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Busted, in LOS ANGELES, Transportation

Busted, in LOS ANGELES, Transportation

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you'll get it dismissed but you won't get your pot back unless you go through tons of paperwork and deal with tons of government "stall" efforts designed to make you give up trying to get it back.



you'll get it dismissed but you won't get your pot back unless you go through tons of paperwork and deal with tons of government "stall" efforts designed to make you give up trying to get it back.


:yeahthatsthe reason i didnt fill out poll :)

also for the record. i would fill out first or second round of paperwork, make a small effort, so it seems legit and accept the first no :p

however! ive no idea how effective this strategm might be, or if its even a good idea.... DISCUSS!


If the case is dismissed it doesn't matter what they think about his intentions. case wouldn't be dismissed if they could a) prove he had intentions not covered by prop215 and b) ignore prop 215

He could stick with it and hope he gets it back or just not bother, never know what may happen even if he does do all the paperwork and go through the bs. Maybe they'll tell him it was destroyed or something...

just my stoned opinion


Somone needs to say this:

Fix your car prior to meds or get a ride with another patient, friend, family member. This bust subsequentially dealt with weed, but not initially. To gain anything from this post would be to make sure if you are rididng with illegal/legal substances, make sure the transportation is free from issue, i.e. registration. How did the stop go from tags to crawling in your trunk?

I rarely ever read about a bust on these forums directly relating back to the herb itself. It is always, I was on a dark street at one a.m. or my tags were bunk, or I was speeding. Follow the arbitrary rules of the road to protect yourself if anything.

Dank, fight that shit but smarten up too man. Two unmarked bags of herb in a trunk would make any officer get a hard on. I've taken the bus when too ill to drive or get meds. A lot of issues with medical patients comes down to thinking that CA actually respects it's own laws, which many patients find out afterwards is not true. You could go through all of this with a lawyer and win, but it will only end up costing you and nothing from the city. The monster will win, if you get off. Worry about your health and forget the court date if that is where your priorities lie.

yup hate to say it but what jeffe says es verdad(true)the whole reason for leo pullling you over was expired tags,and since you are driving an unregistered car I believe leo doesn't need a consent to search.sooo he
boneddd ya good .
the dick leo can do what he wants basically, when he is boning you don't argue or debate with them completely useless and ineffectual.just zip your lip don't answer incriminating questions.if you are unsure and he is intimidating you respond i dont know,what?I have no recollection I can't remember,just keep mixing those phrases up and he will sigh and stop questioning harrassing you.


If the case is dismissed it doesn't matter what they think about his intentions. case wouldn't be dismissed if they could a) prove he had intentions not covered by prop215 and b) ignore prop 215

He could stick with it and hope he gets it back or just not bother, never know what may happen even if he does do all the paperwork and go through the bs. Maybe they'll tell him it was destroyed or something...

just my stoned opinion

so in your experience if case is dismissed patient usually gets meds back when applying? is this different if they bust a cultivation at the pad somewhere? [more hoops to jump through i mean] - and keep in mind we're assuming that the quantities in question or plants or _whatever_ here would be within the `legal local limits` whatever that means with the current state vs federal dichotomy.

oh also guys, FYI - a buddy got arrested processed and released, b/c he had a couple zones and a few hundred in cash - if you can, plan for how much your getting and try not to carry a huge amount extra :p


so in your experience if case is dismissed patient usually gets meds back when applying? is this different if they bust a cultivation at the pad somewhere? [more hoops to jump through i mean] - and keep in mind we're assuming that the quantities in question or plants or _whatever_ here would be within the `legal local limits` whatever that means with the current state vs federal dichotomy.

I have no real experience with the issue, just stating the way it should obviously be in a med state for a registered med patient.

I've never been arrested and don't really talk to any growers who have for my own sake..


I have no real experience with the issue, just stating the way it should obviously be in a med state for a registered med patient.

