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BUSTED, no ryme or reason


snitched out by someone w/ nothing to gain, but some kind of twisted sense of right and wrong- aka power-trip.
Or maybe it was jealousy? I'll never know.
facing 5, pretty devastated:wallbash:

That suck, sorry to hear it. the world would be a better place without police and snitches! Best of luck


Tropical Outcast
OP FYI federal MJ related cases generally cost around 50 to 60k to "defend" unlike state cases which are roughly around 7k.

Who knows maybe the whole process is taking so long because the Fed's are returning your case and it will be put back on to a State level.

Either way I wish you good luck!


All I can say is good luck bud.

I was raided and extremely close to the same boat you are in right now, I was tipped off and had an afternoon to dispose of everything, and I came out on top.

Read the whole thread and I wish you the best of luck, never stop fighting for what you believe is right, no matter what the law-makers of this backwards ass country say is right or wrong. Take care.

I'm glad to hear you were able to break down and stay safe. I wish i saw it coming.
I will always stay true to myself and my beliefs. No jail sentence will get in the way of what i feel is morally right.
Thanks for the well wishes.


i say this guy has a ego problem and part of it is a power trip cuz in reality hes a softy
(no back bone ,u know a jellyfish mofo. hes probably a nobody where u guys live?) so he used blackmail this time and his victim happend to be u...just my thoughts whatever happens my prayers and best wishes to you and your family through the whole mess

After all the time iv'e had to think about this, I'd say that this can't be any closer to the truth. This piece of shit snitch never bothered to try and get to know me. I wonder if he did, if he would have been so quick to wreck my life(at least for the time being), without any just cause.
I think that what it comes down to, is that there are just some serious assholes in the world, that dont need any reason to be a worthless evil fuck. I know for sure that he's a coward for the way he went about things.
thanks for the support buddy


just take your shoes off before you kick himn in the face or its assualt w a deadly weapon.....Good luck brother! serving time has made some of the kids i know much better in the end.....learn and move on.

Yeah, I'm definitely learning from this, and jail is not going to change who i am. It just puts my life on hold for a while. I'm just gonna try to stay busy and out of trouble so i can get home to the old lady ASAP.


You have the right to face your accuser. Your attorney can get the name of the person or entity that started the investigation. If its someone you know make them show their face and point a finger at you in court. Research your rights don't count on your attorney to much. They will try to make a plea deal so they save money. Make em pay. Good luck


That suck, sorry to hear it. the world would be a better place without police and snitches! Best of luck

Amen brother, thanks.
As little integrity that it takes to snitch on someone to save your own ass, I can understand that better than someone who snitches unprovoked, or for no apparent reason at all. I cannot understand someone like this because I couldn't "nor would i want to" do this injustice to another. It's really frustrating. I used to read my discovery again and again trying to make sense of it, but all that does is get me upset and angry and ruins my day. Thanks for posting


OP FYI federal MJ related cases generally cost around 50 to 60k to "defend" unlike state cases which are roughly around 7k.

Who knows maybe the whole process is taking so long because the Fed's are returning your case and it will be put back on to a State level.

Either way I wish you good luck!

Thanks pal, i appreciate it.


Tropical Outcast
Thanks pal, i appreciate it.

You're welcome!

Since I have read your (whole) thread the other day I have been thinking...it is taking a tad too long for how the whole thing is developing...you might, and I emphasize might, have something cooking there where you could get less of a penalty than what you "expect" to get.
Or it might get turned over back on to a state level.

Either way best luck man!

I am keeping an eye on this.


You have the right to face your accuser. Your attorney can get the name of the person or entity that started the investigation. If its someone you know make them show their face and point a finger at you in court. Research your rights don't count on your attorney to much. They will try to make a plea deal so they save money. Make em pay. Good luck

I know who the son of a bitch is. They made no attempt to hide it from me. His name was in black and white in the discovery.
I learned not to put too much faith or trust in my lawyer a long time ago. The lawyer's, judge's, prosecutor's exc.. are all one big unconstitutional family IMO.
My lawyer actually told me to my face that he doesn't like "to make waves", and he wants everybody to like him. WTF!
Sounds like he should pick a new career. Lawyer's aren't among the most respected, ya know?


You're welcome!

Since I have read your (whole) thread the other day I have been thinking...it is taking a tad too long for how the whole thing is developing...you might, and I emphasize might, have something cooking there where you could get less of a penalty than what you "expect" to get.
Or it might get turned over back on to a state level.

Either way best luck man!

I am keeping an eye on this.

Things are definitely looking better than originally expected. It shouldn't be too bad. I've been passing clean urine the whole way, and doing all the bullshit asked of me. ie., counselors, meetings, exc.
Whoa so many pages on this thread. I've much to learn right now. I hope your okay. And while this is most likely redundant I have to write it.

The more people like us Who are relieving ailments or illnesses -- wtf is wrong with it?!
On the other hand - people who want to smoke recreationally -- wtf is wrong with it?!

