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C5 Haze in the seed form


Well-known member
And just to make clear...im not asking no one to believe me...but the evidence an facts are there for all to see...wat I say or do..or any one else for that mater years and years later cant change those facts....

Goats cheese nevils nl5 breeding clone was different to the U.S. clone...but im sure you knew this already..didnt you.
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The Haze Whisperer
Nevs work spoke volumes and will continue to speak volumes for years to come the Sam and Nev stuff was between them.

What i find amazing is how ruthless some in the canna community can be at times .


Well-known member
Nevils already stated that at the time of sale he was told germination may be very very bad due to how old the seeds wer...an those that are implying that the sale was purposely missrepresented or one of the partys wer purposely missled at the time of sale are being very disrespectful..people need to think about wat ther saying....


The Haze Whisperer
Nevils already stated that at the time of sale he was told germination may be very very bad due to how old the seeds wer...an those that are implying that the sale was purposely missrepresented or one of the partys wer purposely missled at the time of sale are being very disrespectful..people need to think about wat ther saying....

They are being disrespectful the story Nev told me over the years about how he got the Haze seed and other Genetics never changed.

Who created the best haze hybrids on the planet that would be Nev yet many that attack him are now growing or trying to get hold of his old works.


Well-known member
I agree with you hempy...but I think sam should be given respect too tho ...and by people implying certain things takes away from the work these guys have done...yes each individual has chosen to take their own path...but like nevils said before..wen sam privately sells a person something he would trust the information an pedigrees given at the time above anyone...and sams already said he is clear at the time of sale exactly wat he is selling...
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Active member
And just to make clear...im not asking no one to believe me...but the evidence an facts are there for all to see...wat I say or do..or any one else for that mater years and years later cant change those facts....

Goats cheese nevils nl5 breeding clone was different to the U.S. clone...but im sure you knew this already..didnt you.
It's not a big deal if Nevil misunderstanding what the dates mean. And it's not a big problem if then people believed Nevil's "idea" about those dates. It's just a misunderstanding, not a big deal.
And re-pro Haze seeds made with 60's stock and Sam's selected Haze cut doesn't sound too bad, now does it.
No worries.

Yea, Elmer Bud here told Nevil's NL5 stock was Bx'd to the Seattle Afghani, so not f1 hybrid seeds like the US cut. I think Nevil believed the US NL5 was the mother of his nl5 seeds, so pollinated with a Seattle Afghani male.

NL Greg had a good NL5 thread on GreenHouse forums some years back, but it seems he has taken the thread down, cause i can't find it anymore, and i didn't save any quotes or photos at the time it was still up.
In the thread, iirc, NL Greg jokingly said Sam Skunkman played a part in making the NL because he thought it was Afghani#1 seeds Nevil sent him, which were then used in making the NL1. ...but i didn't save that quote at the time and i'm doubting my memory abit.
..but enough of NL5

I'll leave you Haze guys to it. Cheers.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Elmer bud

Neville did more in a year than you did in your whole life.

Why do you keep disrepecting every memory of Neville(RIP), how but hurt are you , must of been real painful ?

Spend more time cleaning up your buds instead of spewing hate at Neville's memory RIP


We`ll just pretend it didn`t happen then ?
Not spewing hate, but telling the truth . Why do people say truth is hate if it doesn`t suit them ?

Nembutal a bottle of scotch per day. And a memory like a steel trap are not mutually inclusive .

I`m growing Haze hybrids . So nothing against Nevil`s breeding . I have a problem with his recollections from a time when he was heavily inebriated being used as Canna lore .


The Haze Whisperer
I agree with you hempy...but I think sam should be given respect too tho ...and by people implying certain things takes away from the work these guys have done...yes each individual has chosen to take their own path...but like nevils said before..wen sam privately sells a person something he would trust the information an pedigrees given at the time above anyone...and sams already said he is clear at the time of sale exactly wat he is selling...

Hi DarkStorm your correct in that both Nev and Sam deserve respect both have their side to the story.
I know what Nev told me i know what Sam has posted and to be honest its between them.

People Question Neville's recollection of events yet they forget people that were in Amsterdam at the time also back the story's from Neville.


Well-known member

We`ll just pretend it didn`t happen then ?
Not spewing hate, but telling the truth . Why do people say truth is hate if it doesn`t suit them ?

Nembutal a bottle of scotch per day. And a memory like a steel trap are not mutually inclusive .

I`m growing Haze hybrids . So nothing against Nevil`s breeding . I have a problem with his recollections from a time when he was heavily inebriated being used as Canna lore .

EB...maybe my last post may have come off a bit harsh..I apologise if I caused any offense....but can I just say that we dont know wat day a man drank or didnt drink..wat day a man started to have a problem or wether that man overcame that problem...unless a self statement was made..im sure you would agree a person has to have his head screwed on to run a successful bizzness especially for many years...now I know I dont go around following people with cameras or watching them through a security cam an I dont think you do either, especially not 30 years or more ago...so I think It maybe beter not to speculate on things or go on hearsay...unless of course you yourself wer ther, night and day for a number of years..because then that would make things different.


