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Butane honey oil for dummies

Laughing Jim

Active member
-VT- said:
....Man this is a great way to smoke...smooth....and potent...the taste is unique....and the high is intense....

I'm sold!

Speaking of BHO,
back in the 70s I smoked some clear honey oil.
Yes, it was clear. Not amber, not golden, but clear.
That stuff was so potent as to be almost indescribable.
One thing that I do clearly remember is that after smoking it,
walking upright became difficult...it was just hard to tell where the floor was.
And man, that stuff would REALLY expand in your lungs. You had to be real careful not to take too big a hit or you'd cough up both your lungs. :hotbounce

I got ahold of some stuff years later...very red, came in a brass bottle cap, and reeked of petrol. :confused:

This BHO might be the way to go...


Hi, i think one day at is it possible to make BHO from "not-so-good" soaphash? Maybe do that hotwatercleanthing first and then do normal BHO-extract. I have like 8g that hash and i cant smoke it. Im done with that! Really...


Active member
I'd be concerned that the BHO might also dissolve some of the crap that the water process left in the soap. Just a thought.....

And be careful with your health. It's worth more than 8g of soap hash.


Yes but there is still less that crap. Well, i try this and i take pictures. Have to know is that possible.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Sam_Skunkman said:
Does the oil made with butane have any taste of the butane when done being dried? Taste is important to me and I do not use lighters because to me they taste bad. I use wooden matches because they taste a little better, then gas lighters even if the matches do give a little smoke I don't like. I dont vaporize because it dont give a good sized hit in one bag the same amount of resin I smoke in a bong gives several bags each bag with several breaths. I like it all in one breath.

I've never noticed a taste of butane. As far as the bag part you lost me. Are you speaking of using a volcano to vape?


Do you use a lighter? I can taste them and don't use them. Like how a cigar aficionado will not use a candle to light a good cigar.
I am saying the reason vaping works so good is because of the huge surface area of resin on Cannabis in bud form. It allows the resin/THC to be vaporized easily. If the same amount of resin that was on a bud was vaped on a bong screen it will melt into a small pool and have a small surface area and take several vapes and bags defeating the ease of fast consumption of large amounts of resin in a single hit like I get with a bong and match. I have seen fancy bong rigs for resin on a screen that the users claim are par with smoking, but I have not tried them. And they are not the norm.


cigar smokers now use the fine tanes in an electro "flint" lighter...matches foul cigars--well known fact..bic is pretty good for the 75 cents...but if you dunt like.. try the better cigar lighters...most will burn out though since they are not made to burn upsidedown...the bigger problem for most lighting pipes n bingers..

@ vape...try a steinel pro line...has variable cfm values...the volcano is a slow feed off a dia air pump...precise..but timely leading to over "aired" hits...prob need to turn the heat up a lil bit...

also 'preheat' the cup first...its actually in the bickel volcano instructions...

grind the weed...


Active member
the heat gun and cano valve set is what I use and I get some fat bags that make people choke and they taste wonderful. Tainted is 100% right about the airy hits I have a volcano sitting in my closet and the heat gun is on my table at all times...in my opinion the cano kinda sucks

Heat gun 150
Valve set 150
Volcano 600

You do the math


Active member
Welll i have to agree wth both you and tainted on that one jimbob, as the volcano is just not giving the quality hits. I prefer the hot glass or verdamper, although the vriptech with valve set is prety sweet.I way love the glass units over any with metal components. The metal tends to conduct the heat, and give a much hotter hit than one desires.
i find most of the cigar afficianados here in vancouver are using cigar matches that are sulfur free. They use cedar stick, with a white head, that has very little smell.

bubble man


Voluptuous Trichomes
Just learned first hand....the yield is increased with better starting material, as Chiefsmokingbud and others have posted. I did a tube of popcorn (c99)...crumbled it....the buds are popcorn but very dense....anyways it is my best run yet....my pics don't convey the golden color....it's golden like honey....

You can see what I got from the first scrape. I let it sit in the freezer a couple days...then gave it a warm bath....once it dried to the consistency I find easiest to work with (not too gooey....not hardening up) I start scraping....it's like thick honey when I scrape....

Here's the first scrape yield...
It weighs 1.7 grams(not including what's left on the dish and blade)....
I still have much more for later....

A closeup of the 1.7g chunk



honey oil addict
heres some stats for ya. sweet skunk indoor, 14 grams gave 2.5. sweet skunk outdoor buds 14 grams gave 2.1 also, the outdoor had 6 grams of leaf i took off 19 grams of bud, and the indoor, it was 6 grams of leaf removed from 35. still more leaf left on the outdoor by a lttle bit.


Active member
-VT-, Looks great. Was that just one tube full? Looks like several runs, though your material was sure frosty from the other C99 pics.


Voluptuous Trichomes
Yep just one tube....next time I will weigh the starting material....

I bet I got close to 3 grams.....can't put more than a zip in a tube....Shoulda weighed it....yea I got "frosty the snowman on they ass" :D


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Looks awesome VT. I think the best i've done yeild wise was 18-20% and that was JLP's ultimate moonshine (whole). That stuff was so frosty it was mind boggling. Island sweet skunk is one strain i hope one day to try, heard so many good things about it.


Custom User Title
So it seems like you want the bud to be very dry. Would there be any downside to watercuring, and then using a dehydrator, and then doing a BHO run? That would get rid of all the chlorophyll and get the bud real dry, which seems like two of the things that make better oil. I'll be starting a microgrow soon, and I think if I yield at least 2oz I'll do 1oz for BHO. Maybe I could get an extractor tube as a christmas present for myself. What is the preferred method of smoking this? Put a drop on a screen in a bong/pipe and smoke just that?


Active member
I finally weighed some shit it it was 3.5 - 4 grams from an oz...dont know exactly cause some of it mystriously dissappeared during the process *WINK* *WINK*


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Hashmasta-Kut said:
i am gonna pollinate one with panama red.. :) .......... ...

Sounds nice, is that the Red from Reeferman?

bounty29 said:
So it seems like you want the bud to be very dry. Would there be any downside to watercuring, and then using a dehydrator, and then doing a BHO run? That would get rid of all the chlorophyll and get the bud real dry, which seems like two of the things that make better oil. I'll be starting a microgrow soon, and I think if I yield at least 2oz I'll do 1oz for BHO. Maybe I could get an extractor tube as a christmas present for myself. What is the preferred method of smoking this? Put a drop on a screen in a bong/pipe and smoke just that?

There is no need to water cure or even cure in general unless you are going to do that to smokable herb. For our purposes it's just not necessary.


Custom User Title
420 posts Chief, congrats! :joint:

I mentioned the water cure because it seems like the point of the quick wash is to avoid pulling any unwanted parts of the buds through. Wouldn't a watercure get rid of some of these things, so that there's even less of a risk of pulling them through when doing the wash?

If doing it like this, you could do your BHO run like a week from the time you harvest. Watercure for the week or so, let them get completely dry in the dehydrator, and then do a BHO run.

Of course, I've never done any of this, so I might be way off. Either way, I can't wait to smoke some homegrown!
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water cure is only useful for shwag man.

if you water cure a good indoor strain you are gonna lose some of the water soluable tasty terps and oils. basically it's a bad idea. good quality indoor should be dried and cured. for bho, just dried will be enough i suppose.