I've never been arrested and don't really talk to any growers who have for my own sake..


heh yeah, for a while i volunteered at a club, which was pretty cool, i got to bounce ideas of a lot of growers. just in case your curious there are a few common threads. each one thats done it fully legit - they license up like the clubs do, then get the same joins as the clubs do. but the patient cant be growing their own. even tho the legality of sb420 is highly in question, these guys have the attorneys on tap, and one even talked to the DA b/c his 2 sons were doing it - family business - and he straight up walked into calli DA and said: ok sons wanna start growing what do i gotta do to keep you happy ;)

so for an op that has 400 plants they stick to 1 note per 6. add 30-50% extra notes to what you need to cover, remember these guys only supply clubs specifically [supposedly anyway lol]. as to the arrests, between a vendor or two and a patient or three i've a small smattering of supposed true events - i wasnt there so ya.. not like we exchange case #'s :yoinks:

from the little bit I've been able to gather it looks like the attorneys are the ones that make it all smooth and get stuff back; tho its often not returned, or compensated for. the most dangerous part seems to be transporting to the club.

oh i forgot the most important part. if the cops are there, you probably already #@%$#@'d up and KEEP THAT COPY OF THE NOTE/AUTHORIZATION AT THE GREENHOUSE!

Jeff Lebowski



Now these two kids with FOUR pounds of chocolate are going to be charged because they didn't use their turn signal. Rarely do I see flagrant and direct marijuana busts besides grow houses. It all comes down to the person, not the weed or the cop for causing the issue. The cop is still in the wrong, but you and others need to learn from this and grow. We cannot change the past but we can influence the future.

I hope you get off scott free btw............. but did you let him search your car?




Now these two kids with FOUR pounds of chocolate are going to be charged because they didn't use their turn signal. Rarely do I see flagrant and direct marijuana busts besides grow houses. It all comes down to the person, not the weed or the cop for causing the issue. The cop is still in the wrong, but you and others need to learn from this and grow. We cannot change the past but we can influence the future.

I hope you get off scott free btw............. but did you let him search your car?

The Nebraska State Patrol intercepted marijuana laced chocolate candies that were enroute from Caliifornia to Cleveland, Ohio.

across state lines.... i don't think you can purely blame the cop on that one - assuming a medical defense. however it does effing suck. er for clarification meaning the cop was `just doing his job` and kinda correctly at that =[

and freedomfightr omg sweet

Jeff Lebowski

I'm not blaming the cop, I'm showing how not using a turn signal now led to their life going in a drastically different direction. They already had out of state tags, knowing they had edibles yet still forgetting simple things like a turn signal....it's not hard to see how some people get busted. It doesn't excuse the bust, but consider the entire situation when dealing with a plant that can put you behind pars. The rules of our society and road are arbitrary at best, so lets follow them and stay under the radar....


I'm not blaming the cop, I'm showing how not using a turn signal now led to their life going in a drastically different direction. They already had out of state tags, knowing they had edibles yet still forgetting simple things like a turn signal....it's not hard to see how some people get busted. It doesn't excuse the bust, but consider the entire situation when dealing with a plant that can put you behind pars. The rules of our society and road are arbitrary at best, so lets follow them and stay under the radar....

with ya
same here!
oh yes, and sorry!

Jeff Lebowski

No problems, it just sucks people are going down because of simple decisions. Be careful out there people, seriously! Med state or not, this is still the USA where our president cannot fully acknowlege the situation which leads to many contemporary issues with this plant.

I am still waiting to see if this guy is going to respond about the details of the case and not the synopsis. Either he's posting to whine or he's posting to help, but either way we are learning from example. I personally feel more people can learn from this situation if every detail was explained better.

Jeff Lebowski

What happened? Did this "case" get resolved or are there any updates? I still don't believe the story, too many holes.


There isn't any reason you wouldn't get the $2000 bail money back providing that you show up in court. What could happen would be they find you guilty and apply the $2000 towards your sentence. Also, I don't believe you need to wait for the first hearing in order to plead not guilty (not sure what rules of court are in CA.) - just call the clerk and tell them you wish to plead NG, and give you a trial date immediately.

Also, if the state has no case, when you show up for pre-trial meeting with the prosecutor he will try to strike a deal where he drops the charges if you pay the court costs. If you are sure of your innocence, refuse that deal. Chances are he'll leave and come back ten minutes later telling you charges are dropped and the local jurisdiction will pay the court costs.