ICMag Donor
When someone has passed its extremely disrespectful to keep talking bad on his/her name

And yes Neville was no saint but look what he achieved with his life and did for the Cannabis world, what have you done to further our movement ? .
I bet if you were someone like Neville we could dig up some dirt or storys from your past on you and anything bad you done in your life and we post it all over the net that would be cool ?
Neville has been part of most of our industry in every seed company across the world in some way or another as Neville was the biggest seed producer of high end seeds the world had ever seen.

how can you grow his strains and bad mouth him all the time ?, what a joke

Best you keep your bitter/jelous tongue away from Neville's name ( RIP) as you have nothing nice to say

Also Nevill only got a few seeds to pop from the seeds he got from Sam so they must of been very old to have such a bad germ rate ?
Even back then sam must of known how to store seeds as he had been growing and making seeds for a while ?

Yes we owe alot to Sam and give thanks for that but if it wasnt for Neville we wouldn't have 3/4 of what we have. When you look over alot of the famous strains and story's they all lead back to Neville and his seed companys he had or made seeds/buds for

We`ll just pretend it didn`t happen then ?
Not spewing hate, but telling the truth . Why do people say truth is hate if it doesn`t suit them ?

Nembutal a bottle of scotch per day. And a memory like a steel trap are not mutually inclusive .

I`m growing Haze hybrids . So nothing against Nevil`s breeding . I have a problem with his recollections from a time when he was heavily inebriated being used as Canna lore .


The Haze Whisperer
When someone has passed its extremely disrespectful to keep talking bad on his/her name

And yes Neville was no saint but look what he achieved with his life and did for the Cannabis world, what have you done to further our movement ? .
I bet if you were someone like Neville we could dig up some dirt or storys from your past on you and anything bad you done in your life and we post it all over the net that would be cool ?
Neville has been part of most of our industry in every seed company across the world in some way or another as Neville was the biggest seed producer of high end seeds the world had ever seen.

how can you grow his strains and bad mouth him all the time ?, what a joke

Best you keep your bitter/jelous tongue away from Neville's name ( RIP) as you have nothing nice to say

Also Nevill only got a few seeds to pop from the seeds he got from Sam so they must of been very old to have such a bad germ rate ?
Even back then sam must of known how to store seeds as he had been growing and making seeds for a while ?

Yes we owe alot to Sam and give thanks for that but if it wasnt for Neville we wouldn't have 3/4 of what we have. When you look over alot of the famous strains and story's they all lead back to Neville and his seed companys he had or made seeds/buds for

Well said ojd many in this community valued and continue to value his work few got to know the real man as he was a Recluse by choice he honestly did not care about the politics just the plant.

Yo Sammy

Well-known member
Could be i am mistaken but i thought this being a thread about plants instead of people.
Nevil was the most successful breeder ever, not bc of his weaknesses but bc he did what he did and we all benefit from his AND his crews work.
Without ALL of these fantastic characters our community wouldn’t be the same.
So respect to Nevil and please let the plants speak for themselves.
RIP Nevil!

Here some E-Hz (AG13xC5/5HzC)


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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
When someone has passed its extremely disrespectful to keep talking bad on his/her name

And yes Neville was no saint but look what he achieved with his life and did for the Cannabis world, what have you done to further our movement ? .
I bet if you were someone like Neville we could dig up some dirt or storys from your past on you and anything bad you done in your life and we post it all over the net that would be cool ?
Neville has been part of most of our industry in every seed company across the world in some way or another as Neville was the biggest seed producer of high end seeds the world had ever seen.

how can you grow his strains and bad mouth him all the time ?, what a joke

Best you keep your bitter/jelous tongue away from Neville's name ( RIP) as you have nothing nice to say

Also Nevill only got a few seeds to pop from the seeds he got from Sam so they must of been very old to have such a bad germ rate ?
Even back then sam must of known how to store seeds as he had been growing and making seeds for a while ?

Yes we owe alot to Sam and give thanks for that but if it wasnt for Neville we wouldn't have 3/4 of what we have. When you look over alot of the famous strains and story's they all lead back to Neville and his seed companys he had or made seeds/buds for

G `day Ojd

I said the same things before his death .
I will praise him or criticise him as I feel necessary thank you.


Well-known member
EB..good an bad it paints a complete picture of things...but all im saying is not to go on wat others say..go by wat you see your self an by the evidence...which I believe is fare...now I know you have some excellent plants that revolve around the c5...would be nice if we could see some pictures...if you may please.


cant re Member
When someone has passed its extremely disrespectful to keep talking bad on his/her name

And yes Neville was no saint but look what he achieved with his life and did for the Cannabis world, what have you done to further our movement ? .
I bet if you were someone like Neville we could dig up some dirt or storys from your past on you and anything bad you done in your life and we post it all over the net that would be cool ?
Neville has been part of most of our industry in every seed company across the world in some way or another as Neville was the biggest seed producer of high end seeds the world had ever seen.

how can you grow his strains and bad mouth him all the time ?, what a joke

Best you keep your bitter/jelous tongue away from Neville's name ( RIP) as you have nothing nice to say

Also Nevill only got a few seeds to pop from the seeds he got from Sam so they must of been very old to have such a bad germ rate ?
Even back then sam must of known how to store seeds as he had been growing and making seeds for a while ?

Yes we owe alot to Sam and give thanks for that but if it wasnt for Neville we wouldn't have 3/4 of what we have. When you look over alot of the famous strains and story's they all lead back to Neville and his seed companys he had or made seeds/buds for

I respect his work but we don't owe everything to nevil nor did he have a hand in every strain or cultivar we have now, that's nonsense. he was part of the evolution and cause. same as you, me, and elmer bud. we all support the movement.

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