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Busted, in LOS ANGELES, Transportation

Busted, in LOS ANGELES, Transportation

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yup, I am indeed a mmj patient. Yes i had my presicription on me and a first time offender. amount in my trunk. 1 1/2-2 ounces (not sure)...no scale...no extra baggys. WTF? was taken to jail, then transferred to another jail. 2 day hold...except i got bailed out against my will ( so now i owe someone $2000) poof gone. court date in 3 weeks. alot of friends say it will get dismissed. i mean it clearly states in prop 215 and sb 420 that 11360(transportation of marijuana) is protected, up to 8 ounces.....so i will definitely plead not guilty but i know the da and the public defender will probably try and trick me but f### that. So i just wanted to share my story and see what you wonderful people have to say. thanks.. btw thos police fags who arrested me...cmon felony drug charge...thats how they get promoted and pay raises. all the piggys want to be commander of all the other little piggys at the peoples expense. They must think im stupid,, well "NOT GUILTY" you emotionally deprived doughnut eating idiots.
dankpisce- sorry to hear about that, but as long as you were in compliance with california's medical mmj laws you should be able to win in court. Although I have to ask...how did you manage to get pulled over and have your trunk searched in the first place ?

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
I'll go with - case dismissed and property not returned without jumping through some serious hoops.

As for your first court date, just plead not guilty, and they will schedule another court date. Highly unlikely they will dismiss at that point.

Get a lawyer even though it seems like the law is clearly on your side.. You don't want the prosecutor remembering you personally years down the road, and people who handle these things themselves stand out.

If your papers are really in order and the law that protects you is valid, a lawyer will prolly not charge you that much - you're handing them an easy win.

Call a few in the area and ask to schedule a consultation in person or over the phone. Keep it brief and explain your situation, leave the passion of injustice out of it, as you want them to understand you'll be professional to deal with. Then ask how much they would charge to handle this matter for you. Someone is bound to bite for a reasonable amount, and you will be way better off than you would handling this on your own.


That page has a bunch in California, prolly a good place to start.

Good luck however you choose to proceed, and try not to let the frustration distract you from whatever you have going on in life.




call a.s.a===and mmp now!!

americans for safe access!!

marijuana policy project now!!

attourneys cost 2000 to 5000 dollars!!

google all info print out other case law!!

show up at all court apperances!!


I wish you could sue the city for harassment after you get your case dismissed...


Active member
Could you possibly sue the officers in civil court for damages/fees who were cleary breaking the law? Kinda like a wrongful death type of suit?


i will definitely plead not guilty but i know the da and the public defender will probably try and trick me but f### that.

damn right, if your registered and protected under law that shit better be dismissed. It's only typical of DA/prosecutor to try to trick you, intimidation #1 strategy. Lie to you and scare you into accepting a plea deal when you were arrested illegal in first place. NO WAY.
I also wish you could sue the city ( the dept. that stopped you/arrested you).. it would only be right and should be allowed at state and federal level. They only behave that way because of that immunity...
they get away with the same harassment with traffic stops, pull you over for a tail light and ask their way to finding MJ without even smelling/seeing. many simple traffic violations lead to illegal possession arrests even in non med states, that SHOULD be dismissed but people still get through with carrying out sentences its BULLSHIT. cops disregard law and exploit citizens knowledge of law, and some courts let them get away with it even suggest it, repeat - BS

Jeff Lebowski

Don't believe it, sorry. More specifics of how it all transpired would be needed. Plus, you should be happy to know unless you were selling or growing it's not a felony. So where were you coming from, going to, who were you with and how was it packaged.


Smokes, lets go
i wish there was an option for not guilty, case dismissed, lawsuit for harassing medical patients, property returned along with compensation for your time and trouble.


Active member
Get your paperwork in order. Doctors recommendation, print out H&S 11362.5, print out the California Attorney Generals guidelines, and People v. Kha case law. Give them to your lawyer. Also print out SB 420 and highlight the part about county id cards being optional.
If you don't have much money use the public defender to your advantage.
Otherwise hire a lawyer. Allison Margolin was mentioned earlier, I second that recommendation if it means anything.
Do not try to make a publicity circus out of this. It will benefit you later. Unless you have to goto trial.


New member
Demasoni- you are the man/women(sorry not sure dont wana offend anyone). you know watsup. PREACH to the people lol. aight well i dont have money for a lawer first of all. and i realy like the ideas
--freedomFGHTR and Zeinth have, i was thinking along similar lines. i will print out these documents and high lite the corresponding text.
--Jeff lebowski. i was charged with 11360 transportation of marijuana and it is a felony offense. however it is covered under sb 420. now here is the problem. the way i received the mmj from the dispensary is a little bit incriminating. 2 flavors, 2 bags. large freezer bags but with only less than an oz each and both in a smaller brown paper bag. and i was alone btw.
freedomFGHTR- bless you for advertising that quote....most people dont know, even im skeptical. so you can have unlimited amounts of mmj and plants :)


Active member
now here is the problem. the way i received the mmj from the dispensary is a little bit incriminating. 2 flavors, 2 bags. large freezer bags but with only less than an oz each and both in a smaller brown paper bag. and i was alone btw
freedomFGHTR- bless you for advertising that quote....most people dont know, even im skeptical. so you can have unlimited amounts of mmj and plants :)
Some people use more than one strain. It's like daytime and nightime nyquil.

I still wouldn't go above 99 plants. And talk to a lawyer about that to. Seriously if you can't afford a lawyer still use a public defender. Otherwise you will get reamed up the ass by the courts, just cause they can.


This sounds like some bullshit renegade police officer was circumventing democracy (prop 215) and illegally arrested you. I would counter sue them and you will get your meds back. My buddy went through this in Nor Cal and got an official apology from the officer who handed him back his pipe and meds.


Active member
Allison Margolin is a great attorney look her up.

No she's really not that good sorry. Get a better attorney than her Please. For what you'll pay for her and her father you can really get a top grade attorney. Only thing I can say good about them is that they were the first to the game, but that was because they saw a cash cow picking up cases like this.


Active member
i wish there was an option for not guilty, case dismissed, lawsuit for harassing medical patients, property returned along with compensation for your time and trouble.

And the damages would could out of the crooked cops salary who broke the LAW that they all work so hard to uphold at their own discretion.

They want us to be accountable for our actions, it's really high time for them to step up as we're all FORCED to.


No she's really not that good sorry. Get a better attorney than her Please. For what you'll pay for her and her father you can really get a top grade attorney. Only thing I can say good about them is that they were the first to the game, but that was because they saw a cash cow picking up cases like this.

Cant argu with that she does cost, But shes gotten me and anyone I have sent to her off. Shes great and really hot.

Jeff Lebowski

Did they call on your rec or did you have a county card? Is it current?

Were the large freezer bags marked with any information or were they two ordinary bags with weed in it?

How did they get in your trunk? I'm skeptical because people would love to impart fear upon patients and stories with no specifics of how it happend, merely a - I got busted, but I wasn't supposed now what happens situation. Perhaps you really are a patient and maybe this went down. Every other bust case on these boards go into excruciating detail of the intracacies of how it went down, but I didn't see that above. You should know the amount of meds on you, especially coming from a dispenary because these figures as outlined by the above charge can be sidelined. I understand not carrying a scale, but put it like this - pull over someone, they come from Rite-aid but aren't sure the # of pills on their possession. It allows for leeway on their side.

LIke I said, either real or fake this situation sucks. So, lets figure how to help others not repeat it.

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