song reaches the first crescendo. It was fucking awesome. The cab was a bit heavy, but I didn't notice. I walked it back to my "office" and set it in place. It was beautiful.

I then placed my mother cab beside it and cut the tops to fit just right. I had to also recut the intake holes, because I got 4" abs pipe, not 3". I'm good to go once seeds get here, I just need to finish a couple of things on my flower cab (mount the HPS & finish carbon filter).

I'm gonna get a new card for my camera tomorrow, since the police take for fucking ever to give your shit back. And I'll get some pics up tomorrow night for everyone.

immortal, good luck on your upcoming grow, stop by any time. My fan was the 6" Suncourt fan from Home Depot. It's about $30. It's not too loud, but you'll probably be able to hear it. This is fine, because my cabs will house my "servers" and they need plenty of ventilation. Haven't tried my carbon scrubber yet, I'll post when I do.

Well, everyone... Stay up and stay safe. And stay tuned, the time has almost come.

White. Just finished reading your spectacular write-up man. That looks like an awesome system. It's good to know that you didn't let the obstacles in your way keep you down, and that you were able to stay focused on your big goal. I have no doubts that this thing is gonna work really well for you becuz it's so DAMN pro. Can't wait for those pics, just be careful... don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he he always wanted.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
I'm using the same fan as you. It doesn't seem like it really pushes 250 cfm though. Wait, I might have got mine at lowes. I don't remember.