BTW like all advice in a forum, this is worth every cent you paid.


New member
hahah dont believe "it"....well you guys are one of my 2 sanctuarys. so thank you. the other being ASA!!!!! Americans 4 Safe ACCESS. if anyone is for the cause its them.I am not sure what details would assure you jeff but thanks everyone including you Lebowski. details as follows. (tell me what you need to know besides this):) I got my car registered. no questions asked. going in to court this week... prepared with with case law, sb 420, prop 215,"attorney general guidelines for the security and on- diversion of marijuana grown for medical use", landmark decisions, people vs. wright. California v. Thayer case "for notice of motion and motion to dismiss complaint." etc.mostly from ASA. Thanks a million. California health and safety codes. 11362.5 etc. original rec with seal signed by Doctor.if my case is actually filed at my arraignment, then I will make a motion to set aside the indictment or information under penal code 995, otherwise know as " section 995 motion to dismiss" or a " Mower Motion" "people v. mover". if that fails...the next trick in the bag is a case law in "people v. Jones" 2003 CA appellate court (3rd district) case, the court held that a defendants testimony confirming an "approval" or recommendation by a doctor to use medical marijuana is sufficient without verification from the doctor, for the jury to determine the defendants status as a medical patient. and so on and so on. basically if they do not dismiss right away, there going to have wasted a lot of time and money on mmj because I will find legal representation to sue the crap out of these ignorant power hungry un-compassionate douches."We therefore hold that the provision in the Medical Marijuana Program Act imposing numerical limits on the amount of dried marijuana that can be possessed and the number of marijuana plants that can maintained (§ 11362.77, subd. (a)) is an unconstitutional amendment to the Compassionate Use Act." this new case law is a positive and honest landmark. will be printing this as well. (multiple copies:)
p.s. Additionally ASA has this to provide for your public defender (printable)"Defense at Trial of How to Defend a medical Marijuana Case"


hahah dont believe "it"....well you guys are one of my 2 sanctuarys. so thank you. the other being ASA!!!!! Americans 4 Safe ACCESS. if anyone is for the cause its them.I am not sure what details would assure you jeff but thanks everyone including you Lebowski. details as follows. (tell me what you need to know besides this):) I got my car registered. no questions asked. going in to court this week... prepared with with case law, sb 420, prop 215,"attorney general guidelines for the security and on- diversion of marijuana grown for medical use", landmark decisions, people vs. wright. California v. Thayer case "for notice of motion and motion to dismiss complaint." etc.mostly from ASA. Thanks a million. California health and safety codes. 11362.5 etc. original rec with seal signed by Doctor.if my case is actually filed at my arraignment, then I will make a motion to set aside the indictment or information under penal code 995, otherwise know as " section 995 motion to dismiss" or a " Mower Motion" "people v. mover". if that fails...the next trick in the bag is a case law in "people v. Jones" 2003 CA appellate court (3rd district) case, the court held that a defendants testimony confirming an "approval" or recommendation by a doctor to use medical marijuana is sufficient without verification from the doctor, for the jury to determine the defendants status as a medical patient. and so on and so on. basically if they do not dismiss right away, there going to have wasted a lot of time and money on mmj because I will find legal representation to sue the crap out of these ignorant power hungry un-compassionate douches."We therefore hold that the provision in the Medical Marijuana Program Act imposing numerical limits on the amount of dried marijuana that can be possessed and the number of marijuana plants that can maintained (§ 11362.77, subd. (a)) is an unconstitutional amendment to the Compassionate Use Act." this new case law is a positive and honest landmark. will be printing this as well. (multiple copies:)
p.s. Additionally ASA has this to provide for your public defender (printable)"Defense at Trial of How to Defend a medical Marijuana Case"
well hopefully it all works out - let us know if your able - we can always use more `plant #'s are bullshit` cases that win ;) either way good vibes your direction


New member
case was dismissed, just provided proof of my rec and a valid id to the DA, never even saw a judge. the property return is more complicated and my bail money is gone thus far.