I'm on the fringe of getting involved. Perhaps I will take a bust as I've no prior criminal record, and I live in Canada. This is a purpose for my life. The best outcomes can occur from what may seem like a nightmare. I don't want to jab Uncle Sam in the eye because I would not benefit. I need to be more active in Canada.

Point is fairly simple - If a person grows and smokes their own shit - they cause less shit. Not giving funds to criminal activities... Not spending money from disability pension (which is too small already) to buy med's. My other meds are paid for by government.
With Nicotine, Alcohol and all the rest of it.. Am I really hurting anyone at all? Grow a few plants - just enough to medicate myself and my mom who suffers from M.S.

It's extremely aggravating. I see this prohibition so clearly aside from what agenda the govt has in it's most aggressive oppression and misinformation. Meanwhile, while they are stressed with their over-payed positions as civil servants they stuff their faces, and swill fine wines... Reminds me very much of an Orwellian society. "Animal Farm".

If ya have not read this book by George Orwell - consider it. Cheers to all and then we clink our dubies instead of alcohol.


Whoa so many pages on this
I'm on the fringe of getting involved. Perhaps I will take a bust as I've no prior criminal record, and I live in Canada. This is a purpose for my life. The best outcomes can occur from what may seem like a nightmare. I don't want to jab Uncle Sam in the eye because I would not benefit. I need to be more active in Canada.


This is just my opinion and all but if your talking about purposefully getting yourself busted growing, i'd have to seriously advise against it.
I know nothing of the cannabis laws in Canada, but i can't stress enough how badly one's life is affected, when one gets busted for growing here in the states. At least on a federal level. Honestly, I really don't see it doing much good for the cause. If someone like Marc Emery is having such a hard time making a difference, and we all know how much he has sacrificed for the cause, how much can getting yourself busted do.
The personal sacrifice that you would have to endure, just wouldn't weigh out.
If i misunderstood your intentions than just disregard.
Don't get me wrong, I think that what Marc is doing is amazing, but he has built a rep. for himself and has a strong following. I admire his courage and respect what he's doing for us all.


New member
Karma will get him bro, no doubt ten fold. I cant get away with anything without karma catching up.Best of luck things will get better from here out trust me.


Now in technicolor
Getting busted growing on purpose is ridiculous. You're making a difference by growing already. Instead of getting busted, give out free bud, sell it, spread the word about it, etc. That's a small way to do your part.


Now in technicolor
What happened sucks! I feel for you..

You keep saying the fucker is evil and etc, but in his head, he probably feels like he's doing the world a favor. If I know my next door neighbor rapes children, yes I'll tell on him, because I feel like I'm doing something good. Unfortunately, people who don't know anything about drugs will also think they are saving lives and making the world a better place by telling on you. I'm not saying he's like that - maybe he IS just really fucked up, maybe you're his competition, but this is the reason you can't tell people. You'd be amazed how some people view drug users, even just Cannabis.


Karma will get him bro, no doubt ten fold. I cant get away with anything without karma catching up.Best of luck things will get better from here out trust me.

I believe that the bastard will get what he deserves. I just hope that i somehow hear about, or become aware of whatever suffering the universe see's fit to give him.
Nothing would make me happier than to find out this prick lost his job and went bankrupt, or lost his home, or better yet, has to spend time in jail.
The thing is, even if karma gives it to this guy nicely, it will never make up for what he's taken from me or the grief he's caused to my loved ones.


Getting busted growing on purpose is ridiculous. You're making a difference by growing already. Instead of getting busted, give out free bud, sell it, spread the word about it, etc. That's a small way to do your part.

Agreed, that sounds like a much better alternative than self sacrifice to the twisted war on weed.


What happened sucks! I feel for you..

You keep saying the fucker is evil and etc, but in his head, he probably feels like he's doing the world a favor. If I know my next door neighbor rapes children, yes I'll tell on him, because I feel like I'm doing something good. Unfortunately, people who don't know anything about drugs will also think they are saving lives and making the world a better place by telling on you. I'm not saying he's like that - maybe he IS just really fucked up, maybe you're his competition, but this is the reason you can't tell people. You'd be amazed how some people view drug users, even just Cannabis.

I can't see how anyone could justify ruining good people's lives because they choose to grow a plant that harms no one.
I know for a fact that the guy knows he's a piece of shit because after the fact, he went around telling all the neighbors that i converted the whole house into a grow op. He knows that it was only a 10-12ft room, and realizes that he looks like an asshole to others he's trying to brag to for "taking me down", so he felt he had to play it up and lie to my neighbors to make me seem like a hard core drug dealer. Also, he was present when the pigs took me to the cruiser, hanging out in the yard. I looked right at him as i walked past and he just had his head down, looking at his feet.
If he was proud of what he did, he would have looked me in the eye. Not only is the guy a piece of shit but he's also a fuckin coward.

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